Mad About You: A Box Set

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Mad About You: A Box Set Page 98

by Pamela Ann

  My, quite the handy little Miss Investigator she had turned out to be. “I don’t deem it necessary for the world to know about my past. What matters is what I have accomplished thus far and what I aim to achieve in the future. Being in business, whatever information I put out there gives competitors and my enemies more fuel to use against me. Why in God’s name would I do that?” I never meant to take a jab at her, but I caught her flinching. Regardless, my past was no one’s concern. I had paid a hefty sum for it to be hidden. Furthermore, it would remain that way for as long as I was alive.

  “You’re right,” she reluctantly said. “I sort of got carried away …” Pressing her lips together, she took a cautious sip of her coffee before carefully placing it back on the white, stoneware saucer.

  Mine remained untouched as I noted her every move, fascinated yet watchful.

  “Reiss was a gardener’s son,” she started, sounding unlike her usual voice. There seemed to be a catch to her tone, as if she was having a tough time with it. “It was the beginning of summer, and I had just gotten back from boarding school.” She paused before she plucked one brown sugar cube from the tiny bowl, placing it on the old wooden table and restlessly toying with it as she pondered about the past. “I went to an exclusive all-girls school, and with the manor full of older people, it didn’t take long for him to get my attention.

  “At first, I observed him from afar, but as the days went on and he didn’t even take notice of me, I changed my antics and became bolder. He wasn’t necessarily shy, but I think he did have reservations about me in the beginning…

  “Each day, the more we conversed, the more I wanted to know him, and Reiss went so far as to fall in love with me. It think I was starting to feel the same, but by then, my parents had found out my secret, and they were completely against it.”

  “Her face contorted with abhorrence before she carried on, “Then, before the summer ended, Ashton—who was my on again, off again boyfriend and one of my father’s friend’s sons—actually came to visit, and I failed to disclose that to Reiss. This resulted with the both of us fighting before I broke things off with him, stating that it was simply a fling, nothing more.

  “Reiss took this to heart. Being so upset, he shouldn’t have been drinking that night, but he did. He was obliterated—all four of his friends were before they decided to drive him home …” Wrapping her arms around her, she rubbed her shoulders as though she felt a chilling shiver. “The car crashed into another vehicle, causing a fire, and the authorities pronounced them all dead at the scene.”

  “You felt responsible for his death.” It was a statement, not a question.

  Fresh tears glassed her beautiful eyes. “Of course. I hurt him. I broke his heart, which led him to his death.”

  Chapter 130


  “We all make mistakes. There’s no need for you to carry a torch for this long. You just have to accept that.” Craig’s unabashed words struck deep into my core.

  I appreciated his words of concern, I truly did. However, guilt wasn’t the only thing I held onto. There were so many factors that came into play that it was hard to even think about or discuss with a stranger who simply wouldn’t understand what I was going through, especially a stranger who could be his long-lost twin.

  Swiping the tears that threatened to spill down the sides of my face, I tried to hold my composure as I braved a smile. “I understand what you’re saying—of course I do—but there were a lot of things that are quite difficult to put into words. Sometimes”—I paused, shaking my head as I attempted to utter the next few words—“sometimes I dream of him.” Gazing towards the man sitting across from me, I pushed my worries away. “These dreams are of him alive … somewhere.” Holding my breath, I softly blew it out as I prepared myself to say the next difficult words. “You see, once they put out the fire, they never found his body.”

  “And … this makes you believe that he’s alive?” He pressed his lips together, eyeing me warily. “I see.”

  Though Craig was the mirror of Reiss, I’d have hardly thought Reiss would ever have been as successful as Craig, because Reiss didn’t plan on going to school or doing anything with his life other than working for his dad. Once his father retired, his goal had been to take over his father’s position. He hadn’t held any wild notions of what his future would bring; he had been a simple man—uncomplicated—and had enjoyed the little things in life that most people took for granted.

  “Anyhow … enough of my theories and thoughts. I hope this little jaunt made you understand, or maybe not understand, per se, but grasp how it’s been for me.” A part of me hoped he’d want to get in touch, but I knew, after tonight, I wouldn’t be bothering him again. Besides, this whole situation had made me realize I should start focusing back on my marriage.

  “Maybe it’s time for me to go back home to my husband in New York. I came out here to clear my head and be around my friends and family”—I took a moment, pausing to gather my breath—“but to be honest, it was because I was getting frustrated with my life. My husband stopped trying to get us pregnant, because he’s been so busy, and I was hurt by that.”

  “I was starting to wonder if that ring of yours was just a ploy to make the men stay away from you,” he said in an observing tone, green eyes intense as his gaze dropped on said ring. “Maybe, instead of telling me about your frustrations, you should tell him, and that would solve your problem. Don’t you think so, Ava?”

  There was something in his tone I didn’t like. However, in place of addressing what that was about, I merely nodded my head, thinking it was time to call it a night.

  “You’re right; maybe it’s time I stop running away from my problems and start addressing them. Ashton won’t know what’s bothering me unless I tell him.”


  Trying in earnest not to frown at his drastic change of attitude, I finished sipping my coffee. “You never drank yours.”

  “I don’t like milk in my coffee.”

  “Oh.” I paused, thinking on how I had been too rash to even consider how he liked his java. “We can order another one. It’s on me.”

  His unwavering, penetrating gaze never left me. I hadn’t minded it before, but with his odd turn in behavior, it became glaringly obvious the more he barely spoke to me.

  When he didn’t respond to my kind offer, I met his eyes full on. “You seem to stare at me quite a bit.” His gaze had never given out the vibe that it was the creepy sort. It was as if he couldn’t help himself from looking at me. I’d been married for so long these things never swayed me away from Ashton. However, given that this man across from me was similar to my departed beloved, it was becoming harder to deny my attraction to him.

  “Aren’t you used to it by now?” His murmur felt like silk on my skin. “You’re beautiful, and I find it very hard to look away.”

  Biting the bottom of my lip, I gawked, knowing I was skirting a very fine thread of temptation. God help me, I was beyond tempted to relive a little of what I had lost, too. He might not be the real Reiss, but I could pretend it was him, even if only for a short amount of time.

  As I blushed, Ashton’s loving face appeared before my eyes, as if to give me a warning. “I’m a married woman.”

  He didn’t blink before saying, “A lonely one, at that.”

  True, I was bloody lonely. How long had it been since Ashton and I’d had good sex? Ever since he’d been promoted, all he ever had in mind was sex, not shagging. There was a difference between the two. To me, sex meant sex—you simply reached your orgasm without any intention of emotional intimacy. Shagging … well, it was primal and powerful. It was animalistic, and both parties felt entwined, emotionally and physically, as they pleasured each other, whether the pace was rough or slow.

  How long had it been for me? Too long, really, since I couldn’t quite recall when the last time had been. Knowing this vital tidbit made it rather frightening to be around Craig Chambers. An extramarital affair w
as something that hadn’t entered my brain until tonight. Frightening … it truly was.

  “Craig,” I whispered his name, “whatever it is you think you’re doing … don’t do it.”

  His jade green eyes sparkled fire. “What am I doing, Ava?” he sexily taunted. “I’m sitting across from you, not even touching you at all.”

  “You know what I’m talking about …” How had we gotten to this point? We had been having coffee—or I had been having coffee—while we had discussed what had happened three nights ago. Seemingly, amidst the past and the recollections, we somehow had ended up here, capsized by this effervescent sexual tension.

  “All right.” He nodded. “As you wish, Ava.” He then immediately stood up and pulled out his wallet, leaving a wad of bills on the table before he held out his hand.

  Staring at it as if it was going to burn me, I hesitated. “What are you doing?” Though I appeared to be bothered, deep down, I was far from it. Everything about this man demanded attention, and I admit, his admiring eyes weren’t unwelcomed.

  “First, I’m taking you back to your hotel. Then I’ll resume my evening, presumably dining with my date tonight.”

  Drive me back to my hotel? I think not.

  “No need. I’ll be fine.” Scrambling to my feet, I ignored his outstretched hand. “I can manage pretty well on my own.”

  “You interrupted my night; this is the least you could do for me. I promise no harm will come to you.”

  It wasn’t because I’d thought he’d harm me. Of course not. It was me. I didn’t trust myself to be around him. Now that I had told him the rundown of things, there wasn’t much to explore other than how blatantly he oozed confidence and outright sex appeal. Nor did it help that, each time I glanced at him, my heart sped, wishing he was Reiss …

  “I shan’t…” I regrettably said, but he was persistent.

  “You have my word, Ava.”

  Could I trust him? Again, it was odd that I found myself silently responding that I did, which was surprising since this man was as good as a stranger to me. After realizing this, my hand made its way to clasp his, granting him his wish.

  Chapter 131


  His driver was waiting across the street, holding the car door wide open as he nodded towards us. “Good evening, Mr. Chambers.” He then directed his kind gaze at me. “Madam.”

  Once secured in the back of the Mercedes and with the driver starting the engine, I rested my hands on my lap, fighting the need to fidget because, even though he sat an arm’s reach, I felt the tension. It utterly crackled between us. It had gone from innocent to sinful in the blink of an eye.

  After five minutes of silence, my tensed shoulders started to ache, so I gradually reclined my head against the headrest, sighing as I silently begged for my sanity back. My body hadn’t been the same ever since Craig had appeared in the picture three nights prior. It tingled, every pore sensing everything—from a single touch to one of his dashing smiles, I was profoundly affected by this man.

  This heightened state was the cause of my dreams of him, doing some ungodly things a married woman shouldn’t even dare to think about. However, my subconscious did dare, and what dreams they were. They had completely left me wanting. This curling hunger had slowly been building for over seventy-two hours since meeting him, and it kept thriving, growing. As if needing to feed, it wouldn’t stop until I had accomplished what it wanted, what it needed to be satisfied.

  Maybe it was that devious, animalistic look he had that trigged this unquenchable thirst within me. Although, as much as it thrilled me to know I was still capable of feeling such sexual intensity, it was frightening that it wasn’t Ashton. It was supposed to be only him, my husband, who should make me feel like I couldn’t live another second longer if he didn’t remedy this ache in my loin.

  “Ava.” The sound of my name rasping out of his lips like a caress made my breasts ache.

  Bloody hell, could I get a moment without thinking of sex? Not only was it frustrating that I wanted him so badly, but it simply didn’t help when he called to me in such a seductive tone.

  “We’re here.”

  Slowly and seductively, I lifted my gaze to meet his, immediately feeling the world suspend—stopping. I was hanging on a pendulum that was ticking away, as if I had little time left to make a decision—a decision that would change me, my life, and everything I believed myself to be.

  His dark, penetrating gaze traced my lips before he granted me a look that gave me a glimpse of the hunger he’d been holding back. I found myself breathless as he slid out of the car the moment it was opened by the hotel doorman, and I didn’t release the hold of my breath until he was on my side of the car, holding out his hand to help me out of the vehicle. My brain didn’t even register whether I should limit my skin contact with him; my hand went out to meet his without hesitation.

  The second I was out of the car, he guided me towards the hotel entrance. Was this where he was planning to say his goodbyes? My mind reeled at the thought that I wouldn’t ever see him again. Yet I knew, deep down, it would possibly be for the best. Having him around me was mystifying because he provoked such an ache that he alone could soothe. Well, on the contrary, Reiss had aroused similar acute, carnal desires from me. As I had rationally thought before, the only explanation for why I was reacting to him this way was because, each time I saw him, it wasn’t really Craig I was seeing but Reiss.

  Prepping my final goodbyes in my mind, I was taken aback when I felt his hand tighten around mine, as if to not let go.

  “Which room number are you?” His question caught me off guard, unsure if he meant to leave me outside my door and be a gentleman or lead his way inside the room then led himself on to me … into me.

  “Ava?” he pressed again.

  I snapped out of my funk the moment we reached the elevator, taking half a second before deciding to utter the room number.

  Everything happened at such a hectic pace that I didn’t get the chance to ponder over the consequences of what I had just done. My heart had taken over my senses, speedily ramming against my chest as if it was a prisoner in need of escape. Not only did my heart feel like it was about to do jumping jacks, but my body felt like it was wired with some sort of power source, because my hand that was attached to his felt too electrifying to describe.

  The deafening sound of the bell, indicating that we had arrived on my floor, felt like a sentence, and at the same time, it was as if someone had raised me from the dead.

  “Craig,” I started to say as he guided us towards my room, uncertain of how I’d approach this awkward subject. He needed to know I wasn’t the type of woman who randomly slept with men I barely knew. Or, moreover, the fact that, yes, I was married, and even though I was epically lonely most nights, I had managed just fine and would continue to do so.

  Standing right outside of the door, he intently looked at me. “Mind handing me your keycard?”

  Entranced by those mesmerizing, intense, green eyes, I found myself handing him the damning thing, hoping I hadn’t completely lost my mind.

  “Craig,” I whispered with a lot of hesitation. “Ermm … Thank you for the ride. I truly appreciate—”

  The instant the sound of the door unlocking and opening occurred, I was inside my room, right against the wall, pinned by his body and caged by a predatory look that utterly set my body ablaze.

  “What—no—” My words were cut short when he nudged his hips forward, and I felt his sizable manhood. “We mustn’t.” Bloody fuck, my pussy was beyond aroused, and I hadn’t truly felt how glorious his cock was yet.

  “Oh, but we must. I couldn’t take another one your come-hither looks, Ava. I need to bury myself inside you, or so help me God, I won’t stop until I’ve filled you with my cock and seed, burying it deep in your cunt’s moist, tightened walls.”

  His filthy words only fueled the burning inside me as I focused on the gradual provoking thrusts he was making.

�Tell me you want me,” he harshly demanded as he grew harder against me.

  “I do.” I was so turned on I couldn’t think coherently. “I want you.”

  He made a deep, guttural sound before gritting out some more harsh words I couldn’t catch in my hazed state, and then his lips unceremoniously kissed me. It was a punishing kiss, nothing I had ever felt before. It hurt, as if he meant to draw blood, but his cruel treatment only made me a more willing participant. I was incensed with lust to the point that I barely registered that he had dropped his pants. I only noted it when he took my hand and guided it to grip his cock whilst I matched his brutal kisses.

  As I stroked his hardness, he thrust his hips while the tip pressed against my stomach, as if giving me a warning that it would be inside me quite soon enough.

  “Does the feel of my cock make your cunt wet?” he groaned against my lips before he moved towards my neck then to my ear and whispered into it. “You’re wet, aren’t you?” he accused. “Do you want my fingers to investigate how naughty you’ve been?”

  Fuck. Please do. I was about to say the words, but I was cut short when he didn’t hold back from his pursuit; his hand was in between my thighs in a flash, ripping my panties away.

  His probing middle finger charged in between my hot folds, making him hiss in pleasure when he did indeed find it seeping with my slick essence. Discovering the tiny nub that triggered a button in me, he made me gyrate and convulse with his expert ministrations.

  “You like being unleashed from all the constraints, don’t you, sweet Ava?” he gritted out as he thrust harder into my palm. “Open your legs wider. Open yourself to me.”

  It was raunchy and sordid, and my body exalted in his capable hands. Without much indecision, I willingly spread my legs farther apart, giving him full access to my pussy.

  “You want my cock inside you?”


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