by James Mason
The final word, the last comparison between here and now and there and then with regard to repeating Hitler's miracle in Germany would involve a statement made by Albert Speer in later years as he sought to further acquit himself, further glorify himself, and further condemn Hitler in his highly lucrative written and televised accounts of life in the Third Reich. Speer said, quite correctly, that the reason Hitler's rise in Germany was so fast and so certain was because the very BEST in German society were behind him. This explains why the entire German nation had to be incinerated in the course of the War, why their entire government had to be murdered. It wasn't just a man or a party, it was the whole country, or at least those elements that counted most. And so Hitler's Movement was not the kooky, funny thing we see here in America today. It was truly representative of the will of the German people.
If you haven't caught onto the secret yet, then I will spell out for you why any such comparison between then and now is a totally lame one. True, the Weimar society was a sick one. But it was a sickness suddenly and forcibly attached to Germany at the highest levels. The people themselves saw it and hated it and were ready for Hitler when he made his appearance. In all, Weimar lasted fifteen years. Here the sickness has been coming along, unabated, for at least three generations and probably more. It's their own baby and they love it. They wouldn't be parted from it. It's part of "Americanism". This sickness is home-grown and it is from the inside out.
What sort of Movement would it take to represent the will of the American people today? With some variations, several are already on the scene and, I might add, none of them remotely resemble anything National Socialist. Then too, there is no "American People", only Whites who, for the most part, have lost all racial pride and identity. But they are only reflections of what their rulers, the upper classes, have made themselves into. In a plutocracy, which this is, the wealthy decide and control the mould of the society, how the future generations will take shape. And, like any god, they can predictably be expected to fashion the people of the future in their own image. Meet the future today as it was envisioned forty and fifty years ago! And tomorrow?
When we speak of the best we have no choice but to speak in very real and very practical terms. Yes, racially best, of course. But best when it comes to profession. Best when it comes to training and education. Best when it actually comes to shouldering and maintaining the country and the economy. Best in practice and performance. These were the people who supported Hitler in Germany. But who are they, where are they, WHAT are they here, today?
In terms of American and Western societies in the present day, what I described in the above paragraph, collectively, can only be referred to as Pigs of the System and Establishment. And there, in a nutshell you have the chances of repeating what Hitler accomplished in the 1920's and '30's. These people went gladly off to kill Germany.
The White upper classes - which, make no mistake, rule this land - have long since been alienated from their own people, their own past; the great struggles and causes of White history are forgotten; today these people are merely managers and custodians, albeit damned well-paid ones at that; the West is no longer in competition against any coloreds; it has become the "White Man's Burden" run amok there is no longer any "them" or "us" for all are "happy" together in "democracy" (at least in theory); all is liberalism; all is materialism. Jews are only a minority in this but they do manage to swim so very well in this open sewer they have helped to create. But the sick Whites are vying each to out-do the other in order to catch up and be the most "in" of the "in crowd".
We're talking about a very large body of people who have sold out, or, perhaps better put, have burnt out. With no vital signs left. Yet, to remove them would be to see the U.S. at an end. Not to remove them will be to see another Africa arise on the North American Continent. It is not so much a conspiracy as it is a head being out of touch with its body but yet striving to make certain that the body becomes as vile and perverse as the head, thus spelling doom for the entire organism. A ruling body with its own, peculiar world view in which they believe, for they are quite sincere. The Whites of this country and indeed most of the West have been betrayed by their own rotten leaders. Yes, their natural leaders, the nation's elite! That is why no renaissance can be possible here. Only revolution.
It must be DEATH to an entire strata of the population...
...and a new, fresh ruling elite established from the ranks of the natural peasantry or yeomanry, before that too has been eaten away from the inside out and nothing remains of it.
[Vol. XV, #3- Mar., 1986]
Conservatism and the Lost Movement
"There is no justice in bureaucracy for the individual, for bureaucracy caters only to itself. One cannot practice the same bureaucracy as one is fighting against."
- Leon Trotsky
"A great revolution requires a great party and many first-rate cadres to guide it . is impossible to carry through our great revolution, which is unprecedented in history, if the leadership consists of a small, narrow group and if the Party leaders and cadres are petty-minded, short sighted and incompetent."
- Mao Tse-Tung
"All you fakers are in for it. I begged you on my knees and you didn't listen and now I can't hear you."
- Charles Manson
El Stupido
The worst critics of the Armed Struggle are inside the Movement. If you want to be told how "not to do it", just consult the "Phony Fuhrers". For some very good reasons do they fear and reject the concept of the Armed Struggle. It is because you can be a damned, total fool in the Mass Strategy and still live. You cannot be thus in the Armed Struggle. You can be a complete incompetent and an abject failure in the Mass Strategy and yet still live to formulate clever and complicated reasons to hide or justify your failure. You can get away with being a faker and a blowhard within the Mass Strategy and no one can tell you apart from those who may be sincere. You can eke out a "living" as a Mass Strategy mail-order fraud but the Armed Struggle holds no reward unless made a total success. It is therefore a decidedly uninviting climate for the fakers and the kooks.
I've always said that the Mass Strategy could have been made to work under the proper leadership, such as provided by Commander Rockwell, but the sad and sorry types we see today are incapable of anything except amplifying and expounding upon the intricacies of insanity. They can't even do what they claim to be doing and so no wonder they have no understanding of the Armed Struggle.
Those stupid idiots who, when thinking in terms of the Mass Idea, envision marching columns decked out in German uniforms would naturally also think of a stereotyped, Hollywood-style "urban guerrilla" scenario in regard to the Armed Struggle. One is as stupid and impossible as the other except that the former will only get you laughed at while the latter one will get you killed. They are constitutionally incapable of getting their minds away from stale, sterile and programmed, obsolete ideas. If this isn't the description of a professional loser then I don't know what is.
If there is one kernel, one basic thread that can be used to sum up the NSLF line of thought, it must be: to go for the possible and forget the impossible. The types I've just referred to are also unable to recognize or differentiate between these two things. One has to maintain and strive to increase his grip over reality in order to be able to see and to know what is obvious and therefore where the appropriate course is. At this point we are dictated to by circumstances and have no real choices. The situation is clear. Those who shrink from reality and go off in search of the unreal give away much about themselves.
The situation that is clear is that the deadlock must be broken by any means necessary. The "Phony Fuhrers", true to form, have it "bass ackwards" when they blurt: "Everything for Power!". In fact there can be no power other than Big Brother's power as long as Big Brother lives and functions. If we've learned anything in twenty years, we have learned that! The revolutionary call is "Death to Big Brother!", and until that time the only "power
" exerted by our side will come from nowhere else but heroes like Fred Cowan, Joseph Franklin, the Men of Greensboro, the .22 Killer of Buffalo, etc. In many, if not most of the cases, the sacrifice is an expensive one. But it means action and only action gains results. The rest is hot air. Let 'em come right out and state that this most vicious and animal-level struggle can be won without sacrifices!
Big Brother's power must be broken by any means necessary. One great man added to that, "by any means we can find or invent". The key word is "invent". The stupid ones will always take it to mean something "classic", something that's "been tried", in other words something Big Brother has long ago predicted that may well be tried and therefore is perfectly ready, willing and able to deal with. Another great man has said, "No sense makes sense", in dealing with the allseeing, all-knowing, all-powerful Big Brother System. Big Brother may be watching but is Big Brother comprehending??
[Vol. X, #4- April, 1981]
The Numbers Game
It seems like the entire estimation of the Movement - not only by the general public but by the members themselves - has revolved around the question, "How many?". Earlier we've spoken of "Phase One", or the days of the old American Nazi Party of George Lincoln Rockwell. In the comparatively short time Rockwell was running things he made a much bigger splash than have any of his followers... and I can't think of an instance where Rockwell was able to even put as many as fifty uniformed men on the streets for a single demonstration. One hundred troopers marched down the middle of Euclid Avenue in Cleveland in the fall of 1973 and the news blackout was such that it hardly made a ripple. The reason goes beyond the paper curtain of the Establishment media - it concerns real leadership, leadership-type activity, personal dynamism and true revolutionary spirit.
Though we sometimes call ourselves a "party" we are hardly that in the same sense as Democrats or Republicans. For the sake of comparison however let's compare ourselves with these two ruling bodies. I can make the comparison very short and sweet: taken altogether, how many millions of members or regular voters can they claim? A lot, certainly. How large is their annual budget? Certainly in the millions. Titularly they control the country. But with all the fine speeches and good hopes, etc., and with all their apparent power, the country's slide into hell gets more rapid all the time. In truth they are POWERLESS for they represent the dead weight of numbers, embodied in old habit and inertia.
The issue is truly quality over quantity. Rockwell had envisioned three, and at one point even four phases to the taking of power in the United States but he lived only to see the completion of the first of these: breaking the blackout, the news quarantine, and becoming widely known. He himself defined "Phase Two" as the gathering-in of trained, hardened, professional political agitators such as those the Reds are blessed with in good numbers. As he knew, any idiot can run out and get his face in the newspaper, but to back it up with something positive is another matter. The ill-famed "marginal types"- the heroes of "Phase One" - have proven a plague to us today. All show and blow, never any real go.
The man who claims to be in charge of carrying out "Phase Two" has done nothing but retrogress to the point at which things stood in 1973. His idea of "Phase Two" was a cadre of mindless "yes men" owing loyalty to him personally and basically going on the Fuhrer principle in the stark absence of a Fuhrer. Instead of building a core for the purpose of fomenting revolution, he didn't even succeed in building a decent personal cult around himself. What came out of this craziness was a thing that was termed the "eighteen month syndrome". A fresh recruit would come to the Party all set and ready for work, to contribute significantly of himself, to see action and to sacrifice. Instead he got bullshit. Mainly a lot of silly "do's" and "don'ts", restrictions on how to wear his hair, restrictions on his clothing style, demands for paying exorbitant dues and "tithes" which somehow never produced a single result, and generally was relegated to treading water. Ninety-nine percent could stand it for no more than about eighteen months. The number of precious volunteers LOST in this manner could have made up a revolutionary core had they been handled right.
That strategy has been self-defeated and that segment of the Movement has been, and shall remain, numerically - and in every other way - static. Whether you have a hundred or a hundred thousand, it doesn't matter if the strategy is all wrong and if the only authority being exerted is of a negative nature. It is the so-called "Mass Strategy" and its promulgators. A strategy based on falsehood that hasn't got a chance.
The old Party generally could claim about a thousand adherents (a little less most of the time). Usually when asked by the press or anyone else, we'd tell them in answer to questions of membership numbers, "Those who know don't tell and those who tell don't know". Another snappy comeback to that embarrassing question was, "Not as many as we'd like to have but more than they'd like for us to have". That was the old numbers game - all quite useless and ridiculous. Tommasi's NSLF underground in 1975 had about 4 men. But those four men had the Reds and Blacks TERRIFIED and crying to the System (which they supposedly hated) for PROTECTION! That's because those in the NSLF underground were MEN, Tommasi was a LEADER, and his was an ORGANIZATION.
Those who think we need millions - or even tens of thousands - have no understanding. We don't desire merely to dominate or monopolize in the manner of Democrats or Republicans. We're not content with mere power if it means the continued decline of the White Race the way we are seeing it today. We have much more than this to do: radical programs to be enforced, a huge but rotten System to be gotten out of the way first, etc. It can only be done by a sharp cutting edge, never by muscle-bound bulk. The ruling parties are monstrously huge, fat and rich but they are rotten to the core and threaten to pull the country down with them if they are allowed to do so. We are tiny but desperate and the conditions imposed upon us have made us hard as steel and sharp as razors.
Let me just jog your imagination by unequivocally stating that four men properly motivated and determined - could set this country on its EAR overnight! And what's more, we don't need to sit about like helpless old ladies and WISH it were so - we have them, and more, NOW! Shall you be with us in grappling with and mastering reality or will you remain among the useless dreamers and escapists wishing things were other than what they are? As revolutionaries we know only one compulsion: circumstances as we find them, the way they exist - in short, REALITY!
[Vol. IX, #5 -Sept., 1980]
Twilight Of The Idiots
I know we're not just whistling up our sleeve because we have come damned close to starting something a number of times in the past ten years. But each time it always gets derailed by some IDIOT in a position of influence or control! They don't want to rock the boat too badly for fear of provoking the System; or that's not exactly the way they think it should be done; or that practice is uncouth and immoral; or they don't happen to like this or that person; or it might cut into their own, tiny membership or book sales profit; or they just flat can't stand to see anyone else get any credit. In fourteen years at this I have encountered only ONE individual high up that turned out to be a paid agent. And he succeeded in getting two people locked up. A feat that the Right Wing is famous for doing all by itself! But no agent I know of has ever been responsible for fouling up entire efforts, wrecking entire undertakings, whole movements. That's always been the handiwork of the damned FAKERS and IDIOTS who pass themselves off as "leaders"!
Those who have been around for any time, think back to when things were looking really hopeful, when it appeared almost certain we were on the verge of a breakthrough. Mysteriously, it collapsed every time. After having witnessed this on several occasions, I became able to tell when a leader or a group had "ceilinged out" and was about to crash to bits. A peak was reached by almost accident which couldn't be held, built-in incompetence took over and devastation was the result. I am convinced it has not been the work of agents. For one thing, I've been close to too many of these so-called "leaders" and I know whereof I speak. The
y are incapable of team effort which is the heart and core of genuine organization. Fear, jealousy, paranoia, plain stupidity - you name it! And yet they all want to be "Fuhrer"!
The symbolism has not been in error. It's just that the endemic NUTS from the Right Wing work their way into control positions and proceed to poison everything. The one exception to this since Rockwell was Joseph Tommasi and his NSLF approach.
Tommasi's secret was that he essentially stopped talking and started doing. He said that all talk, all discussion, was counter-revolutionary. The situation has been talked to death and still they go on talking! Tommasi also knew the real difference between useless effort and effective action practically applied. It boils down to the real reason the "Twilight of the Idiots" exists right now. One generation ago, Rockwell devised a strategy aimed at unseating the Jews and other anti-Whites from power in the United States. It depended on his "Phase One" which was to break through the paper curtain that the media had had in total force for nearly twenty years previous. It was to let them know that true White leadership did exist and to be ready for them when the going got rough enough, they were jolted from their slumber, and were ready to dump the Democrat-Republican shell game.
Rockwell's fledgling American Nazi Party wouldn't have lasted overnight against Bobby Kennedy's Justice Department if the System had been able to pin just ONE act of terrorism on the Party or one of it's members. Further, such violent acts in those day were the trademark of the Reds and Blacks still struggling to attain the foothold they desired. The American people hated these anti-social stunts and Rockwell couldn't afford to be identified with the Enemy. So he was confined to walking a thin, red line of legality, to performing dangerous and costly political handstands to attract press attention and to get himself and his organization known to the American people and not just a few Right Wingers. Rockwell succeeded in this and now the generic term of "American Nazi Party" is universally accepted as a fact of life. Let us now get OFF that phase and begin DOING something with it!