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Deeper Down: A Monster MC LitRPG (Kobold's Quest Book 2)

Page 8

by MJ Kaltenbrunner

  “You could say that, yeah,” Bre said.

  “Well, I do suggest you take some time and figure out for yourself what you feel is right. I mean, I’m not the boss of you, but I know that hiding this isn’t going to be healthy,” she explained.

  Bre nodded. “Thanks. I won’t,” she replied.

  When the rest of the party woke up, Kek walked over to Bre, smiling.

  “Your arm. It’s better,” he said.

  “Yeah. Alina fixed it. I didn’t expect her to care so much,” she told him.

  “She’s like that. Anyways, let’s get going. Where should we head to, Lily?” he asked the young thief.

  “We should go down the hall, and then to the right is the side door into his private chambers. If we’re lucky, we may be able to hit him before he gets up. I want to see him die,” she said.

  Kek could see the bloodthirsty nature of her eyes, and he couldn't blame her. He wanted to see Prate dead. He’s part of the reason why Hendrick. Didn’t make it out of here, and having that man’s blood on his hands would make him feel quite happy.

  When he finally got there, he felt his body tighten. But then, Bre stopped.

  “Your judgment is clouded,” she said.

  “What do you mean?” he asked, feeling affronted by the accusation.

  “Look through the doorway. See the person there?” she asked.

  He looked, and he immediately stiffened. There was a girl there, or at least, what he presumed to be a girl. She was being held captive by Prate, and Kek wondered if she had something to do with all of this.

  “Who is that?” he asked.

  “Oh no,” Lily said.

  He turned around, looking directly at Lily with concern.

  “Lily, who is that?” he asked.

  “I heard about it from the guards, but I didn’t expect this. That’s Makoto, she’s a robot that they’ve been working on, a strong fighter used to eliminate enemies. She’s from the kingdom, but Prate captured her and is using her to his advantage,” Lily explained.

  Kek looked at the robot, noticing that it was just a young girl. This was bizarre.

  “And you’re telling me that this is the weapon that they have to defend the leader,” Kek added.

  “Yes. I don’t know her powers, but I know that she’s strong, and she’s got lasers,” Lily replied.

  Kek looked at the robot girl. She had twin tails, with stripes of pink through the blonde. She had on a skimpy little outfit, one that barely left much to the imagination. It was like lingerie, where the outfit clung tightly to her body, and Kek had to keep himself from licking his lips at the sight.

  Of course, he managed to stop himself when, suddenly, lasers shot out of her eyes. Kek managed to barely move out of the way, dexterity high enough, but a small part of his kobold tail did get singed by the action.

  “Fuck,” he yelped.

  The other girls moved out of the way quickly, each of them dodging the lasers minus Alina, who was slow. Prate came out from the side, looking at the group. His eyes were transfixed on Kek, a grin present on his face.

  “Oh, how nice of you to come back here, Kek. I never thought I'd see you again,” he said.

  “I never thought I’d see you either, Prate. Not that I wanted to,” Kek said.

  “Well, I'd love to fight you, but I think I'll let Makoto take over the situation. I’ll sit back and watch. See if you can defeat my ultimate robot,” he said.

  The robot had very high stats, Kek noticed as he looked at the status.

  Name: Makoto

  Race: ????

  HP: 50


  STR: 25, DEX: 15, CON: 14, INT: 22, WIS: 20, CHA: 2, LCK: 15

  Drops: 500 Gold

  So they needed to beat her. As Kek got himself ready, the lasers shot out once more. He nimbly dodged out of the way, and Bre managed to do the same, but a small part of her foot managed to get hit by it, charring her toe.

  “Oww!” she cried out.

  Bre moved back, rubbing her toe slightly. Kek looked at her, and then at the other girls.

  “What do we do?”

  “You mean you don’t know what to do?” Faye retorted.

  Kek shrugged. “I mean, it’s not like I have very many options here,” he said.

  “We have to attack. Look for maybe a switch to turn her off.”

  Suddenly, the robot girl let out a cry, and she soon started to punch the ground. The rumble immediately sent the group falling back, and Kek immediately hit the ground with a thud. He looked over at her, and the robot girl laughed.

  “You’re the enemy! You will be defeated!” she said.

  “Like hell I will be,” Kek cried out.

  He grabbed his sword, getting ready to attack right at her, but she hit him away, like he was nothing. Kek immediately hit the ground, feeling pain course through his body.

  “Kek, are you okay?” Val cried out.

  “Stay back. I don't’ want you getting hurt,” he muttered.

  “Aww look at him. He got so soft,” Prate said.

  Kek grimaced at the other man, about to fight, but then, as he did so, Alina touched his shoulder.

  “Don’t attack. That’s what he wants you to do. The best thing to do right now is to get away. I think she can be stopped by magic,” Alina said.

  Kek nodded, pulling back and huddling with the girls. As he did this, Faye moved forward, creating a barrier.

  “I can only hold this for a couple minutes,” Faye said.

  Kek turned to the group. Val clutched her ax for dear life. Alina looked at the situation.

  “So did anyone find a switch?” she asked.

  “Nothing,” Bre said.

  “Every time I get close, she pushes me away,” Kek added.

  “Shit. Well, I think it’s safe to say that we need to do something, and we gotta do it fast. I have electrical magic. It isn’t strong, but should be long enough for you two to get close to her. We can either disable her with the switch, or just kill off her HP. I think the former is easier, because neither of you were able to get a hit in.”

  Alina seemed to know what she was doing, and Kek nodded.

  “I’ll try to find something,” he said to them.

  “Good, and if you do, tell us. I think it’s safe to say that we need to find this switch,”she told them.

  Alina had a look of disdain on her face, and Kek agreed with her. He knew defeating her had to be something they did fast. He began to move closer, and the robot did the same.

  She attacked, and Kek and Bre moved out of the way at the last second. Faye kept the bubble around Alina, but she was struggling.

  “I’m...having trouble,” she said, her youthful fairy body struggling with the heaviness of the spell.

  “Give me just a minute. I'm going to use the spell,” she said.

  Alina started to chant, with Faye holding out as best as she could. But the energy from her body was slowly leaking from of her body. Meanwhile, the melee fighters were having issues too. They jumped out of the way, but the impacts from these attacks were being felt.

  “Come on Alina, find it,” Bre muttered.

  “She’s trying,” Kek said.

  Alina then finished the spell, and soon a bolt of lightning appeared. The monster was incapacitated, and as it fell to the ground, Kek and the group looked around.

  “Do you see a safety?” Bre asked.

  “Nothing,” Kek said.

  Val got in front of the robot, looking at it.

  “I think I found the switch,” she said.

  Kek looked at where she was pointing, and he immediately blushed. It was between her legs. Of course Prate would have put it there.

  “Shit, I don’t want to do that,” he said.

  Lily was in the corner, preparing for an attack to hold the robot down if things got too rough. But then, Val spoke.

  “You have to do it Kek! You need to stop the robot,” she said.

  Kek closed his eyes, moving downwards a
nd pressing the switch, right in between her legs. The blush that was present on his face spread to his body, and he could feel the blood going all the way down to the nether regions, and he soon felt a bit nervous about this.

  “Fuck,” he said.

  He pulled back, the safety switch immediately stopping the robot completely. He looked over at Prate, who seemed taken aback.

  “ defeated it,” he said.

  “Yeah, and I'm going to get payback for what you did to her mother, and to me!”

  “Oh that’s cute. The little pup now wants to stand up for others. Well then Kek, let’s see what you’ve got,” he said.

  Kek felt ready and willing to completely destroy this man. He looked at him, seeing the smile on his face. He was so ready to wipe that damn smirk off that he would do whatever it took to win.

  He stepped forward, and then, Bre looked at him.

  “Are you going to do this on your own?”

  Lily then moved toward Kek, looking at Prate with anger in her eyes.

  “No, he’s got me. We’re doing this together, to get payback for what he did to my mother,” she said.

  Alina fell to the ground, with Faye joining her. Val moved over to tend to them, and Bre huffed, following suit. For now, it was just Kek and Lily versus Prate, and this would be the battle that determined the future, decided their fate, and would also bring about sweet revenge if they won.


  Kek moved toward Prate, using his HUD to look at the stats of this man and figuring out what he’d have to do to win.

  Name: Prate

  Race: Human


  STR: 25, DEX: 25, CON: 23, INT: 20, WIS: 22, CHA: 21, LCK: 15

  The only low stat the man had was luck. Luck was something Kek normally wasn’t used to seeing low, but he had a lot of bigger stats that were worrisome. The man brandished a silver rapier, looking at him with a smile.

  “Well Kek, let’s do this fair and square. How about a duel,” he said.

  “I’ll do what I need to.”

  “I’m helping too,” Lily said.

  “On the contrary, you’re not.”

  He threw his sword directly toward Lily. She managed to get out of the way, but her hand got sliced through by the sword. A scream of pain echoed through the air, and Kek had to practically curl his ears in to not have to hear it. Prate smiled, watching as the girl fell to the ground. He pulled the sword out, and she nursed the hand.

  “You’ll pay for this.”

  “No, you will. You won’t be able to wield a weapon, so why are you so worried about fighting? You should take care of yourself, while I take care of this guy,” he said.

  Kek growled, looking at the man.

  “Come on Kek, this is between us. You’re a filthy kobold. And if you’re wondering, the camp did end up getting destroyed because of your actions. Everyone scattered, and while that happened, I killed Rufus,” he said with a snarl.

  “You disobeyed the leader?” Kek asked with shock.

  “Fuck that guy, he's nothing more than trouble. From that point, I went to build my army, and most of the guys that are here are from the camp. We defied the kingdom, actually managing to get rid of most, besides that damn group with that stupid tamer,” he said.

  “You mean Sephy, don’t you?”

  “Yes, and their leader Dawson. They’re troublesome, but I’m working to kill them all so that I can beat everybody,” he said.

  Kek grasped his sword, looking at Lily.

  “Stay out of this. I’ll fight,” he said.

  It began as a fierce battle, with both parties attacking, and Kek delivering blows that were continuously fended off by Prate. The two of them were at a stalemate, each of them defending the attacks, but then Prate started to taunt him.

  “Come on Kek, I want you to attack. Is this really the fight I’ve been waiting for, the one I’ve craved for so long? Give me something to remember this,” he told Kek.

  Kek felt his attack power start to increase, but his defense grow weak. Prate managed to get in with an opening, but Kek dodged out of the way before he could do any major damage.

  “Fuck you,” he said.

  “Come on, Kek. I want you to scream. I want to see you curl in fear,” the other man said.

  He then lunged at Kek again, but was able to use his kobold speed to get out of the way. In the corner, though, he realized that he had some ability points he had never used, and there was something that he wanted.


  Rage would increase his attack power, and give him a bit more defense. It would make up for the debuff that he got before, and he decided that on a whim, he began to decide that. As soon as he did, a burst of energy started to flow, and soon, he started to grow stronger. Soon, he immediately lunged and attacked Prate with his movements, pushing the man down.

  But what Kek didn’t know was that if you didn’t have enough wisdom to wield this, you’d end up struggling. He could feel the power growing within him, but also the self-control leaving him. He kicked, punched, and beat down the other man, watching as he began to groan in pain. Kek felt strong, but he also didn’t know how much of this he could control.

  He had the guy knocked out, his HP almost all the way down. Kek checked the HUD, and he saw that the man only had 25 HP. He was strong, but had very little health. He grasped the sword, stabbing him once in the side.

  “I can’t wait to kill you. I’m going to make you pay for what you did,” he said.

  Suddenly, he heard the sound of a voice. He then came back to reality, looking at Lily. He gestured for her to come over.

  “Lily. I want to do his together with you. To beat him,” he said.

  “O-okay,” she muttered.

  Kek took the sword in his hands, holding it up in the air. Lily did the same thing, and together, both of them moved their hands down, stabbing him in the heart. Lily had tears in her eyes, but Kek felt a strange satisfaction. He then watched as the man lay there, dead on the ground.

  “We did it,” she said.

  “We did. It’s for your mom, and for the people I knew that we lost. For Hendrick,” Kek said.

  Some say revenge is sweet, but Kek also felt slightly guilty. He didn’t expect to go so out of control. It was then when Faye came over, throwing some sort of strange sparkly magic on him.

  “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “I’m making sure you don’t go full crazy. Rage is dangerous you nimrod,” she said.

  Kek felt annoyed, but he was also happy that she took care of him. The group looked at the sight, seeing the remains of this place, but Kek also noticed one thing.

  Doors to the outside. That was their ticket out of here. But then, a searing pain shot through him. He fell to the ground, breathing hard.

  “You okay?” Lily asked.

  “I don’t know,” he told her.

  She rushed over, touching his side and looking at him.

  “Fuck, you’re hurt,” she said.

  “You are too,” he replied.

  Alina came over there, looking at the group and getting her hands out.

  “We need to tend to these injuries and fast. I don’t need you dying,” she told Kek.

  Her tone of voice was serious, but then Kek lay there, and he watched as she said a few words, mending their wounds quickly. Faye came over too, using a small amount of fairy healing magic on them. Kek was relieved, but he also didn’t know what was next.

  “So what now?” he asked.

  “We have to get out of here,” Alina said.

  Kek nodded, starting to move. It was a bit painful, but he managed.

  “How’s Bre?” he asked.

  “She’s in pain, but I took care of her too. We need to make sure that we get to a safe place soon. The last thing I want is to travel like this, because I have very little magic and need to recharge it,” she said.

  Kek looked around at the place. “I think we can rest in here, if that’s fine,” he said.
  It wasn't ideal, but they decided it would do. They each took one of the beds, and as they all slept there, Kek kept watch. But then, he felt a presence.

  “Go to sleep,” Faye said.

  “You need it too. Your magic is drained,” he said.

  “I'll be fine. I will in a few hours. So what should we do about her?” she asked, pointing to the robot.

  Kek sighed, looking at Faye and then speaking.

  “I want to turn it on, to see what will happen, but I dunno,” he said.

  “I wouldn’t do it. Not until the others wake up. We can decide what to do in the morning. Get some sleep,” she said.

  He nodded, turning in for the night. It had been a rough day, but he knew that things would get better, and he’d finally get a chance to get out of here soon. He had faced his fears, managed to defeat his past and move forward, and that was something he liked more than anything else, and something that was desperately needed.


  When they got up the next day, it was quiet. Everyone was mostly healed up, minus Bre who seemed to be nursing her partially-gone toe.. Kek felt bad for her, mostly because he knew she had a lot of concerns on her mind, and he wanted nothing more than to help her. However, when they all finished getting ready, he turned to the robot girl, looking at her.

  “What do we do?” Val asked.

  “I don’t know if we should take her. She might turn on us,” Alina said.

  “Yeah, and the last thing I want is for some stupid robot to come kill us again,” Faye added.

  Kek touched the robot, and he began to wonder just what was going to happen next. Should he do it? Should he turn her on and maybe put her to good use? He looked at the party, and then the robot.

  “Maybe we can factory reset her,” he said.

  “I think that’s in the ass,” Lily said.

  “How do you know?”

  “Trust me, I got a decent look at the girl’s make-up. Good luck ever getting anything but blowjobs from her,” Lily said, mostly jokingly.

  Kek stared at her. Would he really have to do this to turn her on? It was either this, or leave her. He didn’t want her to go, so he moved his finger against her buttocks, fiddling with the button. When it turned on, the girl came to life.


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