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No one reading SIEGE should allow any of this to shock them or become dismayed in any way for I have been of the same mind since before the first Manson contacts were made. We have our areas of disagreement. I can present no hard-and-fast conclusions at this time. Certainly no drastic changes in course are contemplated. I do know that circumstances are removing options fast and that our course and the Manson course seem to be converging. Manson acted in 1969 (and the understanding and appreciation of that act stands at about zero). It is now 1981 and he is still there and watching. I was asked by one, "What took you so long?" I had to stop and think about my answer before I could give it. I felt like a novice, a dumbass kid. You can't bullshit these people. We were separated by three thousand miles and were developing in our own worlds, with once huge differences which have shrank drastically over the years. We have essentially arrived at the same place having come across widely divergent paths. We have a lot to offer one another.
And the Enemy, just as the Truth, is the same.
[Vol. X, #9- Sept., 1981]
Charles Manson
They'll say that you can't have anything to do with such a criminal, such a defective, such a pervert, such a monster. The lesson of history is clear and the method of the Jew is exposed for those with the understanding, the intelligence and the courage that it takes to put it to use. For the rest, they write themselves off right away, as easily as that. The Revolution is going to call for people who will think, "To hell with all that other! What has he to say?" For when they exclaim to hell with the other, they mean the whole System, everything it says and everything it stands for. They then stand at the beginning. (Adolf Hitler was unable to do this because at his time he was able to work within that system but, in so doing, may have engendered his own ultimate end.)
Those who cannot, under any circumstances, accept or even try to accept Manson are unconscious of the fact that, in reality, this means they cannot accept their own reflections. They are then severely crippled - just like the Jews say they are - and not only useless to themselves or anyone else but that same kind of liability to anything they may get into as I have attempted in many various ways to outline and illustrate in SIEGE over the years.
(Even in the hostile, Jewish-System accounts of the Manson Family, you'll find no dregs or cripples such as abound in the Right Wing. Only the best from among the best - racially and otherwise, profoundly alienated by a Jew System - just as it was with the NSDAP in Germany .)
There is the immediate rise of, "What about all those drugs?" Part of the legend and lore of the Kosher myth-building machine. First, speaking for myself only, I have never used drugs and never plan to. Not only do I not feel I require them for any reason, I feel they are detrimental to the faculties both mental and physical. Second, I have had explained to me by people who are "drug wise" that there is a differentiation between natural substances such as "grass" and certain hallucinogens, and the rest of the broad drug spectrum. It was that spectrum of addictive, manufactured drugs that Manson specifically forbade among his circle. But, just from a practical point of view, you tell a young White kid he must get his hair cut and give up grass, etc., and you are going to lose him to the other side who will be thinking to themselves - rightfully - just what a jerk you are. We will interior decorate only AFTER we have extinguished the house fire. (Same goes for sex practices as long as it is kept WHITE, just as Manson insisted.)
Last of all, as could easily be deduced from my shotgun blast against any form of "religiosity" earlier in SIEGE, I go for nothing, indeed have no tolerance for anything remotely "spooky". All of this is real, it is solid, it is as "American as apple pie", and it only may seem strange on the surface because it is so new. Manson, like Hitler, is as human as you or I. He is just special by virtue of a one-in-a-hundred-million shot of gene combinations which gives him his ideas, his personality and his physical presence.
So, children, be as naughty as you like but don't be afraid.
[Vol. XI, #11- Nov., 1982]
Charles Manson also describes himself as being an outlaw, among other things. And this is one more term that we must be precise in our understanding of. The System and its hacks would be too quick to jump into full agreement with this all-too-simple statement. Too simple, that is, on its face.
To the American mass-mind the word "outlaw" triggers notions of the Wild West. Notions, by the way, planted there by a Jewish Hollywood. But an outlaw in real life, in the present day, need not be a person trying to exist in a bygone time and he need not necessarily be even a fugitive or a desperado. An outlaw is only a person who exists outside the law.
The question then becomes one of: What law, whose law? The "law" presently, as it has been for many years, is no more than a tool of repression in the hands of an alien. Enemy regime. One can be a passive outlaw without bringing down the forces of Big Brother on one's head. However, are not ALL true revolutionaries outlaws?
[Vol. XII, #1- Jan., 1983]
Beyond Sensation
Revolutionaries and National Socialists should never be so interested in pure sensation as they are with the dynamics behind it. So it is with the situation which broke in the West Coast newspapers last month involving our good and valued Comrade Red Warthan.
They say Warthan was behind the propaganda blitzing of Oroville, Ca., schools. They say he was responsible for the killing of police informant in relation to the previously mentioned activity. They are also saying that Warthan was in close, direct contact with Charles Manson in the course of Movement development.
We will admit only that, yes, Warthan had paid a number of trips to Vacaville to see Manson and that, as far as the police informants are concerned, we agree that death is the proper medicine. The rest of the particulars will be left up to the System to sort out and determine, if they can.
In the meantime very important work has been disrupted and a most valuable comrade has been incarcerated by the System. These are some of the adversities that confront the building of truly revolutionary movements. But these are the very obstacles which Hitler said must never be surrendered to but, instead, broken and overcome. So it shall be in this most recent instance.
Further Disruption
Only days before the arrest of Red Warthan came the news in the national media of a "possible jail break attempt" on the part of Manson and a number of confederates in Vacaville , Ca. A number of allegedly "contraband" items were uncovered and Manson and the rest were subsequently moved to maximum security quarters for an unspecified period of time.
First, to those who have had an interest in all of this for awhile, the pattern is familiar enough. They can't seem to leave him alone out there but insist on harassing him at more or less frequent, regular intervals in hopes of, supposedly, keeping his thoughts off balance. However, one concurrent pattern that has been clearly noticed is that, contrary to the plan, Manson has been getting stronger and better over recent years.
The result of this latest ploy? Communication gets slowed down. But we ask of every one of our readers to consider what it means to be an individual in prison who slowly acquires slightly better accommodations, a little more personal liberty, more chance for recreation, etc., only to have all this arbitrarily snatched away over some pretext in this manner. Such is the day-to-day lot of the man who holds all the answers to the crisis which the world finds itself in today. And this is how thin the thread of ultimate survival is. It could just as easily be broken. Our job is to gain the indestructible IDEA in time, get it developed to the point where it has been made safely INVULNERABLE to these barbaric machinations.
The greater point is that, by these actions, the System proves beyond any doubt that they are more than willing to PLAY GAMES in matters of Life versus Death. If anything, it will be this that will lead to their final destruction.
What about YOU?
[Vol. XI, #12- Dec, 1982]
By Accident or Design
The Movemen
t as a whole has traditionally been fundamentally opposed to anarchy. It is our nature to favor order over chaos. According to tradition, anarchy has been associated with the Left. But today we have arrived at the point where traditional definitions of "Left vs. Right" no longer carry much valid meaning. To be "Right" is to support the System and the Powers That Be; while to be "Left" is to support mass or mob rule, in short, democracy. Can we adopt either stance knowing what we do? The answer of course is that we cannot any longer play the role of traditionalists or get caught up in the detached, unreal world of party politics which, in any event, is owned and operated by the Enemy. The System itself must go. The masses are entirely unfit to rule even their own daily lives. As long as the System survives it will never allow the formation of an alternate, incipient body ready to step in and take over the reigns of government following its own collapse. What answer then is left but anarchy?
Surprising as it may sound to many in light of such docu-dramas as "Helter Skelter", etc., Manson and his people stated afterward that, during the trials of 1969-71 , they left the judges untouched deliberately because they did not wish to lend to the creation of an anarchy. This was the identical outlook George Lincoln Rockwell held towards the law and the courts. Manson's war at that time was with Hollywood and the Media and only later did they realize that the courts and judges were controlled by the same bunch who rules Hollywood. This approach and this outlook are the mark of civilized intelligence; it is not the practice of a philosophy of annihilation as has been credited to Manson (as well as to Hitler). Had Manson wanted to do in 1969 what they claim he wanted to do, he could have done it. And had Hitler desired the domination of the world in 1940, he would have allowed no Dunkirk . Both men had something to offer the world but we see instead what developed. Commander Rockwell too stressed legality in the face of a nakedly criminal brute seated in power in America . So many missed opportunities...
If the mess in the world and in America were the result of accidents or goofs, as the Media would have us believe, then there could be a chance of straightening it out through legal and reasonable methods. But if things have arrived at this point, on the one hand, by half the power stratum consciously betraying the nation down a path predetermined for destruction and, on the other hand, the rest of the Power Establishment selling out the responsibility to their people and nation by turning a blind eye to this other for the sake of career and profit, then only the TOTAL DESTRUCTION of this governmental form will work. Total anarchy is far preferable to the fiendishly diabolical, carefully manipulated destruction and betrayal now taking place.
It is the only means by which we can hope to derail Big Brother's plan for the end of our Race. It is the ONLY way we can even the odds. The gameboard is rigged against us and so we are constrained to kick over the gaming table itself. Treat criminals as criminals, never play favorites with one bunch over another, never indulge in shell-games, and, above all, NEVER COMPROMISE WITH THE ENEMY.
[Vol. XI, #7- July, 1982]
Revolutionary Man
I spoke much earlier in SIEGE about Mass Man and Representational Man - the low and high levels of the broad human spectrum. But Savitri Devi, in her work entitled, The Lightning and the Sun, describes for us an even higher type of man:
"They live and wait. Knowingly or unknowingly, they are waiting for Kalki; Kalki the last Man Against Time; the one whom Adolf Hitler foresaw in 1928; the Avenger who will give them - or their children - the world.
"The last incarnation of him-who-comes-back - the last Man Against Time has many names. Every great faith, every great culture, every true (living or obsolete) form of tradition as old as the fall of man has given him one.... the Christians behold him in Christ, present for the second time: no longer a meek preacher of love and forgiveness but the irresistible leader of the celestial white horsemen destined to put an end to this sinful world and establish a new heaven and a new earth. The Mohammedan world is awaiting him under the features of Mahdi, whom Allah shall send "at the end times", to crush all evil through the powers of his sword - "after the Jews will once more have become the masters of Jerusalem" and after "the Devil will have taught men to set even the air they breathe on fire." And the millions of Hindustan have called him from time immemorial and still call him Kalki, the last incarnation of the world-sustaining power: Vishnu; the one who will, in the interest of life, put an end to this age of gloom and open a new succession of ages.
"That last, great individual - an absolute harmonious blending of the sharpest of all opposites; equally sun and lightning - is the one whom the faithful of all religions and the bearers of practically all cultures await; the one of whom Adolf Hitler (knowingly or unknowingly) said in 1928: "I am not he; but while nobody comes forward to prepare the way for him, I do so."
"Contrarily to Adolf Hitler, he will spare not a single one of the enemies of the divine cause: not a single one of its outspoken opponents but also not a single one of the lukewarm, of the opportunists, of the ideological heretical, of the racially bastardized, of the unhealthy, of the hesitating, of the all-too-human; not a single one of those who, in body or character or mind, bear the stamp of the fallen ages.
"His companions at arms will be the last National Socialists; the men of iron who will have victoriously stood the test of persecution and, what is more, the test of complete isolation in the midst of a dreary, indifferent world in which they have no place; who are facing that world and defying it through every gesture, every hint - every silence of theirs and, more and more (in the case of the younger ones) without even the personal memory of Adolf Hitler's great days to sustain them. They are the ones who will, one day, make good for all that Men Against Time have suffered in the course of history, like they themselves, for the sake of eternal truth: the avenging comrades whom the millions of 1945 - the dying, the tortured, and the desperate survivors - called in vain; those whom all the vanquished fighters against time called in vain, in every phase of the great cosmic struggle without beginning, against the forces of disintegration, co-eternal with the forces of life.
"They are time bridge to supermanhood, of winch Nietzsche has spoken; the last battalion, in which Hitler has put his confidence.
"Kalki will lead them, through the flames of the great end, into the sunshine of the new Golden Age.
"We like to hope that the memory of the one-before-the-last and most heroic of all our Men Against Time - Adolf Hitler - will survive, at least in songs and symbols. We like to hope that the lords of the age, men of his own blood and faith, will render him divine honors, through riles full of meaning and full of potency, in the cool shade of the endless regrown forests, on the beaches, or upon the inviolate mountain peaks, facing the rising sun."
Any of the two-bit, tin-horn "Fuhrers" who think they can follow that act, take three steps forward!
A New Phase, A New Course
One long-time veteran of this Movement commented to me about two years ago when I sprang on him my new "discovery", "Jim, I'll just consider that this is your latest fantasy and that it'll be gone in a couple of months." I responded that if indeed this were a "fantasy", it was only my second one in fourteen years - the first having been everything ever represented by Adolf Hitler and George Lincoln Rockwell.
Quite apart from being a fantasy, I was not long in finding out that I was not first in my unorthodox and thus far self-kept findings. Since then others have come to the same conclusions and conviction. Finally, today, it has reached the point where it has broken the surface on its own and people are going to have to start taking a stand on the issue.
Who recognizes history being made? Who would have guessed that a well established National Socialist Movement in Europe would have latched onto, or been latched onto by an ex-vagabond from Austria named Hitler? Who in 1919 would have foreseen the social, political, economic and military MIRACLES that were to mark the next twenty-five-year period? Greater than that, who could have imagined to what extent the name
and accomplishments of Hitler would be DISTORTED and MISREPRESENTED by a media totally in Jewish hands? We are at least supposed to be enlightened to where we CAN see these things. But are we?
Hindsight alone is more dangerous than it is useless. Are we to say it can't happen again in a totally unpredictable way? Do any among us still seriously think we can do it alone, using the past and current methods, without some new, difference-making input? I quote from Hitler: "I know that some man capable of giving our problems a final solution must appear.. And that is why I have set myself to do the preparatory work, for I know that I am myself not the one. And I know also what is missing in me (to be the one). But the other one still remains aloof, and nobody comes forward, and there is no more time to be lost." That was a statement made by Hitler in 1928. In 1924, in Mein Kampf, as all National Socialists must be aware. Hitler also said this: "THE MAN THEY HAVE MOST REVILED STANDS CLOSEST TO US, AND THE MAN THEY HATE WORST IS OUR BEST FRIEND."
Now You've Got Me Scared
These are the exact words I've received from more than one good comrade upon springing this news upon them over the past two years. One might well be scared at the awesome implications. How did we each react when we first were introduced to the scale of the Jewish Conspiracy? Surely that alone out-did any movie plots of science fiction. The TRUTH is stranger than fiction. I myself was scared literally - in the beginning through the horror tales engendered by the lying media against Charles Manson and his first followers. How many good Whites today do not approach the NS Movement as it is, because of almost identical lies put forth by these same media Masters of the Lie?