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Siege Page 14

by James Mason

  The Posse Comitatus of course favor government at the county level while the N.S.R.P. (National States' Rights Party) and those similar types favor it at the state level. Most Rightist reactionaries have as a part of their platform the belief and the statement that "big government" is an evil by itself and has to be done away with. Neo-Republicans and Neo-Democrats alike are of the conviction that the purpose of Government is merely to serve as caretaker over affairs of business, property, and defense. We disagree with them all. Commander Rockwell stated that the question is not one of "how much" government but "how good" a government.

  Hitler was clear in Mein Kampf just as he was clear in "Triumph of the Will" that it was always his intent and the intention of the whole NSDAP to be the one and only source of power and authority in Germany. We intend the same here, in North America . We hold no illusions that this march to power will not be long and hard. We still have a strong and powerful Enemy System firmly in place before us that has to be removed by one means or another. Once accomplished, there are the myriad factions that will then by vying for power over this continent and the rest of the world. Foreign and domestic rivals for control will have to be met and dealt with. At the end, there will be the factions within the Movement itself that will have to be united into a single unit, under a single authority. It may sound crazy, diversionary, or impossible but it is a primary pillar of NS philosophy. It is the drive for power. It is the WILL TO POWER. If all the other "problems" around us were to disappear tomorrow, we, as National Socialist Revolutionaries, would still have this will to power to be fulfilled and would continue on our course.

  In our view, the function of government is as the leader of its people, not merely caretaker or arbiter. Hitler said that the leading forces make the society and the nation what it is and what it will become. This means taking the youth firmly in hand raising them up in the manner that our ideology commands so as to achieve the ever-more-perfect Race and State in the shortest possible time. Only a centralized government can accomplish this. So-called "rights" and "freedom" all take distant back seats to this highest goal. The task must be accomplished without petty interference from any quarter.

  Aside from future considerations, if in the present day the Movement could somehow find the wisdom and maturity to discipline itself into functioning as a single unit, then it would be in short order one hell of a long way ahead. The White Man's greatest strength in the past has been his genius for organization. His greatest weakness has always been his tendency to contrariness and disunity. It has to be overcome and broken.

  The word that will sooner or later pop up is dictatorship. We favor dictatorship: our own. Commander Rockwell again said in counter response to protests of limpwrists and liberals against heavy-handed governmental policies (primarily in foreign lands) that it is not a matter of dictatorship, but only whether it is OUR dictatorship or not. And Hitler said regarding the prevalent ignorant concept of "dictatorship" as being a "one man show" that the very idea was absurd, that it requires a very large and dynamic TEAM EFFORT to run the affairs of a great nation in modern times. We are here speaking of one team, not dozens of teams all getting in one another's way.

  Make no mistake, this country today is ruled by a dictatorship - that of Big Brother. What we plan is as far removed from this as it is possible to get. Yet ours will be a dictatorship also. It will be such because we will have no tolerance whatever for opposition of any kind, even ineffectual opposition, as it is certain that this smug omission on the part of Big Brother provides the seed that will kill him ultimately. Big Brother's dictatorship is faceless, nameless, and alien to the great majority of people it rules over. Furthermore, Big Brother's rule is designed, is blatantly outspoken about, and is having the results of being clearly AGAINST the best interests of ALL OF THE PEOPLE over which it rules. All save but one small group: the System's own ruling pigs. So you should be able to see that there are at least good dictatorships and bad dictatorships.

  The coming rule will be one of, and with, it's own people. It will be strictly manned and operated by men of the people with their one goal being the furtherance and betterment, the increased greatness of their people. Considerations such as governmental, financial, or international matters will be but sidelines to be used or discarded according to whether or not their application in any case will favorably or adversely affect the White Race. And it will be because of this complete dedication to the interests of the Race that no interference will be allowed. Big Brother is absolutely BENT upon the destruction of distinct races and most of us know to what lengths he has already gone to see to it his plan is not altered in any way. We must at least be as determined as he is - at least that and MORE SO.

  [Vol. XIII, #2- Feb., 1984]

  No Thanks To The Jews

  It has been said in some places that the spirit of Adolf Hitler has been kept alive by his enemies, the Jews. I say this is patently false.

  Commander Rockwell said that the Jews would build their own gas chambers if the price was right. And so the Jews keep the "Hitlermania" going because it is highly profitable for them to do so. There are so many tenets of the National Socialist State incorporated into the State of Israel that it is positively striking. The Jews wish intensely that Hitler had been theirs, in fact, had been one of their own, and this all-consuming fascination will remain irresistible to them. The Jews, being masters of psychological technique, understand better than most the effectiveness of the "bogeyman" stratagem. By holding up a "Nazi threat" through their media they keep their own "little Jews" in line, they keep the dumb goyim groveling, and they also keep us - or many of us - barking up the wrong "Hollywood" tree.

  Then too there is the fear angle. The Jews have no other real choice than to continue trying to keep Hitler "alive"- but on their own terms, as a monster. The absurd notion that Hitler would fade out of the picture should the Jews suddenly decide to turn their back on him holds no water, for the Jews themselves are well aware of that situation. Should they leave his memory alone, his spirit would not fade but rather the Truth, however gradually, would come to fill the vacuum left by the cessation of their lies.

  In point of fact, the Jews are trapped by Hitler.

  It is indeed ironic, but no thanks are due to the Jews.

  [Vol. XII, #9- Sept., 1983]

  The Most Deadly Misconception We Face

  Of course the view that the common man has of our Movement is so screwed up it's pathetic. Yet in the end it will still come down to our being uncompromisingly pro-White, anti-Jew, anti-Black, and the revolutionary symbol of the Swastika will yet prove our greatest blessing. But there is one - just one - widely held misconception that we must work to dispel in the minds of those we may need later on.

  It isn't either one of the two most common ones: first, that we supposedly "gassed" six million Jews and, second, that we are, somehow. Communists. The whining about concentration camps is a peacetime, parlor room luxury which will fade fast when hell breaks loose and people are looking for killers to be on their own side. What better credentials could we possibly have? The absolute stone-headed rednecks keep on with the "Nazism = Communism" because that's the way they view ALL authoritarianism. However, most of these folks know how to hold a rifle and will be recruited to our side FAST when general hell breaks its tissue-paper bonds. You might guess all night and still not come up with the misconception I'm speaking of.

  While our biggest opponents - the Reds - love to keep using the "Six Million" complaint, you will at least notice that they don't refer to us as "Communists". How silly it would be to call us the very thing that they themselves are. (They call us instead "Fascists" which is only mildly irritating.) But other than that, those who have the most to fear from us and who like to make their name-calling campaigns count, claim that we are the last resort of entrenched Capitalism. And if too many White workers believe that, we've got problems.

  Like the "Six Million" canard, it stems from the National Socialist experience in Ger
many . The fact is that most of the German people were healthy in mind and spirit, and were totally in favor of Hitler and his programs. This included a high proportion of the upper classes, industrialists, etc. They were at least as interested in Germany as in their own profits and therefore, in Hitler's view, still were part of the nation. They were not exploiters or usurers but merely successful businessmen who got where they were honestly. But to a rabble-rouser or a Red, these too are "Capitalists". It never occurs to the masses of people that the REAL "Ugly Capitalist" is our declared Enemy.

  The situations in Germany fifty years ago and in the United States today are vastly different regarding the composition of the ruling classes. It is a safe generalization to state that the ruling class in America has SOLD OUT and has got to go... all the way. That much at least the White workers are fast becoming aware of. Hell, things were so comparatively healthy in Weimar Germany, as opposed to what they are here, that Hitler was fully able to work within the framework of that system and WIN! No way in hell we can do that here today!!

  We cannot allow the White worker to believe that we are the friend of the System! The best and only way to combat and reverse this is to preach revolution, revolution, and more revolution! Smash the System!! We must develop and bring into focus our SOCIALIST programs for a new society. This means a BREAK with Right-Wingism. If we fail in this, we could lose.

  [Vol. IX, #6- Oct., 1980]

  Terms Such As These

  What was that about the kettle calling the pot black? This country and in particular this System have been good at name-calling all throughout this century and even further back. The word is self-righteous. Unless a foreign state is an outright vassal of this one then it is no damned good. And from that point they grade up the scale to full-blown "enemies", "evil empires", etc.

  This or that "dictatorship", "tyranny", "fascist state", and on and on. Never mind the circumstances in that nation or in that part of the world. Never mind that a particular state of affairs may be the ONLY one possible with the alternative being chaos. Never mind the mood or the will of that particular people. If it isn't "democracy" then it's got to go. You've seen and heard it a thousand times.

  But as a kid in school I recall what they were trying to teach us that passed for "history" and I remember that they had a special epithet they were fond of applying to Germany 's ally in the First World War, the Austro-Hungarian Empire: "A vast, far-flung, ramshackle, polyglot empire". This is no defense of the Austrian Empire as Hitler himself violently and bitterly hated what it was and what it stood for - a multi-racial/national amalgam. It did however serve the purpose of creating and maintaining peace and order in Central Europe and the Balkans until it collapsed in the First World War and was subsequently dismantled by the "democratic" allies.

  If a man fresh from Mars were to take an objective look at the world situation as it exists today - with no knowledge or awareness of the long-since-disappeared Austrian Empire - and would read a term like "vast, far-flung, polyglot empire", to what country might he attach the description now? Maybe the Soviet Union. Maybe several others. But certainly the United States would have to qualify as candidate Number One upon whose foot that onerous shoe would snugly fit.

  From ridiculing and deriding a political state created out of dire necessity over centuries of terrible wars, and playing a major hand in the destruction of that state, the United States itself has BECOME just such a similar entity. All that is required now is a contemporary catastrophe, an upsetting force like World War One was, and the U.S. will share the identical fate. Except things will be much worse.

  Could the Czechs and Serbs have had as much resentment for the Austrians or for each other, as the Blacks and Hispanics have for the Whites and for one another here today? Could the "vote of no confidence" which the ruling House of Hapsburg received at the moment of crisis be as barren as the one this democratic regime is getting even now? Could all the aspects of statecraft have been arranged then in a more ultimately untenable fashion than they are here today? All it took then was a crisis followed by an abdication and the entire structure fell to pieces. The number of those who are working to engineer such a collapse here, who would welcome such a collapse or at least not effectively oppose one, far outweighs the number of those who would or could prevent one.

  Such was not the fate of Germany which also suffered defeat and abdication. And not so in Russia where the same thing happened. In Germany there was one people. In Russia there existed a fresh centralized government, ready, willing and able to step in and assume command to prevent disintegration. Here again enters the comparison with the United States: these groups of people here today hate one another and they all despise the government. But there is no alternate government currently in shape to take over the reins should something unseat the present one. The stage is set.

  When it is over with, the map will certainly have been changed, and changed to concur with the racial facts of life. And the map makers will have little rest until the renewed racial struggle has been concluded - something that may take many years.

  When stability and peace have finally resumed in these latitudes we can hope that things won't resemble a map of Europe after World War One but, rather, will contain no artificial and divisive boundaries whatsoever - not only from ocean to ocean, but from Panama to the North Pole.

  [Vol. XV, #2- Feb., 1986]

  When As It Happens

  Tricky, introverted and myopic "comparisons" between the sick U.S. and Western societies of today, and the "sick" Weimar society of Germany in the 1920's have been some of the favorite stand-by's of the Right Wing in this country since the end of the War. Clearly, something isn't exactly jelling.

  Revolutionaries can see and know the realities of both situations and can't be kidded, nor do they kid themselves. They haven't got the patience. The question that remains is whether a revolutionary movement will arise from out of the older, more reactionary movement that we have known, or whether it will arise literally from out of nowhere, from among those who have had no experience with the tired and dreary old ways of the past. Perhaps what follows will provide some of the answer.

  Between living in the past - be it either Reconstruction South or Weimar Germany - and harping on a "Jewish Conspiracy", the traditional Movement has no other leg to stand on, ideologically or strategically. What's been happening, and what's still happening as a result, has been the creation of a magnetic force attracting kooks and cranks; producing something that is, and appears for all the world to be ridiculous; thus making sure that no solid and worthwhile types will be recruited or stay for very long; and winds up by scapegoating its failures rather than engaging in serious and intelligent re-evaluation of its overview and position.

  Latching onto the past as a profession begs for the System and the media to heap all their many smears and epithets onto us; is an open invitation for the System to pass and enforce such things as "Genocide Treaties", etc.; and because it pretends to work within the System to change the System, it leaves room for doubt about those vast numbers of "System-entrenched" Whites and opens the way for Movement people to write "Dear Mr. President" letters and tell their members to "write their Congressmen" and to frantically urge "America" to "wake up!". In reality it's a dead-end street.

  One thing we all received in our years with the old Movement was a thorough education on the Jewish Question. It's all quite true. There is and always has been a Jewish Conspiracy ever since contact has existed between Jews and Europeans. I will say that no professional revolutionary can hope to be real unless he is fully familiar with each aspect of the Jewish Question. It is only part of his basic education. Again, it is but one factor among many and this is where the Movement has been failing for so long. The fact is that what happened to our people and our culture would probably have happened anyway. Maybe not so soon, maybe not so drastically. But it would have happened.

  Going back to the close of the Renaissance period, the Jews never could have gotten
their foot in the door of Western Civilization unless something had not already been amiss in the basic structure and outlook of things. One can point an accusing finger at "democracy" as being responsible for aliens entering into our affairs, but never forget that "democracy" in practice, in law, is a most recent development and only came about after the Jews and their allies got the upper hand in government matters. When the Jews made their entrance upon the scene, they were allowed in by the very leaders themselves - the kings and emperors, the upper classes. For who else had the power and decision-making ability to control this back then, before "democracy"?

  The Jews are aiders and abetters in this. They are specialists when it comes to alien corruption and they are certainly reaping their share of the profits from it all. And though the number of them directly involved in it condemns them by proportion to their total population, the Beast System is still basically manned and operated by renegade, sold-out Whites. What we are fighting has always been, and will always be, a sickness from within.

  Blame? The cause and the well-spring for all of this can be located but it would be a mistake to seek merely to place a blame. It's been going on for too long now, it is too deeply entrenched in today's lives to try to isolate things and individuals. But if we were to identify where it all comes from, what sustains it, and who profits most from it at the expense of the race itself, then where else and who else could we look to other than the ruling, upper classes of society? Those that let the Jews in in the first place, those that took them to their bosom, those that always set the newest "trends" for perversion and degeneracy, those that get richer while we get poorer, those who in their vilest, foulest depths of anti-life numbness find their final kicks in drugs and consorting with racial aliens. And with their government in one hand and their Hollywood in the other, seek to reduce the rest of the population to their own level of decadence. I might add that their success in this isn't far enough away from completion to merit any discussion of just "how far".


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