In Pursuit of Light
Page 19
Brad speeds away, tires squealing. After a few minutes he checks his rear-view mirror then lets out a heavy breath. “Friend of yours?” he says lightly with a smile playing around his lips.
My heart is pounding, and my insides have twisted up so much that I feel sick. “You have to pull over as soon as it’s safe so that we can check the truck for trackers,” I urge, trying to catch my breath.
He nods as he turns his attention back to the road. “You have any idea who that was?” Brad asks as he puts some speed on the truck.
“Not a bloody clue,” I answer honestly. What the heck is going on?
Chapter Twenty-Six
Matt’s still breathing hard and my heart continues to thud against my chest as I pull us over into a lay-by. We both quickly hop out of the truck and start searching around. After a few minutes, Matt finds the tracker embedded in the back and begins turning it over in his fingers.
“Can you disable it here?” I ask, coming to stand next to him.
“No, not without any tools,” he mutters, examining it. Maybe he’s looking for a serial number? Only a second passes before he drops it on the ground and starts stomping on it. I could probably have done a better job with my fist, but it seems to have helped him relieve some of his stress.
“You good?” I ask with raised eyebrows, slightly concerned for him. He’s the most docile out of all of us, so seeing him show some temper... is odd.
“Yeah, let’s get going. I just want to get back and run this address by Gerry,” he says as he heads back to the truck and hops in. I get behind the wheel and get us back on the road, wanting to get as far away as possible from whoever was using that piece of shit to track us. I glance over at Matt and find his eyes closed although I can’t be sure if he’s deep in thought or just trying to catch up on some sleep.
Before too long we turn onto the drive that leads to our house. It’s just under half a mile long, made of stone and has a forest of pine trees growing along both sides of it. As we reach the end, the extensive three-story grey stone house we call home comes into view. The building itself is around three hundred years old but has been refurbished and remodelled in the last five years. Jack lived here by himself before he met us, and then we all moved in together around twenty years ago.
The updating of our home was definitely a group effort. Seb spent hours going over the kitchen design, while Matt spent weeks negotiating with the phone company to get quality broadband put in. He finally found the right guy and got it sorted, but during the down time his stress levels were so high that it was like being around a woman who was being denied chocolate. Jack helped Seb put in the pool and healing chambers, and Gerry had a few of the spare rooms kitted out for when the boys stay over. Rolland seemed happy so long as he got the back room that looks out onto the rear of the garden that encompasses the lake. I didn’t fuss too much either. So long as I got my gym, I didn’t care about the rest. It’s home and I love being here, although I do miss the mountains of Scotland. Our time spent there in the late 1800s was incredible, and thankfully we go back to visit every other summer.
I look over at Matt, and see he’s truly fallen asleep, so I decide to give him a few more minutes and leave the car idling. I gaze out at the forest that surrounds us, and my mind wanders back to when we met Matt in Iceland. We had gone over to check out the mountain and its hot spring pools, both of which had drawn my attention for years. One afternoon we were resting at our camp site when we felt an energy that was probably about a mile from where we were. Gerry immediately wanted to take off to see who it was, and as much as we tried to explain that it was most likely another one of us, he wouldn’t hear us out - he left, masking himself so we couldn’t see which way he went. Assuming he would head toward the new energy signature, we hurried that way in the hope that we could get there before he did.
When we found him, he was locked in a silent stare down with another man who was holding a shield up in front of himself as Gerry pushed his energy against it. They both eased off at the same time, seeming to come to a mutual unspoken acceptance. Gerry then stalked off without a single word, leaving the rest of us to have a slightly awkward conversation. We all introduced ourselves and while the new guy, Matt, didn’t seem to care much for Gerry’s mood, he was intrigued by our abilities and where we’d been living. We invited him back to our camp and after a few cold beers it felt as though we’d known him our whole lives. Matt brought with him a sense of calmness that we all greatly appreciated, even if it did take Gerry awhile to warm up.
Shaking myself out of my memories and back into the present, I turn and run my eyes over Matt. He seriously needs some sleep. Regretfully I nudge him awake, and he jolts upright and looks around. “You ready to face Gerry?” I tease, with a small smile playing on my lips.
“AARRRRGGGG,” he moans, turning in his seat. “I’ve so had enough of him for one day. Maybe I can just avoid him,” he mumbles.
I laugh as I climb out the truck. “Come on, Matt. I’ll tell him you stomped on the tracker really hard and stuff,” I say with a laugh. Poor guy. A small part of me feels sorry for him, but Gerry won’t actually hurt him, he’ll just give him shit for a few weeks. I laugh again.
Matt peers over at me with his granite eyes which look so tired and I wonder if he got any sleep last night. “Just tell him they got me and they’re holding me ransom,” he whines.
I shut my door and grab my bag from the back seat. “You look zonked, man, let’s go. Head up to bed and I’ll cover for ya.” I’m still laughing, but I know he’s in no state to deal with Gerry right now. I decide to just leave the truck parked out front, knowing I’ll move it later when I head out for a run.
Making my way to the front door, I hear Matt getting out and his footsteps on the stones soon follow. As I trudge up the open grey stone steps to the front door, Rolland’s voice floats to my ears from my left. I shake my head, ignoring it as I open the door and head straight up to my room so I can drop my gear off before grabbing a bite to eat.
As I make my way up the stairs, I feel my phone vibrate, so I take it out to check who it is. It’s a message from one of my clients, thanking me for today. I smile, glad that she’s finding the sessions productive. Pushing into my room, I set my bag down on the floor, closing the door behind me.
Just as it shuts, movement to my right catches my eye. I turn around quickly, ready to take out any intruder - only to come face to face with a girl half my size. She’s holding the blade I made out toward me in a defensive stance, her entire body poised to strike. Not a single muscle moves as she holds her posture with complete perfection, although as I look closer, I can see that there’s a small tremor running along her shoulders and that her legs have started to tremble ever so slightly. Bandages cover her torso, and a pair of black boxers hang loosely off of her hips.
As I continue to let my eyes wander over her, I'm drawn first to her dark hair where it falls loosely around her small shoulders, looking just as wild and untamed as the look on her face, then to her facial features that seem so unique. She has large, almond-shaped eyes, delicate lips, and a rounded nose that helps to somewhat soften her chin that’s currently thrust out in determination. Her gaze stays on mine as she studies my body language. The light is dim where she stands by the wall that leads to my bathroom, making it hard to depict her eye colour, though strangely enough, her eyes do seem to pulse slightly with silver stars briefly before vanishing so quickly I wonder if I imagined it. Ah this must be Kia, our newest resident.
I flick my eyes down her legs, finding them full of bruises and cuts. It’s a wonder she’s standing. The hand holding the knife looks fine, but the arm is full of scratches and bruises. She lowers the blade a fraction, inching her right foot toward the window to my left. I flick my eyes across to see it’s still open. She wouldn’t? Would she? I look back and find her eyes are still firmly on me. She moves her other foot as voices from the hallway filter through the door. I quickly glance toward it
, but when I look back, she’s already at the window, climbing up. Fuck.
Rushing toward her, I try to grab her foot, but she’s already gone. How is she so fast? My bedroom door crashes open and I turn to find that Rolland really does look like shit. His skin is pale and the look in his eyes isn’t something I’m comfortable seeing in them. Panic, worry and fear are etched into his eyes and face.
“Where is she?” he demands, panting hard. His blonde hair falls across his face as he leans over his knees to take a breath. Seb steps up next to him looking slightly better. His hair isn’t as long as Rolland’s, but it still flies in front of his face as he comes to a halt. They both look half-crazed.
I point up, unsure how to explain it to them. Both their faces drop, though Rolland’s more so. His fear of heights isn’t going to be helpful in this.
“She really will be the death of me,” Rolland groans as he straightens. He tips his head back before turning to follow after Seb who’s already moving. Now this, I gotta see.
Following them through the house, I go over the image of Kia in my head and review what all that the guys have said about her so far. Knowing everything she has been through I'm surprised she stood up to a guy of my size and held steady as she did. Most would’ve felt too intimidated.
Passing through the doors and up the flight of stairs that leads out onto the roof and to the chopper pad, Rolland’s curses fill my ears. I can’t see anything at first because the chopper is in the way, but when I step around, it’s to see Kia sitting on top of one of the old chimney pots. She’s got her legs dangling down and her hands resting on either side of her. Holy, fucking, shit. How did she get over there?
One side of the house is decked out for the Chopper, but the other half of the original building has steep rooftops, which drain the rainwater away into the gullies. Even though the roof has been recently re-tiled, it's still slippery around the edges and along the sides with the moss that grows up here.
“Kia, please come back inside,” Rolland’s brash voice is full of worry. I’m not sure who he’s more concerned about - himself or Kia. Her shoulders and head drop forward, but with her back to us, I can’t see her face. “The house hasn't been warded yet, it's not safe, please come inside,” Rolland pleads from beside me. But she still doesn’t move.
I look over at Seb who studies the rooftop briefly before he begins making his way across the narrow roof ridges to her.
“Oh man, I feel sick.” Rolland bends forward, taking deep breaths.
“How did she climb the wall, Rolland?” I ask contemplatively.
He takes a deep breath in and tries to look up. “That’s a stupid question,” he replies, as though I’m stupid.
I frown, not understanding him. “How so?” I ask, peeking up to see Seb has nearly reached Kia.
“She’s not real. No one can live through what she did and manage to scale a wall with no shoes on,” he says seriously. Rolland sits down on the floor, resting his arms on his knees.
Flicking my eyes back up to check on Seb’s progress, I feel sick myself. Kia is skittering along the ridges as though they were pavement and not the three-story high roof ridges that they actually are. Her face is full of concern as she hurries over the last of the roof tiles without hesitation.
The rays of the summer sun show more bruising along her arms and legs, yet the glow in her eyes seems to draw my focus to them. I would almost say that they look as though they have lights shining from the backs of them.
Kia passes me without a glance and kneels in front of Rolland, pulling him to her. I watch as his whole body visibly relaxes, as though she’s given him a sedative.
“Kia. Stop it,” Rolland mumbles into her chest. Seb comes back to where we are and runs his hand over the back of Kia’s head, looking full of thought. What the ever-loving fuck is going on here? I’d love an explanation sometime soon but with the way things are going... oh well, only one way of finding out, I guess.
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Kia’s pushing calming energy through me. Hard. Forcing my whole body to relax. All I want to do is fall asleep here on the rooftop. How did she move so fast? And how is she even still walking around carrying so much pain? I look up at her to see her face is etched with worry. Her emotions are full of remorse, as she pushes more comforting energy through me. Resting my head on her chest, I continue to drag oxygen into my lungs.
“We really should head in, guys. Kia’s not wearing much, and her open wounds will attract gnats and all types of other fun insects,” Seb’s dulcet tone comes from above me. Kia’s confusion washes over me as she tries to understand Seb’s words.
Realising he’s right, I try to stand but my legs wobble, making it hard to get up. Seb steadies me with a firm hand as we make our way to the door. I’m generally okay up here but seeing Kia on the chimney like that triggered my irrational fear.
“You’re mean, Kia. Really mean,” I tell her, meaning it as a joke. Sadness and puzzlement floods through from her. I stop on the stairs, turning to her. “I thought you were going to jump,” I try to explain. Bafflement flows from her.
“I thought you were going to jump and try to kill yourself,” I explicit. All I get is a look of perplexity as she runs her sapphire eyes over my face. I don’t know how to put it any more simply. She shakes her head, tugging me to her. Instinctively, I wrap my arms around her body, causing her to gasp. Pain flares up my own back as Kia takes a deep breath of relief. Letting go of her, I sink down the wall.
Kia goes to bend down to me, but Seb places a hand on her shoulder, stopping her. “Kia, you’re pulling at your wounds, which isn’t helping them to heal,” he explains in a placating tone. Annoyance sparks from Kia and my vision wavers.
I blink a few times and find Brad’s strong features come into view in front of me. “You okay?” His deep voice rumbles through my head. “You need some help up?” he offers, his hard face full of concern. I don’t like it.
Pushing myself up on my knees, I wobble slightly as I straighten up. “I just need some food,” I grumble slightly at Brad before looking over at Seb. I find his eyes watching with concern. “I’m going to pick up some clothes from my room as we pass,” I comment, tugging Kia by her hand as I head off in the direction of my room. “You’re staying with me,” I tell her without looking at her. Bewilderment and guilt still run from her, so I push some comfort and affection back through our connection.
I hear the others follow behind us and my mind wanders back to how Kia managed to climb the wall. Yes, there’s ivy growing up the sides, but surely that wouldn’t hold her weight?
Kia comes to a stop beside me and a small amount of pain flickers across my head. When I look back, it’s to find her studying one of the paintings Brad had commissioned. Men with black tattoos covering their blue skinned bodies are working to release a dragon caught by normal appearing men. Another wave of pain washes through my head, as though I have a headache. I look to Kia and see her face is full of concentration as she frowns hard.
As Brad and Seb stop beside us, Brad looks at Kia, and then at the painting.
“Come on, Kia. We need to get you both back to my room before Jack returns, or Gerry makes an appearance,” Seb prompts, his smoky voice full of concern. I pull on Kia’s hand and she reluctantly comes.
A little way down the hallway, we’re just passing Matt’s room when Kia comes to another stop. Matt’s face flashes through my mind. How did she know this was his room? I need to stop questioning her. It would certainly make my life so much easier.
Seb and Brad stop again as well. “We’re never going to get back at this rate,” Seb mutters through a sigh. “Is Matt even back?”
“Yeah, he came back with me,” Brad tells us flatly. Seb and I both frown turning to look at him where he stands to my right.
Kia puts her hand on the door and looks up at me, her beautiful eyes pleading. Unable to resist, I give in. “Okay, but be quick,” I say with a sigh.
bsp; She opens the door incredibly quietly for some reason before stepping in. Matt is sound asleep on his stomach, covers pooled around his middle, an arm hanging off the bed and his head turned toward us. I can see that he’s still fully clothed, wearing the light blue shirt he had on this morning. Man, he must be shattered.
As Kia stalks over to him, I get a look at her back for the first time since she woke from her nap. Patches of blood are starting to seep through the gauze and bandages. I turn to Seb, who raises an eyebrow at me.
“See, she’s been pulling at the wounds from all the movement. The bandages should hold up at least until tomorrow morning though,” Seb’s says, sounding full of worry.
I look back over at Kia where she crouches down beside Matt’s head, running her small hand over his hair. She lowers her head next to his arm, taking in a deep breath. Feeling for her emotions, they come freely - curiosity and affection flow from her, but after a few seconds, a spike of fear rips through. She whips her head up and around to look at Brad. Concern is written all over her delicate features as her almond shaped eyes widen and a frown plays across her forehead.
“What is it, Kia?” Seb asks from beside me. Something has her spooked, and by the way she’s looking at Brad, I get the feeling it has to do with him.
“Why did Matt come back with you, Brad?” I ask him, still keeping my eyes on Kia as she moves back to us. Seb steps forward, pulling Kia to him gently, before shutting Matt’s door quietly.
Brad and Kia study one another with curiosity. “He was followed,” Brad finally discloses. Seb closes his eyes and his shoulders drop, knowing he’ll have Gerry and Matt’s tension to contend with for the next few weeks.
“He called me up, which was odd, and said he was picking stuff up for you,” Brad says, jutting his chin in Seb’s direction though keeping his eyes on Kia. “So, I started making my way over to the shop in case something was up.” His gaze moves to us as he continues. “I stayed on the phone, making light conversation, and then he asked if I was outside. That made me worry a little more, but I’d already guessed he was being followed. When he came out, he looked nearly as bad as you,” he chastises, running his eyes over the length of me. I roll my eyes in return and shake my head.