by James Mason
Learning Not To Fuck Up
It may be construed as paranoid to come out and say that the police are only there to mess you up. If you exist as a truly "herd" animal, you might never experience any difficulty with them at all. You might live out your existence in total indifference. But even those types live with the ever-present risk that someday, somehow a Big Brother minion might decide it's time to cut one out of the herd for an impromptu slaughter. Maybe a la Amazon River where one is sacrificed to the voracious piranha. That is no existence for a real White Man. Those who decide NOT to follow Master's Rules will have to get sharp - physically and mentally - if they are going to long survive for, sooner or later. Big Brother will fix his sights on YOU.
Brushes and run-ins with the police do not have to end in disaster for the Cause and victory for the System. You must fully expect to have these brushes, often, and you must be prepared to handle them. You can either live for the Cause and fight for the Cause in a totally legalistic way and, when you must face the police, you can do so with the complete knowledge that you are perfectly clean. OR... you can choose to be part of the Lawless Breed and learn to become an Academy Award winning actor.
My own, personal set of morals - at least those few morals that I have fixed and permanent - will not allow me to advocate in a general way that anyone go the route of complete lawlessness. I don't want to see anyone victimized and I refuse to have a hand in their victimization. As was said in a previous segment, I consider myself among the luckiest individuals on earth for having bucked so many odds successfully for so long. Like the Vikings, I hold luck as something very real and sacred, almost as a science. Never abuse it or it will destroy you. When, through your righteous actions, your bold and daring tactics, your chivalrous demeanor, etc., luck chooses to smile on you then you must do your part by LEARNING and profiting thus by each and every experience so that Lady Luck won't have to carry quite such a share of the burden next time. Instead of a dependent of luck, you'll become a partner.
Part of mastering self-discipline is the ability to know - in advance - what is stupid and what is not so as to be able to avoid doing anything stupid yourself. (It is stupid, by the way, to fall to pieces when run up against adversity, large or small.) I do not advocate this lifestyle for all because I know, I have experienced, how most can and will fall apart under a certain amount of stress - a ridiculously low amount, I might add. As kids, my gang and I used to get into all sorts of kid-style trouble. Some would crack the moment it appeared the jig was up. Others would crack wide open merely at the passage of time, even when nothing occurred and it would have seemed that we were absolutely in the clear. Some could be tricked, others could be scared. I must credit myself that, even as a child, I had pretty good composure. I wasn't an "incorrigible"- as that, in this context, describes a typical punk. Let us say that I was damned skillful and seldom caught. And when caught, I had the art of the next step, a possibly even more important step - CUTTING YOUR LOSSES.
YOU WILL BE CAUGHT! Remember this for it is a fact. Anyone who isn't a complete fool can expect to get away with some things for awhile without getting caught. It's an old story. They will keep it up and up until they overextend, develop a pattern or otherwise trip themselves up. Down swoops the System and personal disaster usually follows. As a kid, the rap may have been small but, as a revolutionary, the cost is life and/or liberty. You had better know how to cut your losses. Had Nixon known this, you'd never have heard of Watergate.
You must expect to be caught. This is a struggle against an enemy who is in power everywhere and you are an OUTLAW. No one's skill and no one's luck can be expected to hold forever, in every case. Mine certainly hasn't. Yet, I suppose, one can look upon the ability to cut one's losses as the ability to end Game One and begin Game Two in order to gain one's own advantage. That takes skill and luck and judgment all by itself. It is this realization, when constantly borne in mind, that will lead you to exert extreme caution even while in the midst of what others surely would call the most daring and foolhardy of exploits. If you're not caught in the act of something, then you generally will have great room to maneuver later on, should anyone pickup your trail. It is here where you'll have to prove your gamesmanship because it will be a game in which the only real, permanent loser can be you!
When the term "Pig" is used, it applies not only to police but to any person or agency of authority within the System. And the term "crime" is the only blurb you can expect when it comes time for you to feel their inquisition; it applies to any act - large or small, violent or "white collar" - which goes outside the rules. So much can be summed up in so few words and basic principles. "Deprogramming" what the System has taught is where most difficulty is encountered. Taking CONTROL over one's thoughts, reactions and emotions makes up all of the rest. Beyond that, the rule must be to always, always act alone or in the smallest numbers possible. Next is to never talk - before, during or after. And "after" means FOREVER AFTER. Next is to leave no witnesses and no evidence to turn up later on.
All of these precautions may be taken and still, eventually, you WILL be before detectives or panels of investigation. You WILL be either under suspicion or under arrest eventually. Knowing or having a pretty good idea of the strength of the Pigs' case against you is of critical importance and you can only really know this through knowing yourself and being aware of all your own actions. Never forget the unbelievable number of those who are completely innocent but are broken and railroaded by professional techniques of interrogation, intimidation and, perhaps most dangerous of all, entrapment. Bluff, high-pressure and, surely, by "The Pigs Are Your Friends", "Let Us Help You" and so forth. That is tough enough. But going in to face an interrogation - a most dangerous and uncomfortable experience, I assure you, under any circumstances - when you yourself know you are guilty of what they are investigating or accusing you of is something else entirely.
Here is where it all either comes together or falls apart. I don't recommend trying this unless you know what you are doing. The word here is brinkmanship. You must know how much to admit, what to deny, where to be vague. You'll be asked to write your story out for comparison later on. You'll be asked to submit to polygraph examination. You'll be told you're sunk already. You'll be insulted and threatened. You'll be alone and surrounded by a room full of Pigs. Sometimes it will happen that friends, acquaintances and even family may have actually betrayed you. Scenarios of your life ending may pass before your eyes. Through it all, your composure must never slip for even a split second. At this precise moment, things are most critical.
It'll be the longest hour of your life and you'll probably be able to count on a good many of them. But if you can withstand the best that the police academy can dish out in that initial blitz, then you most likely have weathered the storm. A long war of nerves is far preferable to a short war of violence. If you walk away from that encounter a free man, then, most usually, the thing is reduced to a kind of sick, graveside game of "Mickey Mouse". This is the contest. The sight of a blubbering weakling, shaking, crying, babbling like an asshole is no contest at all.
One of the primary things to keep always in mind is that police have no magical powers; they are not omniscient. They depend on your foolishness and the cooperation of others - informants - to win their battles. If you ROB THEM OF THESE by not making typical, idiotic mistakes and by not exposing yourself to needless vulnerability and betrayal, then you are ENTITLED to march into their lair like the Lord of the Earth and proceed to match wits with half-wits. The sensation of fear will never leave you, nor should it. It is there to help you. IT - not they - is your friend. It will do the most to keep you sharp and on your toes, alert and super-aware of what's around you. Tempered by the highest degree of self-control and self-discipline, fear will help make you a formidable beast of prey.
Perhaps the only appropriate bottom line to this was supplied by one who provided little else in his career with the Movement other than this comment, which I'll paraphrase
here: "When it comes time for you to finally cash in your chips, you'll go out with a sense of deep satisfaction for having always kept one up on the forces of the Pig System." Keep it that way; live it that way.
[Vol. XIII, #4 -April, 1984]
Lone Wolves and Live Wires
"There arc no such things as desperate situations. Only desperate men.'
- Adolf Hitler
"Smash it! Crush it! Kill it!"
- George Lincoln Rockwell
"...pray for victory and not an end to the slaughter.'
- Joseph Tommasi
"For the wages of sin is death."
- Romans 6:23
Thank You Mr Director!
In late August the L.A. Times printed a story headlined, "FBI Director Calls Shooting of Jordan 'A Calculated Act". That's not much of a sensational headline unless we were supposed to believe that the shooting of Jordan was some kind of "accident"!
The master of understatement, FBI Director William Webster, stated to the Times that the two cases he most wants to crack are the [Vernon] Jordan shooting and the killing of Federal Judge John Wood in Texas in 1979. (Is there a significance to the date May 29th? Because the shooting of Wood and the shooting of Jordan happened on that day, one year apart.) I quote now directly from Webster: "These cases, without making an apology, are the most difficult. The assassin picks his time and place. Outside of the bullets themselves and evidence of where they were fired from, there is virtually no forensic evidence to deal with. There were no eye witnesses."
This is a proof-of-the-pudding statement regarding what has been said in SIEGE - the ONLY thing which can foul-up crimes such as these is TALK! So mum's the word!!
Quickly we should cover two secondary aspects of both these cases: Jordan walked out of the hospital under his own power early in September as cocky and arrogant as ever. I hope those who shot him weren't intending on "scaring" him or teaching him any "lessons". I'm sure that whoever is responsible will now realize that, henceforth, only head shots are worth risking your ass on.
And the U.S. District Attorney in San Antonio, Texas, commented on the killing of Wood that it amounted to "warfare against the American judicial system." BRAVO! The killing was credited to narcotics traffickers. Are we to favor big-time dopesters over Federal Judges? When was the last time a comrade got put away by a pusher? Go for the SOURCE, not the symptom!
[Vol. IX, 46- Oct., 1980]
Cowboys and Niggers
Years ago, while still a dues-paying novice at this, I used to get discouraged. But no more-because it came over me some time ago that the revolution we dream of, speak of, and write of has not faltered or failed, for the simple reason that it hasn't gotten started yet. It's going to start - it must start. I don't care how badly the disease of liberal democracy has infected our people; human nature remains the same and it will rise to the surface and show itself sooner or later. For there to be smoke, there's got to be fire someplace. And you've certainly got to crawl before you can walk, much less run. Evidently things are beginning to happen, and happen right, in this country. Whether we are to believe the System bureaucrats who say that a "deranged maniac" is on the loose, or whether we believe Jesse Jackson who swears that a small band of extreme radicals is at work, hardly matters. The fact remains that SOMEBODY is starting to do it RIGHT!!!
The past thirty days have been outstanding ones for news. What began as a hopeful trickle has turned into a positively electrifying flood! On September 26th the headlines began on this upbeat note: "Killer Stalks Buffalo Blacks". That incident involved the shooting of four Blacks that left three dead within thirty-six hours in that city. Next item out of Buffalo was, "Vicious Murders Spark Massive Manhunt". It was thus reported on October 10th that two more Blacks had not only been killed but had had their hearts cut out. From what we gather, the fourth shooting victim died and there was a strangulation attempt that was not successful against still another Black. Police in Buffalo claim four "composite drawings" of a suspect or suspects. District Attorney Edward Cosgrove made this very pregnant statement: "I can't imagine a more serious, traumatic situation occurring in a U.S. community." Well, brother, we sure as hell can.
On October 7th it was reported that a "prime suspect" in the shooting of Vernon Jordan had been identified as one Joseph Franklin. At the same time it came out that Franklin had been known to appear in Nazi uniform, giving the Hitler salute, this tidbit supplied by his ex-wife in Louisiana. But it seems as though Franklin is a real traveling man. Wanted for the killing of two Black "youths" in Salt Lake City, Utah, while police in Cincinnati, Ohio, want to question him (I'll bet!) regarding the killing of two more Negro "youths" in that city, so far Franklin is credited with ten killings and is wanted in five states. Best of all is the fact that Franklin supposedly has been killing mixed couples... the rotten Whites right along with the Blacks. Bravo!!
Then finally there is the business in Atlanta, Georgia, of whomever it is that believes the proper target is the offspring rather than the adult. At last report, on October 11th, there were eight dead Black offspring in the Atlanta area over a period of fifteen months. These occurrences are the closest thing yet amounting to what is actually needed in this country.
The Mathematics of Terror
I am immediately reminded of Fred Cowan and all those very early White Heroes who sacrificed everything and who died in the glimmering, pre-dawn hours of the true American Revolution which is about to break upon us. (I mean specifically revolution as opposed to the War of Independence in the Eighteenth Century and specifically civil war rather than the War Between the States in the Nineteenth Century.) The all-important difference now is that, one, the killings all have been multiple and, two, the System has its filthy hands on NO ONE as yet. This is a HUGE difference and spells out the dividing line between sporadic incident and revolution. And it is compounded by the fact that it is nationwide and involves a number of White Patriots rather than just one, lonely fighter. While on this aspect let us give some thought to what the next logical step might be toward opening the way to full, revolutionary conflagration in the United States: from almost random shootings and immediate death or capture of the killers, to select and consecutive assassinations by various Movement people in different parts of the country simultaneously, to [???] We've already seen the killing of two vile system creeps in San Francisco by Dan White. If I were asked by anyone of my opinion on what to look for (or hope for) next I would tell them a wave of killings, or "assassinations", of System bureaucrats by roving gun men who have their strategy well mapped-out in advance and well-nigh impossible to stop.
But as we have been saying in the NSLF, the revolution will be a case of action and reaction. So let us look at some of the reaction to those acts we mentioned in the previous segment. As everyone reading this should realize, and as all those Right Wing newssheets rely on for their grist, whites have been getting "offed" in similar ways in an ever-increasing rate ever since Blacks were first turned loose upon this society. But nobody cares or gives a damn. When the Negroes get a taste of this medicine here's what occurs: from Buffalo we now have reports of Blacks stoning and shooting at Whites and that same D.A. saying that, "The tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife."; in Indiana there has been posted a $60,000 reward for the person who shot Jordan; but it is Atlanta where the heat is really on. It was announced that literally hundreds of people are going to be involved in a HOUSE TO HOUSE search for someone, something, anything which might crack the case of the missing and/or dead Black offspring.
Perhaps the primary equation here is that the System held a two-day "conference" which included police literally from all over the country to discuss what the hell to do about one man: Joseph Franklin. What if there currently were three, or six, or a DOZEN other "Joseph Franklins" at work now all over the United States ? What would the System do but go crazy? You must understand that this is something altogether NEW that they have never had to face. When Whites are
killed, nobody lifts an eyebrow; when Blacks are killed there are nationwide "manhunts" and "conferences"; now what will be the case when BUREAUCRATS and JEWS start getting killed? It could trigger total panic. The mathematics of terror is this: they have not got the power - regardless - to spark a revolution. No outrage, nothing on their part can do it. Therefore the initiative must be only ours if anything at all is going to happen. Not only that but the advantage as well is ours if only we will take it! A good friend of the Movement commented only the other day that, when it starts really happening all over, all at once, we will have reached the point of "effectively".
Viking Berseker Rage
We can grumble and mystify at why it has taken so long for the White Man to start lashing back at his mortal enemies. But it won't do any good. What is happening, or beginning to happen, will be regarded as something that is a biological, historical and worldwide phenomenon. It's keeping no set schedule. It's something BIG. It is that very worldwide RACE WAR that George Lincoln Rockwell prophesied long ago. Like an ice age or the eruption of a volcano it just happens. It is a massive "Viking berserker rage" about to explode and consume the Enemy in blood. It is a natural - not a political - phenomenon! There's not much we can actually do about it except try like hell to really be WITH IT rather than against it, or even neutral about it, which would mean destruction. The only comment one can make is that it certainly is about time!!
Just so no one - friend or foe - can try and claim that I am a naked sensationalist, I must tell this story: I knew Joseph Franklin when he was still going under his original name of James Vaughn. We met in Arlington, Virginia, at NSWPP headquarters in early 1969. Vaughn was not a popular guy then. He was largely scorned by those Movement "intellects" who were disciples of prevailing orthodoxy of the day. Vaughn was grass roots and not "Ivory Tower". I remember his stories late at night about his wife that he missed, about his German grandmother who had taught him fluent German as a child in Alabama, about how he sometimes worked as a trucker and passed many times through my own home town here in Ohio. I mainly recall the time in November of 1969 when we few decided to put the Reds of D.C. under siege during their massive treason orgy known as the "moratorium" against the Vietnam war effort. It was Vaughn - because of his non-Fascist appearance - who went into the high-rise "New Mobe" headquarters on Vermont Avenue alone and caused the place to be evacuated three times using gas bombs without being caught. No one then guessed that we might be reading about him eleven years hence in such a manner. May his luck hold now!