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Threads of Blood and Silk: The stone Wielder's Legacy Trilogy Book 2

Page 10

by Karelynn Spacek

  A sickening thought crossed my mind˗˗˗would Jared betray me if the price was right? Were all Stone Walker’s prone to greed like Katherine had been? In my gut a resounding no chimed in. He hadn’t done anything to suggest otherwise. My silly imagination was just getting the better of me.

  “You’re thinking about Katherine, aren’t you?”

  “Is it that obvious?” I didn’t think my face had betrayed my turmoil˗˗˗guess I was wrong.

  “Pardon the expression, but you look like your marching in a funeral procession.”

  “In a way, I feel like I am. This was the last place we spoke, and now she’s dead.”

  The early hour warranted a scarce number of other individuals besides us. If questioned, we could claim that waving a lantern around was part of some religious practice. There were numerous ones to choose from, so it was a believable cover story. Now where do we point the darn thing? Our options were limited. We were surrounded by pink granite and not much else.

  “The portal is key.” Jared said aloud.

  “What’s that?” I wasn’t sure if he was directing his musings to me or not.

  “That’s the final line of the Haiku.”

  “Ah, got it.” I honed in on the tower’s entrance. Blocks of smooth pink granite lined a curved archway, coming together to a central apex. The center focal point was a stone with exaggerated angles and rose higher than the rest. An idea dawned on me. Thank you dad for bestowing me with your lessons in stone masonry. It was a keystone.

  “Point the lantern to the stone right above the door.” I said, confident in my cleverness. Jared pulled out a lighter and set the wick aflame. He held the lantern above his head, focusing the glow of the flame on the keystone. Words appeared.

  “How did you know?” Jared asked.

  “My dad taught me about different building techniques, including medieval stone-laying.” I paused. “And what does every doorway in medieval castles have˗˗˗a keystone.”

  “Nice work dear.”

  “Okay okay, knock it off. What does it say?”

  An ancient peak sleeps;

  Where gods roam and mortals pray

  A column will bleed

  “A column that bleeds, sounds ominous,” I said.

  “That it does, and I have a feeling that we are being directed to use the red glass pane again.”

  “According to Edgington, this should be the final poem. Lapisera’s Dagger is within our grasp.”

  “I can’t believe how close we are.”

  “We are, and that’s all that matters.”

  Once we had the dagger, it was a matter of discovering the means necessary to reverse the spell cast on Azulyria. I doubt waving it around was going to cut it, but there was no sense in panicking over it yet. We still needed to get our hands on the dagger first.

  “Should we stay here or take off?” I questioned.

  “No, we should get out of here and find a safe place to lie low until we can solve the final poem, and if luck remains on our side, our favorite stalker won’t have caught up with us.”

  Ah yes, the ever present threat of our female assailant trying to get to the dagger first. I’m surprised that she hasn’t made another appearance. Katherine had us detained for hours, plenty enough time to sufficiently track us down. The lack of activity was unnerving.

  “It’s been too quiet Jared. I’m beginning to think that she is plotting her next move, and is letting us wonder if she’s still on our tail.” If this had been a case I was working, the next logical step would be to search for all female Stone Walkers associated with the southwestern United States, since that’s where this all began, but no such database existed. Humans were unaware of creatures like Jared, and that’s how it would stay.

  “Don’t let her rattle you Alex. We won’t be stopped without a fight.” He meant to be encouraging˗˗˗I just wasn’t moved by it, not when I could see a line of worry accompanying his optimism. That whole theory about letting us do the heavy lifting was gaining credence. It would be the most efficient way to get what she wants.

  ֍ ֍ ֍

  A woman in her late fifties with gold streaked auburn hair smiled with a calculating tilt. Her sunglasses and silk scarf gave the illusion of a Hollywood starlet enjoying a stroll in the sun.

  “Don’t worry human, I’ll get you when the time is right. Soon I’ll have that dagger, and Jared will have no choice but to join me on my conquest.” A soft chuckle pressed past her lips, drawing a glance from the couple standing nearby. Let them look. My eyes were on the prize that stood a mere 30 feet from my location. The enchantment was still holding strong.

  ֍ ֍ ֍

  We left the lighthouse with a new wave of determination coursing through our veins. That, and there was a sense of unease that I just couldn’t shake. We would see if the French countryside had more secrets to share.


  Birds chirping were a welcome start to the day. Tourony France offered a scenic landscape with plenty of spots to pitch a tent if you fancied spending a night in the wilderness. A local shop had provided us with the necessities at a decent price. Setting up in the woods was a far safer option than another exposed hotel room. If need be we could use the natural surroundings to our advantage. Deconstructing a tent would ensure a hastier escape over dealing with the bothersome task of checking in/out procedures.

  The wrinkled space next to me was empty when I rolled over to stretch. Jared must already be up doing his perimeter sweep. It was a precaution, do a check in the morning and a check in the evening before going to sleep. We had spent the last two days here trying to solve the final Haiku. Delays aside, I was kind of digging the outdoorsy lifestyle, except for the lack of plumbing. Even a woman like me had her preferred creature comforts.

  Since he was off making sure we hadn’t attracted any unwanted attention, I had a chance to practice with the sword Dr. Edgington insisted I carry. A lot of good it has done me so far˗˗˗I got captured by my former boss and barely survived a fight with her. Dodging a barrage of bullets was no easy feat either.

  I was still reluctant to use it, but mostly because I didn’t know how. Sword fighting wasn’t exactly a required skill set for new agents to learn at the bureau, and it never really interested me as a hobby to pursue.

  Think Alex, you’ve seen plenty of battle montages, just copy what they do. I shifted into what I thought to be a proper defensive stance and raised the sword to face off against an invisible opponent.

  A broadsword styled blade capped an antique hilt, the darkened surface wrapped in strips of blue leather which matched a tassel that cascaded from the pommel. I gave it a few twirls and found the weight to be well balanced. It would be embarrassing to carry a weapon that you couldn’t even lift. They made it look so easy on T.V. Combatants dancing circles around each other like a rehearsed routine, at times it was mesmerizing to watch.

  Hacking away with all my strength, a poor tree suffered at my hand. Jagged splinters gathered in piles near its base.

  “What are you doing to that poor tree?” I jumped mid strike, not realizing that Jared had returned.

  “Before you startled me, I was practicing with the sword Dr. Edgington gave me.”

  “I wouldn’t classify what you were doing as sword practicing, more like amateur lumberjacking with the wrong tool. Your footwork alone would be enough for an attacker to defeat you.” His blunt honesty stung a bit.

  “I’ve never used a sword before, so of course there’s going to be room for improvement. What makes you such an expert anyways?”

  “I may have taken lessons when I was a teenager.” He remarked in a sheepish way that made me feel self-conscious.

  “Of course you did,” I spat. Handling negative criticism tended to be difficult for me sometimes. Can’t you tell?

  “Alex, I wasn’t trying to hurt you. Let me help, and together we’ll turn you into a sword wielding warrior.”

  I don’t know about that. It would take years of rigorous training
and instruction to call myself a warrior, but what the hell do I know? Jared could be an excellent teacher, and I might progress quicker than I thought.

  The dread of inadequacy was foreign to me. Never in my life had learning been such a chore or this painful. Trying to wield a sword had taken the wind from my smooth sailing. Jared’s crash course opened me to basic stances and blocking tactics, and right when I thought I was catching on, his sharp critiques were a stab to the gut. I knew it was for my own good, yet that didn’t make the barbs any less piercing.

  “Come on Alex, stop pouting and try again. You can do this.”

  “I am trying. I’m sorry that my subpar human reflexes aren’t cutting it.”

  Less than exemplary performances were embarrassing, and I tended to lash out with disgruntled whining and harsh insults. In part, I blamed Jeremy Golden for my explosive behavior. Even now, remnants from my past still had negative side effects on me.

  It wasn’t everyday that you learn that your former boss tried to have you killed by a serial rapist and all around monster. That kind of blow lingers. I guess this latest outburst was evidence that I still hadn’t fully recovered from the trauma they both had caused.

  “What does you being human have anything to do with your ability to handle a sword?”

  Katherine’s condescending laughter rang in my ears. “Despite Katherine’s claims of amicability towards me, it was clear than her affection towards the human population went far beyond hatred, so who’s to say that one day you might share her radical views?” My insecurities were being tested.

  “How can you ask me that? Damn it Alex, I told you I loved you, and I meant it.”

  Jared was in front of me in an instant, his hand pushing the sword from my grasp. “Your race doesn’t matter. I love you just the way you are.” He tilted my face to meet his eyes, their intensity taking me aback.

  I was on the brink of tears from this latest admission, and I felt strangely empowered. Jared’s sincere declaration filled me with a strength that sent my heart into overdrive.

  He lowered his face to draw me into a chaste kiss, the brush of his lips igniting a tidal wave of heat. When Jared went to pull away, my arms locked around his neck, trapping him against my chest. I wanted more than an innocent peck. Better yet, I needed to feel his commitment like I needed air to breath.

  Thoughts of Katherine and how I almost let her destroy my trust in Jared faded away. I broke our connection only for a moment.

  “I love you too.” His mouth was back on mine, hungry and demanding to satisfy our mutual excitement.

  Ridges of grainy bark jabbed into my back from being pressed against a nearby tree. We couldn’t seem to get our clothes off fast enough. This was a re-awakening, a re-emergence of solidarity that made life worth living. And nothing was more solid than a love that transcended across races to bring two souls together.

  As Jared laid me down on the forest floor, I knew without a doubt that I had finally found true happiness.


  Blades of grass decorated my hair, which was a bird’s nest by the way. Our enthusiastic display had started at the tree and ended on the forest floor.

  “Did you happen to see where my bra landed?” I asked Jared, who lazily yawned to hide his smirk.

  “Rattle your brain that much huh˗˗˗I guess that means that I did a thorough job of proving myself to you then.” Yes, and I enjoyed every second.

  “You shouldn’t have had to prove yourself to me in the first place. I let Katherine get in my head more than I would like to admit.” I looked away in shame.

  “Alex, look at me.” Icy blue and pale green collided. “I promise you, not all Stone Walkers are like her. She let bigotry and greed rule above all else. I would never betray you like that.”

  “Good to hear, because I would really hate to have to castrate you.” I was exaggerating of course. Even enraged, I don’t think that I could go through with it. He shot me a panicked grimace. I think he got the message.

  The rapid beating of wings preceded a tinkling laugh. I knew that bothersome tone. She manifested before either of us could fully cover up. Hope you’re ready to get an eye full Maliya. I was still reveling in post coital bliss, so I very much doubt that she could say anything to ruin it.

  “Why hello my favorite wandering trav˗˗˗” Mid air, she hung with an animated expression that relayed her utter shock at our state of undress. Forest nymphs, it would seem, gravitated towards the modest end of the spectrum. Patches of red tinted her cheeks as she spun around.

  “Maliya, I didn’t take you as a creature that faltered at the mere sight of a little skin.” Both Jared’s and my upper halves were exposed. My grin widened, bemused at her discomfort. “So firefly, why are you here?”

  “You’re not getting anything out of me until you cover up.” I still hadn’t found my bra. My tank top would have to suffice on its own.

  “Alright you prude, you can turn around now.” She blew past my insult and launched straight into a tirade about morals and indecent exposure.

  That tiny-winged hypocrite, where does she get off yelling at us, when she was the one shamelessly flirting with Jared, and implied that she wanted to sleep with him? Flash some tit and she turns into an uptight nun. I wasn’t going to waste my breath on pointing it out. Let her rant, maybe she would pass out from all the extra exertion.

  “That’s quite enough Maliya,” Jared said. She had the audacity to flaunt a forlorn frown, as if interrupting her was a slap to the face. “Please answer Alex, why are you here?”

  “If you insist, I came to check on your progress. The two of you were bound and determined to make it to that lighthouse. I wanted to see if you were successful.” I guess she hadn’t found some other unfortunate soul to pester.

  “Because of your assistance we made it there just fine, and found what we were looking for,” I said. My lack of animosity surprised her. She paid it no heed and continued.

  “Glad to know that we didn’t fix that lantern for nothing. I assume then that you found your poem.”

  “We did, but I don’t see how that concerns you.”

  To be satiated beyond your wildest dreams was fine and dandy, but the effect would hold back my ire for only so long. Maliya was overstaying her welcome.

  Jared left us, retreating to the tent to redress. We shared a look that chased away any worry over leaving me alone with Maliya and her pretentious bragging.

  “I could easily undo the magic that fixed it in the first place. Is that what you want?” She could try. I’d squash her into the ground first. It would be just enough to knock her out˗˗˗nothing lethal.

  “Threatening us, that’s not very classy behavior.”

  “It’s not a threat, merely a bargaining tool to satisfy my curiosity.” She could word it however she liked˗˗˗I knew a threat when I heard one. Hers would jeopardize our mission. If I played along, maybe she would go away.

  “Are all nymphs conniving or is just you?”

  “We forest nymphs do not like being taken advantage of you see. If you shared our small stature, you would understand.” Short or tall, no one likes being taken advantage of. I could sympathize.

  She wasn’t the only one who didn’t handle vulnerability that well. I chose to be overly assertive, while she chose to act like a lush.

  “Your height issues aren’t reason enough to threaten people or treat them poorly.”

  “That’s a riot coming from you.” She had me there. I couldn’t blame my entire discourteous candor on forces beyond my control. The high and mighty remarks were of my own creation, driven by jealousy and insecurity. Conflict of any kind brought out the worst in me, especially when an uninvited guest drops in and flirts with my man. No woman would be unfazed by that.

  I could have been less catty about it, along with not trying to maim her. These new animal instincts would take some getting used to. Going around trying to incapacitate or kill anyone that pissed me off would not bode well for our plan to st
ay off the radar. Jared had reassured me of my place in his life, so except for the usual wisecracks, my anger should be less volatile.

  “Fair point˗˗˗I haven’t been the kindest to you, although you must admit that I had every right to be upset with your questionable behavior.” I said, narrowing my eyes.

  “Touché human˗˗˗We have both acted rather unladylike, haven’t we?” That was putting it mildly. If we were comparing score, a wanton display of affection topped my aggression.

  “You knock off calling me human, and I will stop the derogatory jabs at your species.”

  “I agree to your terms.” She says that now, but I was still going to keep my guard up around her.

  “Since we have called a truce, I’ll be direct. Checking on our progress wasn’t the only reason you decided to show up, so let’s have it.”

  “Whatever gave you that impression?” her eyes darted back and forth.

  “Oh, how about we start with the way you keep eyeballing my backpack when you think no one is paying attention.” Maliya shared more traits with her fairy cousins than she would like to admit.

  “Hehe, you caught me. Sometimes it’s hard to ignore the predispositions of my people.”

  They were all pint-sized kleptomaniacs that took what didn’t belong to them. If the spoils included shiny treasure, I could only imagine their reaction.

  “The only object of substantial value is the lantern, and you aren’t getting your grubby little hands on it. By our calculations, we should be on the final poem, but that doesn’t mean that it won’t be utilized down the road.” Even if it wasn’t, the lantern didn’t belong to her. By right, it was Jared’s.

  “Do you mind if I take a peek at this poem you speak of?”

  I didn’t see how a nymph could help us crack it, so why would she want to see it? Her motives could be innocuous as boredom, or worse, they could be nefarious. She could have been in cahoots with Katherine. Deciding which would have to wait. For now, I think I could appease her. She might surprise me, and actually have a useful contribution.


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