The Forever Girl
Page 23
Ivory had been a fool to believe there was any hope. Elizabeth’s guilt had been determined by the very fact she’d been accused.
Thornhart declared Elizabeth’s execution to be carried out immediately. “Let the first witch hanged be an example.”
Anne grabbed Ivory by the arm. “I did this for you, Sarah. It could have been you both meeting an end, had I not accused her.”
Ivory didn’t believe one word. Her sister had always been jealous of Elizabeth, ever since Elizabeth’s family forced her to marry the man Anne loved.
Disgusted, Ivory clenched her fists and pulled away from her sister. “You will burn in hell, Anne, and no prayer will save you.”
Two men escorted Elizabeth to the gallows. The sun beat against the planks of the platform where the crowd huddled near. Some of the townspeople cupped hands by their mouths to holler and condemn her. Others held baskets of rotten vegetables, the scent overpowered only by the pine of the newly constructed gallows and the draft of horse manure from the wagon awaiting her corpse.
The rope binding Elizabeth’s frail wrists pinched and reddened her flesh. One of the men shoved her toward the platform’s steps, but the only sign of fear was the tension along her temples and the slight tremble of her lip.
Elizabeth’s gaze found Ivory’s, eyes soft and forgiving. A man looped the noose around Elizabeth’s neck, and Thornhart’s shoes thudded across the planks, somehow louder than the excited murmurs of the crowd.
Children climbed on barrels and the shoulders of their parents for a better view. Townsfolk spat at Elizabeth and tossed their rotten produce. A man to Ivory’s side lifted a stone off the ground, but as he cocked his arm back, Ivory jabbed him hard in the ribs with her elbow and ducked away as he keeled over.
“Confess,” Thornhard said, “should you save yourself from the rope.”
Elizabeth stuck her chin out defiantly, but her gaze was already dimming. “I have nothing to confess. I meet my fate with a pure heart.”
The crowd grew eerily silent. Tears lined Ivory’s eyes, but she rigidly held them back. She watched until just moments before they dropped the floor, then turned quickly to leave. She heard the snap of Elizabeth’s neck, the tug and creak of taut rope, and the shuffle of fabric. An eruption of cheers followed.
Ivory wove through the crowd, trying to hold it together. Guilt dug like sharp nails into her heart. She should have done something more to save Elizabeth. But what? What could she have done, other than get herself killed as well?
Perhaps that is what a real lover would have done. Died alongside their loved one.
Ivory turned back, stealing one last glance at Elizabeth’s empty gaze. Thornhart signaled to the hangman, who sawed through the rope with a large hunting knife. The body thumped into the wagon waiting below.
Ivory broke out of the crowd and stormed off to a quiet spot they’d kept in the woods. “Speak to me now!” she cried out to the Universe. “Tell me what you want!”
Garnering no response, she fell to her knees and cried. Her fierce sobbing emptied her stomach of what little she’d managed to eat that morning. When her tears subsided, it was dark, but she knew what must be done. The town would kill Ivory if they caught her, but she refused to send Elizabeth from the world this way.
Elizabeth’s body still remained in the open wagon near the platform, crumpled over the loose hay of the wagon’s bed, her hazel eyes as empty as buttons that had lost their luster. Thornhart had left her there, a reminder to the townsfolk of what would become of anyone who dared perform witchcraft.
Ivory shook her head, vomit rising from her stomach in disgust at the people of her town. One day, Ivory hoped to see them suffer.
All the houses in the village were dark and the roads bare. Arms looped under Elizabeth’s shoulders, Ivory dragged her lover’s body into the woods behind a nearby store. She sagged beneath the weight in the same way the weathered roofs of the town drooped from the weight of snow in the winter. Elizabeth’s body was stiff and cold to the touch—not how Ivory wanted to remember her.
Ivory’s resolve, paired with the overwhelming feeling of loss, pushed her, lending her strength as she pulled her lover farther down the path to a barren clearing that offered little more than a rotted apple core festering in maggots.
She piled dead leaves, branches, and debris near a decaying tree stump and laid Elizabeth’s body over the compost. Ivory breathed deeply and spoke to the Universe once more. “You have made her this way—brought her to this end! Now I return her to you. Take her ashes, so that her spirit may live on.”
She burned the body. The skin melted against bones, and blood bubbled until little remained. A scent of charcoal and sulfur accosted Ivory’s nostrils, and when the fire exhausted and the remains cooled, she wiped the tears from her cheeks and whispered, “Live on, my love.”
She covered the evidence with dirt and hiked away from town.
What Anne had witnessed was love, not witchcraft. She had been unknowingly correct when she accused Elizabeth of being a witch, but she hadn’t known what being a witch meant. Ivory and Elizabeth had harmed none.
Though more deaths followed, the court’s approach shifted by the next hanging. Thornhart was perhaps spooked by the disappearance of Elizabeth’s body but clearly not enough to put an end to the horror. Ivory returned to town only long enough to steal Elizabeth’s court documents—documents detailing the trial of the only true witch killed during the Salem witch trials.
IVORY’S FIRST THOUGHTS upon waking were, as always, of Elizabeth. A sharp pang pierced through her, and she tried to lift her hand to wipe grit from her lips, but instead she found her movement restricted. Her wrists and ankles seared with hot pain. She could do little more than raise her head and shoulders from the ground. After blinking several times, her eyes adjusted to the dim lighting.
Chains staked into the ground bound her wrists and ankles, the metal burning against her flesh as though heated over a fire before securing her. She glanced around, a stillness where her heart would’ve normally sped.
Dirty sheets of canvas billowed on every side, and, straight ahead, two flaps opened to a wooded area and a small campfire. The air carried the scent of smoke, cold, and earth.
This was someone else’s tent—not her own. A small cot with rumpled sheets and a thin woolen blanket sat to one side of the tent, and to the other side was a wash basin filled with water.
No, not water, she thought. It’s too dark to be water.
There was a brushing sound outside the tent. Boots scuffing over leaves, she soon realized as a pair of legs came into view. A man bent to stir the fire.
“You have awakened,” he said without looking back.
Ivory tried to speak, but her throat felt cracked and burning. He strode into the tent and crouched beside her.
“There is not much life in these parts. I drained you first”—he pointed to the washbasin—“so that we may eat.”
He doesn’t mean … that is my blood?
“Why?” she whispered hoarsely.
“Please see it as a gift. I could have killed you.”
The man turned to face her, his skin an unnatural pallor in the moonlight. His hair was dark, even his eyebrows the darkest she had ever seen, and his nose hooked a little toward the end, dimpled on one side. He sat back and kicked his feet out in front of him.
He dribbled something into her mouth—a fluid that soothed her throat. “Drink,” he said. “You will feel better.”
Each suggestion he made reflected in Ivory’s own thoughts. Their minds were as one.
“I must keep you restrained,” he said. “At least until you understand. The silver with which I have bound you will sap your strength, but you will see soon enough the great power you now possess.”
Without a need for words, the man’s knowledge became one with hers. He was her sire—the one who had turned her. She would live eternally. She would never pass to the afterlife where Elizabeth surely a
waited her arrival, not unless her life was taken from her, and Ivory already knew she was too much of a coward to allow that, let alone carry out the deed herself.
“You have abandoned your former name,” the man said, a trace of amusement in his voice. “I will call you Lenore.”
Dropping her head back, Ivory closed her eyes against a lifetime of memories she wished to forget.
“Do not fear,” her sire soothed. “Your wounds will quickly heal.”
Ivory bristled at his sentiment. He was wrong. There were wounds in her that would never heal.
Province of Georgia, 1732
THE HUMAN WORLD moved on without Ivory, and she vowed never to allow something so horrible to happen to any of Elizabeth’s descendants. She watched her lover’s son from a distance until he grew to have children of his own: the first, a boy, born in 1709, and two years later, a girl. They called her Mary.
Ivory split her nights between playing silent guard and surviving her new life as a young Cruor, at first needing to hunt weekly but soon able to sustain herself on monthly meals.
Over the decades, though, Ivory worried her ways would forever distance her from the Parsons family. She’d need to show some thread of what she had once been, not just some empty shell with a thirst for blood.
It was with this in mind that Ivory stalked the wildlife in the brambles outside the Parsons’ home, hesitant to strike. The animals seemed more innocent than the lustful men she usually preyed on. The musk of skunk and the woodsy smell of fox caused her stomach to lurch. As she crept around pine cones and beetles that clung to toadstool stems, she picked up on the spoor of a nearby deer.
When the deer paused to sniff a fallen twig of red berries, Ivory pounced. Her fangs sank quickly into the felted flesh, and her mouth filled with a sour fluid—not the sweet essence of a human. Ivory gagged but forced herself to continue. She craved blood to sate her hunger and needed the hope of regaining a semblance of humanity.
That idea shattered when a soughing wind groaned through the tree branches and the Parsons’ back door swung open. Ivory, frozen in place, rested back on her heels, briars prickling against her calves.
Mary, now close to twenty years and very nearly a replica of Elizabeth, opened the door, sending the smoky scent of their wood-burning stove into the chill night air. She stepped outside and scanned the forest, her hand lingering on the doorknob. After a long moment, she dipped back inside. The click of the door’s lock echoed in Ivory’s ears.
The deer’s blood cooled on Ivory’s chin. Her eyes dropped to her blood-drenched hands. What had she become? Even this—the feeding from live animals—wouldn’t save her. The Parsons family wouldn’t trust a monster. If there was any hope of entering the lives of her lover’s family, it was in finding a way to walk amongst them while living out her darkness in secret.
And so Ivory continued on, always with the blood of another human on her tongue, neither her nor her sire caring for the Council’s order to stop hunting humans.
On some days, Ivory would stay watching over the Parsons’ just a little longer than she should, the first rays of light scorching her face and arms before she retreated to the underground. This in itself was a rarity, as there were no other known Cruor at the time who could withstand time in the sun. Perhaps this was a gift Ivory had only because of her first calling—the calling bestowed on her by the Universe that she had abandoned for a life of revenge on mankind.
In 1732, Mary, now with three children of her own, moved to the Province of Georgia, away from the revival fires of Massachusetts. Ivory followed, convinced this young woman needed her protection more than the men born into the Parsons lineage.
Though Ivory’s sire appeased her desire to relocate, he cautioned her against her obsessions. Ivory, however, resented him. He controlled too much of her time and prevented her too often from watching Elizabeth’s family.
Late one evening on the following spring season, Ivory crept upon Mary’s house and stopped behind a tree several yards from the open window of Mary’s sleeping quarters.
Mary sat on a small bench in front of a wooden music stand, dressed in a dark blue, tightly-laced linen dress. Her skirts bunched in elegant tiers behind her, and her hair was pinned up with only a few short, curling wisps escaping near the nape of her neck and at the front of her hairline. In front of her, poised on a small stand, was an unfinished sheet of music.
A shaky breath escaped Mary as she rested a violin between her petite chin and bony shoulder and drew the bow across the strings in a slur. She stopped to adjust a few pegs before beginning again, always following the rule of the down-bow on the first beat of every measure.
Ivory had seen musicians perform this way at the orchestra, one of her sire’s favorite places to scour for humans. He’d taught Ivory all about music … but where had Mary learned? Ivory, stung that she was missing Mary’s life, swallowed her hurt and listened to the melody.
The song was slow, sweet, and a little sad. Mary’s body and breathing were steady, only the tears streaming her cheeks a sign of whatever pain she harbored. Ivory could not run to her—could not cradle Mary in her arms, could not allow Mary to collapse there and purge her heartache.
The intensity of the piece increased, and Ivory used the back of her hand to scrub the tears away from her own eyes. Instead of water, she felt the smear of blood, sticky on her cheeks and along her jaw.
Though Ivory was on the outside looking in, she and Mary were together in this song. They were listening to the same notes carried on the same night breeze. Every few measures, Mary stopped. She dipped a quill into an inkpot resting on a worn blue table before adding fresh marks to her sheets.
Smooth legatos and high notes empowered the piece, with Mary’s fingers working the strings furthest from the pegs and occasionally moving down the neck to deepen the sound.
After some time, Mary set her violin aside and sat quietly with her tears.
“Lord, please relieve me of this curse,” she prayed. “These voices, these thoughts—they do not belong to me. Even my husband has abandoned me in knowledge of them.”
Ivory covered her gasp. Her fingers went numb, and her breath, cold in her chest, rushed from her lungs. For a moment, she thought even her heart had begun beating again, but it was only a memory of a feeling she’d once known.
Ivory considered going to Mary and telling her everything, telling her all about her grandmother and helping her where she had once failed Elizabeth. But Ivory couldn’t risk exposing her darker nature and instead slinked back to the shadows.
Savannah, Georgia, 1854
BETWEEN 1732 AND 1854, Ivory’s tolerance to the sun grew, though she was still unable to walk outdoors when the sun was at its highest and brightest. A small bronze amulet on a leather cord around her neck—a depiction of Sól, the sun goddess, riding on her chariot—wrapped her in a protective barrier from the sun. The charm and its magic had been given to her by one of the Ankou when she had allowed him to live after he and his companion entered her camp one night. He’d given her the magic she needed to walk in the sun in exchange for her turning a young woman—Ophelia—so that she might find a place with the Council.
Though Mary’s husband had soiled the souls of Mary’s children with his surname, the Parsons lineage hadn’t ended at Mary’s death. Ivory sought out Mary’s brothers instead.
Ivory’s sire, however, implored her to stop returning to Parsons’ homes. They needed to keep moving; staying in one place for too long would risk their exposure as Cruor. As though she cared. Of course he wouldn’t understand.
But as he’d never been one to make demands of Ivory, she stubbornly kept watch, his suggestions of moving on little more than an annoyance. Soon, she hoped, another Parsons woman would be born. Perhaps she might be like her ancestors, Mary and Elizabeth, and Ivory might finally have her chance at redemption.
In 1834, after three generations of boys, Rachel was born into the Parsons lineage. Now an adult, she was burdened wit
h shopping at the market. One day, on Rachel’s way home, as the setting sun began to purple the sky, she stopped at a bookstore. Ivory followed, watching Rachel through the shop’s window as she traipsed between shelves that sagged beneath the weight of books. Rachel squatted to read titles on a lower shelf but kept sliding book after book back into place.
A while passed before Rachel reached on her toes and tugged down a book from a higher shelf. The cover read: The Rebellion of the Beasts, by Leigh Hunt. Ivory stared from across the road as Rachel turned one crisp page after another.
Rachel got carried away with her reading until the shop owner cleared her throat—a sound all too audible to Ivory’s supernatural hearing. When Rachel looked up, the shop owner crossed her arms and raised her brows.
“Of course,” Rachel said, tapping a fingernail against the book’s cover. “This really is excellent.” She dug through a small pouch and placed her coins in the woman’s waiting palm.
When finally Rachel departed, the book sticking out from her basket of goods, there was little light to travel by. A shadowy figure skirted the deadened light of the oil lamps, following Rachel with a knife flashing in his hand.
Ivory rushed up behind him, snapped his neck before so much as a breath could leave him, and whipped him into an alley. She peeked around the corner just as Rachel was taking a final, nervous glance around, her cloak clasped tightly over her trembling body.
Three mornings later, Ivory rested near an embankment, a short way into the forest where a stream whispered between the trees. She stared beyond blades of grass, seeded with red poppies that yielded beneath the breeze, and waited for Rachel to take leave from her home. The early morning sun glowed between the oaks with a sweet-tempered light, and shadows fell with an almost kindness to cool Ivory’s skin. Even dawn felt hotter to her than it would to a human, but at least the sun’s rays no longer burned her flesh.