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Pregnant By Her Older Billionaire 3: A BWWM Older Man Younger Woman Romance (Matthew and Cara)

Page 13

by Katie Dowe

  He had always teased her that she had almost had sideburns and she had told him that if she had hers would be neater than the ones he had. He was every woman to her and there could never be anyone for him aside from her. With a tender smile he pulled the sheets over her naked form and settled beside her, a satisfied smile on his face.


  She woke up before him the next morning and pulling on a robe, she hurried down to the kitchen to get his coffee. A maid was already there and had finished making the coffee.

  “Miss Cara would you like me to make something for you? I am afraid breakfast is not quite ready yet.” The woman said in a respectful voice.

  “That’s fine Martha,” she told the woman with a smile. “I just came to get some coffee for my husband.”

  She woke him up with a kiss when she got back inside the bedroom. He stirred slightly and the smell of the coffee got him wide awake.

  “Wake up sleepyhead,” she kissed his mouth gently.

  He opened his eyes and reaching up automatically, he pulled her down and captured her lips before releasing her. “You made breakfast?” he asked her quizzically as he took the cup of coffee from her.

  “Dinner and breakfast that would be some kind of record,” she told him with a grin. “I just went down to get some coffee for my husband.”

  “I might get used to this,” he murmured softly pulling her beside him. “My wife catering to my every need, it seems like a dream come true.”

  “The dream is far from over because your loving and totally besotted wife intend to give you a bath as soon as you are finished. There are some things I want to do with the sponge.”

  “Yeah?” he put away the empty coffee, his heart jumping in his chest, his body fully alert and ready for anything she had planned. “I am up for it, just lead the way.”

  Chapter 13

  They established a scholarship in Jeanette’s name. Matthew came up with the idea and told Cara that he would put the first ten thousand dollars and she should persuade some of the sponsors to do the same. The money was raised in a matter of weeks and would be given to one or two pregnant mothers who had aspirations of going to college after the baby was born.

  Life picked up back slowly and although things were not back to normal they did their best to carry on without her even though her presence was constantly felt every day.

  The twins celebrated their birthday at school because it was a day in the week and they wanted to share the day with their friends. Their father arranged for a clown and a bounce about to be settled squarely on the grounds. He provided fast food like popcorn, hotdogs and hamburgers much to the children’s delight and gallons of their favorite ice cream. There was a huge cake with their names written on it and the words: ‘Happy 8th birthday’.

  Matthew had his camcorder out to record the entire thing and Jennifer kept taking pictures as the children ran all over enjoying themselves.

  “I can’t believe they are eight already,” Cara mused as she watched her daughter laughed at something one of her friends said and they both rushed off to look at what the clown was doing.

  “They are growing up,” Jennifer almost felt tearful at how fast they were growing. Very soon they would be in high school and then off to college and then they would only get to see them during holiday breaks. “Sometimes I wish that we could freeze frame them for a few years.”

  Cara glanced at her sister in law and noticed that she looked very somber. “You okay honey?”

  “Just feeling my age that’s all.” She said with a little shrug. “I tried to hug Janice and Joel when I got here earlier and they wriggled away looking at me as if I was embarrassing them.”

  Cara laughed at that. “They did the same to me.”

  She looked over at where her children were. Jeremy was watching the clown intently and she knew he was going to try and imitate his tricks either later when they got home or over the weekend. Janice was jumping up and down, her curls all over the place and Joel was entertaining a group of his friends over one side. They did not have any time whatsoever for the grownups. “So you are not exclusive.”

  Jennifer nodded and stared at her niece and nephews. They were going to be tall like their dad; they had taken so much from her side of the family that she felt the pride inside her. She had seen how people look at them whenever they went out and the papers were always talking about their ‘golden beauty’. They were indeed exceptionally beautiful children that had a mixture of both parents. Ever since the other day she had been feeling a yearning of having a child of her own but she knew that it was far too late now.

  She blinked as Jeremy came racing over to her, his dark brown eyes so like his mother sparkling as she stopped in front of her. “Auntie Jen could you come and look at the clown’s tricks with me?”

  Cara and Jennifer exchanged looks and smiled. “Of course my darling.” Jennifer said going off with him immediately.

  Cara watched them together and realize not for the first time how much her sister in law loved her children and would do anything for them. She smiled automatically as her husband came up behind her and wrapped his hands around her waist pulling her back against him. They had gotten back on track and their lovemaking was better than ever if that were at all possible. “I see you have finished with the production.” She teased him leaning back against him in contentment.

  “Our daughter told me that I am to make sure she looks pretty in all of it.” He told her in amusement dipping his head to nuzzle her neck.

  “And what did you tell her?” she closed her eyes as his touch triggered her emotions.

  “I told her that nothing on earth could ever stop her from being beautiful.” He lifted his head and searched for her noticing that although she had been jumping in the bounce about she still managed to look neat and adorable in her green plaid uniform that brought out the color of her eyes. She was already a beauty and he dreaded her growing up.

  “You are going to make her vain,” Cara’s eyes followed his as they both looked at her.

  “She already is.” He said with a wry grin.

  Very soon it was time to cut the cake and eat the ice cream. Matthew had taken the afternoon off to attend the children’s party but now he had something urgent to go and deal with at the office. He left soon after they had eaten ice cream and cake and told them that he would see them at home. “You okay with me leaving?” he asked her as he made to leave.

  “Jen and Marissa are here and there is Christine so we are okay.” She lifted her mouth for his kiss and then he hurried off. She watched him until he stepped into the vehicle and drove away giving her a wave before turning back to watch the children play. Marissa and Christine came over just then. “We are thinking of going on the cruise in the summer.” Christine commented.

  “I thought you had already decided that,” Cara looked at her in surprise.

  “We have spent several weeks staring at the money in the account and wondering if it is all going to disappear.” She admitted with a laugh. “So now that we realize it is still there we have decided to go ahead and use some of it. I went shopping yesterday for new curtains and sheets and oh yes we paid off our credit card debts. So now we fell so free that we have no idea what to do with ourselves.”

  “Enjoy it,” Cara said softly glad that Jeanette had brought such joy and freedom to her friend.

  “Look at us!” Marissa exclaimed softly. “We are all women of means. I was thinking of throwing a party at the house the first Saturday in June. How do you girls feel about shaking of the blues with me?”

  “Sounds good.” Christine said enthusiastically.

  “I will check Matthew’s schedule and let you know.”


  Jacqueline Barrett had now become Jacqueline Barrett hyphen Lyn. She had landed herself a very big fish, maybe not as big as Matthew Logan but big just the same. She had met him two years ago after her money, the money that Matthew Logan had paid her off with to leave his company and they ha
d started going out. He was not really her type because he was shorter than she was and the shortness was carried over when they had sex but he was loaded and what was more he would do anything for her. She just had to open her legs and let him get a peek.

  Matthew Logan had no idea what he had passed up. She had persuaded him to uproot from his spread in Oregon and come back to where she had lived originally and settle down here. He had sold his large tasteful house and had followed her like a lost puppy and now they were living in a pent house suite uptown. The first thing she had done was to go shopping. When she faced the Logan’s she wanted to look her very best and face them she would and very soon.

  She had persuaded her dear besotted husband to purchase the hotel where she knew that Matthew had business lunches with his associates so he would be bound to see her. She wanted him to see what he had missed out on. She had gotten word that he had men coming over from the UK and they would be booking into her hotel. The sale had been kept quiet so no one knew who the new owner was. She had made several changes to the place and was ready to start business as soon as next week Monday.

  She sighed and stretched. She was still hung up on him and blamed that woman Cara for ruining her chances with him but not to worry, she had gotten a rich man for herself.

  She climbed out of the claw footed bath and reached for a towel to dry the water off her still svelte body. Rigorous exercise and a personal trainer that looked good enough to eat had made sure that she still looked good. She was nearing the dreaded age of fifty but looked young and tight enough to be in her thirties.

  Her husband was off on a business trip until tomorrow and she was making use of his absence. She smiled in satisfaction as Leonard the tanned and fit personal trainer came into the bathroom in nothing but boxers which showed the impressive bulge in his crotch. She allowed the towel to drop and almost purred at the look on his coal black face. He was a startling contrast to her white skin and the first time he had entered her she knew what the saying meant that said: ‘when you go black you never go back’.

  “How about a massage?” he asked her coming to stand in front of her and cupping her breasts in his hands, massaging the nipples and watching them pucker.

  “If I don’t get you inside me now I am going to die of need.” She reached inside his underwear and pulled out the huge rigid penis. He had hurt her the first time he had rammed into her and she had welcomed it.

  “We cannot have that,” he murmured reaching between her legs to plunge two fingers inside her forcefully. She cried out and her head fell back, the moans leaving her mouth as he thrust inside her rapidly. “Put it inside me,” she begged.

  “Not yet,” he spread the lips of her vagina and thrust even more, his face intense. Then he took his fingers out suddenly leaving her bereft. “Get on your knees,” he told her harshly. When she did he took off his underwear and waved his erection in front of her. “Suck it off.” She put him inside her mouth and almost gagged as he held her head and pushed further inside her mouth. He screwed her mouth slowly at first and then when the excitement of her mouth on him got to him he pushed himself to the back of her throat.

  Jacqueline could not breathe and when she felt as if she was about to vomit all over him he pulled out of her and going around her, he went down on his knees in front of her pushing her forward as he entered her from behind. He gritted his teeth and started moving inside her, gripping her hips as he pounded into her his breathing harsh. He had not bothered with a condom because she had told him she was on the injection and she was past childbearing stage anyway. Of all the clients he had sex with she was by far his favorite and was willing to try anything. His shout bounced off the walls of the bathroom as he felt the rush of his orgasm inside his balls.

  He pushed her down on the floor and lifting her legs, he pounded into her with all his might, ignoring the cries of pain coming from her. He pulled out of her as soon as he was finished and turning her around he opened her legs and used his tongue to bring her over. She was still trembling and sobbing when he took her up and carried her to the bed where she clung to him and curled into his arms. He knew how insatiable she was and that as soon as she recovered she was going to begging him to take her again. He smiled secretly with the fact that she was becoming addicted to him.


  “I met someone,” Marissa told her friend softly as the waiter moved away from their table after taking their order. They were having lunch in the bistro uptown because Marissa had declared that these days they did not have time to hang out. It was a lovely June afternoon that indicated the beginning of the summer. Both women had turned heads the minute they entered the restaurant. Cara had on a light blue and white flowing summer dress with spaghetti sleeves and strappy sandals and Marissa looked coolly elegant in denims and an off the shoulder white blouse. “At least I think I have.”

  “What does that mean?” Cara sipped her water gratefully, the water serving to parch her throat.

  “He is my personal trainer,” she caught the look on her friend’s face and hastened to assure her. “I know it sounds like I am a walking cliché. First I was married to a man old enough to be my father and now I am involved with my personal trainer who is probably involved with several of his clients.” She said with a sigh.

  “So involved means that you have actually slept with him already.”

  “I would not call what we have done sleeping,” Marissa said with a short laugh fanning her face. “He comes over at ten in the mornings and after my training we get into our business. Girl he is huge! And I have seen many a good size but this man is well hung but he takes his time with me. We talk and we are good together. We have not been out together but we are leaning towards that.”

  “Have you considered that he is probably into you for your money?” Cara’s voice was concerned.

  “I thought about that,” she stopped talking as soon as the waiter came over with their order of full house hamburgers and sizzling fries and tall glasses of iced tea. “I pay him his fee and even give him a tip because he does his job well but he has not said anything to me to indicate that he is going to ask me for anything.”

  “He is probably waiting for you to fall in love with him. Have you had him checked out?” the minute the words were out of her mouth she wished she could take them back. “I am starting to sound like my husband. I am going to shut up now.”

  “I know you are concerned for me Cara and I love you for it but the fact is I am lonely and right now I have found a man I can have fun with and the sex is great. I am not going to marry him or anything but I am seeing where this goes.”


  Jacqueline walked the room and looked at the arrangements in approval. Her husband had told her that he would be there sometime in the night because he had several meetings to attend to but she did not mind. She had invited Leonard to come as well but he had told her he had an appointment with a client. She had forced herself not to ask him if he was screwing someone else because she really had no right to ask him that.

  She nodded to the waiter as he moved past her to go into the kitchen and ran one hand down the figure hugging red dress she had on. It was couture and horribly expensive but worth every penny. She no longer went to the salon to get herself fixed up but had someone who came to the apartment to see to her hair and makeup whenever she needed them to. She had money to spend and she was not shy in doing so. She straightened and glided over as soon as the party came in and were taken to their table. Her mouth tightened as soon as she saw Cara with her hand in Matthew’s and she had to admit that the woman was truly stunning. She had on emerald green dress that came just above her knees and looked like a shift but shimmered around her body each time she moved. She watched in envy as her husband whispered something in her ear and she looked up at him and laughed. How it must feel to be loved like that!

  She glided over and touched Matthew lightly on the arm as he was about to sit. “Jacqueline Barrett! I have not seen you in a long time.”
He held out a hand to her and she ignored it leaning forward to hug him lightly effectively ignoring his wife.

  “It’s actually Jacqueline Lyn now,” she told him with a smug smile.

  “You are married to John Lyn?” Matthew asked her, his eyebrows rose.

  “Two years now,” she glanced down at Cara giving her a cool smile. “Cara you are looking lovely.”

  “Thank you,” Cara told her sweetly. “So are you.”

  “So the hotel is yours?” Matthew posed the question.

  “Of course. There is nothing my husband would not give me.” She laughed softly. “I just came over to see if you people were okay. I understand the associates are from the UK?”

  Matthew nodded.

  “I will make sure the staff makes them very comfortable.” She swept them with a glance and then glided off.

  “I see she finally landed herself a rich man,” Cara muttered as her husband took his seat.

  “Be nice,” Matthew touched her cheek gently. Jacqueline was dressed to the heights of fashion and was determined to flaunt her new found wealth but she could never hold a candle to the beautiful and coolly elegant woman sitting next to him. With a satisfied smile he lifted her hand and kissed her palm, a proud look on his face.


  “I am making Denzel have a sleep over with Janet so I am all yours.” Marissa told him silkily. He had told her he had canceled an appointment because he wanted to be with her and she found herself wondering if he was telling the truth but pushed the thought aside.


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