by James Mason
How would Commander Rockwell, who often and regularly doffed the Nazi symbolism in favor of racialist unity, view today's New Hard Right who openly praise Hitler and who HIT the Enemy HARD? How would Tommasi, who was the first to advocate and practice the coordination of an underground and an aboveground organization with regard to the racialist Movement, view the way the leadership of Aryan Nations stood by these HEROES... AFTER they had split from the legalistic parent group so as to be able to ATTACK the System? There is, it seems after all, something to be optimistic about.
[Vol. XIV, #5 -May, 1985]
If It Happens
The news item reproduced shows an updated tale which stems from that originally starting with Comrades Mathews and Yarbrough. Take a look at the roadblock. This is some kind of first. This is a first when the damned System Pigs haven't been able to stamp out a Movement attack with one blow. It is a first that so many - several dozen - have been involved in something apparently so well-organized that has been so little-known, at least, that is until it chose to become known. In the manner prescribed by Tommasi, "Our most eloquent statements will not be made in courtrooms, but in the streets of Jew-Capitalist America."
Much has transpired which has been printed in the System media. Nothing quite like this has happened before. The System is reacting with full vigor, with the full force of its Pig Machine. But men of The Order, as they call themselves, are still standing in defiance or remaining at liberty.
One can only say, "God Bless them!" They have been and are paying the full price the System demands of rebels. But how do they feel right now - those still at large? I try to put myself in their place and I feel that they are experiencing a sense of freedom and exhilaration unknown to all but those who have taken the great plunge into battle. I am anxious for them but I know their lives are in the best of hands: their own. And foremost in this urgent matter is the knowledge which we all know they possess of what the System did to our and their Comrade Mathews and the resultant decisions they have come to in their own minds as to their immediate course of actions in the future.
One conclusion can safely be drawn: if a revolution does develop, does come about in this land, then it is going to start in precisely this manner and no other. This one may not be the one but it is the closest so far. The men are there and they are learning. When they have become ruthless enough, THEN it will start.
[Vol. XIV, #5 -May, 1985]
Die, Monster, Die!
About mid-May came the news of the System attack against a group of non-Whites and White renegades holed up in a Philadelphia slum district. The group called itself "MOVE" and, other than the racial make-up of those involved, the circumstances and details were strikingly similar to the System attacks of a month or so ago, only this time directed against one element of the Movement calling itself The Order. (The only other main difference worth noting was the geography involved: whereas the Whites made their stand in the countryside, the Colored made theirs in the metropolis.)
Twenty years ago, when the Movement still believed it could regain control over the Establishment, it would have cheered the government troops and cursed the beleaguered revolutionaries in Philadelphia. Not so the case today. The revolutionary reality is that we cannot even afford to stand as neutrals in such a situation... WE MUST WISH THEM WELL IN ANY FUTURE CLASHES THEY MAY HAVE AGAINST THE SYSTEM! The System is the Enemy, the coloreds are merely there, just like part of the scenery. Ask yourself, who's the most likely to come after YOU... agents of the System or some handful of coloreds?
We now share one other bond of distinction, freshly formed for us by the System: at what time before has the System resorted to fire-bombing U.S. citizens (however rebellious) from the air? Not until this year, to the best of my knowledge. And when I said in a previous segment of SIEGE that there was but one way a revolution could start in this country, I should have added that it just might be non-Whites who do the starting! As extreme and unheard-of as the attacks against members of The Order were, consider in your mind the picture of the System FIREBOMBING ENTIRE CITY BLOCKS OF PHILADELPHIA just to suppress some revolutionary group! Did anything more radical than that appear in the pages of The Turner Diaries? I think not.
There are but two ways of destroying the System: the kind of confrontations and uprisings we have seen lately, but on a larger scale, simultaneous and wide-spread enough to tie down the Pigs to the point of being ineffective; and an increased, intensified subversion of the System economy together with direct assaults against same in order to break the System's army of hirelings and to ultimately alienate it from the population. Together these will topple the System. We may not picture ourselves as "allied" to these colored and Leftist groups but we must see that they too are being attacked by the common enemy, the System. Perhaps a dialogue couldn't hurt. Could there be a greater nightmare for the System and it's Pigs than the two widely divergent revolutionary elements in coordination?
[Vol. XIV, #6 -June, 1985]
Strength and Spirit
"Strength is the morality of the man who stands out from the rest, and it is mine."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
"Such men alone are my readers, my proper readers, my preordained readers. Of what account are the rest? The rest are simply... humanity. One must be superior to humanity in power, in loftiness of soul - in contempt."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
"The idea of God implies the abdication of human reason and justice; it is the most decisive negation of human liberty and necessarily ends in the enslavement of mankind both in theory and practice.
"He who desires to worship God must harbor no childish illusions about the matter but bravely renounce his liberty and humanity."
-Mikhail Bakunin
The Anti-Social Streak Versus the Decadent Society
The Jews and the Liberal System love portraying us as anti-social misfits. Sometimes when we get down on each other - just like Jews vs. Jews or Negroes vs. Negroes calling one another "Kike" or "Motherfucker" - we tend to steer away from the term "misfit" and go rather to "professional loser" or something like that. So between the two I think a certain principle can be found that could be of great value if we are to develop into something.
First, we should be aware that in a sick or even mildly mediocre society such as exists today, it is a badge of honor to be possessed of an anti-social streak. It will keep you safe and high above the trash and poison of the milieu - right from birth - where no amount of "proper education", "good background", "upbringing", etc., could.
How many from the so-called "best families" are completely degenerate zombies? Myself, I was always classed not only as the "black sheep of the family" but also as habitually "hanging with the wrong crowd". So, for me at least, joining the Nazi Party at age fourteen just sort of made it all official.
A skillful hypocrite (i.e., "good citizen") in a sick society, one that really knows how to assimilate or conform and generally doesn't rock the boat, is a disgusting System Suck. I can have more respect - if that's the right word - for the rabid liberal or Red than I can for the System Sucks and the Establishment Creeps. In any event, to go from one to the other is a national pastime and involves nothing more than a change of clothes, an expensive slick new hairstyle, and that certain mercenary acquisitive drive. But a good solid anti-social streak born right in the BLOOD cannot be changed by anything: physical suffering; brainwashing; disillusionment; discouragement; defeat... absolutely nothing. It's been rightfully referred to as the common denominator of ALL "True Believers", that is, of all fanatics.
It must therefore also be the key ingredient for all revolutionaries. Being White isn't enough, being educated isn't enough, being idealistic isn't enough - dedication, determination, and so forth all can be undone by circumstances. One has got to be APART. Currently most of the best revolutionaries in the United States are non-White. That's because they are taught to view this society as something to which they do not belong but something which they must break in
to, overcome and CONQUER! It is therefore more easy for them to become "revolutionary" than it is for most Whites who are instilled with the defeatist complex right from birth.
Unlike the untermenschen of the world, with maps of Israel or the jungle written across their faces, we find our alienation in the special knowledge that this is not our society in any way, shape or form. We find ourselves, by far, greater outsiders here than any non-national Jew, Black, Asian or what have you. There is no way we can assimilate or "work within the System". Further, there is no way we can be bought off the way Huey Newton, Jerry Rubin or Abbie Hoffman and the like were bought off. With them it was just a different side of one world. With us, it's an entirely different planet. We can't quit. Nor can we be thinned-out or watered-down. Our very guts are on fire. We are the only real revolutionaries!
As long as the Movement remains part of the defense of something that it does not belong with then it will continue to share in the unremitting defeat of the past sixty years. When a substantial segment of the Movement realizes that it is WE who are the strangers who must "come, see, and conquer", only then will we begin to exert a measure of the earth-shaking power-potential that we have.
So let us draw a fine distinction between someone who is anti-social, a misfit, or a malcontent (for what kind of crawling dog could be "content" in this society?), and the archetypal "professional loser" for there is no natural connection between the two. I can think of nothing more formidable than a band of malcontents who know exactly who they are, what they want and how to go about getting it! The job is to build a world of our own, not to pull someone else's chestnuts out of the fire. Not a defense but an attack! To borrow a revolutionary press statement by Ed Reynolds, "We don't want to rock the boat, we want to SINK it!"
[Vol. IX, #6- Oct., 1980]
"The True Believer"
This is the title of a well-known book that is generally frowned upon by idealistic Movement people as hailing the antithesis of what we're supposed to be all about and what motivates us. I disagree. The thrust of this work by Eric Hoffer has it that all people of a fanatic bent, regardless of persuasion, have in common the fact that they are deficient in one or more fundamental human areas. These then seek to compensate, or over-compensate for this by joining fanatic causes as they see their mortal, earthly existence as ruined or worthless. I think Hoffer is very close to correct.
Do we as National Socialists not agree that the individual self is not the end-all but that it is the Race itself which is of supreme importance? And even if one were - as are so many millions today - so self-centered, can it be denied that this materialistic society has rendered the business of going about life a pretty tired, miserable affair? Intolerable in fact, without some higher purpose? So what would it take to FORCE a person out of the mold, out of the rut and into an entirely new and different framework? It would seem that it would have to be something profound, deep within, something that a person cannot escape from, a fire that cannot be extinguished. Good or bad, anything, just so he is separated from the mainstream of the System and the Establishment. From there it has a great deal to do with the person, what stuff he is made of, and, to a far lesser degree, the breaks he does or doesn't receive.
To assume that people in general can be "shown the light" and be expected to drop the rest and go with it is to exhibit a naivete in assessing human nature which approaches the ludicrous. It is toward that KIND of humanity that Nietzsche and Hitler strove but, as we each know, those plans have been seriously set back. No, it remains biological but at the same time it remains immutable if we can only understand its workings, come to grasp it and be able to USE it toward our own ends. That is subject matter which we have discussed previously in SIEGE.
My point here is that each of must first recognize and then decide WHICH type he chooses to be and then really go at it with a vengeance so as to make his mark a significant one. To "not fit" into this society can be a distinct badge of honor - it doesn't have to be but it can be. To "not make it" in a money-based society oppressed, exploited and persecuted by money-men and by money considerations - and to be scorned and ridiculed by a conventional world, does not mean that one is a "loser" in the true sense necessarily. Is one to struggle in order to exist at the bottom rung of an alien society in failure and abject misery or should one rebel completely and stand forth as a different, and possibly superior, kind of being? Not as a left-over from the dead past but rather as a point-man securing a path for the coming of the wave of the future. Nobody ever said this would be easy, and obscure poverty-stricken endings are very large possibilities.
But again, it is to choose, which type is superior and, thereby, more desirous: an historic breed which changes faces and reappears according to the changing of the eras, or that kind of person who would be only what he is - part of the scenery - in any era? An historic breed or an ever-present type? Those who make history or those who make the background?
Our TYPE - the True Believer - will one day rule again. The rest, under whatever society, will go on being serfs. Take your pick.
[Vol. XI, #12 -Dec, 1982]
A large segment of the racialist Movement in this country is devoted to Identity [a branch of Christian religion which claims that the White Races are the true Israelites]. None may be found which devotes itself to or refers to itself as Alienation. Yet, in the present-day society, there is a lot more to be alienated by or from than there is to identify with. In the pages of SIEGE we try to concern ourselves with that which "makes things go 'round" instead of engaging in wishful thinking. It is not negativism if we can gain understanding of the forces which exist and which tend to work in our favor so that we might better put them to use.
Before anyone can hope to understand or appreciate revolutionary or outlaw mentality and morality they must first know alienation. It is impossible to sympathize fully with this kind of philosophy unless one shares a healthy appreciation of alienation and it is just as impossible to become a revolutionary oneself unless one is himself alienated. I'm not talking about born losers, common weirdos or run-of-the-mill anti-social types. I'm not talking about those who wouldn't make it in any society due to personal deficiencies. I am speaking of people who do not fit into THIS society because of what it IS and what THEY are. To be outside this society is a marked badge of honor. I'm speaking of people who didn't have the luxury of making a choice; people who aren't in this for fun.
Members of the Establishment - though some may think in our direction - only seek a way out. They yearn for a return to the days of brisk business and high profits, i.e., "business as usual". To them, revolution is a dirty word because it carries a distinct connotation of being bad for profits. They are set to believe if everyone would just go out and get a steady job, all would be well. They hardly even want to rock the boat - only unload or perhaps rearrange some ballast. They appear to take us as one more form of Hard Right Winger, albeit the kind which they must be careful to hide any connection with (for profits' sake). They really do not comprehend that WE ARE AT WAR WITH THIS SOCIETY and that it is them or us. We, as part of our revolutionary program, intend to blast to hell their filthy, scum-tainted System of profit values. Were they to become fully aware of this, it is likely that our fringe supporters would begin to leave us.
So much is said about alienation that perhaps it might be wise to add a prefix - SUPER-alienation - to the term to bring out its meaning. This super-alienation marks the actual difference between a mere asocial and a genuine political radical. The asocial considers, "To hell with it." The politically-oriented radical is determined to get in his licks. The asocial is only separated, hanging in space, while the radical is girded and made unflappable in the face of a hostile world.
Most significantly the radical has found his own set of rules to go by. As often as not, he makes up the rules as he goes along. No superstitions exist to him such as the abstracts of "good" and "evil". There is only that which works and that which does not. T
hose behavioral aberrations that so dismay members of the Establishment really are not "bad" per se. To get the job done, it calls for whatever traffic will allow. If anything, the situation calls for a greater number of increasingly alienated, radicalized people.
Only occasionally so far in SIEGE have I invoked the name of Charles Manson. Those who have begun to understand the thrust of the overall philosophy may be beginning to see how Manson fits into the scheme of things. Aside from that it can be said that the name of Manson evokes the same kind of instantaneous division of thought INSIDE the Movement that the name of Hitler does outside the Movement. It was once said of Hitler and the Swastika that they represented the "threshold of anger". At the very mention most will curse you, a few will join you, none will remain neutral. I have found the same is true of Manson and the Swastika, even within the Nazi Movement. Manson is the threshold of alienation. Some in the Movement have begun by calling me insane (along with Manson, of course) and have gone on to become believers themselves in record short time. Others, for the sake of friendship and unity, have opted to bypass the issue with some embarrassment. Some Nazi sympathizers actually denounce Manson as a freak and a murderer. What company do we keep these days!
We have plenty of conservative reactionaries who freely don the Swastika and sing the praises of Hitler. But we have no conservative reactionaries who accept Manson. A pissed-off conservative might exclaim in mixed company how we need "another Hitler" to straighten out the mess. But how many come right out and state their belief in DOING AWAY with the mess entirely? How many in the Movement actually relish it every time the Establishment and its economic value system takes another direct kick in the teeth? How many are out to SINK the boat, not merely rock it?