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The Pirate Queen

Page 18

by K R Martin

  "I suppose I cannot refuse a king," the words were soft as they escaped her lips.

  "No, this request is not coming from a king." His eyes turned soft in their pleading. "I would like to dance with you, only you. And it would make me very happy if you would arrive in just a mask."

  Renee couldn't stop her feet from stepping back. He wanted to see her face; she was sure of it. It thrilled her. To once again dance in her husband's arms, to gaze at him, and watch him gaze at her, the thought almost caused a whimper to leave her trembling lips. For one night, among so many also in masks, perhaps she could relax for one night. What she wouldn't give to feel like her husband's wife once again.

  "It would be my honor," she managed to respond.

  "Oh no, my dear lady, the honor is entirely mine."


  "I still can't believe we pulled this off in only one week." Renee couldn't help but say as she gazed at the large group of vibrantly colored tents all set up around the large meadow beside the castle. Aside from the Masquerade, Will wanted to have a grand one-day marketplace for everyone to show and sell. As both Espan and Cartiana thrived on trade, there was no shortage of willing merchants to showcase special goods traded from around the world. Add to that, Caleb brought a large shipment to trade from the new world, and Renee brought out own stash of items they had acquired from their travels. Luca was more than happy to put his merchant skills to use, practically jumping like a little boy when she told him.

  "Well, Luca did help a lot," Ama Lei nodded to their tent, Luca's face sporting a wide grin as he showcased his persuasive abilities. Giving the way the older woman blushed, he obviously was about to make a sale. Good thing he still maintained his merchant business on the side, trading at every port they visited.

  And there, in the middle of it all, stood her husband. Will stood tall and proud, decked out as the king he was, their twins also dressed in finery as each held one of his hands. Conrad and Desiree stood nearby, though Will's focus was on his children. Renee didn't blame him. Eyes wide and sparkling, their faces lit with wonder as they gazed at the vibrancy around them. She could feel the tug drawing her to them, gently pulling her feet to take those steps, but the sight of Conrad hovering kept them firmly planted.

  "You did a fantastic job!" Mei's voice hit her ears the moment before she joined them, a wide awake Spera in her arms.

  "I suppose you're up from your nap," Renee didn't have to force the smile as she took her daughter in her arms. The toddler began giggling and reaching for the bright colors around her.

  "Well, we should probably enjoy the fruits of our labor," Ama Lei nudged Renee.

  "It would be a shame not to." Arms wrapped around her toddler, Renee wandered through the tents, gazing at the wares all arranged to snag a potential buyer. Spera, in true toddler fashion, reached for every bright, shiny, and colorful object her little hands could possibly take hold of. But, it did give Renee an even more enjoyable time, learning to balance true interest of her own while shifting her daughter's interests towards other things. Though, she couldn't begrudge Spera the adorable cloth doll with black hair and blue eyes that looked just like her daughter, even if the extra princess dresses would be packed away until the tyke was older.

  "I see I am not the only one to be persuaded by little people." She had to force her eyes closed for a moment, wishing the air she forced into her lungs would help temper the flames that shot through her heart. She should have known it was a bad idea to fight fire with air.

  "Your majesty," Renee curtsied deep before him. Her nerves practically danced around him after his almost declaration of love. Another girl might think he was flattering, but Renee knew better. She remembered well those words said by that voice.

  "Your daughter persuaded you as well?" He nodded to the doll held tight in Spera's arms.

  "Since she looks like Spera, I just couldn't resist."

  "I completely understand." Will's gaze lowered to Rosa, holding her own new doll, though this one had brown eyes.

  "I got horsey man!" Willy chimed in as he held up his new toy, a shining knight on a black horse.

  "That's called a knight, Son," Will chuckled.

  "Nigh... Nigh!" He once again proudly displayed the toy for Renee to see.

  "That is quite the handsome knight, your highness," Renee told him. "Does he have a name?"

  "Hmm..." the little boy's face scrunched up as he focused on his knight. His eyes lit up the moment he decided on a name. "Woofy!" His chest puffed out proudly.

  "Your Uncle Wolf will be happy to know he has a knight named after him," Will's chuckled vibrated in Renee's chest, bringing the smile to her face.

  "And what is your doll's name, your highness?" Renee turned to Rosa.

  "Wose, like Mama." Her face took on a sweet smile, and Renee could feel the heat tugging behind her eyes. Rose. Her daughter chose to name her doll after her.

  "Rose is a beautiful name." Renee barely trusted her voice to speak those few words.

  "We should probably allow Lady Varda to continue her duties," Will mentioned.

  "Thank you, Your Majesty. Until tonight?"

  "I look forward to it." Will had no right looking at her with such loving eyes and such adoring smile. Even if she weren't already in love, she doubted she'd be able to resist those charms for long.

  "Captain Varda!" Little Wolf called out to her. Renee turned to see him approaching with the group of his people trailing him.

  "Sir Little Wolf," Renee told him. "How are you all enjoying today?" she asked not just him but the whole group.

  Little Wolf quickly translated, and Renee was rewarded with large smiles, and excited voices. "They are thrilled to be here, and are so grateful for all the kindness everyone has shown them. They've never seen anything so wondrous, neither have I, for that matter. Thank you for this."

  "Well, it was his majesty's idea, but I was happy to help. Have you found anything worth bartering for?" The moment Little Wolf translated, Renee could see the sheepish grins cross a few of their faces, and she noticed a couple jeweled hair pins sticking out of the ladies' hair.

  "They have certainly enjoyed seeing what others have created. And, they have been able to sell some of their goods for exchange as well."

  "I am glad. Have you seen the preparations for this evening? I was going to check on them myself, but I wanted to verify if there was anything you noticed."

  "No, it is coming along perfectly. Thanks so much for doing this for us."


  Will didn't know what he was supposed to expect. Granted, he had been to a native settlement, had enjoyed a few dinners with them, but seeing his training grounds covered in wooden logs surrounding a massive open fire surprised him. Little Wolf and the natives were already there, laughing as they prepared dinner over the open flame. His cooks were gathered around as well, learning the secrets, and helping where they could. After all, there was a fairly large group gathered to eat that evening, but it seemed Varda had been prepared for that, as it seemed as though a lot of the food had already been finished. Surely they must have been working throughout the afternoon to prepare so much.

  And there she was. Varda had lost her extravagant captain's garb that she had worn earlier, though he rather liked seeing her so outlandishly dressed, and instead wore a simple blue gown of Sanskian design with shorter sleeves and a lighter blue belt accenting her waist. Even across the distance, he could tell she smiled beneath her mask. When he tasked her to help with the festivities, he didn't realize she would blossom so much with it. But this past week she seemed to truly shine. Though, he wished he could have seen more of her. They had both been so busy that they hadn't met in the evening since the Dawn Chaser. His heart hadn't felt such a hollow ache since he was parted from Renee, before he lost her. Tonight, he hoped to change that.

  "Oh, how... quaint." Conrad's voice was a heavy downpour on Will's good mood, and he had to fight the negative quip that rose to his lips.

  "I think
it looks charming," Desiree added.

  "Yes, as far as technology goes, they are a bit behind us. However, you'll soon find that they can be just as skilled as our own cooks when it comes to a wonderful meal." Will spoke.

  "I look forward to trying it for myself." As a group, they moved towards the bright fames. Katie and Jonathan were already there, chatting happily with Varda, while Caleb doted on Sonia, already sitting on a log.

  "Welcome." The native's spokesman said as he approached the newest group. "Sit, we bring food then tell our stories."

  "We look forward to hearing them," Will said with a polite nod of his head.

  "Come." Will followed the gentleman towards the fire, assisting Desiree to sit next to her father before he wandered towards Caleb and Jonathan.

  "This bring back memories?" Jonathan nodded to the sight around them.

  "They did a fine job. And I see Ferdinand is especially eager for this evening." Will motioned to the little boy standing near his brother, his eyes wide and eager.

  "Yes, he is curious about all his surroundings, and he's been especially eager since the delegation boarded." Caleb spoke. "I do want him to know the culture he came from, as much as the one he's been adopted into."

  "Well this looks to be quite an evening," Fedor's voice hit Will's ears a moment before he joined the group. "We have heard rumors of the people, but I look forward to learning the truth for myself."

  "I think you will be pleasantly surprised." Will told him.

  "Welcome." All eyes turned to the native speaker. "Please, sit. Eat. Listen. We tell our stories."

  With those words, the group dispersed to settle. Caleb slid beside his wife and Ferdinand practically jumped onto the log with them, his little feet dangling just above the ground. Jonathan and Katie found a log near, and Fedor joined them.

  But Will, well, his feet had a mind of their own, carrying him to a certain masked lady.

  "This looks wonderful." He spoke and a tiny squeal chirped from her mouth. He knew it was wrong, but seeing her jump at his voice made his heart leap. "It brings back a few memories."

  "Yes, well, they worked hard to create their home here." Varda spoke, her voice evenly toned. But, was it his imagination or did she have to clear her thoughts a few times? "Now, if you would be a kind guest..."

  He couldn't help but smile at the not so subtle hint. His body leaned towards hers, and heard her breath quicken as he lowered his voice to a soft whisper. "I look forward to discussing tonight with you later."

  She turned from him, but not before he glimpsed the eager anticipation in her eyes. Oh, he would see her later, of that he was certain. This time, he forced his feet to turn from her, to carry him to the vacant spot beside Desiree. Although, the prospect of having her near was not as challenging as it once was. They seemed to have come to an understanding. As much as her father still pushed for a union, she did not love him and seemed to understand that his eyes were drawn to Varda. Their conversations were companionable, knowing that neither expected more. She really was a kind girl, and as the heir to Retanny's throne, he knew it would be best to continue the good relationship they had.

  "As everyone settles," Little Wolf called over the group, "we will be bringing dishes of food. Take your time, enjoy the food. And while you enjoy, we would like to tell you stories of our people."

  The natives were fairly quiet as they brought the food around. Will made sure to thank the lady in her language as she delivered his food, earning a blush in response. Companionable mutters lifted around the campfire as the group began to eat.

  "This is incredible!" Desiree exclaimed as she bit into the food. "It's so simple, but somehow it tastes even better."

  "It is remarkable how the simplest things can be the most amazing." Will's eyes drifted of their own accord towards the log where Varda sat laughing with Little Wolf. She wasn't nobility, but she brought more life into his life than all the royals surrounding him. The spokesman stepped toward Little Wolf; whatever he told Little Wolf, the boy responded with a nod before he left Varda's side stepping once again toward the bonfire.

  "We hope you find our food to your liking," Little Wolf said, the spokesman stepping to his side. "Now, relax, and enjoy our heritage."

  The spokesman stepped forward, his voice booming as he spoke in his language.

  "Many moons ago, our people were wanderers." Little Wolf translated. Will felt his chest lean forward, wrapped up in the storyteller's excitement, his body moving energetically as the foreign words spewed from his lips.

  "We had no home. Every day we move. We follow the food, but it runs from us. We run from the wind, the rain and snow, but it chases us. We cannot escape its grasp, cannot run fast or far. We long for home, but cannot find it."

  Despair seeped deep into Will's chest, as he heard the deep despair in the storyteller's voice.

  "We traveled far. Long. Our journey never easy. These were our people when Soft Rain was born. Her cries were quiet, and she smiled in the rain. She grew, and watched the boys leave, each searching for a new home, and each returning without one. She longed for a new home as well. Her friends married but few had children survive."

  Sniffles seemed to follow the sad silence. Will's eyes once again found Varda, unsurprised at the sheen glistening in her eyes.

  "Soft Rain wanted love, a husband; she wanted children laughing in the sun. But all told her the sun was a myth. All they knew were clouds. But Soft Rain was determined. She would prove them wrong. Her tribe only sent boys on their quest never a girl. Soft Rain chose to be the first.

  "She traveled North. While all others journeyed away from Wind's blow, she marched towards it. It was long, treacherous. Twice, a bear found her, desiring food. She learned to climb trees, to escape its claws. She fell into a river; the water carried her for a long time, tossing her over a waterfall, but protected her from the rocks. But she pressed on. Even as Wind taunted her, blowing and roaring, she pushed against it.

  "She fought the Wind, until she emerged to a world of all white. It was silent; no wind blew.

  "'Where are you, Wind?' She called to the sky.

  "'I am here,' Wind replied as he blew around her. ‘Why have you sought me out?'

  "'I come for my people. Why do you drive us from our home?'

  "'Many of your people have run from me, searched for a place without me. None have sought me out; none have dared ask me. But I ask you; why do you run from me?'

  "'You have chased us from our homes, chased away all food, even the trees lost their life. You have brought the snow, the cold, and chased away life.'

  "'You are right,' Wind replied. 'I do chase away life. It is my nature to carry the snow. But, I always move. Why have you not waited?'

  "'Waited?' Soft Rain was puzzled. Wind chased away life; why would they wait in a place with no life?

  "'Wait. Be patient. You will see.'

  "And so, Wind left her. She sat, and waited. She waited in the white snow, the cold. Without Wind, it was peaceful, and beautiful. She had never seen anything so beautiful. Then, the snow left. In its place was life. The trees found their leaves, and the animals returned, and Soft Rain knew she had found home.

  "She journeyed back to her people, and met the hunter Hawk. His people had a home, knew how to live through Wind's visits, but his journey took him to her. He stayed at her side, taught her people how to live, and even married her. For her efforts, she was honored with a new name: Dawn. Every spring, we honor her legacy, her determination. She found our home, and we celebrate the life she helped us find."

  Applause filled the air, but Will found his eyes drawn towards Varda. Renee once told him that he was her dawn, her hope and happiness after the darkness she felt following his supposed death. He didn't understand at the time, but after finding Varda, he finally understood how she felt.

  A drum began to beat, followed with a woman's voice singing in her foreign tongue. The music was exotic, almost more of a chant in its cadence. Another woman stepped ne
ar the fire, her feet moving, stepping and dancing to the beat. More natives joined in, dancing and twirling around the great fire.

  Will's eyes were once again drawn towards Varda as Little Wolf approached her. Her head shook as she held her hands out. Instead of backing away, Little Wolf grabbed her hands and pulled her to her feet dragging her into the group of dancers. Her eyes sparkled in the firelight as she observed the dancers around her feet moving, dancing as theirs. He could feel her confidence grow as she threw off abandon and danced with vigor.

  She was mesmerizing! The high-pitched laughter reached his ears as she passed by, her arms out as she spun. The yearning in his heart had become familiar. How he longed to tell her his feelings, hoping she returned them. Could he gather enough courage to? As he continued to gaze at her graceful movements, he hoped that she could one day feel for him as he felt for her.

  Renee allowed the beat to carry her body. It had been years since she first learned the steps, but they returned so easily. Her chest warmed from both the steps and the fire. The natives' dancing was so freeing, so joy-filled. They embraced life, chose to celebrate what they had. She wanted a life like that. Even with the pain and troubles, her life was filled with happy moments. She had Spera. Her daughter was light and joy. And Ama Lei, her dear friend, gave her hope for a better tomorrow. And Will, dear sweet Will, was her heart and filled with love.

  She passed by him, her gaze drawn to his face. Her feet stumbled from the force of his gaze. The raw depths of his heart shore in his eyes and Renee forced her gaze away. She had to be careful, or she would betray those she loved.

  As the night grew late, the dances ended, and those around her began to disperse. The natives each thanked her fully for the wonderful evening that brought their home to her shores. Little Wolf especially thanked her with a hug. She could feel the restrained he possessed, not treating her like the sister he wanted to.


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