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The Mating Call: Drekinn Series

Page 9

by Jana Leigh

  He ravaged her mouth, not being gentle, he was claiming their mating, and she could feel it. Never had she felt such a connection with another person. Usually when she had sex, she only wanted her pleasure; she really didn't care whether the guy got off or not. She was a demanding lover. But she had nothing on Kade.

  He explored her mouth, claiming every single inch he could touch. His lips burned a path from one side of her mouth to the other. When he pulled back, she could see his wolf in his eyes, and she loved the feeling of letting go with someone.

  He kissed up to her ear and nipped the lobe before claiming her mouth again and palming her breast. Thank the gods she was so flexible, because she pushed up with her thighs, trying to get his cock to enter her. He lifted up, avoiding her, and she made a noise of protest. The tingling between her legs was becoming hard to ignore. She needed.

  "Please, I need you to take me," she cried.

  "Not yet, I need to taste my mate first. I think you will be my new favorite flavor." Kade said and slid down her body, kissing her the whole way, stopping for a minute to tease each of her nipples back into peaked buds. He pulled her legs out from under her and held her up by her ass.

  Without taking off her thong, he bent down and licked her through her underwear. She almost came off the bed with the friction of the lace running over her already engorged clit. Shit, he was amazing; she thought, and then ran her hands up her body and played with her nipples as she let him lick her most private area.

  "That's it, sugar, pinch them nice and hard, so I can see how pink they are from here," Kade said, and she moaned and did as he asked.

  Kade pulled on the thongs so the thin string pressed into her, she moved her hips around, trying to get the friction again. But he pulled her thong off with one snap, and she waited. She could feel his breath on her mound, and knew he was waiting for something. She just didn't know what.

  Finally, she looked down at him and growled, "What the hell are you waiting for?"

  "You. I said to play with those nipples until I told you to stop, you stopped. I stop," he said simply and held her eyes with his, and she slowly ran her hands back up to where her breasts were. Taking each nipple between two of her fingers she tugged. While holding her eyes, he bent and licked her from back to front.

  Calli couldn't help it; she plucked at her nipples as he held her eyes and circled her clit with his tongue. The tension in the air was building. She could feel the anticipation from both. He grinned and said, "I was right; Calli is my new favorite flavor. Now you keep one of your hands on your breast and give me the other hand."

  Calli was confused, but the lust was clouding her vision. She did as he asked, and he pulled her hand with his to her opening and together pulled one of both of their fingers inside. She moaned and moved her hips a little to take them deeper. She wanted to feel it.

  Slowly, he manipulated his finger in and out with hers. "Come on, sugar, and help me pleasure you. Let's see if you can multitask," she felt the sting of a pinch on her ass. "Hand on nipple and fuck yourself with your fingers while I take care of your little, shining bud trying to get my attention."

  No one ever talked to her like this during sex. The grunts and moans were usually all that she remembered. Kade's orders and him wanting her to help him bring her to orgasm was taking over all of her senses.

  When he sucked her clit into his mouth the first time, she cried out. Then he set the pace. Flicking her nub with his tongue and moving her hand in and out of her while watching her play with her nipples. Damn, talk about multitasking. She felt the tingle and burn of her orgasm building. Just when she thought, she was going to go over the edge, he pulled back quickly.

  "Oh, hell no, you don't cum unless I'm inside you. Do you understand? From now on, no more of your little toys that I found in your table. The only way you get off is if I am with you. Then I can tease you all I want, but you will not come until I'm inside you. Are we clear?" he whispered.

  She whimpered and nodded. "Please."

  They both knew that shifters didn't get diseases, and they couldn't get pregnant until they were fully mated. So he slid up her body and then paused at her entrance. She was barely breathing because she wanted him so bad. If she made any move, she was afraid he would pull back, and Calli was so close to the edge, if she wasn't allowed to cum soon she was going to go crazy. Her wolf was head butting her from the inside; letting her know to bare her throat in submission even though he would not bite her yet.

  Calli turned her head and arched her neck, so he could have access, and Kade growled. "Fuck yeah, sugar. Now we'll get down to business."

  Kade bit gently on her neck, being careful not to break skin. He entered her with one long stroke, and she gasped at the feeling of fullness. He was fucking huge. Kade paused, allowing her body to become accustom to his size.

  "You ready, sugar?" he said and kissed her shoulder. She looked at him in the eyes.

  "Fuck me, hard," she demanded and then threw her head back when he pulled out of her and slammed back into her. The pace he set was frantic.

  Calli moved right along with him, making sure that he was getting enjoyment too; she kissed and petted his body. It was slick from sweat, and her hands ran over him smoothly. The sensations were amazing.

  Kade pumped into her and kissed her neck and lips. Making sure that she was with him the whole way. She had never had such an amazing lover. He was taking care of her and making sure she was okay. His whispered into her ear every time he entered her and was driving her nuts.

  "Do you like that, sugar? How does that feel? Do you like my big cock? You are mine, and will always be mine. After tonight you do not look at another man like you will look at me. I will never stray from you; your pussy is like hot gold. I love the way we feel together."

  Calli could not answer him if she tried. Her breaths were coming in pants, and she sunk her nails in his ass and pulled him to her tighter. Kade picked up the amazing speed, and she felt the tingle begin, and then screamed out in frustration when he slowed down.

  "No," she screamed and he chuckled.

  "Not until I say so, do you hear me?" he said.

  She nodded her head and then focused on his eyes, while they were staring at each other, he began to pick up the pace again, lifting her a little, so he stroked across her clit when he entered her.

  It wasn't long before they were right back where she was ready to explode. Holding each other's gaze. Kade said in a firm tone. "Now," and she went over the edge at the same time she felt him release inside her. Pumping slowly to draw out her pulsing orgasm, he continued to whisper to her.

  "I am in heaven, sugar; we are never going to leave this bed again. I could live between your legs forever."

  "You are my world now; I will do everything to protect you and love you," he said and kissed her neck and then fell asleep beside her.

  Chapter 11

  Kade heard his communicator go off. Since he was so new in the job, it could only be a few people, and all of them would not call him unless it was important. He rolled over; careful to make sure he didn't disturb Calli, who was still sound asleep.

  "Kade," he said into the communicator without turning on the picture. He didn't need anyone seeing his mate naked.

  "Sir, uh, we need you to come up to the girl's apartment. There has been a threat," Thomas said.

  Calli sat up in bed and growled.

  "On our way," Kade said and threw the phone on the bed. Calli was trying to find her clothes, and he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back to him. She swatted his hands.

  "Boss, remember? I am your superior right now, and so let go of the ta-ta's and let's get moving," she said.

  Kade laughed and squeezed her breast one more time for good measure and kissed her neck and then said briskly, "Yes, ma'am."

  Calli snorted, crawled from the bed and walked toward the closet naked. She was stunning; he thought and then looked around for his bag. Wait, he didn't have his bag, shit he left it
in the living room.

  Calli stuck her head out of the closet and said, "Apparently, Ms. Praton didn't think we had enough stuff. We have clothes in here."

  He nodded and before long they were dressed in their work gear and headed for the transport pad. Kiki and Thomas must have spent the night upstairs. Their witness was fine upstairs as well as down here. He had faith in his mate's friends.

  Kade grabbed her hand as they walked into the apartment where everyone was gathered. Kiki was laying on the couch on her stomach with her feet in the air, reading the newspaper. The rest were all at the workstation, frantically typing on the key board and talking on their communicators.

  Thomas stepped forward and nodded to them, "It came in last night, but we didn't get it until this morning when Ms. Cherri opened her computer."


  Would these assholes never realize, not to fuck with her friends? Calli thought she had made it clear years ago, to the former leader of the Ulfer.

  They walked over to the screen, and it showed their office building with three targets placed on it. One on each of their windows. They knew exactly where they were. Not good, Calli thought and then glanced at the screen again.

  "Where was this picture taken?" she asked.

  Rissa looked up at her and grimaced, "Our own security cameras. They hacked the Drekinn system."

  "How is that even fucking possible? We have security in place for our security. Seriously, how did they do it?" Calli said and began to pace back and forth.

  They were going to die. No one put a target on her friends back and got away with it. They were her Pack, her family. Her mind screamed and raged, and she felt Kade next to her lay his hand on her shoulder, and she turned to him, ready to blast him out if the water with her sharp tongue.

  "My Pack, my wolves," he whispered to her, and she stopped in her tracks. Shit, he was right, last night he had taken over, and they all knew it.

  "And one Cougar, don't forget about me. I have decided that I want to be a part of the Barkers Club. So sign me up. Oh, I forgot. 'I, Kiki DeLaru, request to be taken into the Milgren/Young Pack,'" Kiki said and rolled her eyes and then smiled sweetly at the group who was staring at her open mouthed. A cat in a Pack, it was kinda unheard of.

  Calli shrugged and raised her hand. Then Rissa and Cherri raised their hands. The female Enforcers, who had no vote in this whatsoever, raised their hands. Thomas stood with his hands at his side and looked round the room and then swore under his breath and raised his hand.

  "What the hell?" Kade and Calli said together as they felt all the people in the room join with them. They were a Pack. All of them.

  "That isn't supposed to be able to happen," Calli whispered. They changed the law, and a Warlock did the spell. No one in the city limits of New York who was a shifter could make a Pack or Organization of shifters that was not blood bound or mated.

  They all looked around the room and Rissa said, "Does that mean one of the chicks is our mate? Cause I'm not really feeling it."

  Kiki looked at Rissa and laughed, "I don't think so. But you should totally come to the dark side. We have cookies and shit!"

  "Oh, okay, but make them chocolate chip, they're my favorite. What are we doing now?" Rissa said and turned back to her computer. Cherri just shook her head. Rissa was just not on the same playing field sometimes. But they loved her anyway, because she was fucking brilliant with a computer.

  Calli stood still shocked at what happened and then looked around the room at the Enforcers, who had been standing at attention, and they were now more relaxed. Like they felt at home. "Are you all Lone Shifters?" She asked. That was the only way this could have happened. But still, there were four of them, and they were only allowed to have two. All of them shook their heads but Thomas, who nodded.

  "What about your families?" she said.

  "I can still feel their connection, but not as strongly as I feel this one. I don't know what to say," Kiki said. "Except I for one am glad, they were a bunch of tight ass muther fuckers that didn't accept me for the real me. Can you imagine? They actually make me wear black trousers for Sunday dinner, and a freaking tie. Who the hell wears trousers anymore, I ask you? Totally, twentieth-century shit."

  Rissa's, Calli's and Cherri's communicators went off at the same time. Calli groaned when she saw who was calling. "Ma, not a real good time," she said answering the communicator briskly. She heard Cherri and Rissa do the same. Then as if all their mothers were in the same room they said, "What the hell just happened?"

  Calli frowned and looked around, and Cherri shrugged her shoulders. "Mom, what are you talking about?" Calli said.

  "One second everything was fine, and I could feel you in the Pack, and the next you were gone. I thought you were dead. I called the others, and they said the same thing happened. Did you do another one of those damn blood oath things? Do you know how hard that was to break? Your father and I demand you get your ass over here with those two and undo this."

  "Oh shit," Calli whimpered and tried to hand the communicator to Kade, who was standing there with a frightened look on his face. He threw it back to her and ran around the dining room table, and Calli growled. "And you call yourself our Alpha," she sneered.

  "I am, all except when your mother is involved, seriously, she scares the shit out of me," Kade whispered.

  "I heard that, Kade dear, and there is no reason to be afraid. Did my daughter just call you her Alpha?" her mother preened into the communicator, and Cherri, Rissa and Calli groaned, because their mothers all squealed.

  "The first one has fallen, I told you bitches it would be my daughter too. You all owe me a hundred. And I expect your whole group to be here on Sunday for planning. We have a lot to take care of," Calli's mother's voice floated around the room like a proud screeching ghost.

  "Damn it!" Callie screamed when her mother disconnected. "I swear the woman has a fuckin' beacon where I'm concerned. She doesn't do this to my brothers, only me. Of course, my brothers are pussies, but still, they should have to be towing the line too. But NOOOOOO, only me."

  Rissa and Cherri turned back around to the computers and ignored her like it was something they dealt with a lot. Kade didn't know what to say, and the rest of the group just stood there and watched as she ranted and raved about her mother.

  "We kinda need to get back on track here," Kade said gently and broke her tirade. Calli sighed and nodded.

  "Rissa, how the hell did they get into the database?" Calli asked and walked back to the office space.

  "Hang on, before we get started what about this whole Pack thing, your mama said something about blood oath. I gotta tell you, I can't stand the sight of blood, especially my own," Kiki said.

  "We'll figure that out later; I think we're going to have to talk to Ms. Praton and Brooks. And there will be no bloodletting." Kade said firmly.

  "Shhh, don't tell her that, it comes with the actual initiation." Calli said and laughed when the Drag Queen flipped her off.

  'They broke into the Drekinn computer through a very complex, little program. I mean; it's not as hard as what I would have written, because if I want to break into something, I don't leave a trail. But seriously, for armatures, this is good. I would guess they have a newbie on their hands because he made all the classical mistakes someone out of college who has a big head does. But I think I can trace it back to find them. Give me a few hours," Rissa said absently.

  "I'm going to figure out why we are all now a Pack," Cherri said and began to pull up the protective spells that had been put in place against it. "Maybe it has something to do with our DNA. I'm going to need samples from all of you."

  Callie laughed when Kiki went pale, "Kade and I are going to go back downstairs. We will take Kiki and Thomas with us, after they give their sample. We will work with the computers down there to see if we can dig anything up, and also do a little video com link with Ms. Praton and Brooks. I think we need to figure out a different approach to these assholes. And I will
get Kiki looking at photos of known criminals."

  Everyone nodded, Kiki sighed and held out her arm for Cherri. By the time they were back down at their place, Calli had a headache. She was not sure who the hell she pissed off that bad. Sure, criminals hated her and the Enforcers, and she had a lot of enemies, but seriously, this was taking it to the next level. Why did they have to be out of the way before the Bondi King, did what he needed to do? It made no sense.

  "Hey, I'm gonna cook dinner for the Pack, what do you all want?" Kiki announced, and everyone turned and looked at her like she had suddenly grown another head.

  "You cook?" Calli said with her eye's narrowing. There was no way the universe would give them a Drag Queen that could cook real food. It would be just too perfect.

  Kiki snapped her fingers at Calli and said, "I'm not just a gorgeous and beautiful person. I spent my youth in the kitchen with the cook, to stay out of the family's way, so I learned a lot. I saw you had a completely stocked pantry, with fresh veggies and everything."

  "We do?" Calli frowned and walked into the kitchen. Wow, whoever did the shopping was awesomely cool. Fruits and everything.

  Kiki stood behind her as she dug in the cool storage, and pulled out a few apples and then waved at Kiki. "Go ahead, worst we have to do is order out again."

  Kiki hissed, and Calli laughed before leaving the room. She threw Thomas and Kade an apple as she walked across the room. Both men grunted but began to eat. They were pulling up the computers, so they could start to work.

  Calli growled when she saw the screen of her computer again, but she said the right words and opened up her computer. It didn't take long for them all to become engrossed in what they were doing. She could hear Kade speaking to Ms. Praton and Brooks, but she was interested in figuring out why the three of them had been targeted. She could understand herself. She was out there on the streets making herself known, but Cherri and Rissa worked behind the scenes, unless they were with her at an outside event, no one would know they worked together.


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