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I've learned all the "whys and wherefores". I have found out that historic trends are irreversible (unless you happen to be Adolf Hitler). And I still marvel at what can happen to a civilization and a people that defies and blasphemes "God" (or you could read it as "tempts fate") once too often.
One of the Christian tenets that invariably sticks in the craw of any real White Man - second only to "turn the other cheek" - is that "the meek shall inherit the earth". A lot has to do with definition of terms. "Meek", in this instance, refers to those with their eyes and ears open and their mouths shut. It has a lot to do with, quite simply, ceasing to butt one's head into a brick wall. While the rest "speak out" in meaningless blurbs, tomorrow's survivors will observe very carefully but choose very wisely to stand mute and not "cast pearls before swine".
Did not the "Lord" state quite plainly that "vengeance is mine"? Upon considering our somewhat less than omnipotent position, who are we to argue that? It's too much to expect that these fools will be aware - or are aware now - of what's happening to them. There'll be no opportunity for "I told you so". But if we drop ALL nonsense right now and take only appropriate steps henceforth, we might just be able to hope that we will ESCAPE a wretched fate in common with those vast multitudes who so richly deserve it. If you're caught out there amidst the throngs when the time approaches, madly, futility screaming and waving your arms in warning, you too will be trampled by the same Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.
You may be getting the distinct impression by this time that I'll have no difficulty in grinning at all of this. As I said before, I'm no idealist.
What we may hope for - realistically - is the total consumption of these people, together with their rotten System, before our eyes and through their own evil. What we may work for - realistically - is our own physical salvation, the maintenance of the quality of our lives, in order that we or our posterity may be the last on the scene, to have, in essence, inherited the earth.
I don't know how many are familiar with the Serenity Prayer but a decent paraphrasing of it would go like this: "Teach me to change the things that lam able; Teach me to accept those which I cannot; And teach me to know the difference between the two". During recent months, two things have loomed up unmistakably in my mind and I have seen that most matters which used to cause so much sweat and anxiety, not to mention so much useless activity, can be bound up and dispensed with in two theses: if you have in the past disassociated yourself from any kind of mess, then just allow it (them) to be their own best answer; if you are presently working to rid yourself of or extricate yourself from an entanglement, then proceed to do so with the same amount of care and consideration - and afterthought - as you would to evacuating your bowels.
The fight to survive will be a full-time job. Leave the rest to themselves. That is the worst penalty. Slime to slime. In the end, we will remain and our hands will be perfectly clean.
[Vol. XV, #6- June, 1986 (this was the final issue of SIEGE)]
Their Money's Worth
History's judgment is shifting and coming into focus gradually on that large chunk of the U.S. population least worthy of a place in any future. The middle class consumers are not only getting their full money's worth from their efforts at keeping the economy and the System going by working their pig jobs and paying their taxes, but they'll be receiving huge dividends in times to come. They keep in line, keep voting, keep the Beast System alive and in power and, in return, they are raped, robbed, beaten, murdered, betrayed. They and their children are turned into vile things not resembling actual human beings. Their numbers are reduced while the numbers of the colored are increased.
They are among the first to disown and attack us and to embrace the World Enemy. And for this they will continue to take the coward's pummeling from their hard taskmaster in exchange for a few more months or years of cheap, plastic thrills and hollow pleasures. While we are under some of the worst pressure we'll ever have to face, today, in the present, and while they go about making money as part of "business as usual", the question in the backs of their minds must be: what, if any, future this all has. We, on the other hand, have little to worry about. When the final awakening comes, and catches probably the majority of the rest completely unprepared, they'll experience the agony of how it could be happening to them. Those of us still around at that time will be saying over them, "DIE, GUY!"
[Vol. XII, #8- Aug., 1983]
"I know that some man capable of giving our problems a final solution must appear. And that is why I have set myself to do the preparatory work, only the most urgent preparatory work, for I know that I am myself not the one. And I know also what is missing in me (to be the one). But the other one still remains aloof, and nobody comes forward, and there is no more time to be lost."
- Adolf Hitler, as quoted by Hans Grimm, 1928
"The man they have most reviled stands closest to us, and the man they hate worst is our best friend."
- Adolf Hitler
"Our motto continues to be: 'White Man, stand with us and fight, or stand out of our way!'"
- George Lincoln Rockwell
"Leadership in the struggle has to do with making things happen. Leadership is the people who are doing it, cutting through diversionary debate, smashing forms and familiarities that hold us back, and through developing and acting on a clear line of how we move to win, redefining the context, content, and meaning of the National Socialist Movement and the Revolution. That's what we call SEIZING THE TIME!"
- Joseph Tommasi
"Our greatest weakness is our belief in our own weakness. We have to communicate to all National Socialist Revolutionaries our strength, and to show them our strength we have to show them the strength of fighting. We must build confidence within the entire Movement before we can hope to help people and lead those people in revolution."
- Joseph Tommasi
"I got no dead heroes."
- Charles Manson
Sum Total
Perhaps the hardest thing that National Socialists, pro-NS types and even revisionist historians have to deal with is the question of what effect did Hitler have on the world he lived in and what did he leave behind? Of course, the other side has no such difficulty and is quite clear and outspoken on the matter. They simply say that Hitler caused the greatest disaster in human history and, not only that, but also caused the direct demise of everything he himself believed in and was fighting for. That is to say the end of "fascism" as a potent force, the end of Germany as a united and independent nation, plus the spread of Bolshevism over most of Europe. Those are the "failures" they attach to his debit side. Paramount among his accomplishments they list the slaughter of six million Jews. That one, at least, we have the answer for ready at hand.
Let us back up within our own framework and state up-front that the historical facts as we know them tell us plainly that the three horrifically destructive things above were outcomes of the Second World War, a war that was forced upon Germany, not a war that Hitler sought but a war engineered by Big Brother forces to get their master plan, i.e., world government, back on track after Hitler had messed it up in 1933. As not just a few Jewish and pro-Jewish writers (as opposed to true historians) have openly stated in their books. Hitler was the one personage and event of the Twentieth Century that wasn't supposed to happen. That means that he wasn't planned, at least not by them. The Federal Reserve System here was planned; the First World War including its outcome was planned; the Russian Revolution was planned; the League of Nations was planned; the destruction and betrayal of Germany to Bolshevism was planned as the linchpin to Lenin's world revolution and nearly was an accomplished fact. But in came Hitler...
An Honest Man
Hitler's personal qualities which clearly come through in Mein Kampf(a hot potato for the Jews as they can't burn it or otherwise suppress it for fear of drawing too much attention but can only forewarn you that it'll "bore you to death") are painfully
striking in these "modern" times. Total honesty, total conviction and total courage. No compromises and no evasions. "Here are the facts, here is what I'm doing - what are you going to do?" Hitler was a humble man and a man of the people if ever there was one. What he wanted he wanted for Germany and the German people, not for himself. He would have had Germany win the First World War - in which he risked his own life many times - so as to have been just a small part afterwards in its national life. He would have rather helped someone else in the task of resurrecting Germany after 1918 but, then just as now, everybody seemed to be waiting. So an honest man of the people did it himself.
Aside from positively infuriating the behind-the-scenes Big Brother Systemites in Moscow and New York, Hitler caused unlimited resentment and chagrin among the stooges of the System of his day because he wasn't "qualified" to do what he was doing, he didn't have the social "background" for world statesmanship which he had assumed in the role of German Chancellor. It was this latter resentment among petty European, nominally "White" politicians that facilitated the war that would erupt in 1939. They claim Winston Churchill to be the "Man of the Century" but friend and foe alike should stop and ask themselves who'd remember Churchill today had not Hitler entered upon the scene? Churchill was their most willing and handy tool and as soon as his task was performed, he was discarded by them.
Which brings us to the pivotal year of 1945. No real history has been recorded since 1945. Nothing of a positive, upward nature has occurred since then. Some technology has been developed which threatens to destroy us all. Some infectious diseases have been curtailed while degenerative disease now seems to be in all our futures. Civilization is crumbling and dying. And they say "the best man always wins"? Yet we, as National Socialists, are aware that Hitler and Goebbels and thousands of others were talking about ultimate victory even on their personal day of demise. Was this "propaganda" or were they "insane" as the Jews and their friends tell us? Any intelligent mind should know that no man and no organization of men can achieve what Hitler and the NSDAP achieved by telling lies and being unbalanced. And there is no way that a sacrifice of the magnitude of Germany can have been for nothing.
[Vol. XII, #11- Nov., 1983]
The Meaning of Hitler
People, even National Socialists, get the two dimensions of Hitler mixed up and, thereby, lose the actual concept of what he was in reality. There was the inspired philosopher and reformer, then there was the inspired politician and statesman. History has been full of the first type and equally full of the second type but NEVER TOGETHER IN THE SAME MAN. Aside from this. Hitler was entirely a man of his people - racially, psychically, culturally. He was gifted with extraordinary personal qualities. He was entirely fearless, selfless, absolutely dedicated to his people. What he accomplished amounts to the greatest miracle in history. Against every odd there was the philosophy, the Party, the Revolution, the Third Reich and even the War itself. No one man has ever accounted for so much on his own - all within twenty-five years!
As far as we today are concerned, those who are living to perpetuate and advance Hitler's work, or at least live up to his example, need to understand what he meant historically. His Movement and his government represented the LAST TIME the workings of the old order would ever be harnessed and put to use FOR THE GOOD of the Whites of any respective nation. Hitler was the LAST CHANCE for the revival of Western Civilization. And so, in that sense, it is practically useless for us to attempt to emulate him today, for that phase is PAST. For those who are aware of this then, the choice is clear but it is not easy: either dream in the past or live in the present, at the same time while FIGHTING for the future.
[Vol. XII, #3- March, 1983]
A Man, The Man
It's worth saying again and again that the failing of the Movement has not been one of name or symbolism but of strategy and tactics. A few of our own best people have correctly observed that should a great mind and personality exist with the potential of becoming another Hitler, he would positively want nothing to do with the Movement in its present state. He would be instantly repelled by the idiocy, the smallness, the futility and the negative connection with the dead past.
But such a mind would by nature be committed to a course of open action, just as Hitler was. He would waste no time in gathering followers and in making himself known to the world - and to every household - in his own original way. But how? And what would be the world's reaction as well as the reaction of the individual? One way of knowing is to recall how the world reacted, and still reacts, to Hitler. The Jews are cunning and the individual is blind and stupid.
Someone of an extraordinary nature must be among us somewhere in one guise or another. Not one more faker either, but truly a personality of extraordinary proportions. When one takes into account that Hitler was joined by many great men then there is room to accept that more than one might - must - exist today. The times are still early, historically.
[Vol. X, #9- Sept., 1981]
What to Look For and How to Look
Forget about knights on white horses or a stereotype Right Wing superhero in a three-piece suit. Forget about middle America or any one of those slobs arising out of the middle class or the "Silent Majority". Expect them to remain silent throughout. Certainly you can forget about any current Right Wing "leaders" ever amounting to a damn either by supreme sacrifice on the part of their memberships or through blind luck. They are committed to defeat. In fact, no one who says he is it is likely to BE it.
You can throw out all the old rule books accumulated over the decades. You cannot discover the right man either by searching through the System or its media or by him trying to reach you through the media or the System. He will not proceed by established rules. Avoid all the symptoms of "head-up-the-ass syndrome" if you are to keep your eyes open wide: moralism, squeamishness, prudery, bourgeois hang-ups. Right Wingism, reaction, etc. Stop looking in all the wrong places. If things are as barren as the Right Wing formula would indicate, then we are truly lost.
And I cannot accept that as being the case.
Try thinking logically. The right man would know instinctively or would learn very fast that the System would never knowingly allow a real leader of the people to arise. Therefore he will never represent himself as such. This all at once rules out the fakers and the assholes. He would be well aware of the state of the masses of people and would therefore not be a politician or follow a political course geared to a hope of a mass following. He would know already that the people cannot recognize their own leader. He would see that a formal movement or organization cannot be successfully built (the System won't allow it) and therefore his every move could be expected to defy all convention. Being primarily a man of action, he would know better than most that the truth remains for the moment our only and best weapon. Therefore he would know how to put it to its best use.
Since the deaths of Rockwell and Tommasi there has not been a personality type to fill the gap of possessing a magnetic and commanding presence. Aside from the Right Wing being mainly all chiefs and no Indians, what Right Wingers that do make up the rank-and-file for the most part are of notoriously poor quality and have been the bane of the entire Movement. The right man would have to be quality in order to attract quality types around him. The Right, worse than just words, is mostly paper words at that - dry and dead. This man would possess the power of the spoken word which is the spark to revolutionary action. He would most probably follow in the classic mold of greatness in that his apprenticeship in life would have been long and his "career" would have only begun at or about the age of thirty.
One other thing. He would know the value of symbolism and he would choose the Swastika as his symbol.
[Vol. X, #9- Sept., 1981]
Men of Ill Repute
In this Movement a man of ill repute is one who scares the hell out of and embarrasses the fakers by approaching "kindling temperature" and "bringing down the heat". I've done this two or three times in the recent past
which is why I am my own publisher today: I've yet to scare myself. But SIEGE might be called a publication of ill repute because it serves as part of a larger force geared toward the implementation of everything printed in these pages. It is action-oriented, not idle chatter. The majority of the rest are great when it comes to telling it like it was or when it comes to singing the blues, both of which are very "safe" and even profitable. We however are more concerned with NOW and with WHERE WE GO FROM HERE.
Hitler and Rockwell were not mere philosophers or writers, they were men of action! Men who acted upon their words! Let us right now reclaim an old Anglo-Saxon word heretofore long since stolen and perverted by our racial enemies and used when describing their own minions to the unsuspecting world: men of "integrity". How often have you heard that applied to complete scum-suckers until the sight and sound of it alone is enough to sicken? The definition of integrity one definition - is simply COMPLETENESS. And, to me, this would entail a man who can think, speak and ACT. What this also then means is that men of integrity are hated and feared in this Movement. They are, in essence, LEADERS who, again, by their nature, threaten the livelihood of crooks and fakers. Rockwell himself wrote it again and again that the White Race is dying from a lack of LEADERSHIP.