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Vegas, Baby: Complete Series

Page 30

by Fiona Davenport

  I whistled softly. “You sure do make the most of your downtime.”

  He tilted his head to the side and asked, “Judging by your reaction, it sounds like you don’t?”

  “According to my sisters, definitely not.” I shook my head and sighed. “They’re always trying to talk me into spending less time on work and more on fun now that our business is established and running like a well-oiled machine.”

  “It’s a good thing you met me.” He flashed me a sexy grin. “I’ll just have to lure you into getting a little wild with me.”

  Damn, his charm was lethal. If I couldn’t feel how wet they were, I would’ve thought my panties had just spontaneously combusted. “You’re just busting all my preconceived notions about you tonight.”

  “Considering your first impression of me, that's not a bad thing.”

  Talk about a major understatement. “Yeah, I should probably apologize for the scene I made this morning. Even though I was beyond pissed off when I saw those clients of mine walk into your office, I didn't have the right to storm in there the way I did. And I definitely shouldn’t have screamed at your assistant like a crazy woman. Or you, either.”

  Will smiled as he reached for my hand. “Normally, someone showing up to bitch me out in my office would’ve made me furious.” He shook his head and chuckled. “But I can't find it in myself to be angry about what happened this morning because it brought you to me. And you look like a fucking goddess when you’re all fired up. The only heat I felt was from passion, not anger.”

  I ducked my head when I felt the blush filling my cheeks. “So...about that drink you were going to get me?”

  “Sometime soon, I’m going to see how far down I can get this to go.” He stroked a finger down my cheek, making the color deepen even more. “But for right now, I’ll settle for grabbing our drinks and making a dent in the smorgasbord of desserts we brought home.”

  I giggled softly at his word choice, which brought the energy crackling around us down a notch or two. Then we moved the desserts to the coffee table in the living room and got comfortable on the couch before digging in. We quickly discovered that we both had a love for chocolate when we kept trying to take bites from the flourless chocolate cake at the same time. Being a true gentleman, Will always let me go first.

  When I’d had more than my fair share, I set my fork down and leaned back on the couch, patting my stomach. “Mmm, that was amazing.”

  “We’ll have to do it again sometime but with a double order of chocolate cake”—he pointed at the Butterscotch Bourbon Budino that we’d barely touched—“instead of another one of those.”

  I glanced over at the box, which had been practically licked clean. “Fair warning, the way to this girl’s heart is definitely through her stomach when it comes to chocolate.”

  “Thanks for the tip.” He clasped my face between his hands and leaned down to brush his lips softly over mine. “Next time, we’ll stop at a bunch of places on the Strip to grab their best chocolate desserts, so we’ll have plenty to choose from.”

  How in the hell was I supposed to protect my heart from a smart, sexy guy who wanted to give me chocolate? The more time we spent together, I was finding it harder and harder to resist him. “I don’t remember agreeing to a next time.”

  “It must be the dessert coma.” He nipped at my bottom lip. “Because our second date is tomorrow night.”

  “I don’t know—”

  His swooped down to claim my mouth before I could finish my sentence. My lips parted on a gasp, and his tongue swept inside to tangle with mine. By the time he lifted his head again, his chest was heaving, and his dark green eyes were heavy-lidded.

  His kiss had fogged my brain, making it hard to think clearly. His lips tasted like the chocolate cake we’d eaten but with a spicy kick that was all his own. I desperately wanted another taste, so I pressed our lips together again. Will groaned into my mouth and lifted me off the couch to settle me on his lap.

  Straddling his lap, I felt his cock press against my pussy. He was hard and oh, so big. Plastering myself against him, I twined my arms around his neck and slanted my head to give him better access to my mouth. He deepened the kiss, and his hands slid down my back to cup my butt. My core clenched as he rocked against me, making me whimper in need.

  “I knew it’d be like this between us the moment I laid eyes on you.” He trailed kisses down my neck, his breath hot against my skin as he spoke. “Explosive.”

  One of his hands circled my body to cup my pussy through my clothes. I knew I was wet enough for him to feel it through the material, but I was too turned on to be embarrassed by it. “Fuck,” he groaned. “You’re drenched for me, baby. I can’t wait to get inside your tight, little pussy.”

  “Neither can I.”

  Was I really about to have sex with a guy who I’d only known for twelve hours? One who I’d met while throwing a hissy fit in his office?

  He slid his hand under my waistband and dived straight inside my panties, sinking one of his long fingers inside me, making me moan. The decision was easier than I expected...I was definitely going to have sex with Will tonight.



  I didn’t know how much longer I was going to last. My mind and heart wanted to go slow, to savor every second of our first time together. But my body was clearly not in agreement.

  Aurora felt amazing pressed against me. Her panties were soaked, and I couldn’t help slipping a finger underneath the fabric and plunging it inside her. We moaned in unison, and I pumped it a few times as I took her lips in another scorching kiss.

  Turning my finger, I scraped the tip along her sensitive spot and swallowed her cry of elation as I worked her faster and harder. She ripped her mouth away, and her head dropped back as her hips undulated, taking her pleasure. My tongue followed along her jawline, then down the smooth silk of her neck. Sweet whimpers were falling from Aurora’s lips, and her panting breaths drew my attention to her perfect tits. My mouth watered at the thought of sucking on her hard nipples visible through her shirt.

  I swallowed hard and focused on what I was doing at that moment, telling myself there would be plenty of time for all the things I wanted to do to her. Aurora’s body began to shake, and it wasn’t long before she stiffened and screamed as her pussy clamped down around my finger. It was hot as fuck and come spurted from my dick, making a damn mess of my pants. Yeah, I couldn’t have cared less.

  When her shudders subsided and she collapsed forward onto my chest, I withdrew my finger and sucked it clean. “Mmmmm,” I moaned. “You taste so fucking amazing. If I didn’t need to be inside you so bad right now, I would spread you out on this couch and make you come on my tongue.”

  Aurora shivered and shifted restlessly in my lap. I kissed her cheek and grinned when she practically wrapped herself around me. With both hands under her ass, I held her in place as I stood. Then I stalked quickly to the master suite, which was located at the back of the house. There were four more bedrooms upstairs, and as I laid Aurora on the bed, I couldn’t help thinking about filling up each one.

  “You’re so beautiful,” I murmured as I deftly unbuttoned her pink silk blouse. When the fabric fell away, I drank in the sight of her large, round tits and the peaks poking through her hot pink satin bra. I leaned down and sucked one tip into my mouth through the fabric. Aurora squirmed and dug her hands into my hair. After a few pulls, I switched to the other side and gave it the same treatment.

  She arched her back, and my hands found their way underneath her to undo the clasp on her bra. I let her nipple pop from my mouth, then yanked down the cups and latched onto her rosy pink flesh. Eventually, I lifted my head, and Aurora’s hands fisted in my hair. She held me to her as though I was trying to get away. I chuckled and kissed each swollen tip. “Patience, baby. We’ve got all the time in the world for me to explore your gorgeous body. But if I don’t get inside you soon”—my voice lowered to a growl—"I’m going to lose my fucking mi

  Aurora opened her eyes, and the blue was so dark, it was almost black. Her cheeks were flushed, and as my gaze dropped, I grinned when I saw the blush spreading down over her breasts. “That’s a start,” I teased, running my finger through the valley between the heavy globes.

  With her help, I made quick work of discarding her clothing until she was in nothing but her hot pink thong. I gave each naked butt cheek a good squeeze as I pulled off her pants. A wet spot bloomed between her thighs, and I licked my lips as I thought about lapping up her juices. But my cock was painfully hard, and he needed some relief before I could get my mouth on her delicious pussy.

  I swiftly shed my own tie, shirt, and slacks. Then I stood still for a few moments to let Aurora soak in the sight of my body. Her gaze roamed from my head to my legs—she reached my thighs when her eyes snapped back up to the monster bobbing against my stomach. My dick was standing straight up, the head swollen and an angry red color. It also glistened from the come I’d been steadily leaking since I’d had my finger in her pussy.

  “Um, I don’t think that thing is going to fit,” she mumbled.

  I would have laughed, but I was distracted by the blush that had finally spread down and disappeared into her underwear. “Just relax, baby,” I crooned as I bent over her. “Trust me to make it good for you.” I waited for her to nod, then smiled and slid my fingers under the strings at her hips. “Good girl.” With one fast tug, I snapped the thin material and yanked it away. “I knew I could get it to go all the way,” I breathed as I stared at her flushed skin and her pussy. The lips were puffy, and the small patch of blond curls were shiny with the evidence of her need.

  Aurora began to close her legs, but I threw her a chastising look and gently but firmly pushed them open wide. “Don’t hide from me, baby,” I told her softly. “You are mine. Every inch of you belongs to me. And I want to see this needy pussy wearing your blush so prettily.” I ran my finger down her slit, and she shivered.

  I guided her back until she was lying in the center of the bed, then climbed on and settled on my knees between her spread thighs. Pressing a fist into the bed on both sides of her head, I hovered over her as I sealed our mouths together. When I felt her body begin to relax, I slowly lowered my body until we were plastered against one another, her tits pillowed against my chest, and my cock nestled in the soft curls and blazing heat of her pussy.

  I rocked my hips, and a zap of electricity bolted down my spine and nearly blistered the tip of my cock. I could already feel the telltale tingling that meant my orgasm was fast approaching. I wanted to thrust in deep and hard, then fuck her like a stallion breeding a mare. But I was lucid enough to recognize that I needed to know one thing before I lost all control.

  I broke our kiss and panted, “Aurora, baby, are you a virgin?” The possibility of her pussy being untouched, mine and mine alone, pushed me even closer to the edge of my sanity. It also meant I would need to get a fucking grip on myself so I didn’t hurt her.

  “Yes,” she snipped, and I stifled a smile when I saw her stubborn expression. “Is that a problem?” Her attitude was such a turn-on.

  “Only in the sense that it’s going to be difficult for me to hold back so I don’t hurt you,” I explained. “Especially knowing you will only ever have me inside you, knowing this tight little pussy is mine. Yeah, it’s going to be hard as fuck to stay in control.”

  Aurora’s eyelids dropped before she looked back up at me through her lashes, and her cheeks turned an even darker shade of pink. “What if I want you to lose control? What if I want you to take me with wild abandon? To show me what passion really is?”

  I groaned and dropped my head, burying my face in her neck as my pelvis involuntarily rocked hard against her. “Don’t talk like that, baby. I can’t handle dirty things from your pretty mouth right now.”

  She was silent for a beat, then she took a deep breath, pushing her diamond hard nipples into my chest and causing more bolts of electricity to shoot straight to my cock. “You mean like asking you to fuck me?”

  That was all it took for me to snap. Any remaining blood in my brain drained and traveled down to my pulsing dick. My hips lifted away from her just enough for me to splay my hands on her thighs and nudge them as wide as they would go. Then I slipped my hands under her ass and brought her up to just the right angle. When we were aligned, I slowly pushed the tip of my cock into her dripping pussy. Between her juices and the come leaking from my dick, I slipped in easily, despite the iron grip of her muscles.

  Aurora’s inner walls flexed, and I groaned, “Baby, don’t do that. I’m trying so hard not to—Oh, fuck!” The little vixen bore down and squeezed the life out of my dick. My hips punched sharply, and in another second, I was buried to the hilt. Ecstasy filled every inch of me, and I growled, suddenly lost to the animal instincts inside me. I gripped her round hips and began to pound in and out of her. She’d probably have bruises from my fingers in the morning, but the thought of my mark on her only spurred me on.

  “Yes! Will, yes!” Aurora cried out.

  The caveman in my head was demanding I breed my woman, and the idea already had come spurting from my cock. “Baby, are you on anything?” I asked, almost choking on the words because my jaw was clenched so tight.

  “What?” she asked, her voice dazed and thick with lust.

  “Birth control,” I almost snarled, irrationally angry at the thought of anything keeping me from putting a baby in her belly.

  “Oh crap! No! I—”

  I didn’t wait for her to think about it anymore. I shifted onto my knees and put her legs over my shoulders. It changed the angle of entry so that not only did I go impossibly deep, but every time I withdrew, my cock dragged along her G-spot.

  “Oh, fuck, yeah,” I groaned as her pussy clamped tight around me. “Your pussy obviously wants my come as badly as I want to give it to you. Doesn’t it, baby?”

  “Yes! Yes!” Aurora was shouting now and punching up her hips to meet my every thrust. “Harder, Will! Oh, yes!”

  I wasn’t going to argue with her. I took her legs down and bent them, before pushing them back against her chest. Then I grabbed her hands and shoved them under her thighs. “Hold these up and open, baby.” She widened them, and I came in closer. It wasn’t enough. “More.” Aurora’s eyes grew wide as I helped her open them even farther until she was completely bared to me. I reached up over her head and grasped the headboard. Then I widened my own legs and used my grip to slam inside her with a force so hard the bed banged against the wall. The rhythmic sound of the headboard whacking into the wall got faster and faster, with more and more force. It almost drowned out Aurora’s screams and my shouts of ecstasy. “Fuck! Fuck! Yes, baby! Squeeze that pussy. Oh, fuck yes!” My balls began to draw up, and I quickly slipped my hand between us long enough to pinch her clit so she would go off like a fucking rocket. She screamed my name as I grabbed on with both hands again and fucked her with wild abandon.

  My orgasm came barreling through me and exploded, shooting come into her unprotected womb. “Keep squeezing, baby,” I demanded. “Milk my cock of every drop. I’m going to knock you the fuck up.”

  My gaze locked with hers, clearly displaying my unbending determination. Her eyes grew wide as saucers, but her pussy convulsed hard at my words. The corners of my lips tipped up as I watched her smugly. “Your body knows what you want, baby. Don’t fight it.”

  I rocked into her, continuing to fill her with load after load of my seed. But I kept a tight seal so nothing would escape.

  As our bodies drained of energy, I slowed my movements until I came to a stop. Aurora’s eyes were closed, and she let out an adorable little mewl of contentment. Using the last of my strength, I straightened out her legs, then kept her pressed tight against me as I rolled to my back. She snuggled into me, and we fell asleep with her sprawled on top of me and my cock still buried in her pussy.



  “Aurora, baby." I stre
tched out, groaning softly because my muscles protested the movement. "I wanted to let you sleep in, but your phone has been going off like crazy for the past thirty minutes.”

  A strong hand stroked down my naked back, and my eyes blinked open. My brain was fuzzy, and it took me a moment to get my bearings. When I lifted my head and focused on the sexy man leaning over me, the events of the previous night all came rushing back. I had mind-blowing sex with this motorcycle riding, tattooed divorce lawyer. And I wasn't even a tiny bit mad about it. Then again, how could I have any regrets after the number of orgasms he gave me?

  “What time is it?” I asked sleepily, pushing up on one elbow.

  “A little after seven,” he answered.

  “Seven?” I echoed in surprise, my gaze lingering on the athletic shorts hanging low on his hips. “It's probably just my sisters making sure I'm up for the day because we have a huge wedding at noon. Anyone else in my life knows better than to call me this early in the morning.”

  “In your life?” he growled, his eyes filling with a possessive gleam.

  “Yeah, you know…vendors, friends, other relatives who I won’t forgive quite as easily as my sisters.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “You didn't think I was talking about another guy, did you?”

  He shrugged his broad shoulders. “Not really.”

  “Good, because that’d be dumb since I was a virgin until last night. Plus, I'd hate to get into a fight this early in the morning.” Noticing how the hair at his temples was damp, I tilted my head to the side. “Which brings me to a more important question; why does it look like you've been up for a while?”

  “Not a morning person, huh?”

  I shook my head and frowned. “Not even close. Don't expect me to be anywhere near a good mood until I've had at least my first jolt of caffeine,” I warned.


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