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The Sensation

Page 17

by Amanda Bridgeman

  “This will do you a good eight hours too. Where would you like it.”

  “Er…” Salvi smiled nervously, standing. “Is there a ladies room around here? I need to pee first.”

  Erica chuckled, smiled. “Don’t be nervous. I thought you wanted this?”

  “Oh, I do, but you know, if I’m going under for eight hours, I might want to empty the bladder first, you know.” She grabbed her purse and turned for the door. “I’ll be right back!”

  “Wait,” Erica said, moving after her. “Before you go!”

  Salvi looked back at her. As she did, she felt the sting of the needle enter her opposite arm. “Hey! What are you doing?”

  Erica quickly plunged then pulled the needle out, still smiling. “If I had a dollar for every time someone got cold feet.” She shook her head. “Trust me. In twenty minutes you’ll be thanking me. You’re about to take flight and it’s going to be a sweet, sweet, ride.”

  Salvi’s body tightened in both anger and fear, but she forced a smile onto her face. “I’m sure.”

  “Don’t be too long. You don’t want to keep Mr. Chaney waiting.”

  “I’ll be right back,” she managed through her gritted teeth smile.

  She slipped out the door and made her way quickly down the corridor. She had to get out of this building and back to the surface as soon as possible before the drugs and tech took over her body and she did God knows what.

  Panic began to swell within her, but she stamped it back down again, knowing she had to stay focused right now. She had eight guards to pass. Eight guards to sneak the tech by. Myki flashed into her mind. Salvi pictured her sitting on the bed in her apartment, her hair all messed up and in her face, so that Salvi hadn’t noticed the markings at first. Salvi quickly flattened her bob cut to hide her temples, and tilted her head down a little so the hair fell forward more, covering it perfectly.

  As she reached the lounge area again, she glanced over her shoulder to check if Erica was following. She wasn’t. She looked back around and slammed into someone. The man grabbed her, and she saw it was the ponytail guy from the Floor to Ceiling.

  She shrugged out of his grasp and made her way to the club exit, patting her hair back down to cover the neural devices and trying to look as calm as she could.

  “Leaving already, Ms. Parson?” one the guards at the first set of doors asked.

  “I’m… not feeling well,” she said, running her hand over her gut. “I must’ve eaten something bad at dinner.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” he said, opening the doors and letting her through.

  She gave a nod and smile of thanks, keeping her head tilted down, and walked onwards to the second set of doors which lead into the tunnel.

  “Miss!” someone called after her. She kept walking, she could feel her heartbeat beginning to race, her skin warming, a sheen of sweat building on her brow. The guards at the second set of doors held their hands out to stop her, pointing behind her.

  “Miss!” The coat check girl scooted around in front of her. “Your coat.”

  “Oh. Thank you,” Salvi said, fumbling around in her purse for the glass chip. She lumped it in the woman’s hand, took her coat and continued on through the second set of doors now opened for her.

  She walked along the red velvet carpet toward the elevator as calmly as she could, head still tilted forward to keep her hair covering the sides of her face. She still had two sets of guards to get through, and she knew she didn’t have long before Erica came searching for her.

  As she reached the elevator for the surface, the guards looked at her quizzically.

  “Leaving so soon?” the lead asked her.

  “Gotta go,” she nodded, finding her mouth thickening with each passing second and her mind starting to sway a little. She slid her hand over her belly again, her face still tilted down, but making brief eye contact. “I think I have a little food poisoning.”

  “That’s unfortunate,” he said, eyeing her suspiciously, but he opened the door for her and pressed a series of buttons on the outer console, then stood aside. She was grateful they had seen her enter with Chaney. Would she be able to leave so easily if she hadn’t? She stepped inside, resting against the back wall of the elevator, noticing her vision was beginning to mis-focus. The security guard eyed her carefully again as the doors closed in front of his face.

  As soon as they did her body slumped with relief. Then she remembered the security cameras and looked up at them. She smiled.

  Look normal, look normal, look normal…

  She felt the cool walls of the elevator against her skin and found herself moving her arms slightly, back and forth, as though petting a kitten.

  The elevators opened at the top and she stepped out, maybe too quickly, because she staggered a little.

  “Whoa!” one of the security guards caught her. “You alright? You want to sit down for a bit?”

  She shook her head and laughed it off. She couldn’t let Chaney catch up with her. She had to get back to Ford and Noble and the team.

  “I’m… good,” she said with effort, pulling herself from his hands. “It’s jussst vertigo. Food… poisoning…” She tried to walk as soberly as she could, but it was a great effort. With each passing second her body softened, her muscles were turning to mush and her bones were weakening and unable to carry her frame, let alone her purse and coat. As soon as she was out of sight of the guards, through the velvet curtain, she pressed herself against the walls of the darkened candlelit corridor to keep herself upright and push herself along. She could hear the thudding of the Ceiling’s dancefloor and knew she was close. She searched for the secret door, her vision continuing to warp and glitch, her body heat soaring and her heart ready to burst through her chest. She searched and searched and eventually found the handle for the door and plunged through it. For a moment she was lost among the strobing lights and dancers of the Ceiling, but she saw the white tiled floor and followed it to the opposite side.

  Her vision was glitching more now, her eyes closing of their own free will, and try as she might to walk in a straight line to the elevator, she knew she was weaving to and fro. She saw another security guard approach her, but quickly propelled herself past him to the elevator.

  The doors opened as she arrived, and people spilled out, nearly barreling into her. They laughed at her state and she smiled, her eyes half-closed, trying to fight the desire to collapse to the floor and enjoy the feeling washing through her body. She stepped into the elevator and slammed her hand at the control panel until the doors shut. She leant down and focused hard to find the 2 and hit that too. She wasn’t sure if the elevator was moving, but she pressed her face against the cool metal walls. It felt so good.

  The doors opened and she was suddenly awash in Bio-Lume lighting, which confirmed she was on the second floor. Before her were the stairs to the first floor and she was dreading having to make her way down them. She fought hard against the temptation to sit on her butt and slide her way down.

  Act normal, act norm…

  She couldn’t even hold a straight thought now.

  She forced a deep breath and slapped herself, then heard more people laugh at her, but didn’t turn to look. Instead she focused on the stairs, willing herself to walk down them and get out onto the street. Once she hit the street, she could get help.

  But her mind fell blank.

  Get help from who? Names escaped her.

  She grabbed onto the metal bannister of the staircase and held on for dear life, taking one step at a time. Ignoring the passersby who eyed her strangely.

  “Fuck,” she muttered, mouth thicker, pressing down her hair at the sides of her face, not really knowing why she was doing it, but knowing it was important somehow.

  She finally hit the first floor and pushed through the velvet curtain and past security. She straightened as best she could, lost herself for a moment on the dance floor, but finally made her way onto the street.

  It was absolutely
impossible to walk in a straight line. She saw car lights approaching, winced at the brightness, and veered the opposite way, barreling hard into the brick wall of the club. The good thing was that it smacked some sense into her. She had a moment of clarity, paused and caught her breath and looked around. Then her vision started warping and glitching again as she felt a slight burning sensation inside her skull. A warmth. A wave of ecstasy rolling through her entire body.

  She moaned and panted, pressing her hands against her sweaty cheeks.

  What should she do? What should she do?

  She dropped her coat and purse and the contents spilled over the pavement.


  She stumbled to her knees.

  “Are you alright?” someone asked, approaching her.

  “Fine,” she slurred, scooping up her belongings, trying to look as sober as she could, but knowing she was failing miserably. Whoever the stranger was, they helped her collect her things and placed them back in her purse, then lifted her to her feet.

  “Thanksss,” Salvi slurred, already halfway down the street. She walked along trying to inhale the fresh air, knowing she needed to get away from the club and somewhere safe.

  But each step became difficult. Gravity was pulling on her hard. She groaned, fighting the desire to lay down on the ground. She pressed herself against the concrete wall, a writhing taking over her muscles, as she rubbed her face over it.

  “Hey! You need a ride?”

  Salvi pressed her arms against the wall, relishing the coolness.

  “Hey! Miss! Need a ride?”

  Salvi ignored the voice, continuing to press her face against the cool, rough bricks. It felt so good…

  Someone grabbed her arm, pulling her away. She resisted taking her face off the bricks.

  “Hey!” the voice said, then suddenly it was right beside her ear. “Salv! It’s me!”

  She opened her eyes and stared at the bricks.

  “Salv!” the voice hissed, grabbing her face and turning it toward him.

  She saw a face she recognized, although it took her a moment to remember the name.


  “Come on,” he said loudly, glancing about, and throwing her arm around his shoulders. “I’ll give you a ride home, miss.”

  Her body followed his momentum across the street. She rested her face against his shoulder and neck and found herself wrapping her other arm around about his torso. He was soft. He felt good. She pressed her face into his neck.

  “Ooookay… let’s get you inside.” She felt him removing her arms and suddenly she was sitting in a soft chair. She opened her eyes. She was in a car. It wasn’t a Raider. She looked at the driver. It was Hernandez. He was looking at her and his mouth was moving but she didn’t process what he said. Her hearing now warping with her vision.

  The car suddenly swerved out onto the street, jerking another moment of clarity into her, before it quickly ebbed again. Between heavy blinks she saw Hernandez’s eyes had a silver sheen and he was talking to someone, glancing at her, then down at her hand which was massaging his thigh. He grabbed her hand and removed it, placing it back across herself like a seat belt. Then suddenly he wasn’t there at all. She felt the wind blowing around her, saw the city lights shooting past, felt the material of the seat beneath her and felt the drug wash heavily over her like a giant wave, while her whole skull tingled and her body began to ache, but in a glorious way.

  She heard herself moan, then felt a slap and opened her eyes. She was still in the car and Hernandez was driving and yelling at her. Her body was writhing in the seat and she reached out to grab his chest. He knocked her hand away and she leant against the partially opened window, pressing her face against the cool glass, leaving condensation against it with every heavy breath.

  She heard more moaning and realized it must’ve come from her. Her whole skull tingled and that tingling swept over her body. She was so hot. She pulled at her dress, wanting it off, but a hand clamped over hers to stop its movement.

  “…Mitch!” Hernandez yelled at her. Another moment of clarity swept over her. “Alright?” Hernandez yelled. “Just stay awake, Salv!” He slapped her again, waking her senses briefly. He was talking on his comms. “No, I don’t think she needs medical attention. I think she just needs to be locked in a room to sleep it off.”

  Salvi moaned again as another wave rolled through her from her brain down to what felt like every nerve ending in her body. She couldn’t move her mouth to talk at all; she ran warm, thick fingers down her face and enjoyed the sensation, dragged the fingers over her whole body as she fell into a sea of writhing, almost agonizing, black.

  When she opened her eyes again, cool air poured over her. She was still in the car, but it was stopped, the door was open, and Mitch stared in at her with concerned eyes. He took her chin and angled her face toward him, studying her. She reached out and kneaded his arm, pressing her face into it. He pulled away and looked at Hernandez, who stood beside him. Mitch nodded and they reached in and pulled her out. The cool night air felt so good against what skin of hers was showing, she wanted to tear off her dress so the rest of her could feel it too. She was boiling and sweating so much.

  Holding an arm each and supporting her weight, they marched her to another car and strapped her in. Between more heavy blinks, writhing and moaning, she saw Hernandez move back to his car, where Ford stood, arms folded, staring at Salvi.

  A car door slammed and she looked to see Mitch at the driver’s wheel, staring back at Ford. Salvi realized she was in Mitch’s Raider, and tried hard to appear sober and in control in front of Ford, but it was incredibly difficult. Mitch clicked his fingers in front of her face and clasped her jaw, turning her face toward him.

  “You’re alright, yes? Salvi? Look at me! Yes?”

  Salvi smiled, nodding languidly, eyes half-closed, and grabbed for his arm, kneading it again.

  Next thing she knew, the Raider was in motion and she was lost once again to the sea of writhing black.


  Salvi stirred as dreams fluttered beneath her eyelids. A faint feeling of ecstasy lingered in her tired muscles as she moved her naked body against the mattress. She tried to roll over onto her stomach, but her hands caught on something.

  Something above her head.

  She opened her eyes, tried to pull her hands down, but they wouldn’t move. She glanced up to the bedhead and saw she was cuffed to it.

  What the…?

  It took a moment for her brain to wake up. When it did, panic shot through her.

  She moved to sit up, but her head swam. She tried to call out for help, but her dry throat croaked as she thrashed about in the tangle of sheets. She heard footsteps and Mitch came running into the room.

  “It’s alright,” he said. “It’s alright, Salvi. You’re safe!”

  She glared at him, panting, confused, as she pulled on her cuffed wrists. “What the fuck?”, she finally managed to choke out.

  Mitch held his hands out calmly. “Just calm down, alright. It was necessary.”


  “You were… you… wouldn’t leave me alone, Salv. I needed a break.”

  “A break? What. The. Fuck. Mitch?” she growled through her clenched jaw.

  “You were high as a kite on Flyte, Salv. You would’ve gone all night if I’d let you.”

  “Uncuff me! Now!”

  “Alright.” He held his hand up for calm, then pressed his thumb against the digital cuffs to authorize their release. As soon as her hands were free, she rubbed her wrists, then pulled the sheets tight around her. She looked about the room and realized she was in her own apartment. Her real apartment. She saw their scattered clothes, then looked back to Mitch, standing shirtless before her. “So, we...?”

  He held his hands up in defense. “Just the once before I cuffed you.”

  “You… slept with me like that?” she said accusingly.

  “Salvi, you wer
en’t taking no for an answer.” He pointed to bruises on his arms, then to others on his neck. “You jumped me while I was trying to drive you home. I had to pull over in a dark street and let you do what you needed to so I could get us here in one piece.”

  “We had sex in the Raider?”

  He nodded. Salvi felt her face pale.

  “Tell me Riverton doesn’t know this.”

  “It doesn’t. I’m not stupid Salv. I cut the systems before anything happened.”

  “In the Raider? In a dark street?” she asked again.

  He nodded. “Turns out there’s plenty of room for two in the driver’s seat.”

  Salvi lowered her head into her hands.

  “Hey,” Mitch said softly. She looked up at him again. “I was just trying to keep you happy… but after a while I realized that you were going to go all night, and you weren’t you, so I thought it best to…” he motioned to the handcuffs.

  She looked down at her body, could feel the effects of what he was saying, but her mind was drawing blanks. “I don’t… remember.”

  “Anything?” he said, sitting down beside her. “What the last thing you recall?”

  She turned her mind over. “You and Hernandez hauling me out of the car.”

  “That’s the last thing? Jesus, that was at the start of the night.”

  She lowered her head into her hand. “Fuck… Hernandez… Please tell me I didn’t say or do anything stupid.” She quickly raised her head. “Ford was there too!”

  “She just wanted to make a call on whether we should get you to a hospital. Hernandez and I talked her out of it. I said I’d take care of you. Watch you while you slept it off.”

  “What if someone saw us? In the park? Me getting into your Raider?”

  “They didn’t. The whole team was watching, checking the perimeter was clear.”

  “Fuck! So the whole team saw me like that?”

  “Salvi, they knew you were loaded on Flyte.”

  Salvi felt her stomach suddenly turn. She threw her sheets back, ran to the bathroom and vomited. She took a moment, caught her breath, then moved to the basin and rinsed her mouth. She paused when she looked into the mirror and saw the indents either side of her face from the neural devices. Her stomach felt sick again and she moved back to the bed to lay down. She didn’t like the way she felt. Hollow. Like both her body and her brain had been scooped out.


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