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by James Mason

  While engaged with the propaganda scope of N.S.M. in Cincinnati, Mason was casually informed by a close acquaintance one day that both Manson women (Sandra Good and Squeaky Fromme) were interned at the same women's correctional facility at Alderson, West Virginia. In a rash, spur-of-the-moment mindset he mailed off a letter. Expecting no reply, he was slightly amazed when a guarded missive came back - as later revealed, so many kooks and hypocrites had approached the Manson girls, that they were natural skeptics as to Mason's sincerity. Suffice it to say. Mason was enraptured and began a studious examination of the Manson family. What he ultimately disinterred amounted to a sizable divergence from the System's generated image. The girls encouraged Mason to make formal contact with Manson, and forwarded his letters as an introduction. When a meeting of minds did transpire. Mason became a convinced Manson enthusiast and proponent. Mason still fondly recalls the first collect call Manson placed. Upon accepting the toll fees, the first words Manson spoke were: "Boy it sure sounds like Ohio!" Unfortunately, providence never granted Mason a personal encounter with the Son of Man. In May of 1984, Mason had bought plane tickets and a visitation was scheduled. Manson became irate at not being able to secure a private conference room, and refused to consent to anything less, so Mason ashamedly had to cancel his pilgrimage.

  Mason met impregnable distress in unveiling Manson as an instructive visionary to fellow National Socialists: "These people are really mindless. I ran into that to an extreme degree when I associated myself with Charles Manson. 'Oh my god, look at the man's hair, look at his clothes! He's immoral! We can't have that; we represent law and order - middle class Amerika.' I've repeatedly stated that Charlie is the greatest National Socialist alive today. 'Well is he a member of any of our groups?' That's like saying if Jesus Christ were to return to Earth with his beard, robe, and sandals, one of these stupid Christian assholes telling him there's a dress code before admittance to the church!"

  Friction and clashes ensued in the N.S.L.F. directive over the Manson portrayal. Karl Hand couldn't overcome the media stereotype of the Manson element, and Mason chose to part ways with as little internecine warfare as possible. The agreement reached stipulated that Mason would keep the SIEGE newsletter going strong, whereas Hand would continue the N.S.L.F. pursuit. Manson and Mason kept their amiable relationship, and together they crafted the raw beginnings of Universal Order. By the early 1980's Mason was once more absolved of joint collaboration, as Universal Order's voice and reason was answerable only to his inward drives. Manson suggested the dominant emblem that would henceforth be connected to Universal Order - a clockwise Swastika (later reversed) stationed over the Scales of Justice. From 1980-1986 the monthly installment of SIEGE was published with dependable surety. The language underwent a noticeable metamorphosis from what the N.S.L.F. extrapolated. Mason still hailed serial killers, mass-murderers, and eccentric commandos of all stripes, but now invested his literature with aspects of stoic self-preservation. A chapter title from Mein Kampf proclaims: "The Strongest Man Stands Alone." Mason comparatively theorized that if one could make provisions to subsist outside the grasp of System servitude, you've in essence become a crude weapon. In Mason's view, Manson was a symbol par excellence of this alternative survival complex.

  As Mason surmises: "There's not enough Jews to run this circus show called the United States Government, there has to be massive white sell-outs. A good example is that of all those eligible to vote, less than half do. That's pretty telling. They're tired. They get the idea the whole thing is a shell game, that it's heads, they win - tails, you lose. They're apathetic. However it hasn't been carried all the way, because they still work their 40 hour-a-week jobs, pay the taxes, and obey laws. I guess they just pay lip service to the System hoping things will someday improve. You may still have segments in the Movement that will be so idiotic as to say 'write your congressman,' or, 'go support so-and-so's grassroots campaign.' They're not in touch with reality. What they're doing is (I compare this to Bram Stoker's allegory about the Jews) giving their life to the dead vampire. The vampire couldn't survive without their blood. If these people could ever say this is garbage, all fake, all smoke and mirrors, and not participate - it wouldn't take that much to bring this affair crumbling down. But they're drones. Zombies.' Manson once asserted: "When the television finally goes off, half will go immediately insane. The other half will just sit there waiting for the television to come back on!"

  Nevertheless, Mason prophesizes that if the sickness of Western Civilization goes out with a bang instead of a whimper at the Twelfth hour, the celebratory exultation and lion's share of spoils will be devoured amongst those elite who compassionately slit the first throats. Mason wrapped-up the SIEGE reports by 1986. He postulated that enough Universal Order ideas had sufficiently permeated underground spheres to have an independent life of their own. Surprisingly, media coverage and 'exposes' remained silent until Red Warthan (who was a legitimate Universal Order affiliate) executed a System informant, which generated brief publicity and spontaneous outcry. Regional California pulp headlines questioned whether Manson was "A New Hitler." With lenient time available. Mason designed in 1987 several high-octane promotional pamphlets. One bore the inscription Drugs, Power, and Sanity. The beauty and friendship evolved, culminating in the aspirant offer to collect all SIEGE newsletters into a final volume. This first edition heralded magnificent sensation, reaching an eclectic audience hungry for cathartic bloodletting.

  Universal Order had gleaned the reputation as a dangerous provocateur. Mason's F.B.I. dossier was now thousands of pages in breadth, and enjoyed the premium classification of a probable Presidential assassinate. Nonetheless, phone taps and surveillance didn't detour his revolutionary outgrowth. When a refinance of assets in 1991 necessitated a swift departure from his hometown of Chillicothe, Ohio he chose to settle in a sleepy backwater town in southern Colorado. Soon thereafter, domestic squabbles sowed a climatic denouement with a firearm. A young paramour Mason was intimately involved with in 1993 betrayed her charms. Mason reciprocated this uncouth chastity by leveling the score with whoredom, and brandished a firearm. This vengefulness lead to criminal arrest. Out on bail with court proceedings pending Mason packed his belongings and traveled to Denver. During this hiatus. Mason struck up familiarity with hierarchal representatives of the Church of Satan. Mason had always reserved a gratuitous appreciation for Anton LaVey, and proudly owned the vintage 1968 LP recording of the Satanic Black Mass. LaVey also gifted Mason a personally inscribed copy of his infernal Satanic Bible. Lex Talionus was a perspicuous concept Mason richly adhered to, and found compelling:

  "LaVey had many great similarities to George Lincoln Rockwell. They were both showmen. Rockwell's father was a Vaudevillian. LaVey had been a carnival man. LaVey had concluded that if God as portrayed by the Christian church [the way it exists] represents weakness and even suicide, then it stands to reason that his opposite adversary [Satan] has got to be worth a second reappraisal. Satan must represent strength and vitality in a Promethean sense. So on the basis of that LaVey formed his Church of Satan. I thought that was absolutely brilliant."

  Mason was interviewed twice on air by Denver radio evangelist-for-profit Bob Larson. The first 1991 episode was an extravaganza called Manson Maniacs. Mason's performance was at the finest acuity, and peaked when Doris Tate's (the mother of R.I.P. Sharon Tate) lethargic, chemically sopped brain was dealt a blistering, verbal barrage of potent Truth, making short shrift of her rambling incoherence. Mason ended the program bombastically declaring: "If you want to fight evil, you'd better fight against the U.S. Government, because they allow it, they protect it, they subsidize it, they are it - the most evil thing that's ever existed. " Bob Larson proposed another jousting session in the summer of 1993. Surrounded by three hulking bodyguards in Larson's studio for the taping of Neo-Nazi Satanism, Mason's raison d'être would trample roughshod over Larson's odd theology of vain, sententious benevolence hilariously slaughtering this obnoxious lamb of t
he Lord.

  Despite all resistance to the contrary, the gnashing clutch of prison loomed. In 1995, the punitive System rendered a guilty verdict of felony menacing with a deadly weapon, and ordered three years in 'rehabilitative' custody. Sequestered as a thought criminal in maximum security, the extent of Mason's proportional internment was at Colorado State Penitentiary. From the outset Mason stirred hostile sentiments amongst crazed Negroes and Mestizos run afoul of the law: "I'd ask, 'What are you in here for?' 'Oh we shot it out with the West side.' 'Shooting it out with the West side!? You and the West side should get together and go shoot it out with the police, invade city hall - kill all of them - those are your enemies!'" Muslim Negroes thanked him for educating them about the Jewish Question, exclaiming, "Now we know where to direct our anger!" While being transferred from Pueblo County jail to State Prison, Mestizos even lined up to shake hands in farewell solidarity! Confinement ensconced his writing talent, and he penned copious articles, letters, and book material. One peculiar work entitled The Theocrat, shatters Christian orthodoxy. Juxtaposing Christ and Hitler as one. The Theocrat draws valid synchronism between Mein Kampf and Biblical scriptures. Mason claims many of the questions and principles posited by Hitler in his magnum opus can be illuminated by reading the pronouncements of Jesus in the Gospels, and vice-versa. Is this dreaded Christian Identity? No, only the genuine exposition of a perennial Blood Mythos that recurs under different guises throughout history. Mason was released from detainment on August 25th, 1999, the anniversary of George Lincoln Rockwell's 1967 assassination.

  The Millennium has seen James Mason more resolute than ever. Portending a Heraclitean conflagration that happily incinerates human dross, he cheers all violence (political, social, economic) that drags the System's inertia downward. For truly, when all is atrophied and scattered in ruination, what more is there to compromise or LOSE? The future awaits the sociopathic Ubermensch!

  SIEGE is to be used as a cookbook and guide. It is sincerely hoped this edition will prevail the vigilant(e) intelligence to heed a clarion call, wage battles of attrition, and act in a manner commensurate to Timothy McVeigh of Oklahoma City fame.

  Ryan Schuster Spring, 2003

  Publisher's Note to the Readership

  James Mason and I have conspired to enlarge and improve this second edition of SIEGE the fullest extent. In this respect, many inclusions are strictly unique to this book. While the mainstay textual content remains little altered from the original presentation, major noteworthy additions can be found in the Appendix of Death Throes that exhibits material in relation to Joseph Tommasi, Lone Wolf/Live Wire escapades, and the nature of revolutionary National Socialist politics in general. For the sake of convenience and clarity, I have endeavored to observe the same guidance of topic structure that aligns broad chapter headings with correspondent editorials marked by a bracketed date and Volume/Issue number from the SIEGE newsletters of derivation. This manner of regimentation proves most agreeable for establishing fluid cohesiveness.

  Revolution Through Armed Struggle

  "The true guerrilla is never beaten. He will never negotiate away his freedom. He will never compromise his ideals. He will never surrender.

  "History offers many examples of far larger and better equipped armies that were finally defeated by guerrillas. They can fight on for years, even generations. Guerrilla bands can fight in the cities, country, forests, swamps, deserts or mountains. They are everywhere and yet nowhere. They strike without warning and vanish without a trace. They take away with them the arms, food and ammunition they will need to fight again another day.

  "The guerrilla is a grim fighter and a terrible foe.

  "His strength is in his heart - in his love for his Race - in his hatred for the enemy."


  "...a unit can either fight a real enemy, or it must lose. And again, a unit not fighting a real enemy is in the service of another power - there is no middle ground. If a unit is not fighting for itself, it is fighting against itself."

  -Francis Parker Yockey

  "The lost man, who has no belongings, no outside interests, no personal ties of any sort - not even a name. Possessed of but one thought, interest and passion - the revolution. A man who has broken with Society, broken with its laws and conventions. He must despise the opinions of others, and be prepared for death and torture at any time. Hard towards himself, he must be hard to others, and in his heart there must be no place for love, friendship, gratitude or even honor."

  -Mikhail Bakunin

  Phase One Has Phased Out

  Hardly an individual receiving this bulletin will be unfamiliar with the name at the top [National Socialist Liberation Front]. Lately with an organization of the "Mass Strategy" set, and currently on my own at last, unlike all other ventures of the past this one will succeed or fall flat due to the abilities or lack of them of just one person: ME. No more excuses or dependence on different backers or front-men, both of which have a way of never failing to screw up at the critical time. There will be those who will say that I've been able to go through fronts and front-men like a snake his skin. True, up to a point, but that has ended now and for two reasons: one, there are no more of them left; and two, those surviving that I am no longer with or have never been with are still getting nowhere at a blinding rate of speed while the conditions in the country and in the world are becoming more and more revolutionary. I have been increasingly alarmed at this trend for quite a while, and my nerves won't allow me to sit back and continue to play more games while the storm clouds build.

  I've been associated with a lot of Nazi periodicals in the past. Some were original, some were assumed and some were resurrected. Some I lifted from others and some were lifted from me. I've been cheered and condemned. I've been called magnificent and I've been called everything from "white nigger" to a "slime-dripping reptile". As stated, I've been with the Mass Strategists - started out there a long time ago - gone with the Armed Struggle, and back again with other Mass Strategists. Personally I must say that I strongly favor the Armed Struggle. In format I've issued everything from downright rags to thick journals to tabloid newspapers. I've learned that, surprisingly, it doesn't matter much what the format is or its appearance. Not even what you say or how you say it. Just that you know what the hell you're talking about and who you are addressing it to.

  Why, for example, talk out of the side of your mouth in legalistic euphemisms appealing to the noble instincts of a handful of Right Wing types while the bottom line must always come down to revolution, which scares them off? Why indeed break your back trying to get up a "mass" publication when you know damned good and well that the masses will never see it? A useless ploy directed at a useless bunch. (Or could it possibly be that the whole point to this nonsense is some sort of personal thrill or kick and, if luck is with you, maybe an easy living on the side?) You can't try to do two contradictory things at once in a too-little-too-late fashion. But that's the history of the U.S. Right Wing of which the Nazis are a part in all but ideology. The whole basis of the Right Wing was to try and "hold", defend a shrinking perimeter, shouting "Never!", anti-this and anti-that. One can only be shoved over the brink so many times, or trampled and annihilated up to a certain point when one must admit that, if it was a defensive struggle that was being waged, it was lost a little while ago.

  [Vol. IX, #4- Aug., 1980]

  (This was the first segment of the first issue of James Mason's revived SIEGE.)

  Mail-Order Revolution?

  At the time of the first American Revolution the adversary was the King of England. This man could have been called a lot of things but he couldn't be called evil. The enemy today is the U.S. Government itself and it is, by every standard of measure, the most evil thing that has ever existed on earth. This, once it has sunk home, should be a good enough indicator of the sort of struggle we have ahead of us. I'm not going to agonize over "How evil is it?" because that would be typically Right Wing and a waste of time. Rather,
I'm going to tell you what that means, or should mean to you if you claim to have the three big essentials for accomplishing anything that were set forth by George Lincoln Rockwell over twenty years ago: sufficient intelligence to perceive and understand; sufficient strength, courage and resources to act; and sufficient will to persevere in spite of whatever obstacle or hardship.

  It means this: they're not going to let us do it. It means that we're going to have to do it in spite of them. Over their dead bodies.

  Will this be done by any legally chartered, tax-paying outfit? Will it be done by any outfits that own land and have public headquarters? Will it be done by those with big bank accounts (by "big" I mean those that read in figures greater than four digits) who deposit, withdraw and earn interest? Will it be accomplished by strings of P.O. boxes? The best, most sobering question I can hit anyone with is: will this, the most evil system on earth, allow anything even remotely dangerous to pass through its own postal system, to apply for and get special bulk rate mail permits, etc.? The answer is a flat no. Those who point to the dozens of outfits currently operating in an attempt to belie that statement are in a hopeless fog. Those who agree but qualify it with, "Up to a point.", may have hope left yet.


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