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Mad About You: A Box Set

Page 83

by Pamela Ann

  Even though Zara would pop in and out of my thoughts all morning, the uplifting feeling I got from last night with Stella stumped everything else. I wasn’t one who counted down the hours until it was time to go home, but I became that man today. Stella… I couldn’t wait to get my hands on her, for starters.

  I should’ve anticipated what was to come. I really should’ve because what came next, seriously threw me off balance.

  My office, it seemed, was a place where bad news was delivered.

  “I’m sure you know why I’m here,” he grunted, strolling towards the bar and pouring himself a drink. “I’d give her back to you now, if you promise to stop attacking my company. You’re bleeding it dry.”

  “Good, that was my goal.”

  “How can you say that? It’s your money, too. Your inheritance.”

  “You use your money to manipulate people, Father,” I delivered, unperturbed. “How does it feel to be manipulated now?” My hands went inside my pockets, observing the old man that I used to adore and thought the world of. “Feels like shit, doesn’t it?” I smirked before I slowly strolled towards my desk and sat down. “The best is yet to come so you should scram and scour for new investors because, from where I’m looking, you’re reigning days are numbered, old man.”

  “I’m your father!”

  Oh, he had the gall to throw that into the mix. “You’re wrong. My father died the moment he tried to fuck with my life. If you were so scared about Zara, you should’ve come to me. If you had reservations about how I lived my life, you should’ve spoken up,” I yelled at the blanched stranger before me. “You didn’t have the right to get to choose for me, but you didn’t respect that at all. Instead, you went the cowardly way and betrayed my trust.”

  Parents shouldn’t meddle. They’re there to support your decisions, the good and the bad, not fuck you over. I didn’t understand how others could think that simply because they were the parents that they could get away with anything. That they could treat their children so appallingly and still appear like they were the good guys. If you treat your children this way, there was only one way it could go… they’ll eventually rebel and would try to get as far away from you as possible.

  “I did what I thought was best. I did it for you!”

  That got me to snort, hideously. “Fuck off, you did it for yourself. For your selfish needs.” I shook my head, disgusted. “It all comes down to money.”

  The old man kept quiet. He knew I wasn’t backing down. Now he had to find a different way to salvage his company because I wasn’t going to give him the easy way out. Oh no, Charles Kensington needed to learn respect.

  It took me three years of careful planning, of hard work and sleepless nights, but I had finally done it. His company was crumbling. Without his money, he didn’t have any power to mess with people. Karma was a bitter nemesis.

  “You can have her back. I’m sure she’d be more than happy to have you in between her legs again.” Charles threw out his last weapon. Zara.

  How dare he? HOW FUCKING DARE HE!

  “Fuck you! You have the gall to come in here and offer the woman that was supposed to be your daughter-in-law, but instead you took her away from me. Zara meant everything to me!” I got up, ready to throttle him by the neck, but I suppose he sensed my damning rage because he immediately went for the door.

  “You can get her anytime you want,” he parted before he shut the door with him.

  Zara. What the hell was I supposed to do with her now?

  No, I thought, shaking my head. “Zara was my past,” I whispered. Thoughts of our happy moments flashed through me and I wasn’t going to lie, it still hurt like a bitch. Her betrayal ran too deep to be easily forgiven.

  My anger was roaring in folds as my heart and mind recalled Zara. Gripping the closest thing my hand could grab, I flung it across the room, hitting the wall before it crashed to the floor. “Fuck!”

  My father’s visit was the last straw. London stifled me and the need to get away was now necessary if I wanted to keep my sanity.

  I needed to leave.

  I needed Stella.


  Chapter 107


  Mark and I were on our way back to my office when my phone rang. It was Callum.

  “Hey!” I cheerily greeted.

  Callum didn’t bother saying hi, but immediately shot his intentions. “I’m taking a week off. I was wondering if you’d want to go somewhere with me?”

  Random, but nothing out of the ordinary, I thought with amusement. Vacationing with Callum would be a treat I’d never forget. “Of course. How about Maldives?”

  “Actually, I was thinking of St. Lucia.” His tone was still a bit serious. “Your home.”

  Okay, anywhere except there.

  “Let’s go somewhere else? How about Positano? I’ve always wanted to go there,” I lightly suggested, swerving away from the prospect of going back to St. Lucia.

  Mark wrapped his arm around my neck before whispering into the phone. “I invited her a few months back, but Derek wouldn’t let her.”

  I grunted out as I tried to push Mark off, but he was being playful and, when he was in this mood, the only way to stay sane was to wait until he was over it.

  There was dead silence on the other line. I had to press on my screen just to check if he’d hung up on me, but no, he was still there. “Callum? You there?”


  Yeah? “Yeah, what?” I snapped. My patience was a bit on the touchy side. He was acting like an ass because I was with my best friend? While he was possibly thinking about another woman he craved to be with at all times. Hell yes, I was mad jealous.

  It didn’t take a genius to breakdown that Callum was going through something because, seriously, who would call out of the blue, suggesting we should go on a vacation with a voice that sounded like someone had died?

  Not to mention the destination he wanted to visit. Home was too personal. Besides, I wasn’t ready to share it with him. I knew Callum had been there before, but this time, it would be just the two of us. It would be more intimate. On top of that, I didn’t want to bring him there knowing how much that place meant to me.

  I never thought of bringing another man with me unless I was ready to share the rest of my life with him. Callum wasn’t that man.

  Even though my feelings for him were shifting towards the deep end, I wasn’t a stupid woman thinking that he felt the same for me. I knew his heart was with Zara. It was sad, but when we had sex the other night—the night he fell asleep on top of me—I heard him murmur her name.

  It was the most painful thing I had ever experienced.

  I wanted to hold him close, feel his heart beating against mine, but I knew I didn’t have the right because his heart belonged to the one he loved. Zara.

  Callum cleared his throat. “You know what, forget I ever mentioned this. Good day.” He quickly hung up on me, leaving me more distressed than I was last night.

  What a double standard swine! I silently simmered, careful not to let Mark know that I was pissed the hell off. No one could know about how I felt with Callum so I had to keep it to myself.

  When my building came into view, Mark dropped me at the door, kissing me goodbye. Usually, I ran towards my office and immediately got to work, but… that feeling was absent.

  Glancing at my contact list, I called on someone for a shoulder to lean on.

  My time was limited. It was only a matter of time until Callum dropped me. He was known for his six-week discharge and I knew I would be in the same shoes once I hit the time limit.

  An afternoon of relaxation and no depressing thoughts of Callum would be ideal.


  How I spent my afternoon was interesting.

  I spent a total of five hours in the spa, walked around London, shopping my socks off and then met up with Lucia, Mark and Alec for dinner. When Mark invited me to come and join them, I was reluctant at first, but now that I was lau
ghing with them with a chilled glass of wine, I was glad I did. I was a firm believer of laughter being the best cure for everything.

  It basically took us approximately two hours to finish dinner and when Alec wanted to keep the roll going towards a nearby bar, I had to decline the trio’s persistent nagging.

  “Come on, Stella!” Lucia pouted.

  If I didn’t know any better, she was rather nervous to be around Mark. Good, because those two needed to talk.

  As always, I had the best excuse. “I skipped work this afternoon. I’ll be making up for it tonight so I’m not all over the place tomorrow when I get back to my office.”

  Speaking of work, the portfolio I was going to work on was conveniently in Callum’s home. Now, how in the world do I fetch it without having him know that I came by? I believe I left it at a nearby settee before I went to go knock on his study that night. Yeah, it was right about there, I was almost sure.

  Alec gave me a big hug, kissing my cheek. “See you at lunch tomorrow, S.”

  I gave them all a quick farewell before I hailed a black cab and gave Callum’s address in Chelsea. Usually at this time he was in the study, working. Or he could be out on a business dinner or with another woman. Who knew?

  Our abrupt conversation earlier left me in a bad place, but as much as I liked to be around him, if he was acting like a cold, detached brute, then I’d rather be doing my own thing. If sex was all he was after, then let’s leave it at that. My feelings were already in the shitters. I couldn’t simply risk going deeper with the pile I had already.

  Even if I was hurting inside, no one would know.

  Almost half an hour later, the cab delivered me outside his home. I wasn’t nervous, per say. Somehow, I felt like I was doing a James Bond stint, oddly enough. Coming in and out of his house without his knowledge was, well, sneaky.

  Callum’s home was a three-story building. The first floor had his study, dining room and kitchen. The second had the sitting room and living room. The third had the bedrooms in it. His basement had been basically transformed into a gym. It was a great, pricey, bachelor pad of meshed antique collections and modern contemporary design.

  I had to take a few deep breaths before I used the key to enter his home. My heart thudded wildly against my chest as I slowly and quietly tiptoed into the softly lit foyer.

  When I got to the hallway, I almost groaned when I found it dark. I had to pause to let my eyes adjust to the darkness before I continued on my tiptoeing quest for my project folders.

  From my memory, the settee was between here and the study. So, I should be there any second now. From afar, a soft glow filtered underneath the door. Callum was working in the study, which was a good sign.

  Spreading my hand a little wider as I went along, I needed to make sure I wasn’t going to miss the spot. When I did feel the soft, velvety settee, I immediately hunted for it, however it wasn’t on it so I had to check behind the tiny pillows. Still, no result.

  “Shit!” I hissed out, whispering into the air.

  My heart lodged in my throat when the hallway lights immediately brightened the darkness around me.

  “Looking for something?” Callum spoke from behind me. Suspicious.




  Without turning around, I responded to him. “I left something here last night and I came back to fetch it.”

  “It’s in my study.” He sounded calm, composed and very much detached… like the old Callum I knew well.

  Spinning around, I pasted on half a smile. “I’d appreciate it if you could get it for me. I need to work on them tonight, if you don’t mind.”

  “Where were you this afternoon?” he asked, clearly not amused as he ignored my fake smile.

  Why was he asking about my whereabouts? “I was busy.”

  “With who?” Callum bit out.

  Oh, now he was really making me mad! From hearing him utter her name during sleep to that phone call, to this; what the hell did I ever do to deserve such cold treatment?

  “I wasn’t aware that I had to inform you about my every single move. From what I recall, you and I agreed to sex. Nothing more.” I held his stare before I got fed up and darted towards his study with my heels making loud clacking noises against the marbled floor with each step.

  Opening the door to his study, I dashed towards his desk and sure enough, I found my folder there. It didn’t even take a second before I snatched it and spun around to exit the damning place. It smelled too much like him and, dear goodness, I couldn’t inhale anymore of it. I needed to get the hell out of here, quick.

  Callum waited on the very same spot I left him earlier; neck veins evident, eyes sharpened towards me, lips pressed together. Even if he looked like he was about to erupt, the man still managed to look like a sex god. Zara was a lucky woman.

  “Goodnight,” I whispered when I went past him.

  An animalistic growl almost made me stop. Almost.

  “You’re leaving?” he bellowed behind me. It echoed through the house.

  I had a few seconds to think and decided to play nice. Call it guilt, but even though he acted like a complete ass, it didn’t change the fact that Callum had helped me with so much. This thought never failed to work on my conscience.

  “I’m going home to work on a few things. I’ve been slacking.” I nodded and proceeded to walk towards the door.

  “You better not walk out of that door, Stella! We’re not done talking!” Callum was still beyond heated.

  I was having a hard time balancing the good and the bad in me… but the devilish side of me won out and I was ready to match his temper. “Or what, Cal?” I glared at him. “You think I’m easily scared by your jealous tantrums? I think not.”

  “Jealous?” he hissed. In a blink of an eye, he was immediately rooted close to me, face to face. Danger emanated from him. “Did you say I was jealous?”

  I did, but if I knew any better, I shouldn’t confirm it. “Listen, it’s late. I’ll see you sometime soon.” My tongue darted out to lick my lips as I took hold of the brass handle and pulled the door open.

  A sharp yelp came from me when the partially cracked door slammed back shut again with Callum in my way. “You’re not leaving until we’re done,” he said, gritting out. “Who were you with earlier, Stella?”

  I meant to respond to him, really, but my voice was lost on me. My throat ran dry as those dark depths pinned me on the spot. Whatever it was, I knew I was in deep trouble.

  “I dropped by your office earlier and was told by your assistant that you went out with Mark for lunch and never came back.” He hovered above me like a deadly predator, ready to kill when I made one wrong move. “So again, I’m asking you, what the hell have you been doing all afternoon?”

  Was it wrong that amidst all this tension and anger that I was getting turned on? He was all male and, dear God, the man was the sexiest animal I had ever seen.

  “You gave me your word. Last night, you promised that you’re mine.” Callum inched closer, his hard, chiseled chest pressed against my heaving breasts. “I don’t appreciate being lied to, Stella. Even if your body has been a new addiction for me, I don’t forgive easily,” he growled into my face, making me quiver from being so aroused with the threat in his words. “If you want to back out on our agreement, then say so. Chasing women was never a thing for me and I don’t plan to start one now.”

  He wanted me to decide whether I wanted this or not. Right this instant. Well, what the heck did I want? My brows furrowed as I contemplated what to do. I’d choose him… but I knew I shouldn’t.

  “Give me a few days,” I finally found my voice, shaky.

  The air crackled between us. Our breathing ragged as it synchronized with each drag of our lungs. His dark eyes reached into mine, pulling and twisting into me, sucking me dry as they demanded all of me.

  “No. Give me the answer now, Stella,” he barked out, unrelenting. “I’d rather have a willing woman i
n my bed than someone who is unsure of what she wants. I don’t have the time for these silly games, Stella.”

  The message was loud and clear. If I wasn’t happy with our little sex union, then he’d be more than happy to look for someone who’d jump for joy and utmost gratitude that he was willing to share his sexual prowess. Even though I was simmering in blatant anger, I had to ponder if cutting this connection, or what of it, with Callum was the best thing to do.

  My main issue was, I simply was falling for him. Apart from that, he actually wasn’t so bad. He could even be sweet at times. Deep down, I knew I wasn’t ready to let him go. It was too early and like a true masochist, I felt like I needed to get my fill of him first before I could walk away for good.

  “I’m staying.”

  His eyes were unreadable. They neither looked pleased or happy. “Then you’re sleeping here tonight,” he murmured. “Use my study to work on your project. I will have someone make a workroom for you. It will ready when you get back tomorrow.” He took his time looking over me before he kissed my cheek. “Don’t stay up late.”

  With that, he simply spun on his heels and left me in an utter fucking mess.

  God help me, but I couldn’t walk away. I didn’t have it in me to do so. Not until I knew it was over for good.

  Chapter 108


  It was half past midnight when I heard my phone shrill right next to me. It was Callum. “What now?” I sighed as I reached for the device.

  Callum: It’s late. Come to bed. You need to sleep. Work can resume tomorrow.

  Even though I was still a little miffed about earlier, I couldn’t help melting at his thoughtfulness.

  Me: I need a few more. I will be up soon.

  He immediately responded.

  Callum: Anything I can help you with? I can make you a light snack if you like.

  I wasn’t particularly hungry, but the thought of declining him when he was being all nice and sweet was awful.


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