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Vegas, Baby: Complete Series

Page 40

by Fiona Davenport

  Leaning closer, I lifted her off the seat and put her on my lap. As I rested my hand over her belly, I couldn’t help but think about all the come I had pumped into her pussy over the past two weeks. If Addilyn wasn’t knocked up already, she would be soon. We could only live in the hotel for so long because we’d need more space when the baby came. I wanted us settled in our new home before she got too big, which meant I needed to get moving on our house hunting stat. “No worries there, baby. I’m great in the kitchen, and you’ll always have me at your beck and call.”

  Her eyes widened in surprise. “You can cook?”

  “Yeah.” I rubbed my chin against her neck, loving how she shivered when my five o’clock shadow scraped against her sensitive skin. “It was a necessity growing up.”

  Addilyn stroked her hand against my chest, basically petting me. Her touch soothed the muscles that had tensed up when I thought about how hard my mom had to work with four kids at home after our dad died. It wasn’t something I ever talked about, but opening up to my wife came naturally. “My mom’s work made it difficult for her to get home in time to make dinner every night, and I had three younger sisters who always seemed to be hungry.”

  The smile she flashed me was blinding in its beauty. “You’re such a good man.”

  “What I am”—I shifted her on my lap so she was straddling me—“is your man.”

  “I know,” she whispered before leaning forward to brush her lips over mine. “And I’m a lucky woman.”

  “If anyone here is lucky, it’s me,” I disagreed, knowing damn well I’d gotten the better end of the deal when she’d drunkenly suggested we get married. This gorgeous woman had basically tumbled into my hands, and I grabbed the opportunity with everything I had because I was impatient to make her mine. Now that I had her, I’d make sure she continued to feel lucky to have me in her life because I was never going to let her go.

  My thumbs stroked against the outer swells of her tits, making Addilyn gasp as she wiggled on my lap. “Are you feeling needy, wife?”

  “Uh-huh,” she answered softly, a pink hue filling her cheeks.

  “We can’t have that.” I flicked my thumbs over her pebbled nipples. “As your husband, it’s my duty to give you anything you need. And I take my responsibilities to you very seriously.”

  “It’s not as though I have any complaints. You’ve been doing a bang-up job of meeting my needs.” Her back arched, pressing her chest into my palms. “But my breasts feel extra sensitive today.”

  It had been fifteen days since the first time I filled her pussy with my come, plenty of time for me to knock her up. I’d been taking her several times a day since then, with no break in between. “When’s your period due?”

  She jerked upright, her eyes widening in shock and her lips parting on a gasp. “I’m…it’s…holy crap, I’m two days late! I’m never late. My period comes like clockwork.” Her hands clenched on my shoulders. “I can’t believe I didn’t even notice until now.” She shook me a little, or at least she tried to. My little wife’s efforts didn’t stand much of a chance against my bulk. “It’s all your fault, keeping me too distracted to be aware of anything but you.”

  My chest puffed up in pure male satisfaction. I loved knowing my wife’s head was too full of me to keep track of her cycle. And I was fucking thrilled by the possibility that she was already pregnant with my baby. “That’s only fair since you’re the only thing on my mind, too.”

  “We’re quite the pair,” she sighed, dropping her head against my shoulder and wrapping her arms around my back to hug me tight.

  “And now we might be a trio.” I stood, keeping her cradled in my arms as I carried her into the bathroom.

  After setting Addilyn on her feet, I yanked open the drawer where I kept my toiletries. Reaching in the back, my fingers wrapped around what I was looking for. I pulled out the small box and ripped it open. When I handed Addilyn the white stick, she sputtered in shock. “Wh—what? How?”

  “I’m an impatient man.” She snorted at my confession, making me chuckle. “Yeah, I get that it doesn’t come as much of a surprise to you, considering how things went down the night we met. But my impatience was a damn good thing then, just like it is now because we don’t need to wait to find out if you’re pregnant.” I jerked my chin at the test she was holding in a grip so tight her knuckles were white. “All you have to do is pee on that, and then we’ll have confirmation that my swimmers did their job.”

  She bit her bottom lip to stifle her giggle while pointing toward the door. “Out.”


  “Nope. No way.” She shook her head and pushed against my chest. “I don’t care if you’ve licked every part of my body, I’m not going to the bathroom in front of you.”

  I wanted to be a part of every step of her pregnancy, but I could understand her reluctance to let me stay for this part. Plus, the pretty blush on her cheeks while she stood firm against me was cute as fuck. “Fine, I’ll stand outside the door. But I’m coming back in as soon as you’re done.”

  I captured her lips for another kiss before keeping my promise and stepping outside of the bathroom. She slammed the door shut behind me, and I leaned against the wall next to it until I heard the flush of the toilet. As soon as the sound of her turning on the faucet at the sink to wash her hands hit my ears, I flung the door open again and sidled up behind Addilyn. Wrapping my arms around her body to rest my hands over her belly, I met her eyes in the reflection of the mirror in front of us. “T minus three minutes and counting.” Wagging my brows, I tightened my hold on her. “Maybe we should find a fun way to pass the time.”

  Her plump lips curved up in a tiny grin before she turned in my arms to look up at me. “We both know three minutes doesn’t come close to the amount of time we’d need to really have fun. You’re more of a marathon man than a sprinter.”

  “Remind me to demonstrate how much fun a quickie can be sometime.” I cupped her cheeks with my palms. “Right before you go on stage would be the perfect time. Maybe I won’t feel quite so possessive over the men in the audience seeing your beauty if you have my ring on your finger, my baby in your belly, and my come leaking out of your pussy.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Could you be any more of a caveman?”

  “Fuck yeah, I can.” Just the possibility of her being pregnant had me feeling more territorial than usual.

  “Why do I have the feeling that if the test turns up positive, I’m about to experience a whole new level of caveman-ness from you?”

  “Probably because I’m married to a smart woman.” I grinned at her and jerked my chin in the direction of where she’d left the test sitting on the countertop. “So how about we check to see how soon I get to roar from the rooftops that I knocked up my woman?”

  I released her cheeks, and she turned to peer down at the results screen on the test. I felt her body tense up for a moment before she whispered, “I’m pregnant.”

  “Fuck yeah, you are,” I shouted as I lifted her up to twirl her around.

  “You’re really happy?” she asked after I set her back on her feet. Her eyes held a hint of doubt that I was determined to wipe away.

  “Of course, I am.” I claimed her mouth in a deep kiss, groaning in regret when I finally tore my lips from hers. “Why wouldn’t I be thrilled that the woman I love is carrying my baby?”

  “You love me?” The concern in her gaze was wiped away and replaced with awe.

  “With everything I am.” I pressed her hand against my chest. “From the moment I laid eyes on you and realized you were meant to be mine. And I’m going to love our little one just as much as I do you.”

  “I love you, too.” A single tear spilled down her cheek, and I kissed it away. “So very much.”

  My wife had finally said the three words I’d been dying to hear from her, and she was carrying my baby. It was the best day of my life, and I knew I had many more just like it to look forward to.

r />   Addilyn

  “Nobody wants to watch a whale sing the blues,” I moaned as I waddled into my dressing room.

  Knox laughed but sobered quickly when I glared daggers at him. “Baby, you’re an amazing singer. They shouldn’t be focusing on your body anyway.” His expression turned a little smug, and I narrowed my eyes in warning. When he spoke again, it was obvious he’d ignored it. “Honestly, I think I’ll keep you knocked up for a long time since it makes me less crazy to know that every man in the audience can clearly see that you belong to me.”

  I waved my hand in his face and huffed, “Because the giant ring on my finger isn’t enough?”

  He pulled me into the circle of his arms, cuddling me as much as he could with my eight-month pregnant belly between us. “Nope.” He popped the P and grinned before lowering his head to kiss me, making my toes curl and panties wet. Damn, my husband was freaking sexy, and it didn’t help that my pregnancy hormones had my libido locked on high.

  His hands came to rest on my belly for a moment before gliding around to cup my ass. I was about to beg him to make love to me when his phone rang, playing the tone that was specifically for the security team, and blew away the fog of lust surrounding us.

  He grunted with annoyance and pulled his cell from his pocket. He stabbed the screen and lifted it to his ear with one hand, while the other spun me around and hauled me up against him. “The building better fucking be on fire,” he growled. I could barely hear the low tones of the person on the other end, mostly because Knox’s hand had slid down and under the hem of my dress before moving back up to cup my pussy. I moaned, and he must have held the phone to his shoulder because his other hand suddenly covered my mouth.

  “Are you fucking serious? It’s going to have to wait,” he snarled as one finger dipped under the drenched fabric of my panties. His hand stifled my moan, and the yelp that escaped when he ripped my underwear and threw them to the floor. A growl rumbled in his chest before he answered whoever was on the phone. “I’ll be there in fifteen. My wife and I have some business to conclude first.”

  He’d pushed two fingers inside my channel and was using his thumb to circle my clit, making my blood boil and need consume me. Still, at his words, I felt my cheeks heat. It wasn’t like anyone was fooled. They knew exactly what he meant by business. Especially since Knox couldn’t ever keep his hands to himself when I was around. Not that I was complaining about that.

  Knox uncovered my mouth and tossed his phone onto the vanity. Then he backed up until he dropped down onto the couch and settled me on his lap, straddling him with my back to his chest. His free hand went straight between my legs and held my pussy lips open while his other fingers continued to work me up, pushing me closer to an orgasm.

  He nipped my earlobe and whispered, “Look at you, baby. It’s so fucking hot to watch my fingers fucking your pretty pussy. You’re so wet and pink, so damn hot.”

  I hadn’t realized my head had fallen back and I’d closed my eyes. I dragged them open and stared into the mirror across from us. Holy cow. What I saw made my nipples tingle, more juices flooded my pussy, and I flew to the precipice and teetered at the edge.

  “See how gorgeous you are?” he growled. “You make me hard as fuck, baby.” He punctuated the statement by bucking his hips, pushing his giant hard on against my ass. I moaned, and he took a deep, ragged breath. One of his hands traveled up until it was cupping my breast, and he tweaked the nipple, making me cry out and lift my hips to meet the thrust of his fingers. He pressed my sensitive bud, and I screamed as I took a swan dive over the cliff. “Shit,” he mumbled. I vaguely heard the sound of a zipper before I felt my hips being guided up, then back down as I was impaled with my husband's steel cock.

  “Fuck, yes!” Knox shouted. His hands held me tight, so that I didn’t move much while he did all the work, pounding into my pussy and driving me up once again. “Keep watching, baby,” he commanded in a hard tone. My gaze met his for a moment, and I almost smiled in satisfaction at the wildness in his blue eyes. I loved that I drove him to lose control. His hands suddenly flattened against my inner thighs and pulled my legs as wide as they could comfortably go and following suit with his own so I was completely open. Both of our gazes fell to my center in the mirror, and my breath caught in my throat as I watched his big dick penetrate me over and over.

  The view was incredibly erotic, and it wasn’t long before I came again, arching my back and calling out his name. “Fuck, you’re squeezing me so damn tight,” he rasped before yanking me down one last time and sinking his teeth into my neck as he exploded inside me. I was going to have yet another mark for all to see, which would only make Knox puff up like a freaking rooster. But at that moment, I didn’t care. I felt like I was high, my body limp and my mind floating in the clouds. I sighed as I collapsed back against my husband’s chest and snuggled deeper when his arms folded around me. “I love you, baby,” he murmured.

  Warmth stole through me from head to toe, and my heart was bursting with emotion. “I love you, too.”

  His phone beeped again, and he sighed as he closed my legs and smoothed down my skirt. Then he stood, taking me with him and setting me on my feet with his steadying hands on my hips. “Come with me,” he purred as he dragged his lips up my neck.

  “I just did,” I teased.

  His blue eyes were still hungry when they met my gaze in the mirror while zipping his pants back up. “And you’ll be coming a fuck of a lot more as soon as I deal with the security issue. Now move your sweet ass.” He patted my butt, and I pretended to glare at him, even though fire sparked in my center. Grabbing my hand, he laced our fingers together and led me out of the dressing room.

  When we arrived at the security offices, I saw Anna, our newest marketing hire, pacing in front of Knox’s desk. She’d been helping me with designs for new posters and ads, so we had become good friends in the month she’d been here.

  She greeted me with a smile, but it seemed forced, and her green eyes had a frantic quality to them. I cocked my head to the side as I studied her, curious about the flush on her pale skin. I couldn’t imagine why she would be blushing, and I wondered if a man had put her in this agitated state.

  Knox led me to the couch directly across from his desk that he’d had brought in just for me. Then he kissed my forehead before striding over to his chair and taking a seat. “What’s the problem, Anna?” he inquired, the wild man from my dressing room suddenly replaced by the calm, almost scary (to everyone but me) head of security.

  “Julian Storm!” she snapped, halting in her pacing and facing my husband with her hands fisted on her hips. “You need to do something about that, that…jerk face!” I covered my mouth so I wouldn’t laugh at her choice of insult for the sexy magician.

  “Calm down, Anna,” Knox said patiently. “What did he do that has you so worked up?”

  She started pacing again, giving me a view of her screwed-up expression. “I’m not worked up,” she protested. When her blush intensified, I suspected her definition of “worked up” was different than Knox’s. Then she snapped, “He doesn’t have any effect on me,” and I had to stifle another laugh at her clear denial.

  “Okay,” Knox agreed. “What did he do to upset you?”

  “He kidnapped me!” she shouted. Knox’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline. We knew Julian pretty well, and it was hard to believe that he would…she broke my train of thought when she continued. “He was supposed to make me disappear for the show, but then the box was moving, and when it opened up, I was locked with him in his dressing room!” Her cheeks were bright red now, and she started to fan her face with one hand. I was convinced there was more to that story but stayed silent, deciding there would be a better time to drag it all out of her. Besides, I’d seen the way Julian watched Anna whenever she was near him. It reminded me of how Knox looked at me.

  Knox’s face was impassive, but the slight crinkling around his eyes betrayed the fact that he was amused. I buried my face
in a pillow, trying to keep from bursting into laughter.

  “While I can understand why you’re upset, I’m afraid this isn’t a security issue,” he drawled as he leaned back in his chair and tapped the fingers of one hand on his desk. “Therefore, not my problem.”

  Anna faced him again and stomped her foot. “Of course, it’s a security issue!” she argued, her voice pitched high. “He can’t just go kidnapping women from the audience. Someone is going to call the police…and…and”—she seemed to be grasping for more to say—“it’s a publicity nightmare!”

  I snorted, and they both swung their heads in my direction. “I disagree,” I chirped happily. “I think it’s marketing gold.”

  “Pardon?” Anna asked incredulously.

  I nodded and grinned. “If word got out that the incredibly sexy and talented Julian Storm was kidnapping women and locking them in with himself, the audience would be sold out every freaking night.”

  Knox growled, and I glanced over to see him scowling adorably at me. I winked at him and put an innocent expression on my face. “What?” He narrowed his baby blues on me, and I barely kept from squirming at the warning in them. “Seriously, he’s gorgeous, and women fall all over him. We should capitalize on that.” Knox’s glare held a wealth of dark promise, making me shiver in anticipation. I was going to pay for this later, and if I’d been wearing panties, they would have been drenched from the thought of my punishment. Why was his jealousy so damn sexy?

  I glanced at Anna and clocked the stunned expression on her face. “ themselves at him?” she asked quietly, sounding dejected. “Does that mean this isn’t the first time he’s done something like this?”

  I shook my head and frowned as I thought. “Not to my knowledge. I don’t think I’ve ever even seen him with a date.” I peered up at Anna and couldn’t help smiling at the mollified expression on her face. Then it was like she remembered she was supposed to be mad, and her lips twisted as she threw up her arms and exhaled sharply.


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