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by James Mason

  "The lost man, who has no belongings, no outside interests, no personal ties of any sort - not even a name. Possessed of but one thought, interest and passion - the revolution. A man who has broken with Society, broken with its laws and conventions. He must despise the opinions of others, and be prepared for death and torture at any time. Hard towards himself, he must be hard to others, and in his heart there must be no place for love, friendship, gratitude or even honor."

  As for leadership, Tommasi put it best when he wrote that the leaders are those who are DOING IT. Those with backgrounds in National Socialism reaching back more than a decade will recall the so-called "leader" who ousted Tommasi from the Party for being "too revolutionary", for having had women in the headquarters (horrors!), for having had marijuana in the headquarters (more horrors!), for using the System in order to strengthen the revolutionary organization (unethical), and for attacking the System, destroying it physically and materially (illegal). It's only been ten years since his death and the blossoming of the full-scale revolution may yet be a long way off but his name is remembered and known in more quarters than the "leader" who dismissed him.

  The only totality we can apply currently with success is in our own view toward the System, the Enemy. When we attempt to apply it to new people, new adherents to the Movement, we achieve only an inward-looking cult; we alienate good people who are committed but still of a level-headed, reasoning nature. We open the field for nuts and tin-horns who are willing to put up with, and even add to, the nonsense in order to be a bigger part of it and, worst of all, we stifle fresh genius. It is a low view, held only by those who can't handle the Enemy and choose instead to tyrannize the membership and make people over while pretending to attack small surface symptoms of a far more serious problem (and falling flat even at that).

  In applying a strategy of totality toward the System instead, we find ourselves keeping up a constant pressure against it where it counts; on a never-ending, day-to-day basis, we begin to lay the groundwork for a truly popular front and rid ourselves of the label of "kooks", "reactionaries" and "fascists"; we develop a true ideology, a world-view, and in living it rather than playing at it we eventually become larger, greater than the Enemy itself; we assume the advantage, the OFFENSIVE, and through our self-discipline and diligent efforts, we become the embryonic government-to-be, more than worthy and capable of taking over the reigns once the present government is gone.

  To the opposite side, the only area in which we can AFFORD to be flexible is that of our own people. The System is ruthless, unfeeling, unrelenting and so must we be toward it. We are our only best hope, we are our only best friends, we are all that we have and it would behoove us all to take better care and have better regard in our mutual dealings. Decency, intelligence and plain practicality when applied to new people - and current ones as well - would result in the attraction of new talent and better exploitation of existing talent, it would encourage initiative, it would encourage greater overall loyalty, and through the feeling of community, it would make us far less vulnerable to System attacks. Only through these means will we be able to enjoy and employ the equally primary principles of selection in building an effective Movement: only through dealing with larger numbers - by not driving them away - can we develop the levels of action and leadership necessary to a revolutionary movement. The best will discipline themselves and work harder and meet with greater success. The rest will serve to augment these successes.

  When, as it has been, the Movement imagines it can assume a flexible stance and approach to the vicious beast that is the System, then a sense of directionlessness, aimlessness and general confusion reigns. The System calls every shot. No one knows what's next. There is a lack of seriousness, of real purpose, not to mention an unending series of defeats. Because of this there develops the "clubism", conservatism, reaction. The group is, in effect, a PART of the Establishment and, because there is no real, long-range attack plan, it becomes full of dabblers. Flexibility when applied to the AIM absolutely precludes decisive action. (And a lot of idealistic hopes do not constitute an AIM.)

  Revolutionary discipline must mean that WE will be the single survivor in a war against the System, a TOTAL WAR against the System. Revolutionary lenience must mean that we will gladly accept the help of all who are willing to work and to fight; we will enlist the help of all.

  [Vol. XIV, #9 -Sept., 1985]

  Where History Stopped

  It never hurts to possess a comprehensive understanding of history and the development of Aryan culture, not to mention that of our enemies. This however requires much time and study, that is, assuming that one can even get hold of the required literature for such study. For purposes of revolutionary understanding as well as revolutionary recruiting, all that needs to be comprehended well are the occurrences of the past century. It's all contained there within the span of a few short generations: the fall of the White Race from the very heights of power and culture to the bottom depths of servitude and degradation. And then, of course, there is the Greatest Story Ever Told which still lies within the memories of half the people yet alive today. That is the saga of Adolf Hitler, the birth and rise of the NSDAP and the Third Reich in Germany . There compressed within an incredibly short time-frame, twenty five years, is the total revelation of an entire age of man. Truly where history - as it had been known since the end of Classical Civilization - came to its end.

  To go even further, a person who is truly aware really needs to look no further than what he finds around him here, in the present day. That may be asking a bit too much as practically all living vestiges of a great past have been erased. Still I hold that a person who is strong and natural within will know by the filth and disease all about him that things are not right and will be able to arrive at his own conclusions (also based on who is running the show, and who it is they most curse). Charles Manson, to be sure, has never cracked open one of the Right Wing books about the Illuminati, etc., and his grasp of things is total (and how the Establishment curses him!). Indeed, as he himself points out, books can be dangerous as they have the power to suck one into them and the era and place they are representing. How true this has been of the entire Right Wing - if they haven't been living in 1933, they've been living in 1865.

  I've seen too many who flaunt their prowess at talking Right Wing trivia and laying claim to this intellectual trick as some kind of grounds for leadership. Some of it might be of interest for a genuine student of history - as I am - who doesn't mind lectures, but it is counter-productive in the extreme where revolutionary personalities and temperaments are involved, that is, among the more directly action-minded. They want to hear present-day reality put into simple terms of explanation - they want to hear flaming, living rhetoric to forge together a hardcore Movement, and most of all to hear about the future, not the past.

  Just as not everyone was ever intended (at least not by Nature) to fall into the System's universal, compulsory liberal education, not everyone who might possibly gravitate into the Movement is intended to be aware of everything that has happened throughout history from antediluvian times to the present. For all but the most tiny few, such knowledge is useless baggage. The fact is that most couldn't care less. To try to push it on them is to alienate and lose them. Give them instead what will most set them on fire: the way to deal with the present rather than be victimized by it and, most of all, the way to conquer the future!

  [Vol. XIII, #6 -June, 1984]

  What We Can Dispense With

  We can unburden ourselves of all useless wreckage and lumber. Things like idle complaint. We cannot complain about "what's going on", we can only complain about OURSELVES as yet not having reached a point where we can do something about it. Right now, we'll do very well to concentrate on ourselves for, until we have done that, we can't do much about anything else.

  It is an error to complain about politicians. It is a worse error to complain about any specific politician by name. This is because that to do
so is to extend to them a certain legitimacy and, at the same time, to go so far as to place yourself in the same league, on the same level with them. As though they are your leaders and you don't approve of what they're doing. To fall into, or, more often, to fail to get out of this line-of-thought is fatal one hundred percent of the time and no one who has ever towed a line like that has ever succeeded at anything. As to "what the Jews are up to", "what the Blacks have pulled lately", etc., it is all the same. People and groups will do as it is their nature and will to do. They cannot be predicted to do as might be "expected" when a society has broken down as this one has. Anyone who cannot see that has no business whatsoever in any movement calling itself politically revolutionary.

  The Enemy is the Enemy and aliens are aliens. All politicians - high and low are PIGS in a Pig System. If they weren't, they wouldn't be there. From President to dogcatcher, they are all the same bureaucratic, sell-out swine. No distinctions are to be drawn. Meaningless considerations of "parties", of "Left" and "Right", even individual identities, names, etc, are simply not to be used. To kill an "ism" you have to kill the "ists". Their words and actions are absolutely predictable and no one should ever express any sense of shock or outrage at them. We must view them as a mountain range, or a fetid swamp, or a series of storm clouds: just there. A factor to be noted and taken into account, upon which to base future strategy. In the present we have to work around them, in spite of them, never extending to them the invitation to send in their pigs to break up these, our most early and rudimentary efforts. In the future, we have to break up their power base and unseat them from the positions of authority which they usurped from real American leaders who haven't existed now in several generations. In the end, we have to simply kill them, as expeditiously and unceremoniously as possible.

  As for what any Black or group of Blacks may do - likewise with any alien congregations - it should concern us not. For this is not our country and these are not our people. They are not doing anything to us; not taking anything away from us. They are but players on a common chess board. They are merely aliens on this continent which has mostly seen throughout its existence the parlances of groups of aliens, vying one against another for greater dominance. There is no indication that this long-established trend will not go on. If anything, they serve to unsettle and unhinge the drive for total control by the Big Brother Pig Bureaucrats of the System. At this point, anything which contributes to friction, chaos and anarchy can only help us in the long run. Should we then express any particular shock when any member of these alien groups commits some transgression against the old Anglo-Saxon laws which once, long ago, were devised to govern this land?

  Outrages and offenses to the sensibilities of any truly civilized individual have long since become the rule and not the exception. We must view it merely as the element in which we swim, in which we struggle. And of course, as we all know, it continues to degenerate further with each passing year. You do not complain about this. You either choose to swim or not to swim. You ADAPT to it so as to be able to function most effectively in it. You don't have to like it. You never accept it but you view it as only the primary aspect of the greater game plan in which everyone is caught up. Others will view it differently but they will be deluding themselves. You don't "worry" about any of that - you only worry about what YOU are going to be doing next, on your own, in relationship to it.

  [Vol. XIII, #6 -June, 1984]

  Reasons, Not Excuses

  We have ourselves to attest to the fact that no one has to submit to the tyranny that today reigns. Who and what did it for us? The answer is no one and nothing. We did it ourselves, individually. We did it even though our backgrounds at that early time were practically identical to any of the rest, even though we were educated in the same school system, watched the same movies and television, read the same books, newspapers and magazines. We existed in the same world as the rest and yet we broke away. Why don't they?

  The reasons why no mass movement has existed in this country on the part of Whites to defend themselves and what is theirs have been extensively dealt with by Movement scholars, probably more than any other single topic. There of course is the media brainwash which not only denies all Truth, but pumps the head full of lies and poison and robs the thinking and decision-making processes of any chance to function. There is the comfort corruption which softens and saps the spirit and will. Then there is also dysgenics which means, though a person is nominally "White", he is so only in color, there is nothing underneath. This is the product of fratricidal wars and total lack of breeding: the creation of a race of boobs. These are some of the reasons... they may help us to understand but they excuse no one.

  The old Movement used to actually take comfort and reassurance from all of this and kept telling itself that all would be put right when "Der Tag" arrived. It won't. It means that 9,999 out of 10,000 have been culled out of the action and have succumbed to things intended to consume all of us but which were escaped by a tiny few. The theory that all will be well once we have blazed the path or "when things get bad enough" is misguided. No one will "come along" once it has been seen that the going has been made safe and secure, because it will NEVER BECOME such until the last fire has been extinguished, the last shot fired, the last body buried.

  [Vol. XIII, #3 -March, 1984]

  Only On Each Other

  I once knew a woman who worked as a check-out clerk in a super market. After work, she would relate to me all the little cliques, personality clashes, back-biting, petty intrigues, not to mention the rottenness and carousing of the boss himself. And it struck me that right there, in the confines of a few thousand square feet, involving only a few dozen individuals, was all the same nonsense - and all its deadly earnest ferocity - that I was running into in the Movement at that time. Our struggles, it seemed, were of a higher order with higher stakes and so, therefore, merited such in-house conflicts whereas to indulge in these stupidities in such a minute fashion, where there were no real stakes at all, appeared to be most childish. I was rather amazed.

  Then it wasn't too long before it dawned over me that such silliness properly belonged to the realm of the inconsequential, where no outcome mattered. In affairs of trying to build a viable political movement with aims such as ours, it had no place at all. It wasn't long thereafter that I separated myself from it completely by undertaking what I've been doing with SIEGE and Universal Order.

  Idiotic, meaningless struggles, rivalries, quarrels. Among drunks, punks, jealous women, gangs of kids, neighbors, co-workers, the Right Wing, etc.. The intrigues, the vendettas, the pettiness, the thievery, the meanness that goes on constantly. With no real outcome, nothing learned, nothing gained, and leading to yet more cycles of the same mistakes.

  The winners? The System, the Pigs, the Establishment. The real results? Mutual loss for those who can afford it the least, making laughing stocks of themselves, one divided against another even into the family level. Helplessness and ridiculousness.

  Here again is the difference between the average person and the revolutionary. For one, the revolutionary scrupulously AVOIDS the havens and breeding grounds of common misery and trouble. He stays out of habitual, useless trouble spots and situations. He never helps police against any other nor does he invite them down upon himself. He doesn't engage in drunkenness or "highs". His is self-discipline and clear perspectives. He will never attack or betray a comrade. In fact he will never initiate any unnecessary hostility as he has more than enough on his hands handling matters of urgent importance. He engages in nothing petty, common or mean.

  His enemy is the System - as the System is the Enemy of one and all. He is different because he knows it fully well and is serious enough about himself and what is at stake to conduct himself at all times in an appropriate manner: as a sober and effective revolutionary soldier.

  [Vol. XV, #3 - Mar., 1986]

  Strength Unencumbered

  Some have said and still say that these are "pre-revolut
ionary times". That's a pretty good intellectual cop-out for a professional faker. But a revolutionary cannot make such a statement without confessing himself to be no more than a weirdo. The degree of VACUUM found in this present-day society indicates clearly that this is a revolutionary time as no other before in history. Charles Manson has told us that we must read the books BACKWARDS and get all that "other stuff" - people, places and events from other times - out of our minds so that we can start dwelling in the NOW and start dealing with the NOW.

  Trying to organize for what? To try to BECOME the Ku Klux Klan which effectively dealt with the NOW of the 1870's? To try to become the Nazi Party which effectively dealt with the NOW of the 1930's? Or to try to boost a damaged ego, to try to compensate for some frustration in life, to try to escape reality? I've seen it too much. I know it too well. And those FEW who are, or were, solid and sincere, what chance have they got trying to "carry" and cater to a bunch of defectives and screwballs? That's Right Wingism also, and not revolution, and I got tired of it too.

  The idea is not (or at least shouldn't be) to organize losers so that somebody willing to sink his paycheck into a paper front, and willing to get his head busted to get into the press, etc., can feel "safe" and unthreatened as a "leader". Nothing comes out of that as it is an escape, a pressure-release in itself. It has, in fact, its own demise built-in. I've wondered whether it's the System not allowing the Movement to develop into anything or if it's the Movement being unable to develop into anything. One fact is certain and from it we should all take a lesson: what the System is trying to prevent, what their "Maginot Line" is intended to guard against, is the same thing the Movement can't seem to muster and that is a serious, sober, effective, adult ORGANIZATION.


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