Suitable Accommodations: An Autobiographical Story of Family Life
Page 42
Wall, Mervyn
Wallace, Henry
Wanderer, The (newspaper)
Wanderer Press
Warner, Harry
Warner Brothers Pictures
Warren, Austin
Warren, Robert Penn
Washington, D.C.
Washington Senators
Waugh, Evelyn and; Helena; JFP’s letters to; The Loved One and ; Men at Arms; The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold and ; Vile Bodies
Wayne, John
Webster, Harvey C.
Webster College
Weinstein, Harold
Welk, Lawrence
Welty, Eudora
Western Review
Westkaemper, Sr. Remberta
Wharton, Will
Wheat That Springeth Green
Whelan, Robert E., Jr.
White, E. B., “Dusk in Fierce Pajamas,”
Wicklow, Earl of
Wicklow People (newspaper)
Wilde, Oscar
Wilson, Angus, Anglo-Saxon Attitudes
Wilson, Edmund
Winchell, Walter
Woolley, Monty
World’s Fair
World War II
Wormhoudt, Arthur; The Demon Lover
Wouk, Herman
WPA Illinois Historical Records Survey
Wright, Frank Lloyd
Wright, James
Wright, Richard
Writers at Work series
Yaddo, Saratoga Springs, New York
Young, Marguerite
Zabel, Morton Dauwen
Zahn, Gordon and; German Catholics and Hitler’s Wars
Zelle, Ray
Farrar, Straus and Giroux
18 West 18th Street, New York 10011
Copyright © 2013 by Powers Family Literary Property Trust
All rights reserved
First edition, 2013
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Powers, J. F. (James Farl), 1917–1999.
[Correspondence. Selections]
Suitable accommodations: an autobiographical story of family life: the letters of J. F. Powers, 1942–1963 / edited by Katherine A. Powers. — First edition.
pages cm
Includes index.
ISBN 978-0-374-26806-0 (hardcover)
1. Powers, J. F. (James Farl), 1917–1999—Correspondence. 2. Authors, American—20th century—Correspondence. I. Powers, Katherine A., 1947–editor of compilation. II. Title.
PS3566.O84 Z48 2013
2013010997 •
eISBN 9780374709686
*The thing I remember and remember is where that fat kid is caught eating out of the candy case. Shades of Uncle Bud!
*made to priest’s specifications, and there are bigger ones at St John’s, and there is no limit, evidently, on size; size being—hell, I don’t know—I’m just trying to fill you in on details as I understand them.
*I have just recently given birth to a Big Catholic Layman by that name—and suppose he’ll have to be renamed.16
* the Trapp family without music, or the awfulnesses we have in the Movement: ice cream and Coke and noise and children at four in the afternoon. The Baptism Party.
= Abigail considered it “immature” of us to go off to Madeline Island without our wives.
= Jackie Gleason apparently is indulging this feeling in his private life. Open house, his friends around him, plenty to eat and drink. What is it?
= Dick Keefe fell farthest, I sometimes think, away from this—whatever it is.
= I have despaired of it myself. But my standards have risen—am not so easily entertained now.
= Don H. is always ready for it. But cannot instigate anything.
= I can—but I want the real thing. Not Hynes in his county agent role.
= Fred Petters is good but compromised by his life—at least he thinks he is.
= Joe O’Connell, yes.
* Maybe I could bring myself to pay you what I owe, in that event.
* Like me.
* Which also applies to Betty.
* Betty, that is.
* Featured with Lawrence Welk.
* Malcolm Muggeridge, if not Martin Green.
* Cribbed from Fr Urban, the hero of my novel.
* Our colors were brown and white, on account of the Franciscans.
* Betty is for Ireland again.
* And sisters, including Carmelites.