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by James Mason

  [Vol. X, #7- July, 1981]

  The German Mystique

  Since this writer has not a drop of German blood in his veins, it gives me good qualifications to write on the following issue. So fundamental is it to what we're doing and the way we're doing it that without fail it hits us squarely in the face each time we are either attacked by the ignorant or are approached by the unfamiliar for membership, etc. Unless we ourselves come to understand it fully, we can hardly hope to convey the proper impression of it to the people we are out to win.

  Detractors will attack us as "Krauts", somehow agents for a foreign power, while a great many sheepish sympathizers will open with lines like, "Do you have to be German to join your group?". Generations of war hysteria propagated by Hollywood: anyone who uses the Swastika MUST be German, or so they imagine. Part of the kernel of ignorance and misinformation which es our people to this very day.

  Neither Marx nor Stalin were Russians. Napoleon Bonaparte was not French. Jesus of Nazareth was neither a Jew nor a Christian. National Socialists in America today are not Germans. National Socialism is a philosophy first codified and brought to power by Adolf Hitler in Germany. Today a Catholic need not be an Italian simply because it was in Italy that his religion first became the official one of the State. Philosophies and philosophers - or prophets - are largely interchangeable within the framework of our blood. The most recent, and certainly the greatest yet to appear in the world, happened to materialize first in Germany .

  Any philosophy must adapt itself to a large degree to the customs and traditions of the people among which its proselytes must move and work. The Christians are undoubtedly the greatest masters of that art to date. Having stolen or latched onto most of the important Pagan holidays, they came to dominate the entire White world as "Christendom". As successful as those extreme tactics were for the Christians, I can hardly visualize our bending the birthdate of Hitler to match some existing, popular feast day. But then what is the importance of a date on a calendar as compared to power over men's minds and "souls"?

  Hitler made the philosophy work for his people in the context of the time and place and, in turn, the philosophy made the people greater. Hitler made National Socialism in Germany the epitome of everything German and, by that, he was the first and thus far the only man to forge a truly united Germany - even the Kaisers had been unable to fully accomplish this. By making some superficial concessions to the everyday whims of the people. Hitler's philosophy, together with its greater meaning, was able to "creep up" painlessly on the common man in his simplicity, who otherwise could have been expected to rebel against such sudden changes in his world and in his picture of things. Hitler's was the world's first truly peaceful revolution.

  Such a super-human job was done by Hitler and his German National Socialists in the twenty-five year history of the NSDAP, that the image has stuck and probably always shall stick. This is in no way a bad thing. Without it today the White Race - and particularly the very young - would have no means to any knowledge at all of the GREATNESS of their people in the recent pastor the brilliant promise ahead if we are only able to gain White unity. All of the White nations of the earth - from antiquity to the recent past - possess the most magnificent histories, customs, and traditions of their own equal to the best that Germany has. All branches of the White Race have great cause to be proud of their own heritage... so long as that great heritage is made known to them.

  The deriders of Germany, and the authors of "quickie" world history for the busy man, love to harp away on Germany 's two sensational tries at conquering the world. People remember this sort of thing as there is nothing else around to quite compare with it. It captures the imagination. The plain truth no one is interested in is that not only was 'world enslavement' never even contemplated by the Germans, it was never within their capability. European unity dominated and maintained by Europe 's heartland was the furthest goal at any time. The Coca-Cola Culture isn't told that the nation having come the closest to complete world domination was England who, by the turn of the last century, held one-fourth of the surface of the world's continents and controlled the oceans between. In spite, Germany gets the credit/blame. But the important thing is that at least there stands the example of the White Man's incomparable, irresistible military prowess in glaring, almost incomprehensible contrast to "democratic" actions in Korea, Vietnam, and lately Iran.

  Inextricably intertwined with this is the charge of the Liberals about "German militarism". Victorious nations have historically taken turn-about at setting the military style and pace for the other leading armies of the world. Prior to 1 871 , the pace-setter was France (one needs only to glimpse at the design of the uniforms of both sides of the U.S. Civil War for confirmation). After 1871 it was the turn of Germany and spiked helmets appeared in the United States, England, and Russia. The "German" goose-step was and still is utilized in East Europe, Russia, and large parts of South America. The unique German stahlhelm is still today worn by armies in places such as Spain, Egypt, and again throughout South America. One place neither the goose-step nor the stahlhelm is practiced or worn is West Germany. Yet without Nazi Germany catching the hell today, these fine examples would be unknown to Aryan youth.

  The liberal pacifists and humanitarians, with their momentary power of the press and dollar, HATE all symbols of strength and masculinity and they therefore seize upon all the strongest, most outstanding of these very things and hold them up to ridicule. And that nation which has most lately demonstrated the greatest strength of masculine willpower and self-assertion (without which not much is ever accomplished) gets the full "treatment" from these impotent liberal democratic types. When those of our own revisionist historians claim that Germany was a crucifixion, they are right. But if this is a cross we as National Socialists in America today must bear, we do so willingly.

  As much as by all this name-calling on the part of philosophical and intellectual pansies, also by the fact that the great German tradition is now locked forever in time, unchanged and unchangeable, does all of this stand out to the lost White masses of today as peculiarly "German" and not generally White or Aryan. National Socialist Germany went down in a blaze of glory and it will forever be remembered that way. All of the other nations of the West - those that "won" the war - have died or are now dying slow, painful, lingering deaths as they are infected and eaten alive by liberal democracy and Jews. When one thinks of a German, one envisions a helmeted, goose-stepping Stormtrooper. When one thinks of an American, a Briton, or a Frenchman he sees only a degenerated, "beat", potblowing slob, one indistinguishable from the other. They don't know that forty years ago every American, Englishman, or Frenchman was as disciplined, squared away, and patriotic as any German of that day. Neither do they grasp that in West Germany today the people are for the most part as liberalized and degenerate as the worst in America .

  It's all a matter of imagery. If we are called "Germans" because we have as our ideal all the very best traditions of the White Man, then I suppose that's as good and convenient a name as any other. (The same people would stand back in disbelief when informed that Hitler designed the Stormtrooper uniform, patterning it largely after the British World War One model originally designed by one Sam Browne for service in British India.)

  There's nothing wrong in taking pride in one's German ancestry or mentioning with pride a proportion of German blood in one's veins. But we still are faced with one of our Enemy's more deadly fabricated lies designed to throw a split within the White Race: that Hitler, the Germans, and National Socialism in general regard the other branches of the White Race as "untermenschen". (Germany never had anything to compare with the British slogan that, "The niggers begin at Calais".) If anything cost Germany the last War, it was the number of narrow-minded, chauvinistic bureaucrats who did stupidly feel and operate this way. But they are found in every nation and have a lot to do with the ease which the deceitful Jews have been able to get the White Man killing one another in the past.
But it wasn't part of Hitler's program and it isn't part of ours.

  Another danger is fantasizing that the situation today is that of Germany in the 1920's and 1930's; that we must somehow find or create a "Fuhrer"; that we should act the part of Hollywood Nazis; in short that we can expect to do an exact replay of 1933 here in the United States. It is a danger because it just won't work. In Southern Europe, Christianity came to power slowly, via more subtle means, while in Northern Europe it was brought to power largely by the use of the sword. Many of the rites, etc., remained the same but the methodology was vastly different and was suited to do the job at hand in the setting that existed.

  We - thanks to Adolf Hitler and his great German compatriots - also have our rites, rituals, and holy days on the calendar and I expect they'll not change. Hitler and his movement in Germany have given us traditions, martyrs to honor, and great battles to commemorate, but it does not mean that we should try to live in the past or be that which we are not. The Christian Church has its age-old customs but they do not go around as Jesus did two thousand years ago in beard, robe and sandals, trying to walk on water. (Those that do are written off as nuts; a thing which we must avoid at all costs.)

  Yet we do have a valuable and powerful weapon to use in that, whereas our Enemy has been able to gradually do away with much of the rich heritage (and thereby, identity) of the nations of the West, they, by their very paranoid hatred of Germany, have actually preserved for us all the very finest of the White Man's way of life. Mention Nazi and you think of German; mention German and you think of an ordered, strong and healthy way of life. You think of a people who are united and proud of their race and able to accomplish things together in a big way. Commander Rockwell bet everything on the theory that when the White Man got sick and tired of the alien, hot-house atmosphere artificially created by the Jews, he'd instinctively know where to expect the opposite - which will always be represented by no one but us.

  So when a good. White brother or sister comes up to you with the rather timid and awkward question as to whether he or she must be German to be part of this Movement, don't deny the great German contribution to Western Civilization but rather point out to them that, if you are White, you belong with us. And emphasize that you're either White or you are not!

  [Vol.X, #2-Feb., 1981]

  The Chain

  Getting down to the most common denominator is the only way to achieve ideological coherence and unity. Race is of course the most basic element. But to put it and leave it at that can confuse as many as it enlightens. Are we mere "racists"? Hardly. The best explanation I've yet found for that is also the best illustration of what all facets of the Movement may come to agree unanimously upon and, from that point, eventually submerge any remaining, petty differences.

  With the religionists at one end of the Movement and the atheists at the other, total agreement can still be reached on this one point: the chain. Whether beginning with evolution or some kind of divine creation, the chain represents the endless journey of the generations of the White Man through the countless centuries of time. And we are all out to see that the chain remains unbroken. Like the earth and the universe itself, it is eternal and, if anything is sacred, this certainly is.

  It's referred to as a chain because at any given point in time, that particular generation is a link with certain obligation and duty to both past and future. Behind us we can see the chain stretching backward into infinity and, ahead of us, forward toward and even greater infinity. We may well be living in a terrible time, terrible for us, but it only means that the responsibility and the care for the chain that we are now charged with is at its most critical point, perhaps more so than at any other time.

  As a basis for political motivation as well as religious conviction, it serves well. THERE is all the identity, purpose, meaning, and birthright (as well as duty) that anyone could ever hope for. And it is quite real, not "pie in the sky" or some abstract form of moralistic dogma. A lot of lost people would be found if this philosophy would become universal.

  This is the cornerstone because nothing could be more basic and yet nothing could be any higher. The System and its two great halves - Capitalism and Communism - have as their ultimate goal its final destruction. And there is testimony enough to its reality as well as our own concept of Good and Evil.

  [Vol. XIV, #6- June, 1985]

  Consequences Not Conscience

  This is a question of responsibility versus superstition.

  The elders who set down the religious tracts back before time had it in mind to preserve the people and the culture by a series of "do's" and "don't's". The mistake they made, rather than to take the time to explain in these tracts WHY, was to cut corners and attach the "supernatural" element in order to give their man-made laws more clout. Many of these laws make perfectly good sense but yet today have been totally undone, twisted and perverted, because the elders failed to state the WHY and WHEREFORE behind them. They left it as a matter of a person going to an intangible paradise or damnation, depending on how well he kept to the laws. It was a simple enough matter for outsiders to cast the least little doubt about these "hereafters" into the minds of the recently educated masses to effectively destroy the potency of the entire teaching. So-called "enlightenment".

  Like telling a child that unless he eats his vegetables the bogey man will get him, this approach does justice to neither the merit of eating one's vegetables or to the intelligence of the child himself. Besides, when, sooner or later, the child becomes aware that there exists no bogey man after all, the elder (or parent) begins to look like a fool and a liar. This is the general appearance that organized religion has taken on.

  It's often been said that, unless you can present something superior or at least equal to that which already exists, best leave well enough alone. We, as National Socialists, do in fact have something far superior to these churches that are to be found everywhere, throughout the Western World, on both sides of the Iron Curtain. We feel it is overdue to break away from leftover moral codes and religious dogma of the Dark Ages and enter a TRUE Age of Enlightenment, both genetically and physically.

  We believe quite simply that a foolish, selfish, or immoral act can be expected to bring its consequences tomorrow. Liberal types with only a thin veneer of religiosity believe they can getaway with ANY behavior today, show up in church next Sunday, and worry about it in some "hereafter" (which, in any event, their gut tells them isn't there). It is for themselves only that they live. It is TO HELL with even their own children and the world they shall have to live in. So what, then, to all of this if it is the "spirit" in the "next world" that is all that matters? And as for the professional "do-gooders", they are out for nothing more than to rack up "points" for themselves in this same "hereafter". They pervertedly view human existence either as a vale of tears or as a "testing ground" where some personal god sends "souls" to measure their "merit" to exist in some "afterlife".

  National Socialists on the other hand view life - personal experience - as representing a link in a great chain; a chain existing back into the limitless past and forward into the limitless future. In you live all of your ancestors that have ever lived since the dawn of evolution. And in your children and children's children so you shall live for the rest of eternity. The RESPONSIBILITY in this is a grave one. Each has it in his or her hands to BREAK the chain, either by not reproducing at all or by reproducing with other than one's kind. And it is with this awesome responsibility in mind that all our behavior as National Socialists is based.

  Will my action this day, this moment, advance or retard the good of the Race? Not whether one stands to own a "mansion in the sky" if one goes against all his natural instinct and accepts something totally alien as his "neighbor" or his kin. Not fear of some personal god but obeyance to duty within oneself and respect to oneself is what commands the actions of National Socialists. What greater CURSE could there be than bringing into being - or existing as - as a racial anomaly, with no ident
ity, no past and no future? Short-term foolishness we ourselves must live with. Long-term idiocy posterity must live with. And how will it view us for our actions today?

  As opposed to Christianity, our Viking ancestors believed in luck. They also knew that one made one's luck by living and acting HONORABLY, WISELY AND PRUDENTLY. These modern day ministers and the whole popular attitude has it that you can do any damned thing you feel like doing (as long as it doesn't hurt the other person they say) and "the Lord will forgive". These millions of people are indeed making their own luck as well. So while more and more churches are being built, the moral tone of the country sinks ever deeper into the morass. What a "lucky" nation we are becoming'

  Those National Socialists who don't need the leverage of "heaven" and "hell", don't need to be frightened or induced into any pattern of behavior, but who have it in themselves to think and act in an honorable way independently, will be those who take command of the future, if there is to be one.

  [Vol. XII, #4- Apr., 1983]

  Marching To One Drummer

  One of the biggest differences between National Socialism and the rest of the Rightist spectrum, aside from ideological, strategic and tactical differences, is the nature of the intended "State-to-be" once the System is collapsed and destroyed. We're of course not talking about immediately after the fall of the System, when it will be largely up for grabs, but well after the smoke has settled, once new sense and order has been established. We have definite ideas, the same ones we've always had. Observation, plus the folkways of our own people, have taught us there is but one way to go. It would be well it get it understood now.


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