Defender's Blood Tatiana's War (An Urban Fantasy)

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Defender's Blood Tatiana's War (An Urban Fantasy) Page 13

by A. K. Michaels

  Finn's wolf was fighting for release, wanting to mark his elf. The young Guard knew he would have to explain everything to Glorel before that happened. He was pretty sure if his eyes changed and his fangs descended Glorel would probably panic. No, he would settle for having her in his arms as he made love to her, for now anyway.

  Vlad and Dmitri followed the young man and his elf and Thadius and Tatiana came last. As the last four appeared in Thadius' apartment they saw only Zach and Alex, both of whom were laughing.

  “Take it young Finn didn't hang around?” Dmitri said with a smile. Zach was shaking his head and Alex was still laughing.

  “I don't think anyone will see them for some time!” Zach managed to get out and everyone present knew why and understood completely.

  “Once they come up for air I'll try and help Glorel settle in. She has no knowledge of technology and I'm sure the oven and washing machine will have her flummoxed!” Tatiana was shaking her head as she could just imagine Glorel's wonder at all that the human realm held.

  “We're off – see you soon.” Alex said as she took Zach's hand and made for the door. She also wanted some alone time with her mate.

  As they reached the corridor Alex stopped. “Let's move, I want to be home.” With that the two vampires disappeared and reappeared in their bedroom. As soon as they had, Alex started to strip off her blood soaked clothes.

  “Fancy a shower my vampire?” She said saucily over her shoulder as she now walked naked towards their ensuite. Zach had his clothes off and was right behind her in a second.

  “That's something I've been looking forward to meine Kleine.” Zach laughed as he gave Alex's behind a swat with his hand. One that got a laugh and a groan falling from his mate's lips.

  At the same time that Zach and Alex entered the shower Vlad opened his front door. Sent his senses out and found what he sought. Irina. She was in bed and asleep.

  Vlad moved quickly, she wouldn't be asleep for long.

  Dmitri entered his home quietly, not wanting to wake the kids up. His senses saying everyone was sound asleep. As he moved up the stairs he could clearly hear his mate's breathing change. From the slow, even breaths of sleep, to quicker ones of wakening.

  A smile was on his normally hard face as he entered the bedroom. Donna, his mate, was rubbing her eyes and sitting up, her wolf hearing having detected someone in the house.

  “Oh – it's you.” she smiled sleepily.

  “It is nice to be home.” Dmitri returned in his accented English

  Donna looked closer and saw the shine in her vampire's eyes. A sure sign of what was on his mind. “Oh!” was all she managed to get out as Dmitri moved with lightening speed and threw off his clothes, picked Donna up and headed to the shower.

  Things were a little slower paced at Thadius'. Both he and Tatiana having got rid of their blood stained clothes. Tatiana putting them in the hamper for washing before she turned with a very cheeky smile on her face.

  “Alone and in our own bed!” the fairy quipped and the large wolf rumbled deep in his chest. Tatiana took his huge hand into her tiny one. “A nice bath first I think.” The fairy's voice full of the longing inside.

  “Ah my fairy, you do know how much I adore you, don't you?” The large, old wolf, spoke, his voice just as full of the longing as in his mate's.

  “Indeed I do Thadius, indeed I do.” Tatiana smiled as Thadius bent almost double to place a kiss on her lips.

  Chapter 13

  Everyone that had been on the mission were late to rise. Some never making it out of the bedroom that day. Even Thadius and Tatiana didn't appear to well into the afternoon, both looking happy and relaxed as they did so.

  Finn opened his eyes in the late morning, feeling more than a little strange. His arms still holding Glorel firmly to his side. His wolf still fighting for the right to mark her as his.

  Glorel was already awake and was watching the emotions running across Finn's face. She could both see and feel that he had held back the night before and she could see he was still a little troubled.

  “What's wrong Finn?” Glorel asked, a bit timidly. She was worried the young wolf had changed his mind about her.

  “It's nothing, just wolf stuff, about you being my mate. We need to talk, I need to try and explain – I don't want to mess it up or scare you.” Finn tightened his hold on his little elf. Still amazed at the great beauty he held in his arms.

  “I'm a lot older than you Finn, I don't scare easily. Tell me.” Glorel relaxed at bit at his words, glad that he wasn't having second thoughts.

  Finn took a deep breath and started talking, telling Glorel about the mating. His need to mark her as his, the need for her to also bite him. Enough to break the skin and taste his blood. That this would bond them together and forever.

  Glorel's eyes widened at the talk of biting. Though when she thought on seeing the small wolf like creatures in her land it made more sense. She had stayed hidden for hours watching the animals, loving seeing them in their glory and playing with each other. Sometimes they fought, and the fights were vicious. When the small creatures mated it was with command, heat, and more than a little passion.

  Glorel had already seen Finn's wolf and the strength and power he had inside. She thought it must be hard for him if his wolf was fighting him on this.

  “Ah so this is how the mating is cemented?” Glorel asked quietly and Finn nodded his head. His teeth clamped tightly together as he once more fought to keep his wolf under control.

  Glorel could see the strain in his jaw, knew he was fighting his wolf. The sight pained her. She wanted to ease her young wolf. She took a deep breath. “Well I think we should do it.”

  Finn looked down at her face. Did she know what it would entail? His wolf would come out partly, his fangs would be huge. His bite would probably hurt her.

  “I don't want to cause you any pain. My bite will hurt.” Finn had only just managed to get the words out. He was near to panic as he felt his control lessening on his wolf.

  “Finn, my wolf, if this is how the mating is done then it needs to be done. I'm sure you can kiss me all better afterwards. I'm more worried that I won't be able to bite you. I don't think I've ever bitten anyone in my life!” Glorel worried about hurting him. Just as much as he seemed to worry about hurting her.

  Finn chuckled, the thought of Glorel biting anyone was more than a little funny. She was so calm, polite, no he couldn't see her doing that at all.

  Glorel moved slightly, pressed her lips against Finn's shoulder. She then moved to his neck, nuzzling and placing small little bites and kisses. Finn moaned loudly, he could hold back his wolf no longer.

  His eyes changed slightly, his wolf now showing, his fangs elongated from his gums and he ran his tongue over them. Jeez they were huge. He would have to be careful he didn't seriously hurt Glorel.

  Finn moved quickly, pressing Glorel down onto her back as he towered over her. The little gasps that escaped her mouth were more passion than fear and Finn smiled down at her.

  “Do you submit to being my mate? Love me above all others as I promise to do with you? I will protect you Glorel, until my last breath. I ask, are you my mate as I am yours?” Finn's throat was closing up. He hadn't dreamed to be speaking like this, well not for a very long time anyway.

  Glorel almost laughed with glee but held herself in check. “I submit to you my wolf. I promise to love you above all others. I am your mate as you are mine.” Glorel let out a small gasp as Finn's hardness entered her very tight sheath.

  She had been truly shocked and amazed when she had finally seen his maleness. She had worried that they would not 'fit' together. However, Finn had been thoughtful, more so than she had envisioned for one so young. He had kissed and caressed her for a long time, his tongue on her sex, bringing her to more than one orgasm, before he even tried to enter her.

  When he had he did so with restraint she hadn't realised he had. Taking things slow, gentle, letting her body get used to him. It
had been like nothing she had experienced before and she had been truly grateful. If he hadn't shown that restraint she was sure he would've hurt her.

  This time he had pushed in with more force, her breath stopping as her body took him inside. She could see the wildness of his wolf in his eyes and the fangs scared her, more than a little. She knew he wouldn't intentionally hurt her, so she tried to relax as his movements picked up. God the young wolf was far more experienced than she had thought.

  He knew exactly how to move his hips so that it rubbed each and every time he moved onto that most sensitive of her areas. Soon she was gasping and clawing at his back, pulling his head down towards her.

  Finn's resolve was almost gone. He knew he couldn't stop the mating now, even if he tried. His fangs touched Glorel's shoulder and he tried to be gentle as he bit down, hard. As his huge canines entered the flesh and her blood entered his mouth the change of the mating started.

  He could feel it, down deep inside. They were now bonded as mates and would be til death.

  Finn kept his teeth inside her for a few moments longer, letting her blood fill his mouth, slip down his throat, fill his senses with her entire being, before pulling out. A huge roar erupted from his throat and he felt a tug on his neck.

  Glorel had bit down on his neck in reaction to his bite on her shoulder. Her teeth were still embedded in his flesh and he roared louder, knowing the mating was complete.

  Finn felt Glorel take some of his blood into her mouth and he held her tight as his release came hard and his seed exploded deep inside her. Glorel's teeth pulled free as she screamed his name in her own orgasm. One that rocked her to her very core.

  The feeling was like nothing she had experienced before. So deep rooted in her body and soul. She could actually feel the mating as it happened. Feelings and emotions filling her up and making the release of her orgasm like an ecstasy she had never thought possible.

  As both the elf and young wolf came back down Finn moved so he wasn't crushing his small elf. Glorel's body still trembling from the mating and climax.

  Finn felt with his wolf's powers for something he could only hope for. Sometimes a mating had a couple become so much closer. Being able to truly feel their mate a blessing that only a few had but one that every wolf wished for.

  Glorel felt the tug, something inside, not knowing what it was she tried to follow the pulling back along the way it had came. She followed and followed and then inhaled sharply. She could feel something very strange. Something strong, something that was beyond words.

  She could 'feel' Finn.

  Finn looked down into Glorel's exquisite face, the look of wonderment on it. He smiled, they were blessed with the mating bond. Finn could feel her, not her every thought, but what she was feeling. She was happy, excited, still a little aroused but most of all he felt her love. A love he sent back along their bond towards her. Letting her know exactly how he felt. He saw the moment it reached it's destination. A smile so wide coming over her features that it took her beauty to another level entirely.

  “I can feel you my wolf.” Glorel whispered, scared if she spoke aloud the feeling would disappear.

  “Yes my little elf, I can feel you too. We are blessed, the mating has joined us even more so than most.” Finn could barely suppress his laughter. He was so happy he wanted to shout this from the rooftops.

  “Finn – it's ….. it's...... I have no words my wolf, it's truly wonderful and amazing.” Glorel could still feel the tug inside and no longer worried about what had caused it. She now knew, and the happiness she felt coming from Finn made her almost glow with the immenseness of it.

  “Yes I know. All wolves have a strong bond once mated but not every one has this added attachment. It's a great blessing for us Glorel. One I am overawed with. Now, I was thinking, do you want me to show you the bathroom? I think we should have a nice long, hot, bubble bath together.” Finn knew that his elf would not have seen a bathroom as such and certainly not a large tub with bubbles in the hot water.

  “A bubble bath?” Glorel's eyes were wide as the words conjured so many pictures in her mind. She had no idea what it was but guessed that she was going to like it going from the smile on her mate's face.

  “Yes, a bubble bath. Nice hot water in a large tub with bubbles that smell nice. My mother's always giving me stuff to add to a bath, says it will relax me after a hard day's training. I'm usually too tired, and just have a shower. Stay here, I'll get you in a few minutes.” Finn jumped up and ran to the bathroom, getting the latest bottle of 'smelly bubbles' his mother had given him from the cupboard beneath the sink.

  Finn turned the water on and added a load of the blue stuff from the bottle, soon bubbles were appearing and he checked the temperature. Hot but not too hot, good. He waited a few minutes more, letting the tub fill up a bit before turning and going to get Glorel.


  The little elf was only now taking in her surroundings. She was in a huge bed. Somewhere she had been a few minutes after Finn and her had returned to his home. The room was large with drawers and a very large wardrobe. Jeez it looked as if it took up one full wall with multiple doors. How many clothes did earth realm people have?

  Glorel only had a small storage cupboard and a small chest of three drawers, it was more than enough for what she had. She looked at the large doors and the various chests of drawers and wondered at how many clothes Finn had?

  At a noise from her left she looked and saw Finn standing in the door to the bathroom and watching her. A smile was on his face and she smiled back. He was so handsome and good looking, strong, brave, honourable. She marvelled at meeting him. Such a fluke for him to have came to the fairy realm and their paths cross.

  A slight feeling of panic entered Glorel's system. What if they hadn't met? She would never have known this happiness. The feelings of extreme love that invaded her system. The way she felt completely and utterly safe whilst with Finn. A frown appeared on her face and her heart raced.

  Finn moved quickly, feeling distress in his little elf. “What's wrong?” he asked as he plucked the small body from his large bed.

  Glorel took several breaths, trying to calm herself. She wasn't one that got upset easily and usually was cool and composed so to feel that frisson of fear disquieted her.

  “It's nothing Finn. I was just thinking about how we came to be together. It's a miracle. My heart ached when I thought how close we came to not meeting. I would never have known this great love if we hadn't crossed paths.” Glorel moved her head into Finn's neck and placed a small kiss on his bare skin.

  The kiss had Finn shiver with happiness and he knew what Glorel meant. He had also wondered at how close they had came to not meeting. That thought had made his blood run cold. Usually a wolf only ever met one true mate and he knew he had nearly missed meeting his.

  “It's ok. We did meet, we are mated, don't worry Glo. You're here with me and I'm not letting you go anywhere.” Finn carried Glorel into the bathroom and her eyes widened at the room in wonderment.

  Neither of them had ate or drunk much in the past few days and certainly nothing the night before, so she hadn't needed to use any facilities. Now she looked and had no idea what anything was?

  There was a huge white tub set against the wall which was now filling with hot water and bubbles were milling around on the top. It looked very weird and strange but the thought of slipping under those bubbles and into the warm water was very enticing.

  Glorel was staring at a large glass enclosed rectangle in the corner. She had no idea what it was? Finn followed her eyes and chuckled. “That's the shower. It's for getting clean too, but it's quicker than a bath. I'll show you later. These are the sinks, there's two so we can have one each. Usually for brushing your teeth and for men they use it to shave......”

  Glorel interrupted. “Brushing my teeth?” In the fairy realm they used little strips from a mint tasting plant, they would collect them and break them into small strips for cleaning the mo
uth and teeth. She had no idea what Finn meant by brushing teeth. Why would anyone put a brush in their mouths?

  Finn laughed louder and placed Glorel onto her feet, he moved to the sink and took his toothbrush from the glass lying to the side. The toothpaste was lying next to the glass and he opened it and put some onto his toothbrush and turned the tap on.

  Glorel looked wide eyed as he put the small brush into his mouth and scrubbed at his teeth and gums, the toothpaste frothing around his mouth. Finn finished and rinsed his mouth then looked for a spare brush. He found one and repeated the process of placing a little bit of toothpaste on the brush and motioned Glorel forward.

  As the elf took the brush tentatively Finn moved and turned off the taps to the bath before returning to show Glorel what to do. As the minty toothpaste entered her mouth she smiled. The sensation was nice and she could feel her mouth getting cleaner as she scrubbed with the small brush.

  Finn was trying hard not to laugh, the toothpaste frothing everywhere as Glorel brushed. “You need to rinse now.” He advised and showed Glorel how to do that. Once done she was all but giggling.

  “That's weird but nice. My mouth feels the cleanest it has for years.” Glorel smiled up at her wolf and his eyes changed as she looked. The lust plain for her to see as he stared down at her.

  Finn moved and pulled Glorel into his body, picking her up slightly so he didn't have to bend down quite so much, as he pressed his own lips hard against hers. Both could taste the toothpaste from the other's mouth.

  Finn pulled away and laughed. “Yes your mouth is definitely nice and clean, now we'll get your body clean.” With that Finn picked Glorel up fully and cradled her in his arms as he stepped into the warm water. He sat down and placed Glorel between his thick thighs, her back against his stomach.

  Glorel gasped at the heat in the water and moved her hands through the bubbles, smelling the pleasant scent as they burst. Little chuckles escaped from her throat and Finn joined in – seeing his elf so happy made him just as happy.


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