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Siege Page 32

by James Mason

  Manson represents the great divide between those persons who imagine there still are choices to be made casually on the basis of Establishment mores and those who have a profound, individual sense of "no going back". I believe it is this - and not the abstract idea of "realism" - that is the great sustainer and inner-flame of all true revolutionaries.

  "These are not my people", views the alienated radical. Life and the struggle are greatly simplified in that manner.

  [Vol. XI, #6- June, 1982]

  Background to Siege

  Perhaps what it all boils down to is outlining two ways - the easy and the hard - of getting the stars out of one's eyes, for, until that is done, by whatever means, that person is going to be a victim to all the pitfalls and hostile forces which surround him. And to clear the record, I do not advocate "intellectualizing" ourselves or our struggle. Our enemies are intellectualized, computerized, mechanized, de-humanized. And, for that reason, they wouldn't FIGHT for a damned thing. As Manson would say, we are Pro-Life, Anti-Death. We still have the spark and the feel of life within us. And that is why we fight. I simply say that we pick up the fight in earnest approximately at this moment in time despite any and all exhaustive effort gone before. But, at least, we're pretty much sobered up. We'll need to be.

  Cold rationality can only carry you so far, then it leaves you stranded in the middle of a field. In talking with people, I may use terms like "spiritual" but, more precisely, I mean gut INSTINCT as dictated by millions of years of genetic development. This is as close to a literal translation of being in direct communication with one's distant ancestors as we'll probably ever get. At the same time, being in abidance with one's true gods would also come under this heading. Noble thoughts and ideals. Irrational as hell. But this provides us with our biggest advantage over our enemies; our legitimate reason for existing as individuals; our purpose in Life. Something bigger than ourselves, and certainly, as big as the universe itself. That is an experience these liberal types can never know and can never understand. Alone, it sustains us. COMBINED with the weaponry of cold thought process, it will lead us to victory over all odds.

  It is here where political activity should properly enter the picture. Politics, if it is serious, is the coldest of human endeavors. Colder still than war because war is only an extension of politics. Commander Rockwell called true politics the highest art form because it embodies all the other art forms. Accepting this as the case, as anyone who has studied art will know, it demands the highest degree of discipline and training in order to bring the artist's own natural instincts and abilities to full flower. My own idea and understanding of the word politics means this for its own ends. This is where the confusion must be eliminated. Once the ideals are established arid the decision to fight is made, then the rules of going about gaining the power to put them into practice can be summed up by saying, "Play the ball as it lies."

  There is NO ROOM for sentimentality of any kind in the practice of politics. And I emphasize again that, in terms of the present, politics and revolution are practically synonymous. That "it's the sentiment that counts" is garbage. The bullet put in the head of your opponent by you, or vice versa, gets there precisely the same way and means exactly the same thing to either. That is "Phase One" politics. "Phase Two" politics may get around to just why you put that bullet there in the first place but, by that point, the questions are all over anyway.

  [Vol. XII, #7- July, 1983]

  God Can Stay but The Church Must Go

  I'll never be part of a war on something that is unseeable and unknowable. So this is not a war on God. George Lincoln Rockwell wrote often that the positions of the religious fanatics and of the fanatical atheists were equally ridiculous and impossible. For no human being can know whether there is a Supreme Being and no human being can know whether there is not. All I say is that no supportive evidence exists to indicate there might be. But that's why no argument can really be had on the matter - there exists nothing upon which to base an intelligent, reasonable argument. That is not the point of the following segments of SIEGE.

  We are playing no favorites - Jew, Christian, Moslem, Hindu, Buddhist, Shinto, etc. These huge and powerful, wealthy and influential institutions based upon Man's greatest fears and weaknesses, created upon pure superstition, which have wrought so much damage, destruction, confusion and unwisdom, and are getting worse and worse with each year, have got to be viewed by all true revolutionaries as among the primary tentacles on the body of Big Brother. Organized religion when speaking in terms of the White Race - is a terrible and deadly enemy. We'll examine some of the reasons why later on but I am prompted now to print this piece which has been in preparation for many months because of such things as the "Moral Majority" craze and similar such movements afoot in the conservative backlash camp. We cannot and must not fall victim to this, their hogwash, ourselves.

  Opiate of the Masses

  There can hardly be any question that the Church has been edged out - or at least relegated to a back-seat position - for the title of "Opiate of the Masses" which organized religion held for many centuries. The new one of course is television. After all, you don't have to go to it on Sunday, the foul thing lives in your home with you. For entertainment purposes it has practically any preacher going beat by a mile. (Though look at how many of them use television!) Everything the Church used to offer the community, the television now offers. From sermons (editorials and more subtle propaganda), to fellowships (imaginary of course, in the form of soap operas), to even passing the plate (commercials), plus everything in between. The nominally "White" actors on television are co-equal with the nominally "White" ministers in Church: both read straight from Jewish scripts.

  Not attacking inanimate objects - neither buildings nor boxes, churches or TV sets - but only the way they are handled and the effects they're having on the White Race, there is little doubt that television is the worst of the two. But the television is not an institution and can be very helpful, beneficial in fact, once all the networks are in National Socialist hands. What of the Church after a National Socialist revolution? Shall we put armbands on all priests or shall we put Stormtroopers in black robes? Shall we attempt to enlighten those now in power and pray that they will behave themselves and not act the role of subversives in our midst? Can we afford to allow an incredibly large and powerful organization - a state within a state - that currently is a major part of the Enemy's scheme, to go on functioning as before once our revolution has succeeded? More importantly, as we must decide now: is it at all necessary that we do so? The answer in each case is no.

  At present the Church presents its worst danger to the White Race because of the common denominator of all messages parroted by the "Born Agains"- lay down, submit, and let God handle it; it has all been written; it is all inevitable. Further: it is only the next world that matters; this world and this life mean nothing. So just concentrate on avoiding sin (or go ahead and sin but beg like crazy for forgiveness) and really score points for the Hereafter. Hang it all up in the present reality of today, here and now, and bank everything on some "afterlife" in some "Never-Never Land". If that doesn't sound like some kind of opiate, then I don't know what one is.

  Can You Do Voodoo?

  The monumental cathedrals built by the genius of Western Man in the name of his religion compare identically to the mud and clay huts and carved, wooden idols that the primitive races erect to their peculiar religions. Same comparison as our I.C.B.M. missiles to their spears and blow-guns. Same concepts of war and religious worship, just that the White Man does it better. One big stumbling block on our way toward Nietzsche's concept of the Superman is what we still share with the lower - and lowest - specimens of humanity: guilt, fear, conscience, hang-ups of every sort, psychological self-limitations, idiotic notions of "good" and "evil", unreason and plain superstition. If we can't break with sub-humanity on the psychological level then we can hardly hope to part company with them on the physiological level. If you are go
ing to think like a primitive savage, then you might as well BE a primitive savage.

  What makes Christianity seem to be "the" religion for mankind has nothing whatsoever to do with any of its promises or tenets (for the Moslem faith promises sex in the hereafter), not even with how many people in the world today embrace its philosophy (which, incidentally, is a minority). It is because that was the religion that so happened to get foisted off onto the White Man and it was his genius and creativity that gave it its strength, beauty, charity, forcefulness and whatever real value it may once have possessed. Anything of a positive nature to be found in the doctrine or workings of Christianity did not come from the sky or from the pages of a book but rather from the blood of the White Race which foolishly adopted it. Blacks, Browns and Yellows aren't backward or savage because of any backward or savage religion, it is because it is their nature to be so. The lowest-level primitive in the jungles of Haiti is no more voodooistic than the highest bishop or cardinal in Europe or America . But the style and presentation are a hell of a lot different.

  Dog and Cat Heaven

  Not only does Man fear death so much that he elevates himself up and out of the animal realm, but it appears to be a human trait and urge to imbue everything from house pets to stuffed dolls with identities and "souls". Could "Heaven" be complete minus the family dog or cat? I agree that an animal can be every bit as much a family member as a human being but at the same time it must be seen that we share the same mortality.

  By the time of the Nineteenth Century there were armies of screw-loose "Soul jockeys" swarming into those areas of Asia and Africa which were colonized or conquered by the West. These missionaries were doing their best to score points in the afterlife by making human beings out of jungle savages through laying a little religion on them, sprinkling a little water on them and repeating a few cobble-gobbles over them. The ridiculous notion of super-repressed, super-uptight Christian missionaries trying to teach the lowest savages how to copulate properly gave rise to the well-known "Missionary Position". More than one of these lame-brains ended up in a stew pot. No loss there.

  The worst of this was seen at the time of the U.S. Civil War. Tokens were circulating at the time depicting Blacks on their knees in chains under slogans like, "Am I Not a Man and a Brother?" The object was to make you look immoral if you retorted, "Hell, no!" Mad-dog Christian fanatics were busy setting the stage for the worst bloodbath this country has yet experienced. (WWI and WWII inclusive, the Civil War claimed more White American lives than any other.) From Harriet Beecher Stowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" to John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry, the issue was a religious one on the part of all the forces driving toward war and not one of property, politics or even the Constitution. Plain, old-fashioned religiously fanatical egalitarians were responsible. The legend, "In God We Trust", first made its appearance on U.S. coinage at the time of the Civil War.

  This opened the way for the first marriages between Blacks (who previously had paired off and mated like any other animal), and marriages between Blacks and Whites (because, after all, if two people "love" each other and are good Christians then what the hell?). The purest, most healthy and beautiful White child would be condemned as a "bastard" by these same mad-dog Christians while a real racial bastard product of mixed parentage would be blessed by them, depending solely on whether or not they had their marriage vows solemnized in the prescribed Christian manner. Today it is still found that some ministers will refuse to marry two people if it is found that both have been divorced. But a racially mixed pair neither previously married - will be immediately joined in "holy matrimony".

  This is as bad if not worse than the criminal tampering and twisting that's done with the U.S. Constitution, making anything and everything that so happens to have been whelped on this piece of real estate an automatic "citizen"- therefore "equal" to all the rest and wide open to all the "civil rights" invented or created in his behalf. But to do away completely with the reality and the ultimate importance of RACE in preference to some magical, mystical harum-scarum is no more than insanity. And when applied in an organized, enforced manner, it becomes CRIMINAL insanity and MUST BE STOPPED.

  Praise The Lord and Pass The Ammunition

  In two World Wars, German soldiers went into battle bearing as part of their uniform this motto: "Gott Mit Uns" ["God is with us"]. A lot of good it did them.

  In every war between White Men of different European countries, the leaders and combatants of both sides prayed to the same God from the same Bible for blessings and victory. White Men have been killing each other for two thousand years in the name of the same religion. And if nationalistic frictions weren't present, then a religious "Reformation", etc., took place to get the blood bath started up again. For what? So that "God's will" may be done on earth as it is "in Heaven". A hell of a lot of responsibility in the hands of those who interpret just whatever "God's will" might be at the moment.

  For hundreds of years the Church has been an extension of the State. (In the beginning it was the other way around but the manipulators have been perfecting their methods.) Today the Church is indispensable to Big Brother. When the Church isn't acting as the echo-chamber of the Big Brother System, then it is acting as its avant garde. Turn about is fair play and it also keeps the goyish masses confused. The leaders of the Church hold the same ranking in the Establishment as the leaders of Government, the Military, the Professions, Arts, Business and Industry, etc. And they all went corrupt - sold out - at the same time, at the same rate. They all spout the same line, for the same reason and prompted by the same people. That which the taste-makers/opinion-formers decide upon and declare, their servants then take this and poison the masses with it as current, established, accepted "gospel", which to rebel against or even question means personal ruin (if not eternal damnation).

  Separation of Church and State in reality merely means separate accounts in the same Jew-owned bank.

  Special Dispensation?

  In 1969 and 1970 we witnessed at first hand in this small community what was being repeated all over the country involving Church leadership. I should emphasize that I am referring throughout primarily to the major branches of organized religion - the big ones, the wealthy ones, the ones that are literally part of the Establishment. In this particular case there was a Presbyterian minister who represented the leadership in this town of the treason movement during the Vietnam era. I had just gotten back home from the November treason "Moratorium" in Washington (where National Socialists had been the only opposition and attackers against hundreds of thousands of vile. Liberal, Communist and RELIGIOUS swine who were staging a "dolchstoss" [backstab] a thousand times more disgusting than that experienced by Germany in 1918), when I learned that similar demonstrations on a smaller scale had been staged here in Chillicothe. Another one was set for December and our local people knew without discussion what had to be done.

  I had been informed that during those first demonstrations a Viet Cong flag had been flown. Besides being there, our first objective was to see to it that if any enemy flags were flown, they would end up as war trophies and their bearers as war casualties. It was Christmas Eve, the weather was cold and the snow was getting deep, but we waited in front of the court house for the treason march to arrive at the end of its route from the Presbyterian Church on the hill. We heard them before we saw them. Chanting in true Red style, "PEACE NOW! PEACE NOW!", each one carrying a candle and numbering at least fifty. And headed by a black-garbed minister!

  Six of us against fifty of them was much, much better odds than we had at the Washington Monument a month before when it had been about fifty of us against a hundred and fifty thousand of them. I briefed our guys quickly as the column approached that if anyone hoisted a V. C. flag the fight was on and that unlucky bastard was the principle target. The secondary target was the obvious "patron saint" of the demonstration, the minister. No "special dispensation" for that dirty bastard either. While tensions mounted, teeth chattered and ugly,
hissed comments were exchanged between former friends and classmates of the opposing sides, the cops slowly prowled the area expecting trouble. No Commie banner was displayed on this, the first occasion where they were met by opposition. It broke up without incident and there were no more such demonstrations here.

  But the following year it was reported that the same minister's wife had been raped in her home by a Black. Later it came out that the Black was a frequent visitor to their home in the bourgeois west end of town. Then it came out that they were every bit as involved with "civil rights" as they were with treason. (Some surprise!). Finally, it wasn't a rape case at all, maybe just a case of someone forgetting to say "please" and "thank you". The report had come weeks after the alleged incident. We did some digging and found an open cesspool in the midst of which was this minister and his wife. In the end, they soon pulled up and left town. A little effort in the right direction before the cancer takes hold can work wonders. Nationally, however, it is too late. The most radical surgery is called for and still the patient might well die.

  How about the dead nuns in El Salvador? An identical case. No "special dispensation" was granted there either and damned good riddance! But look at the hue and cry raised by the Big Brother media all over the world! So what if Catholic nuns aid the spread of Communism? You're not supposed to touch. I say BULLSHIT!

  Part of what eventually destroyed Hitler and Germany was the rampant treason going on inside the Reich by elements of the Old Order which Hitler permitted to survive after 1933 (unlike Stalin's policies in the Soviet Union in the 1920's and 1930's). But Hitler's revolution was peaceful and legal and so therefore, I suppose, that's what happens. It's not going to be like that here. It's not going to be peaceful or legal and the National Socialist revolution here will pull no punches. The ENTIRE ESTABLISHMENT is guilty of wholesale treason - the Church included and as far as I'm concerned, it will be situation of, "Up against the wall, motherfucker!"


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