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Once Bitten, Twice Shy (Just a Little Taste Book 2)

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by Scarlett Jade

  Just a Little Taste

  Book 2


  Scarlett Jade

  Sasha never imagined she would see the man she loved in this lifetime again, but when he shows up at her door mere hours after being told he's dead, she’s filled with joy and rage. As stress takes its toll, she ends up in the hospital, a place that should be safe, but isn't.

  Jeremy cannot believe his luck, knowing that Sasha still cares and that there’s hope for their family. It’s all snatched away by the darkness that lingers at the edge of their happiness and he races against time to save the two people he cares about the most.

  When he realizes he has a secret weapon in the search, he’s shocked at the tiny source of knowledge and the subsequent secrets that come out of the closet. As he finds the woman he loves, he has to help piece her back together and hope their love will survive the flames.

  Light always wins against the darkness, but sometimes victory comes with the greatest cost of all.

  Thank you to those who have never lost faith in me and have been there at my darkest hours. Thanks to you I know that light always wins against the darkness. There is always a cost, but it is always worth it. - Scarlett

  Sasha woke to a gray sky and the rain pelting her window. Her sleep had been fractured and haunting. Dreams of Jeremy dying and of Claudio had filled the little sleep she did have with horror. She crawled from between the sheets and rubbed her eyes as she walked to the window to glance out. The sky lay heavy and dark over Paris, and fog swirled through the buildings. Hopelessness hung heavy around her shoulders like a cape and she couldn't find the strength within herself to shrug it off. Jeremy was dead, and he wasn't coming back. Not now, not ever.

  With a heavy heart she turned away from the dreary morning and shuffled to the door of the room. Opening the door, she found Francois wide awake in the hallway, still sitting in the chair, sipping some coffee. “You can come inside if you want,” she told him, her voice cracking with pain.

  He stood from his chair and came inside. “Thank you,” he smiled. “I sure could use closing my eyes for a little while.”

  Sasha pointed to her bed, “Please, go ahead. Can I use your phone now to call Trevor, please?”

  Francois pulled a cell phone from his pocket and handed it to her. “Are you all right, mademoiselle? Trevor is speed dial number one.”

  Tears filled her eyes and she glanced down at the phone quickly to hide the evidence of her sadness. “I'm fine,” she assured him. “You go lay down and rest. I’m going to freshen myself up then call Trevor.”

  “You won't leave the room?” he asked, even as he kicked his shoes off to rest on her bed.

  “I won't leave the room,” she promised him, fear of Claudio making her stay firmly put.

  She watched as his eyes drifted closed and a snore escaped his mouth almost immediately. He was tired. I put him through a lot yesterday gallivanting through France. And for what? Sasha slipped into the bathroom and turned the water at the sink on to mask her sobs.

  Sitting on the toilet, she bent forward as much as she could and wrapped her arms around herself, rocking back and forth as the floodgates opened. Suddenly the bathroom door came open and Francois stood there. “You’re crying,” he said softly, and with a gentle touch, swept her off the toilet and cradled her in his arms. “Come, you need to be resting in your bed.”

  “No,” she protested, accepting his comfort even as she argued. “You need to sleep.”

  Francois smiled, “No, I had about a fifteen minute nap, I’m recharged for the day. Please, have you called Trevor yet?”

  She snuggled against the pillows as he placed her in bed. “Thank you Francois, I’ll call him now. Do you mind stepping outside?”

  The burly man smiled down at her. “Of course. Please do not cry anymore, mademoiselle. You need to be happy for the baby.”

  Sasha forced a smile on her face until he left, then she crumpled again, sobs wracking her shoulders as she flipped open the phone and hit the number one and then send. The phone rang and as it was picked up, she spoke before Trevor could even say hello. “He's dead.”

  “Sasha? Who’s dead?” Trevor asked, and Sasha could imagine him panicking and pacing the room.

  “Jeremy is dead, Trevor. I met with Claudio last night.”

  “You met with Claudio last night?” His shrill tone made her pull the phone away from her ear.

  “Yes, I met with him last night by chance. He said that Jeremy had an accident and was dead, among other things. I can’t stay in France anymore. I want to come home and live my life in peace. Please get me a ticket, Trevor. When I get back to the States, I’ll never bother you again. My child and I will be fine.” She assured him, her voice cracking only at the end of her statement. She swiped at the tears running down her face and blew out a breath.

  “My God,” Trevor whispered, “he's dead.”

  “Yes, we established that,” Sasha snapped, “Please get me back stateside.”

  “Yes, of course,” he seemed to jerk to attention and mask his pain, becoming the efficient assistant again. “I’ll schedule you a flight back as soon as possible. Will you meet with me before you go home?”

  “I just want to pretend none of this happened, Trevor. I can't handle this emotionally. I have to be strong for my baby, alone.” Sasha choked back the tears that threatened to spill over again.

  “You don't have to always be strong, Sasha. It's okay to be weak sometimes.”

  “No, weakness gets you hurt. Any point of weakness a person finds, they poke at it until the hole is gaping, then they leave you bleeding and broken on the floor. I refuse to let anyone touch me in that way again. I don't wish to speak of this further, Trevor. I just want to go home and forget everything. To just work in my restaurant, have my baby, and live my life.” She ground her teeth together, fighting against the agony that ripped through her chest.

  “If that’s what you want, we'll make it happen, Sasha. Give me a little time to get a flight together and we will get you home. Do you want me to notify your family that you’re coming home?”

  “No,” she whispered. “They’ll just tell me ‘I told you so.’ I want to wallow in my misery alone.”

  “I don't like the thought of you being alone, Sasha. Please meet with me. Let me talk and let's try to make some plans.” His voice was pleading, but she refused to listen.

  “Why, are you worried about my safety? Maybe you should be, because I'll never be safe again, all thanks to him refusing to let me turn. If he hadn't taken me to Claudio, none of this would’ve happened, he’d be alive, and we’d be together, but he couldn't do that, now could he? No, he had to be noble and protect me, when at the time, I didn't need protecting. Now I do and he's six feet under somewhere instead of here with me. Fuck you and your wanting to meet, Trevor. I don't want to see you. I want to pretend that I never met him or you. I want to pretend that my life somehow will make sense again and I won't feel like I'm running. Please tell Francois when my flight is. Goodbye.” She hung up the phone and turned to bury her face in the pillow, sobs shaking the bed as the phone rang over and over again.

  When her tears slowed, she shifted and wiped her face, feeling wrung out and hollow inside. She slid out of the bed and moved to her suitcase to find something to wear, a pair of jeans, an emerald green sweater, and a pair of sneakers. After she dressed, she walked to the bathroom and ran a brush through her tangled hair, wincing at the pain. At least I feel. Refusing to meet her reflection in the mirror, she swept her hair into a messy bun on top of her head. She gathered up her purse and opened the door to find Francois back in his c
hair, drinking coffee.

  He jumped out of the chair and smiled at her. “Are you okay?”

  “No, but it doesn't matter. I can't sit in the hotel room. Here’s your phone, when Trevor calls, find out when my flight is. I have nothing to say to him. I want food and I’m going to see the Eiffel Tower before I leave France.” She tossed the phone in his direction, not looking to see if he caught it or followed her to the elevator. If I stay busy, I’ll be fine.

  Sasha moved over as Francois entered the elevator and they rode it down in silence. Leading the way, she hurried through the lobby and out the door to the sidewalk where she raised a hand to hail a cab.

  “Mademoiselle, I could get the car,” he offered, touching her arm.

  She shrugged him off and stepped into the cab. “I’ll take a cab. Either get in or I’ll see you later.” He slid in the taxi beside her and closed the door. Sasha smiled at the driver. “Take me to your favorite restaurant. A place you only can afford to go once a year for your anniversary or something.”

  The driver nodded and they were off, moving through the busy streets. Sasha stared out the window and ignored the man beside her. Tears filled her eyes and blurred her vision, but she stared out at the city as it passed, everything mingling together in a crystalline haze. Finally she closed them and wetness dripped down her cheeks. Wiping away the evidence of her weakness, she stared out at the city again, able to see clearly again. She marveled at the beautiful architecture and sadness crippled her again as she wished Jeremy was the one sitting in the cab with her.

  But that will never happen, remember? He's dead. It's just you and Shrimp, facing the world alone. Sasha sucked in air and held it for a moment, attempting to rein in her emotions before they stopped at the restaurant. A short time later, they pulled in front of a beautiful stucco building and the taxi driver stopped.

  “Here,” he started, pointing at the building, “Is where I save up to take my wife every year on our anniversary.”

  Sasha smiled sadly and pulled money out of her wallet. “Here, maybe this can help you take her again.” She handed the man the money and stepped from the cab to the sidewalk, accepting Francois' hand as she steadied herself. “Thank you.”

  Francois simply nodded as they walked into the restaurant. Sasha took a deep breath of the familiar scent and her pain released its grip just a tiny bit. She was seated and Francois stood beside her table. “Sit down,” she told him, gesturing at the seat in front of her.

  “No, mademoiselle,” he told her. “It's not proper.”

  “Neither was you taking care of me when I cried, but you did it, so sit down, and eat with me.” Sasha pointed at the chair again and with a sigh, Francois sat, reluctantly.

  The waiter took their order, Sasha asked for foie gras and a baguette, fruit, and sparkling lemon water. Francois ordered an omelet with ham and cheese and coffee, black. They sat in silence as they waited for their meal and Sasha stared at the beautiful restaurant. She felt very homesick for her own kitchen, and even her mom. Her eyes closed. God I hope Mom doesn't say ‘I told you so’ about coming here. I need her to take care of me, just this once, with all the care and tenderness I’ve given her. I just need to feel like she’s my mother again, not that I’m hers. Please.

  Sasha’s eyes flicked open as the waiter brought their food, and she ate quickly, barely tasting the superb foie gras, or the succulent grapes and strawberries. Food gave her no pleasure, it was just sustenance and she felt like a fool coming to one of the best restaurants in Paris and having no pleasure from the experience. What did you expect, to be able to shrug off everything? You're a fool. You were a fool to fall in love with him, you were a fool to chase after him. An idiot. Now Claudio knows you carry Jeremy's child, and he’ll never grant you peace.

  The food stuck in her throat and she drank some water, hoping it would help. Finally she stood and gestured for Francois to stay sitting. “I need to use the restroom, I’ll be back.”

  She picked up her purse and hurried to the front of the restaurant to the powder room. As she walked inside and closed the door, she leaned against the sink and took some slow breaths. It’ll be okay. She splashed her face with water and fixed her hair, pulling it into a tighter bun, before opening the door. As she stepped into the front of the restaurant, she glanced back at their table. Francois still appeared to be eating with gusto, and she turned to leave the restaurant. The maître d' stood at the host stand and she touched his arm.

  “Excuse me, sir. I’d like to pay my bill. After I leave would you please let my friend know I’ll meet him back at the hotel this evening and that I had a lovely time?” She handed him her credit card and signed the little slip, smiling before turning to hurry from the restaurant.

  Francois will just have to be angry that I left him again. He can't protect me from Claudio anyway, so what's the point of having him attached to my hip? She hailed a cab and slipped into the seat just in time to see Francois rushing out of the restaurant with an angry expression on his face.

  “To the Eiffel Tower, please,” she told the driver. They drove for a few minutes and she was glad to be alone. Francois hadn't pressed her for information, but his formidable presence wasn't welcome.

  As they pulled closer to the magnificent landmark, she asked the driver to stop and to please wait. A vendor stood nearby selling long-stemmed red roses, and Sasha paused to buy one, the beautiful fragrance filling her nose as she sniffed it. She walked closer to the tower and saw a couple in an embrace, the man obviously had just proposed and the woman had said yes. Her heart shattered at the vision of love playing out before her eyes and she turned away, unable to look any longer.

  She stared up at the tower and blew out a breath before rubbing her belly absentmindedly. The baby kicked and then Sasha began to cry. I’m so sorry, sweet baby. I so wish that things were different. She sniffed the rose one last time and tossed it toward the tower. For you, Jeremy. I love you. Even though I wasn't enough for you to be with and even though you couldn't accept that I was turning. I leave you here, in peace and I’ll go home and pretend you were never in my life. It’ll be easier for me if I rip my heart out, right here and leave it bleeding at the foot of the tower. I don't need it anymore. You took it long ago and you didn't even know it. Farewell, my love.

  She turned away from the tower and walked slowly back to the cab. “Take me to my hotel,” she whispered, giving the man the address. “Can you drive slowly? Maybe take a scenic route?”

  Sasha cried, the sound of her sobs filling the cab. The man drove for hours, meandering through Paris and the countryside until finally, as dusk had fallen and the velvet sky twinkled with stars he pulled up in front of her hotel.

  She pulled her wallet out and handed the man some money. “Thank you for the ride.”

  He smiled. “You are welcome, and whatever demons plague your heart, mademoiselle, I pray they give you peace.”

  Sasha stepped out of the car and blew out a slow breath as she walked into the lobby. If only you knew what demons plague my heart. If only you knew.

  Francois sat in the lobby, holding yet another cup of coffee and Sasha sighed, knowing he would berate her for leaving him again. “Francois,” she started, “I just needed some time.”

  The man stood and nodded. “I understand, and I’m sorry for your loss. Master Jeremy was a good friend of mine as well. You need to rest so you can catch your flight in the morning. Come.”

  Sasha followed Francois to the elevator and they rode it up to the room. She walked to her door and unlocked it. “Thank you for understanding,” she mumbled.

  “But of course,” he smiled. “Sleep well.”

  I'll never sleep well again, she thought as she closed and locked the door.

  Jeremy took a few breaths that didn't burn. Am I alive? It was the best feeling in the world, but terrifying nonetheless. The plan didn't work. I'm still alive, but where am I? Is Sasha okay? What have I done? If Claudio wasn't provided with my body and undeniable proof
that I’m dead, he’ll think I defied him. She’s in more danger than ever. Panic coursed through him and he struggled to sit up. After a few moments he realized he was shackled to a bed and a young girl was watching him from the corner, her pale face barely visible in the dusk. He coughed and opened his mouth to speak.

  “Please,” his voice rasped. The girl stepped closer, holding a glass with a straw. She put the straw to his lips and he drank it quickly, relishing the cool liquid running down his parched throat. “More, please.” The girl shook her head and stepped back into the shadows. “Why am I locked up?” Fuzziness was overtaking his body again. “What was in that? Did you drug me? I…” His voice faded to nothingness and he slept. His last thought was of her. I tried to protect you.

  Sometime later, the concept of time something he didn't understand anymore in the never ending dusk, he woke again. His limbs hung heavy and felt like they were on fire. Thirst clawed at his throat and he panicked, the desire for something more than blood running through his veins. As he struggled to get his bearings in the shadowy room, he realized he lay on a hard slab, with towels under him and that his hands and feet were bound with leather restraints that cut into his skin when he pulled against them.

  Where am I? He squinted, hoping to have something come into focus and it make sense, but very little did. A disgusting smell wafted through the room and his nose wrinkled at the scent of decay. That smells so familiar. I have to get out of here. Jeremy’s mind worked as he waited for someone to come back to him. Last time it had been a girl with a glass of cool liquid and it had made him sleep. I should’ve focused on the taste or smell, if I had, I wouldn't be in this mess now, he groaned. As he shifted he found that nothing on his body hurt. Have I been here long enough to heal, or... His eyes widened as he attempted to put the pieces together. Could I be in the basement of the compound and Claudio healed me? He’s certainly powerful enough to. Was he the one who opened the gate, somehow knowing what I had planned? Knowing one way or the other I'd be back? A shiver coursed through him and he struggled against the restraints. He's drugging me. He thinks my thirst is so strong that I won't fight the drink she brings me. I have to fight. I must fight. He can't win, not this time. I have to make sure Sasha is safe...


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