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The Heart of Andros

Page 21

by Jade Oliver

  “He refused at first. He allowed me to travel with him to the coast where he would board the ship that would take him away from the colonies and to the islands. I had no idea what an island was, but I didn’t care. I could almost taste the freedom on the salty air the closer we got to the coast. Finally after much begging, Thad allowed me to come with him. We had to travel as master and slave but it didn’t matter. For the first time, I finally felt free.”

  My mouth is dry by the time I finish. I don’t ask, but Adair hands me what she calls a water bottle. I take several deep gulps of water, enjoying the feel as it slides down my throat and soothes the rawness I feel from the strain it took to hold back my emotions as I told my story.

  “Jasper, may I ask you another question?” Adair’s voice is soft, like how we showed her to talk to the more jittery animals. I don’t think it’s pity but more that she is afraid to upset me.

  “Yes.” I know she can’t ask anything that will ever scare me away. She is too kind-hearted to be cruel.

  “How did your sexual relationship with Thad begin? I’d think you wouldn’t want to have sex with a man because of what happened.”

  “To be honest, Adair, I didn’t want to be around people. Thad tried to encourage me not to repress my desires. I was a young man, but I didn’t feel the urge for sex. I feel damaged, especially with the physical scars from the whip. After we had been here for a bit and spent even more time together, we argued about it yet again. I called him a hypocrite because he was doing the same and he leaned over and kissed me. I was surprised. He said, ‘What if we try together? I can show you the pleasures of sex, and I won’t feel like I’ve betrayed my wife. We can comfort each other.’ It progressed from there. I found it easier for me to let Thad take control, and we forged a unique bond, a friendship with the added benefit of physical satisfaction.”

  I look at her again to judge her reaction to my next question. “Are you disgusted by me now?”

  Adair sits up and hugs me to her. “No! Never, Jasper!”

  I wrap my arms around her and enjoy the way she feels against me. So soft. Her skin is warm from the sun, and I can still smell the coconut on her. It’s as if I could hold her forever and never tire of it. Leaning back I smile at her. “Thank you, Adair, for listening to me. For understanding.” I wish I could express in words the depth of my feelings for her, and I am finally sure. I know I can allow myself to move to the next level with her.

  “Jasper, you are an important part of my life. I will always listen, and if I don’t, then make me. I might be slightly stubborn sometimes.”

  I hear a titter behind me and glance over my shoulder to see the other men standing there. My face heats from embarrassment, and I wonder if they heard my story. Thad subtlety shakes his head no.

  Adair tugs at my chin to get my attention and I turn back to face her. She wraps her hands around my cheeks and leans up to kiss me on the lips, then whispers, “How about we do something? Just us. Soon.”

  Lightly kissing her back, I nod yes. Now all I need is to figure out what we can do or where we can go to safely be alone together. I’m already looking forward to it.


  June 29th, 1785


  I wake up between two hot bodies and feel more rested than I have in a long time despite the heat. Toby and Thad are asleep in their underwear, which look similar to boxer briefs, and I am in my panties and a tank. It feels so natural to be here between them. I’m slightly surprised considering this is the first time we’ve all slept together but I shouldn’t be. Now that my lovers have become good friends to each other, my relationship with them is stable.

  Yesterday was fantastic and I enjoyed it so much. I got to spend time with my men, I learned something new, and had an intense, heartfelt conversation with Jasper. He finally opened up to me about his past. And today I get him all to myself. I have no clue what we’re doing, but I don’t care because I get to spend time alone with him.

  “What are you thinking about so hard little bird?” Thad asks from behind me. Last night the guys took care of me when we came to bed. The stress from the past few weeks and the heat of the sun had taken a toll on me. They did not suggest anything, although I was willing, and instead, each one chose a part of me and massaged it until I fell asleep. That’s true love.

  I don’t move off Toby’s chest when I mumble, “How happy I am in this moment? I enjoyed yesterday so very much. Do you know how much I look forward to today with Jasper?” Toby doesn’t even stir. The man sleeps so deeply.

  Thad tightens his arm around me and nuzzles his nose into my neck. This is becoming one of his favorite things to do when he wakes up. And I love it. It makes me feel loved and wanted. As if I’m special.

  “You will enjoy today. I don’t know what Jasper has planned, but it will be good for you both. His presence is soothing. You need to have another relaxing day.”

  I expel a weary sigh and press myself more firmly into their warmth, surrounded with the comfort they bring me. In two days we have the party. In two days I have to see that woman again and watch her try to gain my men’s attention. I have no doubt the pub didn’t phase her more than a few moments.

  Toby shifts and I glance up to see him frowning back at me. “What is it, Toby?”

  “Love, you tensed. I heard a little of your conversation with Thad, and I bet you’re thinking about what happens in a few days. I don’t want you to worry. Yesterday and today are for relaxing.” He leans down and kisses the top of my head. I’m so lucky to have them both. I wonder if…

  Stretching, I rub against Toby with my breasts while I make sure to press against Thad with my ass. “Little bird, what are you doing?” Thad growls.

  “I think she wants our attention, Thad,” Toby laughs.

  “Well… maybe.” I roll over and sit up to look at both of them and smile. “I’m nervous about both of you being here, but I would like to see where this can lead. I’ve never been in this situation before, and I don’t know exactly what to do.” I thought about not saying anything about my nerves but we all promised to be honest with each other.

  Toby pulls me on top of him and Thad follows beside me, leaning against both of us. I study Toby’s face to see how he feels about how close Thad is but it doesn’t seem to bother him. Toby begins to run his hand up and down my back as Thad strokes the arm closest to him and kisses my exposed shoulder blade.

  “My love, I would like nothing more but I am not sure if now is the time,” Toby tells me.

  My bottom lip pokes out at my disappointment. “Why not?”

  Toby groans and closes his eyes. “Don’t pout, Adair. You know I can’t resist it.”

  “Because when we do make love to you, together, we both want to make sure we have the time for it,” Thad murmurs while kissing my shoulder. The tease.

  After I think it over, I admit defeat. “Damn. I hate when you’re right.” My pouty words make both men snicker. I really am feeling frisky and would love to make love to both of them now, but it’s probably best to wait until we do have more time.

  There is a soft knock on the door and Brax yells, “Breakfast is ready.” Brax’s timing couldn’t be more seemly since it proves Toby and Thad right. Huffing out a groan, I climb out of bed. Today is Jasper’s day, and I shouldn’t go to him smelling like sex and two other men. Should I? Shit. This multiple people relationship stuff is hard to navigate.

  “Guys, do you think Jasper will be upset we slept together last night? Do you think he would’ve been upset if I’d left the room smelling like both of you and sex?” I keep my back to them because I can feel myself blush. After being with both of them, and with my previous lover Brax being here now, one would think I would lose my shyness about these things but I haven’t quite yet.

  There is this heavy, unspoken weight in the air with my question. Their clothes rustle behind me as they dress, and I can almost hear them thinking about how to respond. Fuck. Not good.

  Finally, T
had speaks. “Adair, you know Jasper and I are, were, lovers. We’ve never shared a woman, but I highly doubt he would be upset with you smelling like us or sex. Why do you think he would be? You know the island relationships are different for my time. We’ve all discussed it at length.”

  I turn around to answer because I want to see his face when I do. “Thad, it’s different knowing and experiencing it. How would you feel if I came to you after making love to Toby, and I smelled like him?”

  Thad’s body is relaxed, his eyes sparkle with merriment, and he smirks. “Honestly, little bird, you have and it turned me on. I’m no stranger to how a man smells after sex and to know you were satisfied by a man who loves you… Well, I’m hard pressed sometimes not to fuck you when I know you’ve been with Toby; I quite like his scent on you. It’s hard to control myself, no matter where I happen to come upon you. Outside. Feeding the horses. Cooking dinner. Anywhere.” The more Thad speaks the more my body flushes as it reacts to his words.

  Toby curses and I see him adjust his cock through his pants. “Dammit, you two. We need to change the subject. But first…” He walks up to me and wraps me in a hug. “Adair, Jasper won’t mind. Hell, it’ll probably turn him on too. I know it does me and I have never entertained the idea of being with a man before. But it’s not the man that turns us on, at least not me, it’s you. To know that we are both bringing you pleasure. To see your face flushed and your body tinted pink.”

  Toby squeezes me and lets me go so that he’s not rubbing against me so intimately, but not before I feel his already semi hard cock swell further. My capacity to leave this room, despite some embarrassment, is difficult. These two always manage to calm me and turn me on at the same time.

  Thad sidles up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. “Little bird, you do this to us. All of us. Soon you will see how much Jasper wants you. But he is more reserved and lets me lead. Be patient and allow it to come naturally. Stop letting your mind worry you. Okay?”

  I pull Toby back into me to wrap one arm around him and the other around Thad’s arms on my waist. “Thank you. Again. I don’t know what I would do without you both.”

  “Adair, love, we feel the same.” Toby kisses my temple, then suggests, “Let’s go have breakfast, shall we? Or we might never leave the room.”

  “True that,” Thad says.

  I burst into laughter. “Where the hell did you hear that phrase?” Toby wears a guilty look though, so I can hazard a guess. “What the hell have you been teaching him Tobias?”

  “He’s been teaching me how to greet and reply to people using modern language. However, with you using his full name I wonder… ” Thad trails off and scowls at Toby.

  Toby’s eyes widen but he snickers and slowly starts to back out the room. “I’ve taught him some slang. I thought it would be beneficial in his dealings with Brax.”

  “Tobias Clark Kent. What the hell were you thinking?” I’m laughing so hard I am crying. “Run, Toby.”

  “Why?” He looks at me innocently.

  “Cause I’m about to tell Thad what you’ve been doing as a prank.”

  “You’d do that to me?” Toby sounds shocked but his eyes hold laughter. He knows he’s in trouble and doesn’t care.

  “Yes, I would.”

  With that statement he turns and hurries out of the room laughing, with Thad yelling, “Tobias,” and chasing after him.

  Breakfast should be fun.


  I startle when I see Toby run into the room with Thad chasing after him. What in the hell happened? Toby laughs and Thad curses him, so I’m not sure if I should be concerned or not. Brax and I exchange a look of confusion.

  “Tobias!” Thad yells at him. Toby stands on one side of the kitchen table and Toby on the opposite. I’ve never seen Thad so unreserved as he is since Adair. However, after getting to know Toby, this playful behavior doesn’t really surprise me.

  “Look mate, it was a joke. People do talk like that,” Toby explains.

  Adair walks into the room laughing. “Thad, Toby decided to teach you teenager slang.” At that announcement, Brax bursts into laughter too.

  “What did you teach him to say, Toby?” Brax gasps between bouts of laughter.

  Toby looks at Adair a little bashfully, very uncharacteristic of him, and begins to tick them off his fingers. “Hangry. Why are you so salty? Hi bruh. And similar slang phrases.”

  Adair and Brax’s eyes widen with each word Toby speaks. Their mouths form small O’s then they erupt into more laughter.

  “Dude… Toby. Man, that is so wrong but yet so ingenious.” Brax wipes tears from his eyes and shakes his head.

  “Adair, what do these phrases mean?” Thad sounds pissed, and by the glare he gives Toby I bet he’ll regret it later.

  “It’s not that bad, Thad. Hangry means ‘you are getting angry because you are hungry.’ Why are you so salty means ‘why are you so bitter or upset.’ Hi bruh means ‘hi friend.’ It’s just shortened words or phrases used in different parts on the country. Usually by a younger person, or youth.”

  Thad grunts and sits down at the head of the table and mumbles idiot under his breath. Toby cautiously sits as far away from Thad as possible and the rest of us sit down between them. We begin to silently fill our plates and eat for a few minutes before anyone speaks.

  Thad starts first. “What are everyone's plans for today?”

  “I plan to tackle the chickens. I figured I would show Brax how it’s done. I’m determined NOT to let the damn yard dinosaurs win,” Toby growls. In his defense, the chickens do give him a difficult time. The past week Adair or I have completed the chore because Toby told us he would never do it again. I guess he changed his mind.

  I clear my throat and look at Thad as I explain my plan because he’s the one who might cause the most protest. “I want to take Adair to the hidden waterfall. It should be safe enough with Vanessa concerned about the party. She’ll probably have her men getting the house and everything ready. Especially since she has invited the whole village to come.”

  Thad eyes me for a moment but relents, “Yes, it should be. But be vigilant. The woman is sneaky and has been spying on us more often than before since Adair’s arrival.” I nod in agreement but don’t reply.

  “There’s a waterfall?” Adair exclaims excitedly. It makes all of us smile.

  “Yes, sweet, there is a waterfall.” I feel my cheeks redden when Adair gives me a huge grin at calling her sweet. It just slipped out, but she is so gorgeous and sweet it stuns me and makes me say things I usually only think. “It is a good distance away and remote. The trek isn’t difficult but we’ll need to pack some food and water. Also, make sure to eat plenty of breakfast for the hike.” I still worry sometimes about Adair’s diet, since work here on the farm is taxing, but she seems to survive on her diet of fruits, vegetables, and eggs.

  Adair winks at me. “I will. I’m excited. And I appreciate everyone letting me relax and prep before the party. You all are spoiling me.”

  “It’s our job, Adair,” Thad states. “And none of us will complain.” He gives all a glare like we better not or else. But he needn’t worry. This woman has us all wrapped up and in love with her.

  Half hour later and we all separate to begin the day. Adair and I head out for our hike in silence. It’s slightly awkward like neither of us knows what to say. After my confession yesterday, where do I begin?

  “So tell me, Jasper. What is something that you like to do to relax?” Adair follows behind me since the path is narrow.

  “I like to spearfish like we did the other day. It’s freeing. I get to travel to a different world and leave all my worries behind. A world where my skin color doesn’t matter. Where my status as a slave, free or otherwise, has no bearing on if I’m successful or not. The fish don’t care about either. I get to conquer based on my knowledge and quickness.”

  “That sounds exciting. And lovely.”

  We fall into a comfortable silence and
continue walking. Finally we get to a part of the path where we can walk side-by-side, and I ask her a question that I need to know. I also want to be able to study her face when she answers. Thad told me not to ask this but…

  “Adair, how do you feel about being here? About meeting us?” I hold my breath as I wait for her to answer. The walk is supposed to be carefree, but how can I confess my feelings when she has the power to break me more than I’ve already been broken?

  Adair stops and gazes at me with her heart in her eyes. “Jasper, this answer is complicated. It’s an answer I’m still trying to figure out myself. But I believe that I’ve finally found a home with you four men. Past. Future. It doesn’t matter. My heart is with you all.”

  My sigh of relief slips out with her confession and I give her a quick hug. “I’m glad. Thanks for being honest with me. Now, let’s go see the waterfall.” She laughs and tugs me forward, but I hold her back and switch places. It’s my turn to lead and I am going to enjoy it.

  We spend several hours together. Adair loves the waterfall and the fact that she can see the bottom of the pool. There are several types of fish that live here since it connects to a small stream that leads to the creek behind the farm. The fish swim around us, unhurried and unafraid. No one fishes here so they aren’t scared of people.


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