by James Mason
Stalemate. And in favor of the System.
Apart from being in possession of the Idea first, next the guts and intelligence, the greatest strength any member of the Movement can have is freedom and maneuverability. The comparisons between now and NS Germany, or even Weimar Germany , should cease as there is NO useful comparison, so different are the times and manners. No Adolf Hitler is going to join one of these idiotic groups with their absurd "commanders" as Member Number Seven and transform the thing overnight. For one, the "commander" wouldn't tolerate being upstaged. For another thing, such a mind as another Hitler would have to possess wouldn't tolerate the monkeyshines and shenanigans that the Movement is famous for. The nature of things now is immeasurably bigger and more inhuman than any other time or place. There is no time for comedies.
[Vol. XIV, #7- July, 1985]
Too Close To Our Work
Because of the self-imposed rules the traditional Right has always played by, they are so far removed from what's happening as to realistically not count. For effective purposes in national affairs, there are only two camps: status quo, middle-of-the-road Conservatives and "progressive", death-wish Liberals. A true "right" is in no way represented. This plus the fact that Whites have absolutely no real representation makes for probably the most lop-sided political scene of any country ever in history. Who is at fault?
Right Wing mentality is at fault and it remains to be seen whether it can be changed or, if not, whether enough fresh blood or untapped human resources exist in the overall "Movement" or can be found to move things in a new direction. I stop short of saying "in time" because that kind of phraseology is part of classic Right Wingism.
Can it be possible to go about something in a flippant, amateurish manner and yet maintain at the same time an air of utmost urgency? That is the Right. As I have said at times in the past, I have here Rightist tracts - postwar - dating up from 1949 which each in turn give this country about 5 years to go before totally succumbing to degeneracy and subversion, if not all-out military attack. Many of these are of a Biblical nature with the rest being various shades of crack-brained political crusades. A comparatively recent one - which masked, but yet served, a monumental ego-trip of the author who happened to have been there - had it that, " Rhodesia must be the turning point!" That was from about 1976. Last straw after last straw.
That is how Right Wingers view things, possibly all things, but certainly the struggle they are involved in. Events have shown that nothing is that cut-and-dried or, if you'll pardon, "black and white". They say "the End" is just around the corner and shall arrive with the very next System sell-out. We on the other hand say that "the End" came and went some time ago with regard to the old order and all of the old values. They have it that when their "End" comes, it will be total and complete - the final triumph of the "Other Side", depending on which Rightist you're talking to and who, in his opinion, represents the "Other Side". We say that today isn't a hell of a lot different than the Dark Ages of Europe and that the choice is to either accept the existing grayness and mediocrity or work and fight to bring about a new Age of Man.
An example: as long as the U.S. and the nations of the West are mired in this mess, things are quite certain to continue to steadily deteriorate - like a state of melancholia which strikes individuals. But as bad as the professional losers would like to have it, if right now a few of the proper orders could be given from places of authority, more than enough strength and vitality remain in the West to completely turn the tables on the forces of decay. I'd say within a matter of two weeks. Those "right orders" are not forthcoming however and aren't likely to be until some new, healthy authority takes over. Total destruction of the high-tech space/computer age implied? Yes, probably, for a time. Until we can rebuild. But I want to tell you that pitted against the Third Worlders of today - or of the future our ancestors in wooden ships, with flintlock weapons, could kick ass in mighty short order. Rather than two weeks, it might take two years. All a question of balls.
The losers, those already dead, are riveted to a losing formula and thought-pattern. To break free you cannot be one of them. How are you to tell and how can you break the barrier?
[Vol. X, #9 - Sept., 1981]
A Break With The Past
I'm a National Socialist first and foremost. Have been for over half of my life and will be for the rest of it. But those familiar with the philosophy of SIEGE will see that I view the Party in Germany together with its tactics, etc., purely as a phenomenon of that time and that place, totally unworkable here in the present. (And I must add that Commander Rockwell and his strategy were not of the past or another place and could have worked had he lived to see it through. ) But Hitler and Rockwell shared one thing in common which is no longer valid: they both believed - as Hitler proved and as Rockwell was successfully demonstrating - that the existing institutions of the day, though in many cases subverted and taken over by our enemies, were still usable and could be co-opted, or worked through, in the building of the Movement and the seizing of power.
This is no longer the case at all.
From now on, all our thoughts and strategy must be based upon this realization. It is unpleasant and uncomfortable to be without the old guideposts and landmarks of the past which stood largely unchanged for centuries. Yet the fact remains that for the first instance in a very long time we are absolutely NOT the masters of our own country, our own affairs. Our people are totally disenfranchised as a race and there are no exceptions to be found in "White" company men or "White" shabbez goyim. Do not make fools of the rest of us by complaining to, pleading with, or barking at the System. There have at times been intelligent and sincere people in sympathy with our Cause who'd admonish us in the most helpful and polite terms, which I can and do respect, that the Nazi approach can't make it mainly because something new is required... something "new". No argument could I ever find with that, though neither could I nor anyone else come up with that new "something". Those who pretended they had were only fooling themselves for what they created was only a weakened and watered - down version of Fascism and National Socialism with different names and symbols. Furthermore, never in practical application did any of it come close to having the effect that Commander Rockwell and his A.N.P., or subsequent efforts of later Nazi fronts had. These "new" attempts were in fact backward steps.
While I cannot go for any of these sneaky approaches, any of these "krinklejammers", because of a personal commitment and devotion to what Hitler brought forth and out of practical common sense, neither can I allow myself to believe that history's march stopped in 1945. The pages of history read pretty dull since that time but yet in historic terms the ensuing thirty-odd years don't really represent much of a span of time. The best that can be said for these past three decades is that a number of embryonic things have developed, one or more of which could mature into something. Which ones and how, no one can know...
[Vol. X, #9 -Sept., 1981]
Ready For What?
One might be able to imagine, after reading some of what I have to say about "Right Wingism", how I personally feel about the want-something-for-nothing inquiries that still come to my address occasionally from fossilized remnants of the "Right Wing Age". I feel insulted by their presence and am offended at their wanting "free samples" of revolutionary literature. We're struggling; they're piddling.
Usually these take the form of a partial sheet of school-kid's notebook paper on which has been scrawled, "Please send samples of your literature." Never any money, seldom even a request for subscription rates.
Then there are those who feel that if they provide a good, standard Right Wing litany in letter form then they are entitled to a freebie request thrown in at the conclusion of the letter, and all is even. (You always get the sinking feeling that at the end of each of these "pep-talks" there IT will be: the "bite". And you're right every time.)
Readers of SIEGE will know that I hate idle complaint and try to avoid it wherever I can. But on
e of these letters came in about a month or so ago which sort of broke the camel's back and prompted this particular segment to be written. It was "standard" all the way except that at the close it had, "READY TO FIGHT!", above the author's signature. It was too much for me.
I didn't gag but I did get steamed and still do whenever I stop to consider it. "Ready to fight." "Ready to fight." "Ready to fight." Kick it around in your mind and roll it over your tongue a few times. I'll bet I could draw you a PICTURE, complete with personal background and history, on that individual just going from experience with these types and making a composite... but I won't because that would make me sick for sure.
"Ready to fight"? Yes, I sent a copy of SIEGE in response - which probably scared the hell out of him if it didn't entirely confuse him - and, no, there wasn't any further communication. But "Ready to fight"? Ten years ago I might have stopped and written him a letter containing much of what I am saying here, but not today. I have vowed to cut waste.
"Ready to fight", eh? So what's the delay? Waiting for a bell for the next round? Waiting for some "hippie" or "nigger" to come jumping up onto YOUR porch? If you're really READY to fight, why not take it on your own like Cowan, Spisak, Mathews or a dozen others who FOUGHT?? What in HELL are you waiting for?!
Is this the conscious evasion of a coward or an idiotic lack of understanding on the part of a blowhard? I know how the rest of it goes like this: "Ready to fight... when the time comes." Even when the fighting is, and already has been going on, it's still never quite "time".
No. Not everyone is a fighter. That's understood around here. But don't come on like a fool and don't use that term to hide behind. I will show respect for anyone who approaches me in seriousness and who is willing to apply themselves seriously. And a serious approach in this case would have been something like, "Ready to work." or "Ready to serve." As it was, this person wasn't even ready to subscribe!
This is an insult to all who DO work and serve, in quiet, without fanfare. And ESPECIALLY an insult to those who DO fight and who pay the ultimate price. I can't tolerate it anymore and I won't. Let the fakers keep to themselves as there are plenty of faker-style groups out there who thrive on hot air. Not around here.
"Ready to fight."
Son of a BITCH!
[Vol. XIV, #3 -Mar., 1985]
Revolutionary Set-Back?
With Ronnie Ray-gun having trounced Jimmy Carter can we consider ourselves saved? Can we quit and relax? Not if we're revolutionaries. All that Reagan is going to do - has already done - is rock the conservative types back to sleep again. Jimmy Carter at least jolted them out of their apathy part-way, which accounted for the "landslide" turnout of voting cattle over previous years' care-less attitude (when it looked like the electorate might shut down altogether - a revolutionist's dream!) As long as the Enemy remains in control of this country, he is going to go the limit to maintain his Democrat/Republican shell-game and, as Joe Tommasi said, the people will go on playing party politics no matter how bad things get.
Some may think we can afford to go a little easier now on revolution and give Ronnie a chance. Maybe get a little more "mass" in our strategy and thereby hopefully avoid some of the leaner times ahead due to the conservative bandwagon. Most will be doing this very thing out of opportunism and "roll-with-the-blows reaction", which is all they know. Not us. Ronnie Ray-gun has done only one thing and we as revolutionaries must view it from both sides of the spectrum: first, he may have bought some time for the System; second, right now only the Reds are in a position to take advantage of a general collapse and maybe Ron has done us a favor too.
Unless we are dead wrong, then Ronnie is not going to alleviate this nation's mess one bit. Simply because he can't; because he is a System boy. Ronnie is as much a System boy as Jimmy. He wants to keep corporate profits high and, wherever possible, keep the serfs (be they Black or White, it matters not) appeased. Being a System boy, Ronnie Ray-gun does not only not recognize any of the real problems of this country, on the contrary, they are some of his best friends. So cheer up! Things will get worse!!
For the sake of conducting a "Reaction Survey", how much conservatism do you have left in your blood? Did you somehow come off with a "cleaner" feeling when Ronnie beat the pants off of Jimmy? Do you feel vicariously "vindicated" or somehow satisfied by the sudden rush to the conservative camp by a bunch of edgy, middle-class Americans? Would you welcome an easing of inflation or a lessening of unemployment? Would you like to see a beefed-up U.S. Army? Or bigger police forces? Why not an outright return to the Eisenhower or Nixon years? Do you enjoy playing hide-and-go-seek with the FBI-KGB or trying to second-guess what a conservative, reactionary Supreme Court might cook up for us radicals and "Rock the Boaters"? Would you get that warm glow inside seeing "the people" again "having faith" in (what's supposedly) "their government" and turning their backs flatly against actual reform? Well, if so, you ain't one of us! Ralph "Here Come the Reverend" Abernathy said it all when he backed Reagan over Carter because, as he put it, "Under the Carter administration the forces of racism have experienced an upsurge." Jimmy, we're going to miss you!
We want bureaucratic hang-dogs like Carter out front and not "Cowboy Heroes" like Reagan to give people a false sense of security in leadership. We want as our revolutionary incubus the most vile and decadent form of liberalism so that we may run wild and free. We do not want a repressive, conservative "Don't Rock the Boat" atmosphere which suits the cheap labor, high profits, one-man-one-vote bourgeoisie just dandy. If we can't get the gutless masses to join in an effort at retaking control of America from the Enemy, then we at least want them to keep out of our way in complete apathy when the day comes for us to break the current impasse. We don't want "Law & Order" but rather we want the people so terrified by crime that they'll be ready to accept anything which promises to lead them to safety. We want them sullen and disgruntled and not happily participating in the "democratic process". Above all we don't want a police state with our worst enemies at the top pulling the strings. We don't want a "Business as Usual" atmosphere. We want an atmosphere conducive to REVOLUTION spilling over into the streets.
Should Ronnie be somehow able to put even a little dent in inflation or any of the rest of the bogeymen pestering the mindless consumers of this country, then it is bad news for the revolution. If not, and Ronnie disillusions his conservative fans, then we could easily experience a spurt in general revolutionary sentiment. It doesn't matter if they are betrayed by the government unless they FEEL they have been betrayed. We can't worry about a revivified FBI-KGB or an increasingly heavy-handed judiciary. If we are worth a damn at all then we must expect to see our movement BANNED by the government, by a frightened System just as it happened in Germany (and for that matter, Russia ) many, many times before victory became final.
The incoming Republican regime is in fact just the same old System wearing a different mask. And regardless how "clean" Ronnie Ray-gun may seem next to Carter, his bottom line policy is the same: try to make the Negro look White by reducing the Whites to the level of would-be Negroes.
[Vol. IX, #8- Dec, 1980]
Two Rules
Since having gone the rounds myself on more than just a few occasions, it keeps coming back to me more and more these days that most of the travails encountered in day-to-day life can be bound up in two areas and generally dispensed with in two very basic rules: Number One, CUT YOUR LOSSES; Number Two, NEVER MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE TWICE.
I was formally introduced to "Rule #2" after I had joined the staff of what was then the national headquarters of the Party. It was told to me by one of the old timers who was shrewd enough even then to make his career behind-the-scenes where the turn-over and the fatalities weren't so rife. To the sixteen-year old I was at the time, that simple statement illuminated an entire universe of clear thinking in the area of just plainly playing things smart and keeping control of yourself.
What I have termed "Ru
le #1" I arrived at independently some years afterward. It is because you're going to make mistakes eventually - everyone does, even the best - and if you're unable to master and overcome these initial errors, you won't survive to go on with the learning and maturing process. In other words, you're way ahead of the game if the mistake you commit the first time doesn't do you in.
"Rule #2" takes a backseat because it is only a matter of the intelligent learning process. However, it is to be emphasized due to an entire world full of people who never catch on to it. They just keep sticking their hand back into the fire. The trick is, of course, being able to know when one is confronted with a problem, the dynamics of which he has faced before as circumstances may be entirely changed. If there is another trick to this, then it has to be the ability to know that a mistake was made the first time around and precisely what that mistake was. In connection with this one, that same old-timer in the 1960's told me this: "The first time, it's the other guy's fault. The second time, it's YOUR fault."
Don't be found at fault.
"Cutting Your Losses" has to assume first priority because it involves applying acquired skills. Skills, by the way, which the timid and reserved never get the chance to develop. So you're caught right in the middle of a big one, with your hand in the cookie jar, so to speak. As I've said before in SIEGE, few things in life are as clear-cut as the cookie jar and you normally will have room to maneuver if you don't immediately make a bad, or potentially bad situation, into a worse one.