Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 3: A BWWM Older Man Younger Woman Romance (Matthew and Cara)

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Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 3: A BWWM Older Man Younger Woman Romance (Matthew and Cara) Page 9

by Katie Dowe

“Okay baby let’s try and get your temperature down a little.” Her heart was hammering but her hands steady as she sponged him down with the cold water. By the time the doctor arrived a few minutes later his temperature had gone down a little bit.

  “You did well Mrs. Logan,” the middle aged man said with a smile as he pulled out a stethoscope from his black bag.

  Matthew woke up briefly as he felt the cold steel on his chest. “Liam,” he murmured. “I must be dying for you to be coming to check on me.” He rasped.

  “Not dying at all just an aggressive virus that is going around. I am going to give you some antibiotics and something for the pain and you should be okay in a few days. But I am going to recommend bed rest and Cara you are going to need to keep the children away from this room for a few days until the virus is gone.”

  “You expect my kids to stay away from me for a few days?” Matthew asked him raising his brows.

  “I will make sure they stay out of the room and that he stays in bed.” She said before the doctor could respond.

  The doctor nodded and took out a needle. “I am just going to give you something for the pain and to make you sleep.” He said using a cotton swab dipped in alcohol to wipe on his forearm before sinking the needle into his flesh. Cara went to get some tap water for him to drink and soon after he drifted off to sleep.

  “I will call the pharmacy and let them deliver the medication in a few minutes Cara.” He assured her as they left the room quietly together. “He will be as good as rain in a few days.”

  “Thanks Liam,” she said gratefully showing the man back downstairs.

  “His fever should be down by later today and you can give him a sip of tea with honey and some orange juice.” He said as he took his jacket from one of the maids with a smile and then left.

  She went into the playroom where the children were already up and dressed. Jennifer was there with them. “How is he?” she whispered coming to meet her.

  “He has been given a shot. It’s a bug that is going around and we are going to have to keep the children away from him.

  They turned and looked at them; all three busy with some toy or the other. Mrs. Morgan had gone downstairs to get their breakfast and Elise had gotten the weekend off. “I will take them to the zoo and Mrs. Morgan can come with us.”

  “Thanks Jen,” she told her gratefully going towards them. “Hi babies could you give mommy a little of your time please?”

  She explained to them that daddy was ill and that the doctor had come to see him and given him something for the illness.

  “Can we go and see him mommy? We promise to be real quiet.” It was Janice and her face looked serious as she looked at her mother.

  “We will tiptoe and we won’t make a sound.” Jeremy promised.

  “I am sure you will darlings,” Cara said with a gentle smile touching each of them gently. “But being quiet is not the problem. Daddy is contagious right now so you cannot go near him.”

  “What is contagious?” Joel asked curiously.

  “It means that if you go near him you will catch what he has.” Jennifer explained to them. “So we are going to leave daddy to get well and we are going to the zoo. How does that sound?”

  “Will he be okay?” Janice asked anxiously.

  “He will be fine. The doctor gave him something to make him feel better.” Cara assured them.

  “Can we talk to him on his phone?” Jeremy asked

  “Of course.” Cara said with a smile. “As soon as you come back from the zoo and daddy wakes up.”

  They insisted on making a card and putting their names to it so that she could give it to him when she went back inside the room.

  He was still asleep when she got there and Cara went around tidying up quietly as he slept. She had no intention of leaving him for the day.

  Chapter 9

  As soon as he felt better he wanted to get out of the bed. He opened his eyes late in the afternoon and declared that he was starving. She had rang down to the kitchen and Caleb had sent up a savory beef soup with thin slices of potato bread for him and a large jug of orange juice which he had devoured in no time.

  Cara saw with relief that his color looked better and his eyes were getting back their brightness. The medication had been sent over and she had given him the first dosage right after the meal.

  He had spoken to the kids on the phone and they had told him all about their visit to the zoo. “Joel was scared of the monkey because he kept jumping around on the rails.” Jeremy reported.

  “I was not!” Joel retorted. “I was just frightened that’s all.”

  “We saw some cute baby bears daddy and we wanted to pet them but we could not.” Janice said. “Daddy when are you going to get better?”

  “I am better now sweetie but it’s just that you guys have to stay away because I don’t want you catching what I have.” Her father explained.

  “Couldn’t we just stay at the doorway?” she asked hopefully.

  “Of course not silly, you are still going to catch it.” Joel told her.

  “Joel please do not call your sister silly and Janice honey you will all get to see daddy tomorrow.”

  “Okay mommy,” they said in a subdued voice. “Auntie Jen said we could have pizza for dinner, can we?” Janice asked.

  “May we,” she corrected automatically. “Yes you may darlings and I will be in to see you in a little bit.”

  “Bye daddy get better.” They chorused.

  He was moody and itching to get out of the bed. Cara went to be with the children for a little bit and came back to see him off the bed and pacing the room.

  “What are you doing out of bed?” she asked him as soon as she came into the room and saw him.

  “I am tired of the bed Cara and I am not going back in there until I am ready to sleep tonight,” he warned her, impatiently running his fingers through his ash blonde hair. He had taken off his pajamas and put on lose sweat pants and a fresh white t-shirt. “I just drank a gallon of water and I needed to go to the bathroom. How are the kids and what are they doing?”

  “They just stuffed their adorable faces with pizza and they are now in their rooms watching some cartoons or the other.” Cara stood in front of him. “I know it is hard for you to stay put baby but the doctor says you need rest in order for you to recuperate.” She brushed back his hair gently from off his forehead. She frowned as she realized that he still felt a little bit warm.

  “Aren’t you going to catch what I have?” he asked her curiously allowing her to lead him back to the bed. She had changed the sheets earlier so now there were clean sheets on the bed because he had sweated on the ones before.

  “Liam gave me an injection to prevent that from happening.” She started to get up but he pulled her back down, his hands surprisingly strong on her arms. “Matthew what are you doing?”

  “I missed you,” he whispered.

  “You are not seriously thinking about sex now are you?” she looked at him incredulously.

  “I am a man so what do you think?” he had his hand up her blouse before she could respond, touching her breasts sighing when he realized that she was not wearing a bra. “Tell me you are not thinking about it too?”

  “Matthew you need to concentrate on getting better,” she tried to make her voice sound firm but it came out breathless as his long fingers stroked her nipples slowly.

  “This will help the healing process,” he whispered lifting his head and reaching for her nipple with his lips. Cara shivered and arched her back as he ran his tongue over the stiff bud before closing his mouth over it.

  “Matthew we can’t-“ she stopped abruptly as his teeth grazed her. She had to stop him. She thought feverishly. He was too weak and he needed to get his strength back up but oh Lord the man could make her forget her good intentions.

  He lifted his head, his green eyes darkened to almost black by the desire tumbling through him. “I want you,” he rasped. “I am not going to let some virus stop me
from having you.” He brought her hand down to his crotch and she held on to his rigid penis. “There is going to come a time in my life and I hope it will not be for another forty years, when I am not going to be so hard for you so I intend to take advantage of it when I can.”

  Cara was breathing hard as if she had just run a marathon. He had not been wearing underwear and she was holding on to the warm pulsing flesh, his words having the ability to make her feel weak and needy.

  “I am here for the taking,” she said huskily and pulling her hand away from him, she took off her clothes hastily. He pulled his shirt over his head and shucked his pants and climbed on top of her, easing her legs open and entering her, his eyes holding hers as he went deeper inside her.

  “Christ!” he whispered achingly, resting his head on her forehead. His body was still weak and there was a slight pain in his head but the desire overcame all that and he felt his body shuddering against hers.

  She lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist. “I will do most of the work,” she whispered close to his ear.

  “I don’t mind hanging on for the ride,” he murmured and taking her lips with his, he lifted her hips and showed her how much he needed her.


  Jeanette took a sighing breath as she stood near the window of her bedroom. She had been putting things in order and had spoken to her children and grandchildren about what she would be doing with the house. She had told Janet she would always have a place here and that she had no need to worry about anything. She had amassed quite an amount over the years and she had an insurance policy that was a large amount.

  She turned her eyes up to the dark blue velvety sky and smiled, blinking her eyes to get rid of the wetness there. “I am ready to join you Luther,” she whispered referring to her husband. She had been feeling very tired lately and knew that she did not have long left but there were still so many things to be done.

  The instructions for her prized begonias and orchids, not to mention her vegetable garden around the back and she did not want any of the vegetables sold, they were to be given to the people in the neighborhood and used to supply the center with fresh vegetables every morning. She had checked up on her back account and had made the necessary arrangements. Her daughter’s name was on one and her son on the other. She had met with her lawyer and drawn up the necessary papers. She had left something for Christine and her family so that they would be able to pay off their debt finally and have themselves something left over to enjoy themselves.

  She smiled as she remembered the conversation they had had just last week. They had been tending to the infants in the baby room at the time. “We are thinking of going on a cruise in the summer but we were checking out the cost and it’s way out of our budget. I have not said anything to Cara because I know she would offer to pay for the whole thing but she and her husband have done so much for us already that I am beginning to feel bad about it.”

  “You should not feel that way my dear, she is your friend and that’s what friends are supposed to do for each other.” Jeanette had patted her hands reassuringly. “You and Cara and of course Janet have become like daughters to me and I will never forget how you have made my life fulfilling. Imagine me in my late seventies and still managing to contribute to society.”

  “You are going to be contributing even more for years to come,” she had said hugging the woman fondly.

  She felt the tears coming again and blinked them away. She needed the rest anyway and she had many good memories to take with her.

  She died later that night in her sleep.


  Janet had not heard when her alarm went off. She had started working at Logan’s Software as an accounting clerk and was now assistant to the CFO because she had been diligent and had gone back to school in the evenings and had upgraded herself. She owed a lot to the Logan’s and to Jeanette who had taken her in without charging her rent. She had insisted on paying the bills even though the woman had told her that it was okay. She had come a long way from the girl who had been knocked up by the neighborhood boy and who had been thrown out by her parents. Whenever she looked at herself now she could hardly believe that she had been that person.

  She and Jeanette got along so well and the woman had become like a mother to her. She was earning a good salary with benefits and her son was with a good woman who gave him everything he needed. Life was good.

  She looked around the large airy bedroom that was hers and smiled in satisfaction. She had changed the wallpaper from the faded green and gray ones that had been in there to something more cheerful. She also had the adjoining bathroom that was hers exclusively. She had never had something like this before.

  She slipped into her soft bed slippers and hurried into the bathroom to take a quick shower before coming to the large oval glass over the sink to stare at her reflection. She had stopped wearing weaves as she was trying to learn fashion sense from Cara and Marissa especially and processed her thick black hair allowing it to fall straight to her shoulders. Her dark brown skin was smooth due mostly to the cream she rubbed into her skin at night and she had started going to the gym at work to tone down, the result being that she had started losing the chubbiness that had plagued her since she was a child.

  There was even romance blooming with a young man in the P.R. department at work so she had a lot of things going for her. She got dressed swiftly taking a little time to admire the soft dark green skirt suit she had bought recently at the mall. She had gotten tons of clothes from Marissa but they were not really suitable for office wear. The weather was getting nice out with sun making its presence felt. It was almost the end of April and she was looking forward to summer.

  She made her way towards the kitchen frowning a little bit as she realized that she did not smell the familiar scent of coffee brewing or something delicious cooking for breakfast. Jeanette was an early bird and loved to cook so she did all the cooking and had shooed her out of the kitchen when she had attempted to help her out.

  But the woman was not in the kitchen and there was no coffee brewing. With a sliver of alarm going through her she made her way swiftly to her room. “Jeanette you must be ill for you not to be in the kitchen!” she called out as she knocked on the woman’s door. “Jeanette?” she called out when she did not get an answer. She pushed the door open and saw her on the bed, her eyes closed. She approached the bed cautiously and touched her slightly only to draw back her hand in horror. She quickly felt for a pulse and did not find one. She grabbed the woman close to her and let out a scream loud enough to wake the dead.


  Cara was just about to leave out when Janet called her with the news. She smiled and took the keys from one of the maids and had just stepped into the vehicle when her cell phone rang. “Janet hi I thought you would be at work-“

  “She is dead Cara,” the girl interrupted her in a tearful voice. “I came into her room to see if maybe she was not feeling well because there was no smell of coffee coming from the kitchen and I found her dead on the bed.”

  “What do you mean?” Cara stopped the car immediately, feeling the impending doom descending on her.

  “Jeanette she is dead. I called 911 and they sent an ambulance and they have taken her away.”

  “Jeanette is dead? But I spoke to her yesterday! We saw her yesterday and she baked that delicious lemon meringue pie and we had it with the hot chocolate. She can’t be dead!”

  “She is,” Janet said quietly. “She is dead and I don’t know what to do.”

  Cara hung up the phone and stared off into nothingness. She was parked outside the gate which had closed automatically as soon as she exited the long curving driveway. The gardeners had pruned the hedges just yesterday.

  It was only yesterday she had seen Jeanette, only yesterday they had sat and talked and laughed as they ate lunch before picking after the children who had gone to take their naps. Just yesterday they were making plans for the summer. How could she be dead?<
br />
  Her phone was ringing again and she pressed the button on the steering wheel to answer it. “Baby I just heard. Where are you?” it was her husband’s voice and suddenly the trembling started.

  “I am outside our gate.” She told him tonelessly. “Jeanette is dead and I think they made a mistake.”

  “Don’t move I will be there in a minute.”

  She had to call Jeanette’s children; she realized and wondered if Janet had done so already. Jeanette was dead!

  She made the call swiftly. “Did you call her children?”

  “I did,” Janet said her voice wobbling. “Christine is here too and some of the parents, they are all crying Cara. Christine is trying to be strong but she is falling apart. I think you should hurry up and get here.”

  “Matthew is coming and we will be there shortly.” She knew she was going to have to be strong whether she felt like it or not.

  Her husband pulled up behind her and got out of the vehicle swiftly. “I called Jennifer and told her the news,” he opened the door and stooped there looking at her. She looked calm and detached and he knew she was holding everything in which was not good for her. “Are you ready?”

  She turned and looked down at him. “She died in her bed and I wonder if she knew she was going to die.” She closed her eyes as he took her hands in his. “She was saying something about making arrangements for the house when she was no longer around but we did not pay it any mind.” Her hands tightened on her husband’s. “She was like my mother Matthew, she was there for me when mama left and always saw to it that I ate. She did not allow me to cook when I was living right beside her.”

  Matthew got up and scooped her up into his arms and sat with her on the seat of the car. “I know how much she meant to you,” he stroked her back soothingly as she rested her head on his chest. “I will go with you and we will see what needs to be done until her children and grandchildren get here.”


  There was a somber mood to the center as if a dark cloud had descended on the place. The yard was filled with people milling around. Neighbors who she had been so kind to in the past, children who had benefited from her cooking. The news had spread like wildfire through the small community and the people had come out to show their support.


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