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Vegas, Baby: Complete Series

Page 34

by Fiona Davenport

  “We should celebrate our success.” He lifted me in his arms and carried me back over to the mattress, setting me down gently. Then he stripped out of his boxers, placing a soft kiss on my belly before dropping down next to me. Pulling me close, he tugged my nightgown off my body and proceeded to kiss every inch of skin he uncovered. I was already a writhing mess of need when he reached my breasts. I felt the flick of his tongue against my nipple all the way to my core.

  “Will,” I whimpered, digging my fingers into his scalp.

  “Do you need more, beautiful?” he purred.

  “Yes,” I gasped as he trailed his fingers down my body to plunge two of them into my pussy.

  “So damn wet,” he growled, lowering his head to flick his tongue against my clit. “And so fucking delicious.”

  He pulled his fingers from my body and started to fuck me with his tongue. It didn’t take long for him to push me over the edge, and he licked me through my orgasm. As soon as my pussy stopped spasming, he rose on his knees and settled between my legs. “I love you, baby. So fucking much.”

  “I know you do, but show me how much anyway,” I urged.

  He slammed all the way into me with one powerful thrust, and groaned, “Your pussy feels perfect. Hotter than ever.”

  “Uh-huh,” I grunted as he pounded into me, circling my legs around his waist to hold on tight. It didn’t take long before I felt another orgasm building, and my pussy clenched around his hard length.

  “That’s right, beautiful. I need you to come for me right now because I’m already so fucking close.”

  I dug my fingers into his shoulders, my head thrown back as I cried out his name when he drove into me over and over again. When I flew over the edge again, he sank deep and came with me.

  When our panting eased, Will rolled onto his back and pulled me close. Cuddling against his chest, I murmured, “If I wasn’t already pregnant, I would be now.”

  “We had a lot to celebrate.” His hand drifted up and down my back. “Plus, it’s not like we need to quit practicing just because you’re pregnant.”

  “Good point. We can keep practicing for next time.” I tilted my head back and grinned up at him. “I do have three siblings, after all.”



  A knock on my office door elicited a snarl from my chest as I tore my lips away from my wife and shouted, “Go away!”

  Aurora giggled and shifted in my lap, leaning back when I attempted to go back to kissing her. “That’s not very professional.”

  “Who the hell cares?” I captured her mouth once again before being interrupted by another knock. Frowning, I glared at the door, willing the ground to open up and swallow the person outside.

  “Will, your next appointment is here,” Chad said with a sigh.

  “I don’t have any more appointments today,” I snapped.

  Chad sighed again, long and loud, making sure it was very clear how annoyed he was. “I added it to your schedule last night. And if you would have put your…long lunch, on the calendar, I wouldn’t have booked it at one o’clock.”

  Aurora yelped and jumped up; dancing away before I could get a grip on her waist and pull her back down. “Baby, get your sexy little ass back here,” I growled.

  She shook her head as she slipped on her shoes and rebuttoned her blouse. “I’ve got a wedding in an hour, Will.” My lips turned down in a pout, making her laugh. “I’ll make it up to you tonight.” I perked up at her promise, which prompted her to throw back her head and belly laugh. Then she darted over for a quick kiss before sashaying to the door and swinging it open.

  Chad was waiting in the hall with his hands on his hips and a mulish expression on his face. But when he spotted Aurora, he blushed and stammered out a soft hello. I rolled my eyes at how he practically turned into an adolescent schoolboy around my wife. It was harmless, but the best way to break him out of the daze was to give him shit about it. “Put your tongue back in your mouth and stop staring at my wife, Chad.”

  His gaze jumped to me, and he glared before spinning around and huffing off, muttering something about unappreciative assholes.

  Aurora giggled behind her hand, not wanting Chad to hear and have his feelings hurt. She was much sweeter than me. I didn’t give a fuck and laughed right out loud. She shook her head but blew me a kiss before sailing out of my office.

  Barely two minutes later, a short, curvy woman with tan skin, almond-shaped brown eyes, and long curly, black hair stepped into my office. Her expression was a mixture of shellshock and steady determination.

  “How can I help you, Miss…?” I let the question hang and gestured toward one of the chairs in front of my desk.

  She moved forward and sunk down onto one. “Addilyn Cole—”

  “Dawson. Addilyn Dawson.” Knox’s deep voice interrupted her as he barreled into my office. His expression was thunderous, and when he looked at me, his eyes held a warning and threat of murder.

  A lesser man might have shrunk back in fear, but I wasn’t afraid of Knox’s bluster. A smirk formed on my lips. Oh, this was going to be good.

  “I need an annulment,” Addilyn announced, staring straight at me and ignoring Knox altogether.

  “Over my dead body, baby,” Knox growled.

  “Damn, how the tables have turned…” I drawled, my smirk now a full-blown grin.

  Knox had shifted his focus to the woman who was apparently his wife. When he heard me, however, I was once again being silently threatened with manslaughter. “Shut the fuck up, Will,” he snarled. Then he stomped over to Addilyn and scooped her up into his arms. “We won’t be needing your services.” He marched out of the room carrying a flailing, objecting woman. She punched him in the shoulder but ended up yelping and cradling her hand against her chest. “Put me down, you big brute!”

  Once he was gone, I was surprised to see Aurora rush back into my office with an incredulous expression on her beautiful face. “Did I just see what I think I did?” she asked before dissolving into laughter.

  “Looks like your brother has fallen victim to what he called, ‘love at first sight bullshit.’ And she seems like a feisty one.” I rubbed my hands together with glee. “I think we should get some popcorn for this.”

  Aurora laughed and shook her head with an exasperated smile directed at me. “You should have more sympathy. You’ve been there.”

  I shot off a quick text, then stood and prowled over to my wife. “And, that’s exactly why I’m going to enjoy this. Watching him chase her. Seeing him taken down by that tiny slip of a woman.” She harrumphed as I circled my arms around her. “But then, they’ll work things out and find the same bliss I’ve found with you.”

  Aurora smiled dreamily and melted into my embrace. I lowered my head and took her lips in a deep, passion-filled kiss. Just as it always did when my wife was around—or even when I just thought about her—my body came alive, and I felt desperate to be inside her.

  Never breaking our connection, I backed her up just enough to shut my office door and flip the lock. “Wedding,” she mumbled.

  “After,” I groaned as I placed soft, wet kisses down the column of her throat. My hands journeyed down to grab her ass and yank her body flush against mine. I lifted her up to bring her tits at just the right height for me to wrap my lips around one of her nipples. She moaned and arched her back. They were extra sensitive from her pregnancy hormones, and I took full advantage of it. I rocked my pelvis into her, and she shuddered.

  “Yes…” she whimpered. I took that as permission to keep going and padded over to the couch.

  It was a good thing I’d sent a text asking her sisters to cover for her because she never would have made it on time. When I finally let her leave, she looked freshly fucked and thoroughly satisfied. I watched her ass sway as she left, and like always, I sent up a prayer of thanks that she’d said, “I do.”

  Extra Epilogue


  “Why the fuck is my wife crying?”
I yelled as I stomped into Aurora’s office, glaring at her sister. I made a beeline for my woman and scooped her out of her office chair, took her seat, settling her in my lap so I could check her for signs of injury.

  “Will, I’m fine. S-s-seriously,” she tried to assure me before dissolving into tears once more. I was panicking. I looked over to her sisters to demand an explanation, but they’d disappeared. Smart.

  “Baby, what’s wrong? Tell me so I can fix it,” I begged. “I can’t handle your tears.”

  “The wedding. It was s-so b-beautiful.” She wiped her eyes and sniffed, then reached for a tissue from the box on her desktop.

  I scratched my head and sat in silence for a minute, trying to comprehend. “You’re crying because of a wedding?” Weddings were Aurora’s life. I couldn’t remember a time when she’d cried over one, except ours. Teary-eyed maybe, but full-on sobbing? No, something was wrong.

  “I’m sorry. I’m just so emotional lately,” Aurora apologized, her lips curling down. “I burst into tears during the ceremony and had to come back to my office. It was so unprofessional.”

  I grasped her chin and directed her face toward mine. “Baby, tell me what’s wrong. You don’t cry at weddings.”

  “I cried at our wedding,” she defended with a pout.

  One corner of my mouth tipped up because her indignation was fucking adorable. “That’s because the fact that you were marrying the man of your dreams overwhelmed you,” I replied with a wink.

  She rolled her eyes, but a smile played at her lips. “Maybe.”

  I laughed and kissed her lightly, but it quickly escalated, turning into a deep claiming of her mouth. I lifted her hips and repositioned her so she was straddling my lap. Her skirt bunched up as she came down on top of me, and the heat from her pussy cocooned my rock hard cock.

  Four years and two kids later, I still turned to steel whenever I even thought about my gorgeous wife. Aurora moaned and wiggled her sexy ass, eliciting a groan from deep in my chest.

  “I need you,” she demanded after ripping her mouth away. Her hands tackled my belt buckle, but I stayed them by shackling her wrists with a firm hold.

  “The door isn’t locked, baby.”

  Aurora huffed and jumped off of my lap before I could make a grab for her. Then she pointed at me as she hurried to her office door and flipped the lock. “You. Get your cock out.” I nearly laughed at how serious she looked as she commanded me. It was cute, but it was also hot as fuck, and I immediately did as I was told.

  I’d barely freed myself when she was climbing onto my lap again. As she swung her leg over, I caught a glimpse of her wet, pink pussy, and I realized she’d ditched the panties on her way back to me.

  I slid a hand between her legs and ran a finger up her slit, before bringing the drenched finger to my mouth and sucking it clean. “Fuck, baby. You taste so damn sweet today.”

  “That’s great,” she practically snapped, making me bury my head in her tits to hide my smile. “You can tell me all about it later. Right now, I want to ride this big, fat dick while you fuck me fast and hard.”

  What idiot would say no to that? I leaned back in the chair so I could look down between us. “Whatever you want, baby. Open that pussy for me.” She opened her legs wide and used both sets of fingers to spread her folds. “So fucking gorgeous,” I groaned as I grabbed the base of my cock and stroked it twice. Then I lined it up with her sex and watched it disappear inside her as she slowly sunk down.

  We both groaned when she’d taken me to the root. She grabbed onto my shoulders for leverage to pick herself up and drop again. “Fuck,” I grunted as her muscles clamped around me. Her pussy was tight as hell, but she was so slick that my cock slid right in.

  “Will,” Aurora moaned as she closed her eyes and dropped her head backward. Her back arched, shoving her luscious tits in my face. To my shock, she grasped the center of her blouse and ripped it open. “Suck on my nipples,” she begged as she bounced on my cock.

  Damn, my girl was needy today, and I was more than happy to take care of her. I yanked down the cups of her bra, and her breasts spilled out. I was about to latch onto one of her stiff, pink peaks when I noticed that they looked bigger. How had I missed that?


  Horny as fuck.

  Swollen tits.

  Extra sweet pussy.

  A gigantic smile spread across my face. “You’re pregnant,” I told my wife smugly.

  Aurora froze, and her eyes flew open. She blinked a few times, then understanding crossed her features. “Well, shit, how did that happen?”

  My smile spread even wider. “Let me remind you.”

  I grabbed her hips and bucked up hard as I slammed her down onto my cock, causing her to throw her head back with a scream. Her tits were bouncing in my face, and I pumped into her fast and rough as I leaned forward and sucked on her sensitive nipples. She shivered and moaned, her fingernails digging hard into my shoulders.

  “This is how I knocked you up, baby,” I grunted as I drove in hard, over and over, pushing her toward the peak of ecstasy. The base of my spine tingled, and I grasped frantically at my control. “Come, Aurora. Cream all over my cock, baby.”

  “Will!” she cried as she flew over the edge.

  “Fuck! That’s it, milk my cock, baby. Fuck, yeah. Oh, fuck!” Her pussy squeezed the fuck out of me as she came, and I shouted her name as my orgasm shot through me. I exploded, filling her with my hot come as her muscles continued to pulse, drawing out my pleasure.

  After another couple of minutes, Aurora collapsed against me, seeming utterly exhausted. I closed my arms around her and took a deep breath, trying to regulate my still racing heart. “It gets better every fucking time,” I murmured into her hair.

  She hummed her agreement, and we fell into a contented silence. A moment later, she gasped and sat up. “This is your fault!”

  I pasted an appropriately innocent and shocked expression on my face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. It takes two, baby.”

  “Not when you get me so worked up that I won’t notice you didn’t put on a condom!” she snapped. “And get that cocky smile off your ridiculously sexy face, Will.”

  I pinched my lips together and stifled a laugh. “Damn, I love you.”

  My wife’s face went soft, and she melted into me once more. “I love you, too.”

  “You’re not really mad, right?”

  “Of course not,” she sighed. “We talked about trying again, but when I agreed, I didn’t realize that you were going to start that night. How do you always knock me up on the first freaking try?”

  “Your body obviously loves growing my babies. Guess we’ll have to keep it happy a couple more times.”

  Aurora snickered and shook her head. “We just discovered I’m pregnant, and you’re already planning the next one?”

  “Damn straight.”

  “And if I said I wanted this to be the last one?”

  I didn’t even hesitate. “Then, it will be.”

  “No, I want more,” she admitted. “I was just curious.”

  “You know I’d do anything for you, baby.”

  Aurora lifted her head and placed a soft kiss on my lips. When she pulled back, her eyes were glittering with happiness and love. “Yeah, baby. I do.”

  Extra Extra Epilogue


  “I have a wedding in fifteen minutes,” Aurora moaned. But she made no move to shove my face away from her pussy.

  She’d come prancing into my office a few minutes ago all riled up about something. I couldn’t remember what because I’d been so fucking turned on by her display of fire. My cock had turned to steel and my mouth watered. Then she’d made the mistake of coming too close to me, and before she realized what was happening, I had her spread out on my desk, her skirt shoved up to her waist and her panties in shreds. I’d already made her come once, but I wanted another one before I sunk my cock inside her tight heat.

she trailed off as her muscles tightened.

  “Come on my tongue, baby,” I ordered.

  When she immediately obeyed, my cock started leaking. If I didn’t get inside her now, I would make a mess of my pants, and I hadn’t replaced the last pair I’d ruined when my wife came into my office and tempted me.

  Which was a regular occurrence because I couldn’t resist Aurora, so I always kept spare clothes at work. But I’d forgotten to bring them with me this morning.

  I pushed to my feet and grabbed Aurora's thighs, yanking her to the edge of the desk and plunging inside until I was fully seated. “Fuck,” I grunted. “Doesn’t matter how many years it’s been, I swear it’s better every damn time.”

  After I’d thoroughly fucked my wife—twice—I finally let her sit up and helped her off the desk. She seemed in a bit of a daze, making me smirk arrogantly as I righted her skirt.

  “What was it you needed, baby?” I asked after putting away my cock and settling her on my lap.

  “Um...I don’t remember.”

  “All right. Well, just let me know if you figure it out.” I kissed the tip of her nose and stood up, letting her slowly slide down my body until she was on her feet. Then I turned her toward my door and patted her ass. “You better get to that wedding before I take you up against the wall next,” I warned.

  She glanced back at me, and her cheeks bloomed with pink, her eyes revealing how tempted she was to ditch the wedding and let me ravish her. But I had an appointment in thirty minutes that I needed to prepare for as well.

  “Go on, baby,” I said with a laugh. “We’ll take a rain check.”

  Her lips tipped down into a pout making me laugh again before I pulled her into my arms for a deep kiss. It took monstrous effort to end it, but I eventually talked my dick into standing down and released her.

  Several hours later, she came bursting back through my office door. “I remembered!”


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