by James Mason
One difference between today's NSLF and the NSLF of the 1970's is that we are less "specialized" than was Joe Tommasi's tight band of urban guerrillas. However, Joe's statement that the real leaders are those who DO IT holds more true now than ever before. Joe had trained specialists who were loyal to him personally. The actions of these men were highly coordinated, but even more highly conspiratorial and clandestine, with the corresponding terrific risk factor. And when Joe died, so did that idea. We are broader, more loose and general. We tell you flatly to NEVER engage in conspiracy. Franklin - or Vaughn - didn't and look at what's been accomplished! No conspiracy there, just the strike of lightning. System pimps and Big Brother surveillance rendered useless! Vaughn just DID IT! We will win when we become like our ancient gods of thunder and lightning. You can't out-sneak the System. But neither can any number of sneaks, or scum, or whatever withstand the onslaught of berserk. Viking warriors!
Tommasi said to forget political power in this System framework and to concentrate on hurting the Enemy himself. But until and unless massive chaos is underway, the Enemy is still in a position to hurt us back and that is something we want none of. Therefore the primary ingredient for successful revolution is the complete breakdown of the existing order. In the end, we don't want to "hurt" the System, we want to KILL it! And in this Joseph Franklin - or James Vaughn - is a gift from God. For those who reject the theologian approach, then Vaughn and those like him must be considered products of indomitable, unconquerable White genes. And had you known Vaughn the way I knew him then, you'd know there are MILLIONS more just like him out there awaiting their moment.
THEY are the "Movement" for only they are moving! If the coming revolution in America one day wears a Swastika, it won't be because of our worldview or our dogma. Rather it will be because we have managed to capture and embody the very spirit and conscience of the revolution and give it form and direction. Hitler didn't just whip up those four million SA men out of thin air; they had always been around. They all eventually put on armbands because Hitler and the Party represented the spirit of the times, the Zeitgeist! We cannot do otherwise.
When this happens, when it all breaks loose, then they will remember the words of Rockwell and you will hear great cries of, "Lord, save us from the fury of the men of the NorthI"
[Vol. IX, #7- Nov., 1980]
An American Revolutionary Hero
To the media and the masses he is known as Joseph Franklin but he was known to me as James Vaughn. He was convicted and sentenced to life in prison in Utah for the killing of two Negroes and two White race traitors. There can be hardly any question he was responsible for more than just those but this was all that the terrified and outraged System could hang on him. His story as it was made public ran for just about one year exactly, from the time of his arrest to the time of his sentencing. He made it known that he was one of us, he never buckled, he told 'em what they were in open court, and he damned-near escaped at the end. What a man! Pray we can each measure up to him one day.
But as I knew Vaughn in 1969 at what was Party Headquarters at that time, there is no question he would have been voted "least likely to succeed as a Right Winger". Perhaps that was a fair assumption because a hard-core Right Winger would never have resorted to anything as unsophisticated and crude as direct action against the Enemy. I recall the night one of the most important missions of the year was in jeopardy because some of the men chosen to go out on it were refusing to be accompanied by Vaughn as part of the team that was to attack the "New Mobe" headquarters in Washington, D.C. I was forced to call each one up individually and beg and plead, shame and cajole until I could get them to come to their senses and perform their duty. More than once I was hung up on and had to dial them right back up. In the end, while the rest of us provided escort and the back-up, it was Vaughn who caused the place to be evacuated and closed. Why? Because he was the only one among us who didn't LOOK like a "Fascist" and who could move easily about, in and amongst the numbers of the Enemy, and get the necessary work done undetected. And why was it that the rest, at first, refused to be in the same vehicle with Vaughn as part of the same mission? For the identical same reason: he didn't "fit in" as a member of the cult. For the same reasons he could never have been accepted as a Party Member by those rules in those days. And they wonder why the Right Wing is impotent?!
There was a hell of a lesson in what took place that night and even I didn't fully catch its meaning. I congratulate myself that I did successfully place the performance of duty over personal preference. But I too would have been one of those who'd agreed in 1969 that it would be "nice" were Vaughn to have a regulation haircut and a squared-away uniform. But, given the "real" circumstances of the moment and the mission at hand to be undertaken, those two things would have spelled flat failure. I have since learned that it is NOT how you play the game that counts, it is WHETHER YOU WIN OR LOSE! The Party scored a big victory that night over huge odds and could have gone on and on smashing the Enemy and rolling up fighting recruits had not "rules and regulations" won out. Vaughn and dozens of others like him became quickly alienated by all that garbage and they departed. However, he went on to make a bigger splash and account for more solid results than ANY of the others present at that time.
He was caught. Does that make him a failure? Was it worth it to him and to us? Some have called it the "threshold of anger", others call it the "breaking point".
We have seen it happen in the cases of a dozen comrades in the past decade in the U.S. The moment when one can no longer stand idly by in the face of countless, incessant outrages and when one decides that personal safety and comfort no longer have any real meaning. At that moment, he becomes a revolutionary. He goes on the attack. He becomes a part of the first wave, which must exist if there is to be a second or third or fourth, regardless of cost. Vaughn didn't go the farthest but he did go farther than the average. It's notoriously easy to kill indiscriminately in the big city. It's less easy - a LOT less easy - to kill politically and racially anywhere in this sick land and keep going for very long. The heat was ON once Vernon Jordan was shot. Life on the run can be desperate and Vaughn was reduced to selling blood for cash to survive. That's when he made his mistake and was recognized by the "Grim Reaper" tattoo on his forearm by a nurse who promptly dime-dropped on him, betraying him to Big Brother.
From that point and for the next twelve months Vaughn was intermittently covered by the media and always it was brought up that he had killed two mixed couples that had been jogging down the highway. His trial being held in Salt Lake City, Utah, one would expect his jury to have been practically all White. Yet they convicted him of murder knowing that he could draw the death sentence. How many "White" juries have I seen thus convict? It has been said that a people deserves whatever it permits. Only a sick people would permit what prevails today. Vaughn would have done better by himself had he chosen to rob banks for money rather than sell his blood. (For, after all, when you are already wanted for two murders, what the hell?) It is debatable whether he did the right thing in allowing himself to be captured for he could have been sentenced to "death by injection", a truly fiendish, characteristically Big Brother means of disposing of trouble-makers. As it is, he waits for us. Do we let him down?
Precisely which wave will free him from Big Brother's prison?
I have not read a single word in any Right Wing publication - Nazi or Klan regarding James Vaughn/Joseph Franklin, either for or against. It is as though he has become a non-person. One could then safely assume the so-called "Movement" has disowned him or wants no part of him. But by "playing it safe" they do not "disown" Vaughn, they in effect RULE THEMSELVES OUT as being worthy of anything except total oblivion.
And this insanity and this crime they've committed for the umpteenth time in recent years. They refuse to learn. The real meaning of Commander Rockwell's favorite excerpt from Main Kampf comes to mind at this time: "When human hearts break and human souls despair, the great vanquishers of dist
ress and care, of shame and misery, of spiritual slavery and physical duress look down upon them from the twilight of the past and hold out their eternal hands to fainthearted mortals. WOE TO THE PEOPLE THA T IS ASHAMED TO GRASP THEM!"
[Vol. X, #11 -Nov., 1981]
Power to Break the System
We're not going to discuss Atlanta for to do so would be foolish and dangerous at this point. But one thing no one seems to be catching - no one outside the NSLF - is that one or a very few persons have an entire area begging to the System for millions of dollars in additional funds to try and capture the mirth-makers. The foulest swine among the System's stooges are staging "benefit concerts" to raise more money. Other metropolitan sink-holes across the country - openly fearing that they might be next - are urgently collecting funds for putting a stop to this unplanned, unmonitored, uncontrolled bit of "disorder". What if there currently were six or a dozen "Atlantas"? The power to break the System does exist.
[Vol. X, #4- Apr., 1981]
To Shoot a President
That afternoon I stepped across the street for some refreshments and when I returned I was told that it had just come over the radio that Ronald Reagan had been shot. My immediate response was the same as that of everyone else I had occasion to speak with over the next forty-eight hours - "You gotta be shittin' me!" The next thing I said, only halfway in jest, was that I'd probably better telephone home before returning from work this day... just in case. As it turned out later, I wasn't far from right. I was informed close to midnight that the gunman had been associated with the Nazis. At that the mood became very expectant but very, very light. We were in for something the next day or so but, since we at least knew no conspiracy existed, we figured whatever it could be would amount to no more than a break in the boredom.
But all that first afternoon I wondered who in the hell shot Reagan and why. Then the name of John Hinckley came out but failed to ring any familiar bells. From the first I expected it would turn out to be some scarified pink pansy type alarmed by the media's theme of Reagan's involvement in El Salvador becoming a second " Vietnam ". I'd seen many, many writings on the wall - literally - in men's rooms, etc., to the effect that Reagan was a "fascist" and if he were to be elected, "he said". Then after Reagan won the election, there were stories like the one about a certain KKK group that disbanded because they felt we had been "saved". NEVER did I seriously think a Right Winger or a Nazi would go after Reagan.
Why? Because I hoped that most of our people were better informed and would know that the last time there was a President worth shooting it was Franklin D. Roosevelt. To have killed Roosevelt would probably have changed the course of history. But, largely because his work was not terminated in time, all succeeding U.S. Presidents have been nothing but puppets, simple front men with a thousand ready, interchangeable replacements lurking in their shadows. Faceless bureaucrats. Big Brother's marionettes.
However, for the garden-variety assassin, shooting the President is like playing the Palace Theatre. Very little real importance but huge headlines. Ronald Reagan and Jimmy Carter are in fact co-equals with the only difference being "image". Reagan's image is hard to hate while Carter's was very easy. Maybe those with a mind to waste a President thought Carter just too miserable to bother with. I don't know.
But because of image, I would have considered Reagan a poor target for assassination from the Right. Regardless, nowadays taking out a U. S. President will not change a damned thing even slightly because that is not where the power lies.
In discussing targets we can draw a parallel with Atlanta . We still don't know who or what is at work there but we can say that the masses of Whites would view it more favorably if it were big, black bucks turning up dead rather than little, black bastards. You and I may know that the little ones grow up to big ones but that is beside the point. As far as public relations are concerned, you must lay off kids. That of course is under ideal settings. The setting we have at present is about as far from ideal as can be imagined. Somebody who knows whereof they're speaking once commented in an interview that, "It doesn't matter who got it; just that somebody got it." And I can go that one further and say that it doesn't matter who's doing it; just that somebody's doing it with regard to Atlanta. In comparison, just as I wouldn't ideally choose kids to be getting it in Atlanta, neither would I choose Reagan to get it as President. But this is where Big Brother and his hot-house conditioning have brought us. The situation is STARVED for action, ANY action. And beggars can't be choosers.
Another parallel, by way of the Russian Revolution, is that during the course of the entire sixty-year-long struggle phase, only one Czar was assassinated (Alexander II, not Nicholas II who got his after the Revolution). Since their efforts were ultimately crowned with victory, as power over the State, we might take a lesson. The object was not to handstand for the press but rather to cripple the regime. The Czar's life may have theoretically been in constant jeopardy but it was lesser government ministers that they had a tough time hanging onto. As pervasive as the Ochrana (Czarist FBI-CIA) was, nobody in government was safe.
"400 Potential Assassins"
That's what the media says the System has a list of. As we found out the day after the assassination attempt, Yours Truly is on that list. Somehow the figure of four hundred seems incredibly small, all things considered. We're not surprised or offended by this as it would tend to confirm what has been set forth before in SIEGE: Big Brother AIN'T comprehending what's happening around him. As long as they're watching me that close - a damned editorial writer - that frees a dozen others to move. If they consider four hundred to be "official", fine and dandy. But they'd better, if it is to be considered "effective", revise it now to read "399".
There has always been a good, round figure of a thousand kooks and nuts in the Nazi sphere alone in the U.S. Take in the Klan, etc., and the figure jumps. But that figure of four hundred "potential assassins" is supposed to take in everybody! The Commies and even the religious weirdos Either they have one hell of a low estimation of us (which isn't likely due to their galloping paranoia) or it takes some real credentials to be thus counted. There are those now clamoring to know: "What's it take to get on that list?" Must be some kind of honor. I hereby propose that we hold "400 Club" reunions to commence one year after the revolution.
If it does really signify anything - and I seriously question that it does - to have spooked the bureaucracy to the point where they "list" your name as a "potential assassin", then as one that has been so "listed" I want to tell you something in that regard. For many a moon we, as a Movement, have crept along on our bellies, first as conservatives, then as Right Wingers, then as Nazis and today as revolutionaries. We have flickered back and forth from "cult", to "conspiracy", and to "underground" briefly with Tommasi. However many of us are represented in that list of four hundred, it doesn't matter too much. Let 'em maintain their "lists" for what else can you expect them to do? If the uphill phase of the struggle here lasts thirty years then twenty-eight or twenty-nine of those will be pretty damned "dry" just as with today and in the past. The revolution will be born when the tens of thousands who are NOT on that list act.
"Irresponsible Drifter": Sire To A Thousand Hit Ballads
Somehow whenever someone takes a poke at a System Stooge, the media, which is supposed to represent all sides of an issue, takes a very dim view of that guy or gal. It never fails. No matter whether the System Stooge is a Lefty like the Kennedys or whether he maintains a Rightist image like Wallace and, to a far lesser degree, Reagan, or for that matter is supposedly a private citizen like Martin Luther King, the media goes all-out to paint the hit man (or woman) as a "professional loser" and a social and moral leper. Actually it's not because the media loves the victim so much (for Big Brother is a most unloving taskmaster) but rather because the media - as the official voice of the Big Brother System - CAN'T STAND such rugged individualism and right-to-the-point direct act
ion in the super-homogenized "1984" society they are building. They get all unglued when somebody circumvents all their rigged "debate", "due process", "redress" and "checks and balances". In this town which is Republican territory and rural, I did not truly encounter any real upset about the shooting. There have been reports of classrooms full of kids breaking into cheering and applause at the word of the Reagan shooting. Naturally, Blacks everywhere were jubilant. But the media was shocked senseless, moved to tears. Dow Jones took a dive. As revolutionaries, each of us should have been unmoved one way or the other. Notice how "murders" are all-right but "assassinations" are out. That's because to get yourself "assassinated", at least in the standard accepted jargon of the times, you've got to be among the "in crowd", one of Big Brother's elite.
So, by those rules, if we get one of them, we're "assassins". If they get one of us, they're just "murderers". (But most of the time they reserve death for their own undependables. For us they reserve jail and oblivion - I'm not complaining.) John Hinckley was declared a bad boy by the media not because he took a shot at Ronald McDonald but because he stepped outside Master's rules in a way that they couldn't hide. Again, they're not that much in love with Reagan. Remember how they bent way over backwards to make the election look like a toss-up in the rigged polls? But Reagan is to them a good little boy who does as he is told. What they fear is that those with a mind to step outside the Master's rules will start picking their targets with less fanfare and more EFFECTIVITY!