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Vegas, Baby: Complete Series

Page 24

by Fiona Davenport

  After swiftly washing myself, I shut off the water and reached around the shower wall to grab two fluffy towels from the warming bar.

  I patted us both dry, then tossed the towels into a heap on the floor to clean up later. Carefully, I applied ointment to her tattoo before kissing her shoulder and rotating her body so that she was facing me. It was a little early for bed, but I could see exhaustion written all over Ariel’s face. It mirrored my own.

  Lifting her into my arms, I held her close as I made my way to our bed. With one hand, I pulled back the covers, then set her gently in the center. Then I crawled in after her and pulled the quilt back up and over us. She rolled into my embrace before I even had a chance to reach for her. She snuggled up against me and tucked her head into my neck. I cradled her with the arm underneath her and my other hand drifted over her silky skin, up her leg and torso and around to draw circles on her back, then repeating the pattern.

  “What’s your schedule tomorrow, baby?” I asked softly.

  She shrugged, and her head bumped my chin. “I have to be at the shop early to finish two wedding cakes for tomorrow night. Then I have to start another and prep for a reception the next night. I’ll have a break in the middle of the day, but then I have to supervise setting up the cake in the reception halls before I’ll be done for the day.”

  “My day is pretty packed with appointments, but I could probably break away for lunch around two. How about I bring it to you? You can eat the food, and I’ll feast on you.” I licked my lips, imagining all the sweet things I could eat off of her body.

  Ariel giggled. “Um, I think that might be a health code violation.”

  “I promise to lick up all the evidence,” I murmured, my hand slipping down to cup an ass cheek and holding her close while I pressed my cock into the heat between her thighs.

  Ariel moaned, and I gritted my teeth as I strained to keep from taking things further. “Tomorrow night, I’m going to eat your pussy in our house,” I promised with a growl. “Then you’re going to take my cock between your sexy lips and suck me off in our shower, before I fuck a couple of mind-blowing orgasms out of you in our bed.”

  She whimpered and shifted restlessly, her legs squeezing together. “You want that. Don’t you, baby? Does it make you wet?” Ariel moaned again and nodded. “You need me to relieve the ache, little mermaid?”

  “Please,” she begged breathlessly.

  “I’ll always give you anything you want, baby,” I told her honestly as I rolled her to her back. With soft kisses on her skin, I worked my way down to her pussy. By the time I was done taking care of her needs, she’d passed out in a deep sleep. I crawled up and curled myself around her before doing the same.



  Dragging myself out of bed the next morning was more difficult than normal. Maddox’s bed was comfier than mine, which probably had a lot to do with having his muscular body wrapped around me. And, I was sore in places that made me blush, particularly between my legs. But knowing I had two brides depending on me to give them their dream cakes helped to get me moving. So did the four cups of coffee and three ibuprofen that I’d downed as soon as I’d gotten to the bakery.

  Baking probably didn’t seem like a physical job to most people, but it was. Working on my feet, lifting ingredients and pans, and hefting five-tier wedding cakes around kept me in pretty good shape. Or at least I thought it had until I spent the night with Maddox and used muscles I never knew existed before. We’d only had sex once, but it was almost like I could still feel him deep inside of me hours later.

  After I put the finishing touches on the first cake that needed to be done tonight, I arched my back and twisted around in an attempt to work out some of the kinks. There wasn’t anything I could do about the slight ache that remained in my pussy, but at least it helped with my lower back. As the muscles started to loosen, a low moan bubbled up my throat.

  “Fuck, baby,” Maddox groaned from behind me, making me twirl around in surprise. “You can’t make sounds like that unless you want me to toss you on that counter and fuck those mind-blowing orgasms I mentioned earlier out of you here instead of waiting until we’re in our bed tonight.”

  His eyes darkened to an inky blue as they swept down my body, taking in the frilly, black and white apron I was wearing. Aurora had gotten it for me for my birthday last year, more as a gag gift since it had a retro vibe going on and didn’t look like something a professional baker would wear to work. But I’d fallen in love with how pretty I felt while wearing it and had bought myself six more so I had one for every day of the week.

  It turned out to be a decision I was thanking my lucky stars for as I stood in front of the sexiest guy I’d ever met since it was a heck of a lot better looking than the boring white one I used to wear. He looked like he was about to devour me whole.

  Maddox was in another tight, black shirt with the Ink Addiction logo, along with a pair of well-worn, light blue jeans that looked like he’d owned them for about a dozen years and beat-up, black leather motorcycle boots. His dark hair was ruffled, and it reminded me of how it looked after I’d had my fingers buried in it while his mouth and fingers worked their magic on me.

  Just seeing him stand there made it difficult for me to focus on what he said. It wasn’t until his lips curved up in a knowing grin that I shook my head and forced myself to concentrate. “You can’t do that. Health codes, remember?”

  “Possible health code violations didn’t stop us at my tattoo parlor yesterday.” He backed me up against the counter and dropped the white paper bag he was holding on it before wrapping his large hands around my waist. “And I’m going to lick up all the evidence anyway.”

  With Maddox around, I probably needed to stock up on extra panties instead of aprons because mine had basically just spontaneously combusted. Again. I was zero for two in the keeping-my-panties-dry game, something he was about to find out for himself as he lifted me up and settled me on the counter.

  “You do that a lot.” My voice was breathy as he moved to stand between my legs.

  His hands glided up my legs and under the edge of my apron. “Do what, baby?”

  “Put me where you want me.” He kissed his way up my neck, and my head fell back to give him better access.

  He yanked me to the edge of the counter, wrapping my legs around his waist as he pressed his hard length against my core. “If I had you where I wanted you right now, you’d be naked and bouncing on my cock.”

  “Oh.” My womb clenched in need, my legs tightening around him.

  “I’m dying to see your mouth wrapped around me.” His thumb swept over my rounded lips. “But that’s going to have to wait until later because we both have a shit ton to do today.”

  I’d never given anyone a blowjob before, but just thinking about having him in my mouth made me hungry for it. My tongue flicked out to wet my lips, making him groan when it touched his skin.

  “You’re getting wet just thinking about it. Aren’t you, baby?” His hand drifted down to cup my pussy. “It feels like I underestimated your need. You’re not just wet, you’re drenched.”

  “The door,” I panted, not wanting anyone to come in and interrupt us now that he’d gotten me all hot and bothered.

  “I already flipped the lock when I came in,” he reassured me. “You don’t need to worry when you’re with me, Ariel. I’d never let anything bad happen to you. You know that, right?”

  We hadn’t known each other long, but I never would’ve slept with Maddox if I didn’t trust him. Giving him a jerky nod, I answered, “Uh huh.”

  “Good.” He pressed a palm against my upper chest and nudged me back onto my elbows. “Get comfortable, baby. It’s past time for me to get a taste of the sweetest thing in this kitchen.”

  He captured my lips in a deep kiss and moved his hand up to undo the button on my jeans and pull down the zipper. His other hand slid under my butt and lifted me up so he could pull my pants down my legs. When they hit m
y ankles, I kicked them off.

  Maddox brushed a finger across my panties and groaned when he felt how they were soaked right through. Then he yanked them down my legs and tucked them into his pocket.

  “Hey,” I protested. “I’m going to need those back.”

  “Sorry, baby. But they’re not going to do you much good with the condition they’re in.”

  He didn’t look very sorry, but I didn’t have time to point that out to him before he ran his finger up my slit and brought it to his mouth, humming in pleasure when he sucked it inside and licked it clean.

  “So fucking delicious,” he rasped after popping his finger out of his mouth and bending his knees until his face hovered over my pussy. “I’m already addicted to your taste. I’ve been craving it all morning.”

  I pressed my hands flat against the stainless steel counter and threw my head back when he buried his face in my wetness. His tongue plunged inside, thrusting in and out a few times before he ran it up my center to circle my clit.

  He kept at me, licking and sucking until I was whimpering in need. My hips jerked up to meet each glide and thrust of his tongue. “That’s right, baby. Fuck my face and take what you need from me.”

  His dirty talk brought me closer to the edge, and he kept me on the brink until I could barely stand it anymore. “Please, Maddox. I need—”

  “What do you need, baby? This?” he asked as he drove two fingers inside me. Then he flicked his tongue over my clit, and my entire body clenched tight. When he tugged it between his teeth, I flew over the edge, shouting his name. He licked me softly through my orgasm, not stopping until the shudders subsided. Then he helped me down from the counter and held me close until I was steady on my feet.

  “Wow,” I breathed as he helped me step into my jeans and tugged them up my legs.

  “Did coming hard for me help with the ache in your pussy?”

  “Um, yeah.” My cheeks heated as I tilted my head to the side. “Isn’t that the whole point of an orgasm?”

  Maddox’s lips curved up in a grin, and his blue eyes filled with humor. “Not the ache you get because you need me, baby. I meant any pain you might still have from popping your cherry last night.”

  “Oh.” My blush deepened as I clamped my thighs together and noticed that the twinges from earlier were gone. “Yeah, that’s gone, too.”

  “Good.” He crushed his mouth against mine, his tongue sweeping inside and giving me a taste of myself. He kissed me until I melted against him with my eyes drifting shut. “When I have you in our bed tonight, the only thing I want you to feel is the pleasure I give you.”

  I’d never looked forward to the end of the workday any more than I did at that moment.



  It was incredibly tempting to strip Ariel completely bare and find the nearest chair so she could ride my dick. I’d already made a fucking mess of my pants while I ate her pussy, and picturing her coming while she sat astride me was only making it worse. It was a damn good thing that I kept a change of clothes at the shop.

  I continued to kiss the hell out of her until I knew that if I didn’t stop now, I wouldn’t be able to. “You’re delicious everywhere,” I mumbled against her mouth. “It’s a good thing I have forever to eat you because I’m never going to have enough.”

  My hands had wandered to her ass, and I gave each cheek a squeeze as I kissed the tip of her nose. “I have to get to Ink Addiction,” I said, shocked to find that for the first time since I opened my shop, I was dreading my afternoon appointments.

  It wasn’t that I didn’t love my job and business, but I hated being so far away from Ariel all day. I wondered vaguely if she could still work with her sisters if she did her baking somewhere other than the industrial kitchen attached to the chapel. I’d have to ponder it more later.

  I set her away from me and retrieved the bag I’d brought with me. Belle had given me the name of Ariel’s favorite deli, and I’d stopped to pick up sandwiches, salads, and dessert for us. We spread it all out on a small table situated in a corner with three folding chairs. As we ate, I asked her question after question, eager to know everything about her. She managed to slip in her own inquiries as well. I was having a great time just enjoying her company, and it almost made me late to my next appointment.

  “Don’t work too hard, baby.” I smirked after kissing her goodbye. “You’re going to need your strength for later.”

  Ariel groaned and I raised an eyebrow, shocked at her reaction. “I don’t think I’m going to have the energy to move tonight, Maddox,” she sighed.

  I shook my head with a smile, realizing she’d misunderstood my comment. “You’re already moved, baby. The company I hired already packed up your old place and unpacked everything at our house before I brought lunch over.”

  Ariel stared at me, her jaw slightly dropped in shock. “It’s all done?”


  “Damn,” she whispered. “You don’t mess around when you want something, do you?”

  I grinned and grasped her hips, dragging her body up against mine. “Nope. I suggest you keep that in mind since what I want most is you.”

  Ariel’s eyes sparkled, and she flushed happily. “You’ve got me.”

  I shook my head before putting my mouth next to her ear. “Not yet, baby. I want all of you, which means a ring on your finger and a baby in your belly.”

  She gasped but when I pulled back and looked at her face, she was sporting a half-smile and a cute blush on her cheeks.

  After giving her one last hard kiss, I said goodbye and forced myself to leave before I said fuck it and took another shot at knocking her up.

  I arrived at Ink Addiction with about twenty minutes to spare. After hastily changing my pants in my studio, I set up the station I used near the front of the shop. The bell jingled at two o’clock on the dot, and I walked to the lobby to greet my client. I stopped short, cursing silently when I saw who it was. I’d been expecting this confrontation, just not yet. Griffith was more than likely to blame for this, and I was going to kick his ass for it.

  An exasperated sigh escaped my mouth at the sight of Knox Dawson, Ariel’s older brother, standing before me with a dark frown on his face, his bulky arms crossed over his big chest, and his legs firmly braced apart. Clearly, he was going for intimidating, but it was wasted on me. I’d dealt with fuckers more badass than him in my line of work. One of your employees messes up the tattoo of a local mob boss or a member of a motorcycle gang (or worse, the prez), you better know how to make deals with the devil.

  Besides—I mirrored his stance—I was a pretty big motherfucker, too. A fight between us would be fairly even. “Knox,” I greeted, keeping my expression blank. “I take it you’re not here for another tattoo?” I’d been doing Knox’s ink almost as long as Griffith’s.

  “What the fuck is going on with you and my sister, Holt?”

  The bell over the door jungled again, and I glanced over to see another customer walking in. I nodded to them in greeting before I looked at Knox and jerked my chin towards the back. Then I spun around and marched back to my office.

  Knox shut the door quietly behind him, and I grudgingly mumbled my thanks. Sudden, loud noises could startle one of the artists and cause them to make a mistake.

  I rounded my desk but didn’t sit, choosing to stand so he didn’t have a perceived advantage. “Why the hell should I explain myself to you, Dawson?” I barked.

  Knox took a threatening step forward, then narrowed his eyes when I showed no outward reaction. “Because she’s my sister, and it’s my job to protect her. So, I’ll ask again, what the fuck is going on between you and Ariel?” He was yelling by the time he finished, steam practically spewing from his ears.

  I debated fucking with him just because it was really none of his business. However, I was glad Ariel had so many people protecting her back and if I’d had a sister, I imagined I would probably act like an overbearing jackass, too.

ding to put an end to this shit, I walked over to a safe sitting on a table that was pushed up against the wall to the left of my desk. I punched in the combination, and the door swung open. There were several folders of important paperwork, the bank deposit envelope, and a small, black box. I took the last item out and shut the door, locking it once more before turning to face Knox.

  I tossed the box in his direction without a word, and he easily caught it. He lifted the lid and stared at the three-carat, pink diamond on a rose gold band. After staring at it for a couple of beats, he snapped it shut and met my eyes. “This is what I think it is?” he asked with an arched brow.

  “I’ve known Ariel was it for me from the moment I met her. I called in a favor and ordered the ring after she left my shop yesterday. They dropped it off this morning.”

  Knox studied me for a long minute, his face unreadable. Then he tossed the box back and lifted one corner of his mouth, which I assumed was his version of a smile. “You’re lucky I’ve known you for years and Griffith stepped in to convince me that you weren’t having a fling with Ariel,” he informed me in a gruff tone. “I’ll give you a chance to make her happy, but”—he stepped closer, and this time I actually felt a fucking shiver run through me at the deadly warning in his eyes—“if you hurt my sister, I will take one of these tattoo guns to your balls before I cut them the fuck off. Is that clear?”

  I held up my hands in a gesture of surrender. “Understood.”

  Knox grunted before pivoting and walking to the door. His hand was on the knob when he glanced back at me over his shoulder. “I better see that ring on her finger before I hear about her being pregnant.”

  “You’re pushing it with your demands, Dawson,” I sneered. “Just take the win, knowing that I love her and am going to marry her.”


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