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Page 47

by James Mason

  People get to know ME first. While they're getting to know me, they're getting to know Hitler and National Socialism because I am inseparable from these and do nothing to try and hide any of it. It's just that I don't wear any of it on my sleeve, as it were, save for my reputation which is pretty alive and lively in this little town. I try always to live and conduct myself in such a manner that the only ones who will take an active dislike to me are the blind "haters" and "bigots", to borrow two favorite blurbs. As Dr. William Pierce once pointed out to the Movement in one of his publications, we each should think of ourselves and conduct ourselves as though we were AMBASSADORS OF OUR RACE and, I would add, as ambassadors of our Movement - not as "fanatics" and not as high-pressure salesmen. This ties directly with personal loyalties when thinking in terms of building up local cells. But people and personalities first, all other considerations later.

  If you DON'T do this, then I positively guarantee you failure and misery.

  Take care of yourself first, get your own thinking and lifestyle squared away before trying to tackle anyone else's (or the world's). Get yourself together before ever attempting to lead others or accepting that kind of responsibility. Otherwise, you could be inviting a hurricane down on your head. Build on a foundation, not several feet off the ground, up in thin air like the majority. Make yourself and your lifestyle, your surroundings and even the people closest around you reflect things the way our Idea calls for. Then people will get to know you and, as in the case around here, when they comment on Hitler (or Manson, for that matter) their words will be to the effect, "And I thought Hitler was supposed to be so 'terrible'." Don't play it stupid and reinforce the Jewish/System lies about the Greatest Man To Have Ever Lived. Lead the kind of life He would want you to be living under today's circumstances - as carefully outlined and demonstrated by Manson - and utterly destroy all the lies and untruth.

  This is but an example of balance at work. Balance is a big and often-employed word in the Manson vocabulary. How well do I recall how frequently we in the Movement would privately refer to one or another as being "unbalanced" during the past when all that dashing about was taken dead seriously. But weren't we all doing about the same thing in the same way? The paramount importance of balance is reflected in the Universal Order symbol, suggested by Manson himself. In a word, the problem in the world is that it is badly out of balance. Apply it to the three percent of Jews running the show over the rest or apply it to anything else and it boils down the same way. But that is language that doesn't throw up mental barricades or trigger Enemy brainwashing conditioning, etc.. Plus it is broad enough to take it all in and represent something legitimately IDEOLOGICAL rather than PERIPHERAL, such as traditional antisemitism or Radical Right Wingism.

  Get yourself into balance first - that's a large enough task. The rest will come easier. A people in balance and harmony just aren't susceptible to things like miscegenation or illnesses of liberalism or democracy. Right now, they're going in mad search of what's missing and are going in the opposite extreme of imbalance trying to find it vainly. How the Jews do roar with laughter! Aren't any of you in the least bit motivated - or capable - of wiping that smirk off the Jews' face?

  Open your minds.

  [Vol. XIII, #8- Aug., 1984]

  The Sake of Argument

  Those who have been around steady and can recall some of the thick and slick Movement publications I have edited in the past may have had occasion to ask themselves why I didn't just stick with a nice, safe, cut-and-dried Right Wing approach to my editorial line instead of scaring the hell out of every publisher I've ever worked with. It might appear that had I towed a well-trod line ten years ago, at least one of those big, expensive magazines, which were printed in the thousands, might still be currently in print. Think again.

  For one, those magazines were intended to weld together scattered elements of the American Nazi Party which were active locally but lacking any real organization and certainly lacking any decent publications through which to represent themselves to the Movement and that part of the public as might have been interested and thus, to recruit with. Today there is not enough of that kind of activity going on with which to even attempt to "fake it" (as one die-hard Movement tabloid is still trying to do, with little success). So, between the two - the "Phase One" handstand activities and my revolutionary editorializing - that went into those early magazines, which one is still with us and in abundance enough to keep a regular publication coming out (in whatever economized form)?

  For another, those splintered, isolated, flake-away units, regardless what anyone tried to do for them, proved constitutionally unable of either pretending to be or of acting SANE and, because they couldn't "handle" the real Enemy, chose instead to attack friends. Perfect candidates for a "Where Are They Now?" column in an Anti-Defamation League newspaper. But they were hot at the time and certainly knew it all.

  For still another, right alongside their handstanding and "Skokie-ing"(1) for the Enemy press, as their follow-up toward building a political machine, they had all the arguments all nicely sewed up, packaged and ready for marketing. "Propaganda", I guess they thought of it as. A "The Truth Will Make You Free" sort of mentality. Of course it didn't work. They never dared figure that no one gave a damn except hopeless, helpless, funky Right Wing types who, in the depths of their misery and failure, sought to ease the pain somewhat by telling themselves and each other that they were, after all, in the right. No one was ever able to successfully take that to the bank with the inhuman, stone-faced Enemy firmly lodged in all places of power. Somehow, he didn't give too much of a damn either, then or now.

  I could - and still can - write that kind of crap practically in my sleep, certainly without any benefit of reference. It's the stuff I was weaned upon. After I would get my message with some meaning out of the way, I would add all the editorial comment, propaganda and big build-up as necessary to the newsclipism articles and features which were submitted by the publishers of these magazines and tabloids. And I would get praise for it. "How right we are!", was the underlying theme of it all. But when it was going nowhere, when those publishers couldn't see that it was getting nowhere and especially when I began EXPLAINING WHY it was getting nowhere, they each in turn balked and ran.

  So here I am today with SIEGE and these contents. Nothing too fancy but nonetheless competitive. I'm completely satisfied that I am doing the most that can be done at present which lies outside the bounds of foolhardy and futile sacrifice. But it remains for me to explain - for the first time - why I reject the philosophy of "argument" as any sort of strategy toward destroying Enemy power or building our own.

  I grew up with the saying, "Never argue with fools or drunks." Joseph Tommasi said words to the effect, "The weapon of criticism will never equal the criticism of weapons... we prefer a paralyzed Enemy to a well-criticized one." He also said that we would never make our most eloquent statements in courtrooms, etc., but in the streets of scum-ridden America. Very basically, it remains a call to action, as great and effective a propagandist as Commander Rockwell was, the same call to action that he himself never tired of repeating. Beyond that, you'll never talk anybody out of anything. Not really, not anything of value. (And the Enemy values his power while the rest of the System Clones - big and little - value their little corners and dung-heap pieces of that same action which they are kindly granted so long as they think, say or do nothing to rock the boat.)

  People who were regular and active with the Party during the Sixties and early Seventies when things were brisk in that department got to be experts in semantics. Besides that, they got to be experts at having their facts at their fingertips and making certain that those facts were STRAIGHT. We were good at what we did. We demonstrated well and, when confronted by those determined against us, we fought well. We represented ourselves well in written and oral propaganda and, when "debated" or verbally confronted by those whose worldview was opposed to ours, we fenced most admirably. But so what if you
keep a mob of dirt-bags - who outnumber you a hundred-to-one - from running you out if that tiny victory exists in the midst of a dirt-bag ocean? So what if one or a hundred liberalized zombies - or some redneck asshole for that matter - are unable to pin you at any point during a heated repartee if that one success occurs in a zombie or asshole universe?

  One essence of genius is the ability to be concise in all matters. To cut all the crap and get straight to the core of any issue. Out in a park or in a bar, that will certainly start a fight. But the alternative is to hedge around with all kinds of little sideshows of "reason" and "comparison". Besides, anyone can say, "To hell with you... My way is the only right way!" Now that's getting to the bottom of it fast! And no matter what facts or logic you may offer up, somebody in every crowd is going to be able to come up with some nonsense that will obscure or offset the point being made so that the whole effort is wasted. But that is what debate and argument are made of. They are designed and intended to reach into the infinite. And that is certainly NOT what we want.

  We are not in the business of matching beliefs with anyone or of blabbing about whether our race or theirs is going to be around in the next thousand years. Facts are one thing but beliefs and survival are another. I'll match facts with anyone, for the hell of it, as a game, all day and all night. But I must admit to you readers here and now that I have no tolerance for anyone else's beliefs, that is, presuming they have anything that could be legitimately called a "belief". National Socialism is it and it is my business to see to it that it prevails - with the facts, in spite of the facts or right over top the heads of them if necessary. Of course I know we are right, especially after all those years of intense study and debate, etc., so it is not as though I'm a blind bigot. It's just that I am THROUGH talking with the ignorant and, especially, with the Enemy.

  Ignorance is something I really have no tolerance for and that goes double when it is wrapped in a thick coating of conceit. It turns out most of the time when dealing with these people nowadays that whatever label they may attach to their "personal beliefs" - ranging from "Christianity" to "democracy", etc. - IGNORANCE is the proper name for it all. And even the Bible cautioned against "casting pearls before swine". They are in the business of scratching out a living. I am in the business of politics and revolution. Do I argue with them? They're going to be doing exactly what they are now regardless who or what is in power, and that is eking it out.

  One of the magical formulas of that "black magician", Charles Manson, calls for dealing a positive death-blow to any and all forms of bullshit by letting it DIE WHERE IT FALLS. By not keeping it alive or amplifying it through stepping in and batting it back and forth as though it has some seriousness, meaning or worth to it. By letting it die as it falls out of the mouth of the sayer or as soon as the page it has been printed on hits the air. Let it DIE! Let it die and go on about what it is you are doing. And what else has the Right Wing been doing its entire lifetime other than batting around and amplifying the poison and the garbage conceived and put forth by the Jewish System?

  No. At whatever the cost, I prefer to go on saying that which has been unsaid that which has not been bounced off a Jewish or System sounding board. If it bothers or upsets, then the "upset-ee" has evidently just had an area touched or opened up that, hitherto, he was unaware even existed. Better take a closer look into it and start cultivating it now.

  (1) A reference to the late '70's controversy when the Nazi group in Chicago applied for permits to march in Skokie , a suburb predominantly inhabited by "holocaust survivors."

  [Vol. XIII, #9- Sept., 1984]

  Indecent Liberties

  Anyone honest with themselves will be aware that indecent liberties are perhaps the best liberties of all with regard to human fulfillment and gratification. A person who will deny this is either a conscious liar or a tragically repressed victim of an obsolescent, uptight, anti-nature and anti-life morality. A person who goes about at large, broadcasting his own "indecent liberties" in detail is a reckless fool begging for the roof to cave in on him for such are the laws on the books and such is the hypocritical society which still pays them lip service and still pays taxes for goons to enforce those laws.

  Don't we all know that "everybody hates Blacks"? A person who says they do not is either a rotted-out liberal or they are a liar in the form of an utter and complete moral coward. What of those that shout it to the world? It may require certain guts to do so but that individual is still a fool for he is inviting his own detriment. For, again, such is the sick law of this sick land and such is the herd, follow-the-leader mentality of the swine that populate the place. It may even be their own, inner, personal feeling but they'll watch you be hanged and never say a peep.

  The parallels could go on and on but the important point I'm trying to make is that one of the biggest dividers between classifications of human stuff - and the quality thereof - is found in their ability to, first, know themselves; second, accept themselves; and finally, to be able to DO SOMETHING with it or about it in an INTELLIGENT WAY. There is no such thing as a freeman who is not in touch with himself. And the self is the animal. No one has got his feet on the ground if he is not tuned into himself, if he cannot or will not use his brain, allow his brain to accept and articulate his animal instincts. Most have been taught - and have accepted the teaching - to use their own brain to repress themselves and to conform to some artificial, alien set of moral codes and expected behavior.

  A slave is one who is not even honest with himself. A revolutionary - albeit a repressed revolutionary who is aware of a hostile environment - has established a working rapport with himself, between his instincts and his intellect. A citizen of a healthy society is one who can go about in complete openness, total harmony and honesty among his fellows, and, as anyone can see, we are far removed from anything resembling that idea. A healthy society would, among other things, be free from alcoholism, drugism, pornography, suicide and all other forms of artificial 'hype' and escapism.

  It's been often enough discussed what and what not to do with the beliefs you have already come to accept. What hasn't been touched on is how to unshackle your own mind and be free of whatever amount of tired, old, useless garbage as may still be present there. Fears and hang-ups only come in when there is no communication within oneself. Fears are just black spots, or holes, in a dark area of the mind where certain" teachings" are kept because animals, not having an "intellect" to speak of, are well-known nonetheless for their capacity for being "trained". Humans, through the use of their rational intellect, should be able to unravel and throw off any such "teaching" as is found to be of an alien, hurtful nature and free the instinct so that it may run true.

  Anton Szandor LaVey once pointed out that never shall the minds of those be terrorized who know and believe in what is best for them. To me, a spooky, easily frightened, shaky, reluctant, flaky person is the saddest, most disgusting thing around. Just like looking at an animal with its tail tucked between its legs and shivering at the mere thought of its master's rolled-up newspaper. Most people today are just like this. They are not worthy of liberty because, not only can't they handle it - they haven't got the guts to take it and hold it. Give me the type of individual who will take "Master's" fucking leg off or, to borrow from Commander Rockwell's simile of the horse and the leader, stomp his brains out.

  Persons not honest with themselves can't be honest with you, and vice versa. You can't trust them. You can't deal with them. A person who can't, in their own brain, examine and pick apart contemporary convention, retain or discard those parts which may or may not be useful or advantageous to him, or if need be, create new rules of his own as he goes along, is definitely not material for the future. So what if this or that is universally cursed or condemned? Does it benefit you, further your Cause or otherwise make your life more pleasant? The rule book is coated with thick, flaking mildew and it is common knowledge that the Pig System will gleefully crack down on anything which moves and steps outsid
e Master's Rules. So what? Use your intellect and your instinct to make your own, new rules. Use your skill and your cunning to circumvent the System and the Pigs at every step.

  A person 100% in touch with himself is largely free of fear. He is inwardly reinforced and is generally out of danger of one common result whenever a head-on encounter - of a hostile nature - with the System occurs; one in which we in the Movement have observed plenty of times but which was left up to Charles Manson to define. We've seen too many of them "bug out" under stress or other hardship, or maybe after a prolonged lack of any "fun" or "action". What they are doing in reality is simply going back to where they were, reverting to the core that was never changed, only glazed over by an act of "pretendzies". Kidding oneself is every bit as dangerous as refusing to acknowledge oneself. Maybe worse.

  The kind of person who would never think about taking an "indecent liberty" is someone we can be sure would never have anything to do with us. The person who takes them now and then but who puts up a moralistic front is the kind who is in the majority, who slips us a donation or who signs up secretly and subscribes to our publications only. The kind who displays no sense at all about what he does, WE want to stay strictly away from for our own safety. But the kind of individual who is AWARE that all set rules are trash; who is AWARE that opinion and "law enforcement" are merely pitfalls to be prudently avoided - certainly not "respected" - and who has the maturity and inner-strength to blaze his own path and make his own morality is unquestionably the kind of person we seek (or else should be seeking to BECOME).


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