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A Slave From Scratch

Page 11

by Kim Knight

  ‘Yes, Miss,’

  ‘You must take his cock willingly, it will ease the pain.’

  Alex swallowed, ‘Yes, Miss.’

  Kate studied her in silence for a moment before she said, ‘Don’t think that you know what is going to happen ... I may have introduced you to the flogger but Master will use the crop and you have not felt anything like that.’ Alex thought of the times she had watched their Master use the crop on Kate and fear filled her chest. It must have shown in her eyes because Kate nodded, ‘Exactly ...’ She checked the bonds at her wrists and ankles and then nodded with satisfaction.

  Kate moved away and Alex was left alone. Kate had been planning this for three days, three days since their Master had fucked her for the first time. He hadn’t had her since then and Kate had withheld all other pleasures. Alex had continued to serve them both, pleasuring them with mouth and hands, but had been denied any pleasure herself and it had left her almost feverish with desire. Alex had originally thought that Kate’s actions would mean that her arousal would lessen the sting of the crop but now, restrained so perfectly, she realised that quite the opposite would be true. She cursed Kate’s cruelty and pressed her head against the wood of the table. Suddenly she knew that she had to get away - get away from this madness. She pulled at her wrists, chaffing the skin where it rubbed against the leather. She didn’t care, all that mattered was that she get away. In the depths of her fear, she couldn’t remember why she was here, all she knew was that she had to escape.

  But then, suddenly, Marshall was approaching her, a crop bent between his hands. An image flashed through her mind, Mia ... bound to this very table. There was no way that she could know if that was real but if he was about to do this to her, there was every chance that he had done it to her friend as well. Thoughts of her friend calmed her fear. She watched him approach and held her breath. Let him beat her, let him do as he pleased with her body. Kate had hinted that she would be able to earn more freedom within the house once she was trained - well, she would show him that she was a good little slave and then she would find out what happened to her friend. She steeled herself, took a breath and waited for the first blow. She would not cry out.

  The scream tore from her lips, thoughts of her friend flying away with them. Her buttocks were suddenly aflame with a thousand burning needles and she screamed again as the initial sting gave way to a lasting, agonizing ache. Another blow and she screamed again, tears welling in her eyes. Another blow and another, each more terrible than the last. She lifted her head, a plea on her lips but then Kate was in front of her, staring into her eyes and stilling her words.

  ‘Don’t say it,’ she said softly, the softness of the words belying the meaning of them and their intention.

  Alex gritted her teeth and gave a small, barely perceptible nod and closed her eyes as she sensed their Master lift the crop once more. Air hissed through her gritted teeth as tears rolled down her cheeks. She tensed in anticipation of the next blow and cried out when it came.

  ‘He will fuck you ...’ Kate whispered, leaning forward, ‘... he will fuck you and you will come like never before ...’ the crop landing again made her pause, ‘... I promise.’

  ‘I believe you,’ Alex hissed and then screamed as the next blow sliced across several of the darkening welts that already marked her pale skin.

  More blows fell, each one worse than the last. Alex was about to beg for mercy when Marshall lowered the crop and nodded with satisfaction, ‘She’s had enough,’

  Kate continued to stare into Alex’s eyes, ‘She can take one more ... for me?’

  Alex slowly nodded, ‘Yes, Miss.’

  When it came, the blow was agonising, making her shudder as she screamed pitifully. Her scream had barely died when he suddenly moved in behind her and slid his cock into her pussy. She screamed again with the sudden invasion, her eyes misting with fresh tears. ‘Please,’ she gasped.

  ‘Remember what I told you,’ Kate announced, ‘relax and let the pleasure take you.’

  Alex shuddered, the feel of the cuffs around her wrists and ankles making her gasp. When he had fucked her in the kitchen, he had held her firmly but she hadn’t been secured ... not like this. She was bound to the table, her buttocks burning where the crop has sliced the skin, the cuffs rubbing her flesh raw. The clash of sensations was unbelievable, the fear igniting her desires like never before ... the submission fanning the flames until they became an inferno at her pussy lips. She groaned and gasped, mirroring her Master’s groans of pleasure.

  ‘Yes ...’ Kate breathed, her pupils dilating with pleasure. The sight of her pleasure only heightened Alex’s and soon the burning at her buttocks was a pleasant throbbing in time with her Master’s thrusts. Suddenly Alex threw her head back and screamed, at the same time she felt her Master’s come filling her and then she shuddered as she felt his come sliding down her quivering thighs.

  She cried out as he pulled himself free, his palm slapping across her wounded buttocks. ‘One more for you?’ he demanded angrily.

  Kate slowly stood, backing away, ‘Master, I ...’

  He tucked himself away and fastened his jeans before bending to pick up the crop that he had dropped, ‘Come here,’

  Kate knew better than to argue and she approached him, her head bowed. He motioned for her to drop her trousers and then turn round. She did so, her hands resting on Alex’s buttocks, her fingers spread. Alex gasped as she pressed against the fresh welts.

  ‘Ever since that whore broke into my house ...’ the crop sliced her buttocks and she gritted her teeth, holding back her cry, ‘... you have been forgetting your place.’

  His anger drove the crop across her buttocks and she tipped her head back, screaming loudly. After several more blows, she dug her nails into Alex’s buttocks and they both screamed. The crop found her thighs and she cried pitifully, her legs weakening. More terrible blows fell before he was sated. Sobbing, she fell over Alex’s back. Alex felt her eyes burn with her own tears as Kate’s hot tears rolled down her back.

  Kate suddenly cried out and sobbed again, her pitiful sounds accompanied by her Master’s grunts as he ravaged her beautiful arse. His hand slapped her ruined buttocks as he drove into her, satisfying his anger further as his pleasure built. Then he grunted loudly and held himself deep inside her.

  When their Master had left, they sat on the floor of the dungeon, both too tired to move. Alex stared at the dried tears on Kate’s cheeks and cleared her throat softly, making the other woman look up. ‘Are you okay?’

  Kate frowned, as if the question confused her. Eventually she sighed, ‘It never used to be like this ... it used to be ... better ...’

  ‘Before I came?’ Alex asked fearfully.

  Again Kate frowned at her question but then she remembered what Gary had said and she slowly shook her head, ‘It started long before you arrived, if anything, you are merely the catalyst for what has happened today ... nothing more.’

  ‘I’m sorry ...’

  Kate laughed sadly, ‘You are a strange one, aren’t you?’

  It was Alex’s turn to frown.

  ‘After what has been done to you ... beaten, stripped of your freedom and your ... virginity ... you feel the need to apologise to me?’

  Alex stared at the floor, ‘You have taken a lot from me ... but you have given me plenty.’

  ‘Pleasure?’ Kate smiled.

  Alex nodded.

  ‘And pride?’

  She looked up, her reaction as easy to read as a book.

  Kate smiled, ‘As a slave, you learn to read people.’ She was silent for a moment before she asked, ‘You like it when I praise you, don’t you?’

  ‘It makes me feel good,’ Alex replied, the acknowledgement making her wonder whether it really was just thoughts of her missing friend that kept her here.

‘Pleasure is the key - however you find it,’ Kate announced, ‘there is still much ahead of you ...’

  Alex looked up fearfully.

  ‘Master wants you as a slave, I want you as a slave.’

  ‘And what am I now?’

  ‘A toy ...’ she replied with a smile, ‘... but you could become more.’

  Alex sighed and shook her head, ‘This world is still so strange to me.’

  Kate nodded her agreement, lost for a moment in thought. After a few moments she asked, ‘Do you really find it so pleasurable to feel pride?’

  ‘It’s a new experience for me.’

  ‘Really?’ Kate leant forward, ‘Tell me more.’

  ‘There’s not much to tell.’

  Kate’s eyes bore into hers and then roved over her naked, glimmering skin, ‘There’s always a story ... tell me yours.’

  Alex sighed, shaking her head, ‘You have my future in your hands, you want my past too?’

  Kate stood slowly and silently moved to the other side of the room. When she returned she was carrying a wicked looking flogger, harsher looking than the one she had previously wielded. ‘Now that you have had your first proper taste of the whip, punishments will be given swiftly and without mercy. Your training continues, it didn’t end with Master’s cock inside you or his hand on the crop that sliced your arse. Do you understand me?’

  ‘Yes, Miss,’ Alex whispered, fear making her voice quiver ... something else made her voice hoarse.

  She lifted the flogger, ‘Lie back, hands behind your back.’

  ‘Miss ... please ...’

  ‘Shall I double the punishment?’

  Alex lay on her back, tears already pooling in her eyes. She put her hands behind her back and closed her eyes, already knowing where the flogger would land. Her hands at the base of her spine had lifted her chest, her small breasts now lifted for punishment. The flogger landed across her breasts and her back arched even more as she gasped loudly. The next blow fell quickly and then the next. Five blows in all sliced her soft mounds and she whimpered as she was allowed to sit back up.

  ‘Tell me,’ Kate continued as if nothing had happened.

  For a moment, Alex couldn’t think beyond the burning at her breasts and the reignited burn at her buttocks. Finally she managed to find her voice, ‘I grew up in foster care and ran away to the streets when I was fifteen,’ Alex explained slowly, ‘I don’t remember much of those first couple of years but then I fell in with some guys - mostly for protection. One guy taught me how to rob places and then he would fence the stuff I nicked. He got put away and I ended up with a druggie who made me break in to houses so I could fund his habit.’ She sighed, to hear it all out loud made it sound so pathetically empty. She sighed again, ‘I’ve done nothing in my life that I am proud of.’ She thought of Mia and the quest that had brought her to into this house in the first place, ‘Nothing ... yet.’

  Kate was silent for a moment before she said, ‘The way you took that crop earlier that was something to be proud of.’

  Alex thought of the pleasure that had followed and shuddered.

  Her reaction must have been obvious because Kate moved to stroke her breast, ‘Go get the dildo, let’s see if we can’t forget our woes ... if just for a little while.’

  Alex wanted to ask her what she meant but Kate had given her a command, one that she was eager to obey more than she wanted to quell her curiosity.


  ‘So, he fucked you then,’

  Alex eyes snapped open and she moved to sit up but both her hands were bound above her head. She struggled, confused. Kate only ever bound one of her wrists at night, why was she so secured?

  A harsh laugh made her look towards the end of the bed where Maria was standing. In her hand she had two more pairs of handcuffs and it became clear that it was she who had secured Alex’s other wrist while she had slept deeply. Smiling nastily, she used the cuffs so secure Alex’s slim ankles to the foot of the bed, her legs spread. Then she moved to stand at the side, leaning forward to stroke the healing welts across her breasts. Alex quivered, her lips curling with disgust. Maria noticed the look and her eyes hardened. ‘I made you a promise ...’ she announced coldly and lifted a large phallus. Alex stared at it. So much had happened in the past weeks that the phallus was only vaguely familiar but as she stared at it, she remembered when the other woman had cut her hair in the bathroom.

  ‘Please ...’ she whispered, although she knew that any words were worthless.

  Maria stared at her, ‘A promise is a promise,’ she announced and stood up, stripping her clothes off and standing naked before her. Alex couldn’t help but study the smooth curves. She was a different shape to Kate, softer and rounder ... but just as attractive in that different way. Alex felt her nipples harden and she knew that the other woman would notice.

  ‘Where is Miss?’ Alex whispered.

  ‘She is busy with your Master ...’ her eyes twinkled nastily, ‘... although I’m sure that he is enjoying himself far more than she is.’ She slowly fastened the dildo around her waist, ‘I would have preferred to fuck her while her Master beat her but ... beggars can’t be choosers.’

  Alex didn’t understand Maria. She was starting to understand Kate, or at least have an insight into the passions that drove her. She could also understand their Master’s desires. But Maria was a mystery and that was just further evidence of her own, continued, inexperience.

  Maria climbed onto the bed and Alex gasped fearfully when she realised that the other woman was going to fuck her immediately, with no build up. She tensed as the tip of the phallus pressed between her labia lips, gritting her teeth as it stretched her pussy slowly. And then suddenly it was inside her and Alex was gasping with the wonderful sting of it. It was thicker and longer than her Master’s cock and its penetration would have been painful had her desire not quickly risen in response to the pleasant friction that accompanied its insertion. Maria’s legs felt hot against her inner thighs and she pulled involuntarily at the cuffs at her ankles, desperate to lift her knees and increase the penetration.

  ‘You’re a filthy fucking slut, aren’t you?’ Maria laughed, pressing her pelvis against Alex’s, ‘How about you beg me to release your ankles and ...’ she pulled back and slammed forward, making Alex groan loudly, tossing her head, ‘... then you can wrap those skinny little pins around me ... eh?’ She slammed forward again, arching her back so that she could get her mouth to Alex’s nipple. She sucked hard at the swollen bud, drawing blood up into the surrounding flesh. Her teeth grazed the sensitive flesh and Alex gave a stifled cry.

  ‘You make any sound louder than that and I am going to gag you and shove my whole hand up your pussy ...’ she smiled down at Alex, her eyes glinting with the clear hope that Alex would make more noise.

  ‘Please ...’ Alex whispered and shook her head, she was so sick of hearing herself say that. She heard the word over and over, rebounding around her skull as the phallus slid into her once more. The pleasant friction continued, making her pussy throb.

  ‘Are you ready to come yet?’ Maria sighed, as if bored. Alex glared at her, sweat beading her brow. She clenched her lips together, her teeth grinding behind them. Maria laughed and flicked her tongue over the pulsating muscle in Alex’s jaw, making her quiver. Her tongue travelled further, tracing a wet line down her neck and then back up to her ear. ‘I’m gonna make you fucking come ...’ she whispered, ‘... and then you are going to show me how grateful you are.’ She slammed into her, clamping a hand over her mouth when Alex cried out. Alex’s eyes widened as an electric shock of submissive pleasure seared through her. She pulled at the bonds, the chaffing of the cuffs igniting further sensations. The pleasure that was building at her pussy suddenly encompassed her entire being and she was writhing beneath Maria, screaming against her hand.

  She had ba
rely come down from her shuddering climax when Maria released her bonds and made her stand so that she could slip the phallus around her waist. As she fastened it, Alex glanced towards the door.

  ‘Go ahead,’ Maria told her as she lay back on the bed and spread her thighs, ‘I’d love to hear the way you will scream when your Master gets his hands on you and realises that you are trying to escape.’

  Alex glared at her, her hands tightening into fists.

  Maria slowly sat up, amusement falling from her eyes and leaving a cold, hard stare behind. ‘Enjoy your rebellion while it lasts ... your training has only just begun.’

  Alex snorted angrily.

  ‘You think that feeling the lash and losing your virginity was the main part of your training?’ Maria snarled, ‘They are going to break you, slut, they are going to make you submit to them and then that little rebellious streak of yours ... it will be gone forever.’

  The look on Alex’s face made it clear that she didn’t believe her but Maria was too aroused to push the point any further. She fell back on the bed and beckoned Alex, ‘You know what to do.’

  Alex’s stomach rolled as she knelt between the other woman’s thighs. Slowly, she positioned the phallus and then rested her hands on the bed either side of Maria’s breasts.

  ‘You want to hurt me, don’t you?’ Maria groaned as Alex slid the phallus into her and then slowly pulled back, ‘Go ahead, fuck me as hard as you can ... I dare you.’

  Alex gritted her teeth, she wanted nothing more than to do just that, to hurt the woman as she had been hurt. The thought of doing just that made her feel both sick and aroused at the same time. Suddenly she felt Maria’s ankles crossing over her back and she gasped as she was pulled forward, her sides crushed as Maria tipped her head back and groaned with pleasure. Alex tried to pull back but Maria held her tightly, squeezing her small frame between her strong thighs.

  ‘Please ...’ Alex gasped breathlessly.

  Sighing angrily, Maria released her and lifted her hands to grip her breasts, ‘Just fuck me then you stupid whore.’


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