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Elysium Shining

Page 5

by Terri Kraemer

  Zoey said, “I need to check on Tonny. I need to find her.”

  “No,” Bon’sinne said, “you need to come with us.”

  “I’ll be careful. Go on ahead; I’ll catch up.”

  “The ship’s captain requested that I take my family to the escape craft. That includes you.”

  “I’m not your daughter!”

  “I wish you were. I want you to be safe and happy. I want you to be a part of our family.”

  Zoey’s heart shook. If she had somehow forgotten about that organ existing then those words were a reminder to last a liftime. “Don’t. Don’t make this harder on me than it already is. I’m sorry.”

  She ran off toward the other guest quarters. She couldn’t take this, any of it. Bon’sinne called out after her. Zoey couldn’t take this at all.

  [ 07]

  The residential area of the Marslou was split into three main areas. Where the Thalassas family stayed on one far starboard side, the admiral’s guest suite was on the opposite side of the residential area.

  Zoi’ne ran in short bursts, and ducked behind corners of the walls or protruding doorways to check for any more bad guys suddenly appearing. The last thing she needed was for another of them to get lucky and spot her. She was unarmed and not a fighter. Avoiding them was the best thing she could do now.

  While crossing the second section, Zoey spotted the first of three members of the ship’s crew when she realized that, at a heightened alert, they might have questions about someone wandering around like this. She had to be extra careful or risk being shot by the good guys, if not captured. Another pair of crew members ran past her toward the end of the section.

  A second passed, and then a moment more. They gave no sign of having seen her.

  In the third section, one of the Hulda’fi rebels stood looking up and down a corridor at a T-intersection. The figure grabbed their mask , and then shifted and shook like they were in the middle of some infectious laughter. They went poof, and vanished. Zoey could have sworn she saw them grab something at waist level.

  For a moment she wondered where that rebel invader had gone. It took as long to realize that she hadn’t moved yet. The admiral’s quarters was so close, but it might as well have been on the other side of the universe if Zoey let herself remain distracted by every caution or thought.

  Zoey darted for the next spot, and then the corner after that, until the target door was in view. There was no sign of the security that was meant to be posted here. For that matter, where was the security meant for the Thalassas’ quarters?

  Focus. You can think about it later.

  She made a dash for the door and pressed the main button on its panel. No response came. Zoey slammed her hand palm-first into the panel. Not that she was expecting differently, but no response came with the door.

  The door opened suddenly. It was the first thing to catch Zoey off guard. Her senses let go, similar to double vision. A fraction of a second before it finished opening, Zoey got a glimpse of her second surprise – a masked rebel stood waiting for her. Her split second peek into what was in front of her allowed Zoi’ne to dodge to the side, and attempt to smack at the rebel’s hand that carried the pistol. The pistol went off without hitting her. She took this chance to clench her fist and strike at the rebel’s face.

  Unfortunately she forgot about the mask the other person was wearing, as well as the mask now hanging from within her clenched fingers, which made her punch at the raider awkward and feeble. She thought she took more damage to her own hand as a result.

  “Whoa, whoa,” the raider exclaimed, their voice distorted and arms raised. They looked up and down Zoey’s figure; she glanced past them to find someone on a bed beneath a single sheet. The raider looked at the person, whose features Zoey could not make out, and then laughed. “Well, now, it looks like someone’s planning to have a little fun. Naughty, sister, but she’s all yours.”

  Zoey wasn’t sure if she had any argument for or against that, or if she should even try. Instead, she watched as the raider took a deep breath and touched something on their belt. The raider vanished instantly in a puff of multi-colored dust, leaving the way open. This gave her a couple opportunities, including a moment to shake off the stinging sensation in her hand that she used to punch earlier.

  She stopped the door from closing and then ran in. Tonny’s face became visible to her as Zoey entered the room. She grabbed the Ginserei’s shoulders and sat her up on the bed.

  “Tonny,” Zoey called. “Earth to Tong-Chang, wake up.”

  As her friend groaned and pried her eyes open, Zoey noticed the full extent of how naked Tong-Chang was underneath the single sheet. The cloth slipped past her bust, revealing a single black tuft of hair that ran part of the way down her chest in a line.

  Tong-Chang whispered, “Lyssa,” her eyes still not quite open. She pulled herself closer to Zoey and proceeded to kiss her on the lips. Zoey’s first reaction was to flail her arms for a moment before setting them back down on the bunny girl’s shoulders.

  So many questions, Zoey remarked internally.

  Once Zoey pulled herself free, she said, “Tonny, wake—“

  Then her friend’s eyes shot open wide. Tong-Chang put her hands over her mouth and gasped audibly. Her eyes darted to the light strip below the ceiling, and the panic set in right as the color changed to red.

  Tong-Chang said, “Shit, Zoi’ne, I’m so sorry. We have to get out of here. Please don’t tell anyone about this. I beg of you.”

  “We can talk about this later,” Zoey said.

  “Nice top, by the way.” She pushed herself off of the bed and stumbled toward a chair with her ship uniform hanging over the back. As she caught herself and breathed, it was clear that Tong-Chang wasn’t fully awake yet, despite the adrenaline that helped get her up.

  “I must have dozed off right after I came here and had their tea,” Tong-Chang said as she put her clothes on. “What’s going on out there? Where are Admiral and Lady Fjorfolia? And what’s that you have there in your hand?”

  Zoey said, “I haven’t seen or heard from your two charges. The Marslou is being attacked by a group called the Hulda’fi. This is one of their masks. I swiped it from one that tried to kill me. God, he was intent on killing me. Another one just a moment ago saw me and let me through.”

  “What happened to the one you took the mask from?”

  “He’s dead. Das killed him.”

  By now, Tong-Chang was on one of her boots, but the mention of Das taking a life made her stop. “How is he handling that?”

  “I didn’t really have time to ask, but I think he’s adjusting. I came here as soon as I heard you’d gone missing like a few others of the ship’s crew. The captain said you moved that one thing, and it’s possible these guys are looking for it.”

  “Then we better make sure they don’t tear this ship and its crew apart looking.” She stood up and grabbed her phone-like device, which had a different design than the one Bon’sinne was using. She clicked a button twice and spoke into the object. “Sir, Ensign Leezu reporting for duty.”

  “I’m glad to hear it!” said Captain Druvvin, his voice booming when the speaker option was inactive. The tone also put a grimace on Tonny’s face.

  “I’ll file my report later, sir. Do you know if the case is still secure, and how is the Engine Room?”

  “So far the Engine Room staff appears to be unmolested in their attempts to restore our shield, weaponry, and means of propulsion. Did you pick the secure place I suggested for the mystery cargo?”

  “I did, sir.”

  “Good, I will send a security team there at once. You are to aid them in any way they ask.”

  “Yes, sir. What should I do with Zoi’ne, Captain?”

  “Is she with you? I thought she was with the Thalassas?”

  “I think she saved my life, sir. That will again be on my report.”

  There was a bang sound, and then silence. Zoey and Tong-Chang turned a corner
in the residential corridors when Captain Druvvin was able to speak again.

  “Change of orders, ensign. Escort our guest to the nearest escape craft. If you see another of these blasted visitors, shoot to kill. Captain out.”

  It disappointed Zoey that she couldn’t be more useful. At least she’d saved her friend, she thought, but there had to be more. She’d about resigned herself to needing to head to that escape craft, wherever it was, when a sound came from the mask that Zoey was holding.

  She held it up to her ear. A young woman said, “Kroke Team, I believe we’ve found it. All available hands to Deck One-Eleven, starboard side, and take it toward the Engine Room.”

  Laughter followed, and numerous voices all said, “Yes, sister.”

  Zoey dropped the mask down and held it with both hands, hoping that one of them covered the mouthpiece. Tong-Chang gave no words, but her face asked plenty to what just happened.

  “They’re headed to Deck One-Eleven, Starboard side, followed by the Engine Room,” Zoi’ne repeated. “There are so many of them.”

  Tong-Chang said, “The two are close. It sounds like they found our hiding place.”

  “You should inform the captain then and warn him. Which way is Shuttle Re?”

  “Follow me.”

  They turned one direction, and immediately bowed out of sight when one of the masked raiders appeared behind them, shouting “Hey, you!” in their direction. Tong-Chang posed behind the corner in a defensive position and waited.

  The raider ran their way and met with a series of blows they did not see coming. Tong-Chang pulled loose their gun and shot the raider with it. Then she dropped the pistol and shook her hand without giving the fallen raider another glance.

  “Those things suck at short range,” she said. “Stars beyond, did I really just do that? I can’t believe I killed one.”

  “You’re fine, Tong-Chang. I think it was either us for them. You made the right choice,” Zoey said. “Those were some nice moves, though.”

  “I’m nowhere near the ones who taught me, but thank you. I think I needed to hear that. This was my good hand too. I guess I won’t be doing any dexterous work for a bit while my hand’s a mixture of numbness and pain.”

  * * *

  Dasos stood guard in the hallway by the emergency shuttle entrance as his mother guided the admiral and his wife aboard. Neither one of the Fjorfolias had any qualms about getting to safety, but showed no fear or hesitation, either. The shuttle was an ample size to fit ten people. Six were now present, including three who could pilot this craft. He kicked himself for not having the permit yet, as little good as it would do.

  “Is there still no sign of Zoey?” his mother asked.

  “Not yet,” Das said.

  “What was she thinking? Look out.”

  One of the masked raiders had appeared. Dasos responded to his mother by moving aside behind her. His mother shot her gun at the raider and hit without issue. The rebel fell, choking because the one hit they took landed in the neck. Bon’sinne was not a pushover in anything that she cared about.

  “Do you really think of her like family?” Dasos asked.

  “I do,” his mother replied. “She shines in her own way. Zoi’ne shines, and she needs a home and family.”

  “I miss my sister as much as you do. What you’re saying is complicated to say the least.”

  “Is it? Why should it be complicated, Dasos? I’m not trying to replace your sister. Perhaps Zoi’ne was a sign. We kept on telling ourselves that we need time, but time goes on without us when we sit and wait. Maybe Zoi’ne was the sign I needed that I needed to move on.” Her eyes drifted one second.

  “Mom, it’s OK.” He knew how much his mother hurt. There was the loss of his sister, but there was also the event less than a revolution ago.

  “What? Here she is.”

  Zoey and Tong-Chang ran toward Shuttle Re, not really slowing when they looked down at the fallen Hulda’fi. Seeing the both of them safe took a weight off of Dasos’s shoulders that he tried to tell himself wasn’t there.

  Both of them stopped at the entrance to the escape shuttle. Zoey and Dasos’s mother stared and nodded at one another in silence for a time.

  “I’m sorry,” Zoey said.

  “You’re fine,” Bon’sinne said. “You’re alive, and you’re fine. It looks like you found Tonny as well. I’m glad that you were able to do so.”

  “Where’s Keft’aerak?”

  “He’s helping the ship’s crew. They’re trying to detach the Hulda’fi boat from atop this ship.”

  “Is that anywhere near the Engine Room?”

  “Perhaps; I didn’t catch that detail. Why do you ask?

  “If it’s not then they’re up to something. I’ve seen enough television shows to know where this is going.”

  “How do you know these rebels are going there?”

  Zoi’ne held up the mask she took. “I heard some girl talking to the others. She said something about a Kroke Team?”

  Dasos felt himself suddenly lose blood from his face, and the heavy sensation return in force. His mother had a similar reaction to this name.

  “What?” Zoey asked. “Do these guys rock the world of hitting colored balls with hammers?”

  “The Kroke Team,” Bon’sinne said, “is infamous among the elite forces of the Hulda’fi rebels. The fact that we’re alive right now tells me that they’re toying with us, even if we managed to kill a couple. They’re after something.”

  “In that case we definitely need to head to the Engine Room and stop them from doing too much damage.”

  Throughout the discussion, Dasos pinched his brow and found himself thinking about it. He wasn’t assigned to this ship for his class credit at the academy, and yet he felt a duty to it. His father must have felt that sense as well. Listening to his mother and friend throughout this argument about whether or not to do anything made Dasos realize he couldn’t let Zoey risk her life.

  “I will go,” he said. “Both of you stay here and wait for any others in need of flight.”

  * * *

  Soror Valide, the leader of the Kroke Team, and favored sister of the Hulda’fi, shot down a second consecutive officer aboard this ship. This one wasn’t dead like his many comrades by now, but he wasn’t going to move or attack any time soon. Shame; she had hoped that a ship so impressive in its renown would have made this mission more fun for her.

  Now two of her kindred were grabbing the black case they had come all this way for. The next step was getting it onto her craft and calling for the withdrawal. Then they could warp out of here toward the pick-up point, and let these fools destroy themselves for all it was worth. They could have done that from here, but they had agreed to doing this at a rendezvous point for the purpose of making the ship’s crew think they could contain the group of raiding Hulda’fi; to give them false hope.

  After all, the only option the Marslou had left was its own self-destruction. The thought made her giggle.

  [ 08]

  Smoke lined the air as he progressed toward the Engine Room. There were bodies on the floor as well. It was difficult to tell who was actually dead and who had been taken out of the fight through heavy injuries. Dasos ran onward.

  Luckily the stairwell was clear, heading down to where he was to find his destination. None of the raiders were present as of yet, but Dasos could hear them fighting some of the crew.

  One Hulda’fi rebel burst into being in front of Dasos from out of nowhere. His Aelfen foresight gave him time to react before the rebel could turn to face him. Dasos came in with a kick at their knee, a grasping of the rebel’s head, and using his foe’s masked face to ram the nearby wall. Dasos chose to do this without killing again if he could. One time was more than plenty. So he yanked off the mask while the rebel was still stunned, and then he immediately punched her in the face before letting it register that this particular member of the Kroke Team was a Ginserei woman.

  Great, I’m sure Tonny wil
l appreciate that so much, Dasos thought as the woman fell to the ground.

  He spotted the device on the belt that Zoey had mentioned before Dasos ran this way. Dasos yanked at the item to no avail since it was sturdy as it was looped onto the belt rather than tacked on. He was distracted by it, allowing the woman to turn and punch him in turn.

  Dasos fell back and landed on his hands. One hand touched something solid. He quickly scanned his peripheral vision without taking his eyes off of the Hulda’fi, and found one of the crew members sitting against the wall, bleeding. The object that Dasos was touching was the pistol issued to members of security.


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