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The cases of James Earl Ray and Joseph Paul Franklin are illustrative of what, to me, would be totally unacceptable. On the other hand we see Rudolf Hess and Charles Manson bearing up quite well and admirably as it is their belief that suicide under conditions of mere confinement is unmanly and dishonorable. Michael Pearch and Fred Cowan chose death in their gun fights with police, rather than a life - and death - in hellish prisons. One circumstance that does very definitely make the prospect of even minimal confinement appear outside the bounds of consideration is the thought of prison after having not struck a significant enough blow at the Enemy first. In short, prison as a result of failure, as a result of inaction. I know I could not tolerate the idea for myself.
The mark of a true revolutionary movement is that its members make their own choice as a matter of proper course as duty and circumstances dictate. They avoid situations where their actions are governed by stimuli applied by the System, such as pressure and fear. Proper decisions are seldom made under such sudden and always inopportune constraints. The revolutionary moves FIRST. Decide what your course shall be well in advance. Have your plan well laid so that the possibility of arrest, imprisonment or untimely death may be reduced to a minimum. It is an inescapable reality that the Underground must be built, the Underground Army, and as any student of warfare knows, an army of volunteers far surpasses one of fugitives. As a sudden fugitive, your chances of successfully adjusting to and functioning within an underground environment are tremendously reduced. As a volunteer, you first prepare and then choose the time and place.
In revolution the price of failure generally is death. So whatever you do and whatever course you choose, don't sell yourself cheap. MAKE IT COUNT!
[Vol. XI, #8 -Aug., 1982]
Retreat To Reality
The talk is big regarding a White Redoubt in the U.S. Northwest where, it is said even today, FBI, etc., don't care to venture. The reality of this is looming larger every day as things deteriorate and even this quiet spot in Ohio begins to lose more and more credibility as a place to dig in and hang on while the storm rages overhead. I remind each of you of what has been said before: just because we may be part of a Movement in opposition to all this insanity does not mean we are or shall be somehow magically immune to any of it when things break full force. It was also said that an organization which does not plan for its future isn't likely to have one.
Those who want to LIVE and possibly go on later to make a significant IMPACT on the course of national and world affairs are going to have to strategically withdraw from grandiose designs of what might have been and surrender all illusions of what should be. For there is only what IS and that forever remains harsh reality.
[Vol. XII, #1 -Jan., 1983]
In the past I've spoken on the phoniness of the "survivalist" syndrome as one of the latest Right Wing escapist fads. But actual survival is no joke. Naked facts of life are taken into account when survival is spoken of in earnest. Where are you going to find food, water, shelter, heat, medicines, weapons and ammunitions in a world collapsed? If, for example, the trucking industry shuts down - for whatever reason - the cities will begin to starve within two weeks. And, for another example, should Big Brother's Pigs be unable to control rioting and looting, that figure could drop to two days. Are you located in a city and dependent on centralized electricity, gas, water? These things will be OFF the first few hours of a general collapse. When we spoke of real survival before, we began by saying that the city is no place to be, now and especially later.
It's not getting any easier even in these "normal" times. Again, gradualism at work. Most evenings this time of year one can watch on the news of how more and more laid-off working families and old people cannot afford to heat their homes. There are the (as yet) isolated cases of those freezing to death. What's the difference between a gradual emergency and a sudden one? Only that you are robbed of the chance to react appropriately and effectively. Meeting mortgages, rents, buying food, etc.- it's the same now for most: a day-to-day struggle for existence. And how much more can the situation tolerate before it goes over the brink? Primary to survival, to my way of thinking, is that at least out in the countryside you stand a CHANCE. Beyond that, it is up to YOU how well you prepare for the day when the point of no return is reached. And, as I said before, one of the things the Movement has done a commendable job of has been making available a large amount of very good survival literature. Buy it! Read it! Use it!
[Vol. XII, #1 -Jan., 1983]
Before It's Too Late
No, this has nothing to do with the clock ticking out on the White Race. This has to do with luck running out on each member of the Movement individually. This hits home. How many of you have ever been arrested... for anything? How many have had to fight law suits? How many have fought in the streets against the Enemy? How many have been injured or jailed as a result? How many have gone without food or heat? How many have lived on the run? Or try something simple: how many have been personally smeared in the press? Given any one of these things, the average individual would break and run, would sell out his own grandmother in order to try and escape his own medicine. And, given any one of these things, if the consequences could not be avoided, the average individual would crack.
The Pig System knows this and depends upon it in its day-to-day workings. It could be said in complete truth that only swine could be ruled by a Pig System. Members and adherents of the Movement love to borrow from Nietzsche his famous passage, "That which does not destroy me only makes me stronger." The problem with that is it is too big an "IF". The type of personal, one-on-one trial, the kind of sudden shock so well described by Commander Rockwell in This Time the Worid ninety-nine percent of the time DOES accomplish precisely what it is intended to do: utterly crush any resistance or opposition. These soft, flabby - outwardly and inwardly - swine can't take it; hell, they can't even take the thought of it!
This is one of the few things that causes me worry. On me they've tried everything except killing me and so I stopped worrying about myself long ago. But I do worry about what might happen when and if one or a combination of the things I opened this segment with was tried against a broad enough section of the Movement all at once. Certainly, a separating of the wheat from the chaff would occur but what happens if there are only a half-dozen kernels of wheat left? I worry because I am certain that the Movement in general ISN'T ready for precisely this very contingency. Would enough men be left after a sudden and hard System attack to be able to go on to form an effective underground to strike back? (Because I am also certain that no real underground will be formed until after the System has struck.)
All I can say for myself is that I've been lucky. All my trials came one at a time, pretty evenly spaced out, and I was able - if sometimes only barely - to overcome each of them and to gain strength and self-reliance from them. But I do worry about the rest. I've known and encountered so few really "spit in the eye" types within our ranks that the thought of the after-effects of the shit hitting the fan scares me. And this could even take-the form of a general System collapse, instead of a System attack, which, as I've said in the past, would be as punishing on us as it would be on anybody else. Yet it is a collapse we must fight for and an attack that we must expect. To do less, to expect or to desire less, is to be unreal.
On the subject of unreality, it would be totally unreal for me to say something like, "We must have training for our people." Must is the most overworked word in the Rightist vocabulary and is always, always the precursor to inaction. To say "we must" means we haven't and it means that, due to our sorrowfully factionalized, Mickey Mouse state of organization, we don't have the capability. That's the reality of the situation. And so it will come down to tests of individuals; Judgment Day when each will stand or fall alone. Those left standing might be able to put something together. For the rest, their worries will be all over. This is what's known as doing it the hard way, instead of taking advantage of the rela
tively calm times that now exist for training and toughening, but, as Commander Rockwell said, a coward will keep on backing away from a fight until he is literally backed up to a wall (or cliff). What then?
And all I can say for the former days of the American Nazi Party, in opposition to those who think it was a "waste of time", is that they provided some of the best experience and training possible for our field. We would sit around in those days during the Sixties and laugh about how we would tell our grandchildren, "I was a Nazi when it was HARD to be a Nazi ." Hardly. We were Nazis when it was EASY to be Nazis but, because of that, we stand a better chance than most of living through the really hard times to come. To Commander Rockwell I give a salute for his priceless leadership. To all newcomers I say I'm sorry that Rockwell's successors did not strain every nerve, as he did, to keep the pressure up even when it did appear futile to do so. To them the best I can say is jump in and start to swim hard now. If you wait until the ship sinks, you'll most likely drown.
[Vol. XII, #12 -Dec, 1983]
Of Pigs and Professionals
"The only thing lower than niggers and Jews is police that protect them." Thus spoke Fred Cowan not long before he went out in his own blaze of glory, holed up in a building that was surrounded by police coming to the aid of some dead Negroes and a terrified Jewish boss who was hiding underneath a desk. His was a wry observation, a profoundly correct one and one that will live throughout time, as long as this revolution lives and is remembered.
We know how Commander Rockwell officially viewed police: with almost fawning worship and complete deference. This, on his part, was a monumental feat of revolutionary shrewdness and self-discipline. It was the correct stance for that time. But by the end of the Seventies, it was clear even to the most dense that the usefulness of maintaining a friendly, benign, stance towards professional law enforcement had been outlived. They, like the professional military, had their last chance to act and had blown it. Those who by then had not sold out, had been edged out and silenced or otherwise compromised. All that was left were eager and willing, professional Pigs.
Ever notice how only a certain mentality becomes a cop, or a professional soldier in these times? I've known several who did both. They might be compared to decadent Rome's stoics were it not for their total lack of understanding or moral courage. They are gun fanatics, the law-and-order freaks and they have trouble getting girls. They are the most dangerous and irredeemable reactionaries. They are the System's hired hoods, the System's Pigs, and though the reactionary streak in them may at times cause them to sympathize with some of our program, they'll sell you out in a minute in the name of printed law.
It is comparatively well-known that the suicide rate among professional groups is highest among police. To be blunt they are neurotic, cowardly, self-righteous bullies and any comparison between them and the SS is enough to gag any real National Socialist, for these Pigs are not in the least bit idealistic or devoted to any cause whatsoever, save enforcing the printed law as it is handed down by tyrannical judges and sold-out politicians. What else, how else can we regard them except as a major facet of the Enemy? Conservatism and Pig-ism are the same: both enemies of revolution.
Devoid of real ethics and motivation, only two things keep the Pigs in power in this land: the mood and atmosphere set by the superabundance of the "Uncle Toms" I mentioned before and the continued existence of the economy. Despite any 21 st century line of electronic surveillance systems, the Pigs COULD NOT FUNCTION minus their finks, their informants. And were it not for the government's continued ability to pay them their wages - handed over by sheepish herds of taxpaying consumers - they'd quickly get out and take jobs better suited to them, like pumping gas or some other honest labor.
We can start to defeat them now, individually, simply by being SUPERIOR . Step one is to stop imagining that they have eyes in the backs of their heads or that they are all-seeing in any way. They are NOT as long as we stay away from stupid conspiracies and other compromising situations... and even more stupid TALK! Step two is to learn their silly little routine games which they play on every suspect and to know how to rebuff these at the time they are attempted. THAT is 90% of any encounter with the police. Third is to discipline ourselves to STAND FIRM against them even in the face of total personal disaster so that we ourselves and the revolution as a whole will not be further weakened or discredited.
Their power will gradually be overturned and destroyed through the increased lack of faith and interest on the part of the public as well as our own rock-solid opposition. Offensive tactics against them are entirely unwarranted and unnecessary now and for long into the future. Once under serious attack by them, of course, consider yourself a marked individual and proceed to kill as many of them as you can.
[Vol. XIII, #4 -April, 1984]
"The Pigs Are Your Friends"
"If there's trouble, call a cop." If you believe that, please stay away from me. That is a mentality that has to be stamped out. I realize that an entire segment of the population will probably have to be stamped out along with it, but nonetheless. The artificially created instinct to rely on police whenever extraordinary circumstances arise has made way for the "Uncle Tom" syndrome I have mentioned often in the past. Indeed, without this reliance upon a paid army in blue to handle your violent, extra-legal situations for you, no such "Uncle Tom" syndrome could have arisen at all. To the average person, the cop IS "Big Brother". The natural thing for them to do when the threat of trouble appears - or is even hinted at - is to go running to the Pigs with the story. Pigs may be Pigs but those who have truck with them are indeed SWINE.
What's been cultivated over the past century or so in this country has been generation after generation of more or less adult children. Those who can perform certain jobs they are trained to do and generally live within Master's Rules but who cannot truly fend for themselves when it comes right down to jungle basics, the Law of Nature. Anyone steps out of line and it's "Call the police"; "Let the police handle it." And, on the opposite hand, they know that should they ever step out of line themselves, they will have to deal with the police. That is the outermost limit of their existence, their thought and their world. It never occurs to them, "What if the police are no more than tools of an evil, corrupt regime?"
Even among children however is the lingering animal (true) instinct that where there are police, there is trouble. People are nervous within the sight of cops, whether on the street or on the road. That's the reason for all the P.R. and such slogans as "The Police Are Your Friends". It works - up to a point - but within that lies all that is necessary to make their rule complete. They may not have the warmth and affection but they've got fear and respect. When it comes right down to it, results are all that count and the result of all this has been that we have a Big Brother Police State.
Looking at it from an objective standpoint and assuming for the moment their only job is to "fight crime", let's take in the facts. In the big cities we might even pity them for the spot they're in. They are fighting hard but they are fighting a losing battle. Mainly, they fight to hold their jobs and for the sake of appearances. Make no mistake, crime rules. In the smaller towns, like this one, they are good for two things: hassling young punks and busting old drunks. The unsolved murders and unreported (that is, reported but not released by the press) rapes are a bad joke. If you're assaulted or burglarized or vandalized, you're out of luck. Out of luck, that is, if you depend on the police and are willing to let it go at that. It is accepted that if you are robbed, you can forget ever recovering any of your property, even assuming the culprits are apprehended. The tale - ridiculous but true - about handling it yourself and THEN calling the police getting you into bigger trouble than the crooks is reality.
In one or two times that people - unaware of the "aura" that surrounds this place - have tried to make my home and those who live in it victims of their crime, it has been handled strictly in a "free enterprise" fashion but with this revolutionary diff
erence: police were NEVER called at any point, before or after. We live safe and we live free. Not only that, the whole valley here enjoys it as well.
Perhaps not everyone can handle it themselves. They, by definition, are dependent upon others for their lives. Not an enviable position. And dependent upon whom? Around here, it is commonly accepted that if you need a cop, call the nearest donut shop. It is a travesty that children and the elderly are thus "protected" in a land where the worst savages ever to have existed anywhere in history roam at large - as "citizens"- subsidized by the System. But if police are not worth much of a damn at doing the job they're supposed to do, what in the hell is it that keeps them busy and what are they really intended for?
Simply, they are Big Brother's first line of defense. Where the conditioning and the brainwash may fail, where the dope, the sex, the "thrills" fall short, where the monetary terrorism proves ineffectual and the person may step outside Master's Rules, that is where the true role of police becomes clear and obvious. Crime is universal, it is everywhere. It is even accepted as a way of life. Revolution, bucking Master's Rules, however, is not. It is an impossible task - within a "civilized" context - to fight crime in this country, things having gone as far as they have. Besides, the criminal element serves a definite purpose in Big Brother's plan, a purpose that we've discussed previously in SIEGE. The police are really there to step in when the truly extraordinary happens. And what is that other than any act of revolution, any act of "civil disobedience"?
[Vol. XIII -April, 1984]