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From Admiration to Matrimony

Page 11


  The men remained in the study and Mr. Darcy spoke with Mr. Bennet on how he might make amends with Elizabeth.

  Jane smiled when Elizabeth’s news was finished and stood to join the family in the dining room. “It would seem all debts are paid and there is joy for us if we seek it, sister.”

  Elizabeth nodded. She could not help but think of the rift between herself and her father, nor the horrible chasm between dear Anne and her mother. What might the year ahead bring for those situations?

  On a snowy afternoon at Pemberley a few weeks before another ball, Anne sat in the parlor with Elizabeth, Jane, and Mary, whilst Lydia and Kitty chattered endlessly, giddy over the coming dance. The idea of parading before the eligible young gentlemen of Derbyshire thrilled them. But Lady Anne would not rest until they learned the proper etiquette and comportment necessary to secure their perfect match.

  Elizabeth watched the proceedings with much amusement as the great Lady Anne instructed her most difficult pupils in the ways of a true lady. Anne turned to her side and spoke softly to the quietest Bennet sister. “Miss Mary, I cannot say for certain, but it seems Cousin Richard is quite taken with you. Have you the same feelings?”

  Elizabeth and Jane covered their smiles and glanced to Mary. They had noted Richard’s attentiveness to their sister and were pleased should the man seek a courtship.

  “Colonel Fitzwilliam is a fine and decent man,” Mary managed before smiling demurely while the pink bloomed in her cheeks.

  Anne clasped her hands in her lap, her eyes wistful. “I do not wish to bring sadness into this room today, but I must say tis strange to think of myself apart from Rosings. And now, to live at Pemberley, there is the bittersweet memory of my dear Georgiana. All that is missing is the gift of my mother’s approval.”

  The ladies nodded and each sat quietly for but a moment, their thoughts on the previous year, memories now smoothed and burnished by time.

  Elizabeth took her hand and squeezed tightly, her own sadness at the damage to the bond with her father deep in her heart. “Your own happiness will bring your mother happiness one day. For how could she not wish the blessing of a perfect husband, life, and home upon her only daughter?”

  The End

  Part II

  From Love to Matrimony


  A month after the Bennets, Bingleys, and their assorted relatives arrived in Derbyshire, the ball at Pemberley was a smashing success were one to rely upon the word of the youngest Bennet sister, Lydia. She had thought there might only be older gentlemen in search of young wives present, but the opposite happily proved true.

  Lydia had no particular need to sit out a set with the music so lively and the dance partners plenty, but her feet began an incessant aching and she glanced about for Kitty Bennet.

  Her sister stood with a handsome gentleman who was the second son of a wealthy family connected to the Darcys. Lydia favored a young man she had danced with but once. His father was a baronet and Lydia hoped they might form a lasting acquaintance.

  Mrs. Bennet had said they would remain at Pemberley until the springtime, and so she and Kitty would have to beg Jane and Lizzy to host several dinners and perhaps give a ball at Brambling so they might snare the young men. Returning to Longbourn without an offer of courtship, and considering the dim prospects there, did not appeal to the vivacious young woman.

  Elizabeth Darcy spied Lydia and turned to watch as she approached the punch bowl. Surprised to see her youngest sister quit the dance floor, Elizabeth continued her sweep of the room in search of Anne de Bourgh.

  She found her on the terrace with the Viscount Henry Amestrey and Mr. Darcy. “I wondered where you were, my dear Anne,” she said. Arm in arm they left the gentlemen to their intense discussion of politics.

  “Lizzy,” Anne began, her porcelain complexion tinged the palest pink, “I might never become comfortable calling you that, but Henry has said he hopes we may be married by the Summer season. He wishes to purchase an estate nearby and I must admit it would be a dream to live within walking distance of Pemberley.”

  Elizabeth nodded her head, for Mr. Darcy had spoken about the marriage of his cousin and the Viscount in their bedroom the night before. The news of Anne’s beau purchasing an estate nearby was a cause for joy. She hoped Anne would never wander far from Pemberley, even after her nuptials.

  “If Henry settles on a nearby estate, Lady Anne and I will assist you in making it a comfortable home.” Elizabeth’s eyes were hopeful, though she knew Anne still longed for her mother’s approval of her engagement.

  Anne grew quiet as they approached Lady Anne. She left Elizabeth and went to stand with her aunt near one of the lovely flower arrangements from the vast selection of Pemberley’s hothouses.

  “My dear ones, what love and light your presence gives the room! It would seem our guests are well pleased this evening.”

  Elizabeth gave her warmest smile to her beloved mother-in-law, her eyes sparkling with mirth. “My sisters are behaving with grace and manners thanks to your lessons Lady Anne.”

  Anne turned to follow Elizabeth’s gaze. Lydia was escorted once more onto the ballroom floor for a second dance with the baronet’s son.

  “If he asks a third time, and she accepts, Miss Lydia may be married before I,” Anne whispered to Elizabeth.

  Elizabeth paled at the notion, but knew Anne was right. Three dances would mark the beginning of a courtship.

  Lady Anne pushed the thought aside. “The girls know never to dance more than twice with the same young man. I made certain of that.”

  Elizabeth turned to Anne once more and broached the subject of Pemberley for her wedding. “The gardens will be so lovely and there is room enough for all our guests. It shall be a grand event.”

  Lady Anne noted the doubtful countenance of her niece and took the young woman’s hand. “What troubles you my dear? Elizabeth is quite right; we must have your wedding here.”

  Anne placed a gloved hand to her mouth, tears gathering in her pale blue eyes. “I always dreamed I would be married at Rosings. Even with the terrible treatment Lizzy endured at mother’s hand, I still wish I might have my mother’s blessing.”

  Elizabeth moved closer to her dearest friend and offered her handkerchief. “You must not be ashamed of your wishes. It is because of you I escaped an unthinkable fate. Perhaps Lady Anne might intercede on your behalf? I am sure Henry’s title and wealth, not to mention his complete devotion, qualify him as an impeccable match. Your mother might be persuaded now that several months have passed since the unfortunate incident we should all wish to forget if not forgive.”

  Lady Anne greatly admired the young woman her son had married. Gracefully pushing away the memory of her own abuse, at the hands of Lady Catherine and her parson, to soothe and offer hope to Anne de Bourgh displayed the regard she afforded the young mistress who had come to stay at Pemberley.

  Anne’s face brightened at Elizabeth’s words and the two young women left Lady Anne to mingle with their guests.

  Mr. Darcy and the Viscount had left the terrace, for the winter chill was still in the air though the hope of Spring resided in the recent display of warmer days. The two men stood at the doors of the ballroom hoping to escape to the library before either Elizabeth or Anne might notice.

  Just then, a footman rushed in and Mr. Darcy turned to meet him in the hall. An express arriving at Pemberley was always cause for concern and he imagined there could be nothing but unwelcome news at such an hour. He took a small measure of comfort from knowing most of his beloved relations were currently under his roof.

  Mr. Darcy took the missive and read as Henry stood nearby. He sighed and attempted not to crumple the paper in his hand and throw it into the nearest fire. Henry remained quiet but noted his friend’s agitation.

  Lady Anne had made her way across the ballroom floor and spied her son and the Viscount in the hallway beyond the doors. A sense of foreboding swept over her and she hurried to find whethe
r there was a reason for her feelings.

  Mr. Darcy glanced up as his mother approached and moved to stand closer to Henry. If the news in the wretched missive did not disrupt his happy home, he would be utterly stunned.

  Lady Anne marked the expression on her son’s face, along with the paper in his hand, and knew her senses had not failed her. If luck was with them, they might deal with the express and not ruin the ball for their guests.

  She took her son by the arm and nodded for the Viscount to follow. “Let us speak in the library before we are missed in the ballroom.”

  Elizabeth stood with Jane and watched as Colonel Fitzwilliam and Anne danced set after set.

  “She has fairly blossomed at Pemberley, has she not?” Jane asked as she sipped her punch.

  Elizabeth nodded and smoothed her skirts. “She seems to possess far more stamina than I for our daily walks in the gardens, an accomplishment that gives me an inordinate amount of pride. You would not connect her with the person I met at Rosings only a few months ago.”

  Jane had wondered at Elizabeth picking at her dinner the night before and her habit of napping directly after her walks with Anne each day. She glanced at her beloved sister, noting the fine sheen of perspiration above her lip. “I should think my little darling shall soon have a cousin.”

  Elizabeth’s hand flew to her mouth and Jane laughed. “Don’t fret, Lizzy. Tis only because I suffered the same as you before I knew I was increasing.”

  “You must not tell a soul, especially Lady Anne. I know she so dearly wishes for grandchildren enough to fill the house. I would not raise her hopes until a few months have passed.”

  As the elder Bennet sisters whispered of babies and family, Lady Anne held court in the library. “I cannot help wondering if this is some ruse by my sister to lure poor Anne back to Rosings. I hate to think ill of my only sister but I have seen her treachery first hand.”

  Henry Amestrey glanced to Mr. Darcy as he moved to pace before the fireplace. “I would see Miss Anne to Rosings if she decides she must go, but I cannot remain there for long. I would only be in London should she require my presence.”

  Lady Anne turned to her son, her brow raised. She knew he did not wish to share the news in the missive with Anne and she certainly understood his hesitation.

  “William, I believe I know your position on the matter but what shall we do? If my sister is in such poor health as to send for Anne, we must allow the young woman to know of it. I fear she will go no matter what we say to the contrary.”

  Mr. Darcy ran a hand through his hair, a sure sign of his disapproval. The missive rested in his mother’s hand and once more he was more than tempted to take it from her and feed it to the dancing flames of the fireplace.

  “You know I have no intention of setting foot inside Rosings again, mother. And my heart is set upon keeping the women of my house safe from those, including family, who would do them harm whether by intention or accident.”

  Lady Anne turned to the Viscount who loved her niece beyond question. “We must tell Anne, for if we hold the news from her she would have every right to mistrust us in the future. If you will accompany her there, and visit Rosings as often as you might, the Darcy family would be forever in your debt sir.”

  Mr. Darcy held his tongue, for his mother spoke the truth. Anne de Bourgh must make her own decisions regarding her relationship with her mother, much as it pained him to admit. “Yes, Henry, we would be most grateful for your protection of Anne. Your presence might serve to soften my aunt’s heart should she prove to have one.”

  Henry’s smile held not a hint of mirth as he lifted a toast to his future family members, “I shall keep her safe, by my word.”

  Lady Anne folded the missive and tucked it into her reticule. “I shall meet with Anne after breakfast in the morning and deliver the news. I would not have her worry tonight.”

  The trio left the library lest their guests and family begin to wonder at their prolonged absence.

  Chapter 18

  Elizabeth walked to Lady Anne’s sitting room after leaving the breakfast parlor with only a cursory glance to her plate. Had it not been for the peppermint tea Jane recommended, her stomach might have felt a bit more uneasy.

  Lady Anne had waited until the men left the room to ask Anne and Elizabeth to join her before they might decide to walk the grounds. Her countenance betrayed her cheerful tone and as Elizabeth gained the stairs, she began to worry.

  She turned at Anne’s voice and linked arms with the young woman and they hastened upstairs for the meeting with Lady Anne.

  “I cannot imagine why my aunt wishes to see us privately can you Lizzy?”

  Elizabeth shook her head and patted Anne’s hand. Mr. Darcy had been quiet the evening before, after the ball was finished. She imagined him to be out of sorts after entertaining what seemed the whole of Derbyshire. But now she wondered if his distraction and quiet signaled something worse.

  Lady Anne’s sitting room was one of the grandest rooms in all of Pemberley. There were fine furnishings, and lovely paper on the walls, but the abundance of family portraits of all sizes held Elizabeth’s attention. She felt as though the whole of the Darcy family was present and waiting to find her an acceptable addition to their esteemed line.

  Anne, having come to Pemberley as often as her mother would allow, was drawn to her favorite display and cradled the painting of she and Georgiana when they were quite young.

  “I miss her more each day.” The words seemed torn from Anne’s heart and she kissed the painting gently and placed it lovingly upon the table cluttered with trinkets and ribbons that belonged to her favorite cousin.

  Lady Anne sat quietly awaiting her guests to settle themselves before her. She wondered how her news might affect Anne. Surely, the girl was in no hurry to return to Rosings. Lovely as the old house was, living with Lady Catherine could take the joy from the air before a person might begin to smile or exclaim over all that was good in the day.

  Lady Anne recalled growing up with the beast for a sister. There was the constant chatter for attention, the need to prove herself worthy above all others and the most inappropriate habit of attaching herself to every young gentleman who might call whether he was interested in Catty or not.

  She would not think of it now. She must share the letter with the two young women before her. “Elizabeth, Anne, please do sit with me for a time. I have news to impart that will cause all of us great regret. It cannot be avoided, I fear.”

  Elizabeth sat and longed desperately to fling open the two large windows across the room. No matter how she might try to attain a measure of comfort the air inside Pemberley seemed to lay about her as a heavy woolen shawl.

  Lady Anne lowered her lashes and kept the smile in her eyes hidden. She knew Elizabeth Bennet Darcy was increasing. That, or the poor woman was overcome with the duties of the great house. She knew that could not be the case, for Elizabeth had been a quick study and would be quite capable of running Pemberley before much longer.

  Anne spoke up, her nerves getting the best of her. “What news is there?”

  Lady Anne decided the time had come for she would be unable to continue her delay. “During the ball, a footman arrived with an express. The Viscount and William met him and we discussed the news at length in the library. There was no need to ruin the evening, you see.”

  Elizabeth glanced at Anne and wondered what news could have ruined the ball.

  Anne looked expectantly at her aunt. “An express was it? At that late an hour? I cannot imagine there was good news contained within its pages.”

  Lady Anne sipped her tea wishing there was some other article of news, some distraction, anything other than what she must tell.

  She produced the offending letter, holding it as though she wished it might sprout wings and fly far from Pemberley. Alas, it did not, but moments later Elizabeth Bennet Darcy would flee the private sitting room.

  “Tis only a letter from Catty. I do believe she is
not feeling well…”

  Anne rose from her seat and held out a hand for the letter. Surprised by her niece’s forward behavior, Lady Anne relented and allowed the young woman to read it for herself.

  Anne glanced at the missive, the hand indeed was that of her mother, there was no doubt. She moved slowly across the room hoping for a quiet moment. Lady Anne and Elizabeth sat watching Anne ready to go to her should she require their support.

  Elizabeth turned to Lady Anne, one brow raised in the manner she often employed.

  “Tis nothing we might do my dear Elizabeth. The choice is in Anne’s hands now.”

  Elizabeth found she was most unhappy to know Lady Catherine meant to have her daughter back and had concocted a preposterous scheme to that end. She did not believe for moment the old lady was ill, for she’d appeared quite hale and hearty when she’d thwarted Elizabeth’s attempts at escape from Rosings.

  Her aim was to keep Anne at Pemberley as long as she might without a care for Lady Catherine and her sermons on the merits of a good daughter.

  Anne turned, her lashes wet and her hand trembling with the burden of the letter. “Aunt, do you believe it to be true? My mother has need of me?”

  Lady Anne tried to hide the concern in her eyes and took the young woman into a soft embrace. “I could not say, my dear. For many years, she has preyed upon anyone who thought her to be weak when she certainly was not. I would caution against believing such a tale. Yet she is my sister. As much as she has done to harm this family, perhaps she now wishes to mend the rift between you. “

  Anne turned, heartened by her aunt’s words and approached her friend. Dear sweet Elizabeth would understand, she knew it.

  But Elizabeth held her breath for a moment, the memory of the terrible time at Rosings clouding her mind. She could not find, though she searched mightily, a reason powerful nor compelling enough for Anne to risk her freedom for that woman again.


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