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Tomorrow's Lullaby

Page 13

by Lindzee Armstrong

  Kyra winced. “Yes. What if he turns out to be as wonderful as you? I would feel awful if I denied Hunter the chance to know his biological father, if the relationship will be beneficial. That’s why we’re taking things slow.”

  “You need to make the decision with only Hunter in mind and not worry about me,” Sienna said. “My role in his life won’t change, regardless of what happens.”

  Kyra exhaled. “I’m so relieved to hear you say that. If we do allow Dane in Hunter’s life, will it be awkward and uncomfortable for you?”

  “A little, but I’ll get over it.”

  Kyra fidgeted, wrapping a loose string from the dish towel around one finger. “I know your feelings toward Dane are less than warm. But what about his toward you?” Kyra looked up, her eyes brimming with stress. “I know you would never consider this, so I don’t want you to think this is about you. But I am concerned that maybe Dane is doing all this more to get back with you than to be part of Hunter’s life.”

  Sienna flushed. “You’re right about one thing—I have no interest in having Dane be a part of my life again. Pigs would fly before I’d ever consider going on another date with him. Dane hasn’t mentioned our relationship to me, except to apologize for the past. I think he knows that ship has sailed.”

  “That makes me feel a little better. I knew you wouldn’t go for it, especially now that you’re dating Aaron and Jared. But I don’t know what to expect from Dane.”

  Sienna smiled weakly. “Maybe he’ll just go away, and we can forget about him.”

  “I hope so. But then I worry I’m being selfish, and that it wouldn’t be the best thing for Hunter.” Kyra dropped the dish rag on the counter. “So, tell me about these two boys you’ve been dating. You seem to especially like Aaron.”

  Sienna blushed. “I do. When I get back to Philadelphia, I’m going to tell Jared I can’t see him anymore.”

  Kyra dropped the dish towel to the floor. “Whoa.”

  “It isn’t right for me to keep dating him when I feel so much stronger about Aaron.”

  “Sounds serious.”

  Sienna looked away. “I don’t know. I want it to be.”

  “We’ve never really talked about this before, but maybe we should. What will happen when you start dating someone seriously?”

  “He’ll have to accept that Hunter is a part of my life.” As soon as Sienna said the words, she knew the time had come to tell Aaron the truth. If he couldn’t accept her past, then he wasn’t the guy for her, and she would let him go.

  Just thinking about the conversation had her heart pounding and palms sweating. But Hunter was the most important thing in her life, and whoever she dated would have to accept that.

  “I won’t bring a man into Hunter’s life until I’m sure he’s going to be a permanent part of it,” Sienna said. “And of course I’d talk to you and David first. I won’t introduce Hunter to anyone without your blessing.”

  “We appreciate that,” Kyra said. “I always assumed as much, but it’s nice to hear you say it.”

  “I don’t think you need to worry. I have a feeling it’ll be a while before I’m serious with anyone, Aaron included.” There was a very good chance that once she told him about Hunter, he wouldn’t be able to get past his own hang-ups and accept her status as a birth mom.

  She might lose both Jared and Aaron this week. A dull pain started behind her eyes, and she knew a headache was coming.

  “Aaron drove you to the airport,” Kyra said. “And isn’t he picking you up tonight? That’s a guy who’s falling for you. I see how you look when you talk about him.”

  Sienna sighed, leaning against the counter. “It’s not that simple.”

  “If you mean Hunter, the guy you’re meant to be with won’t care. He’ll love being Hunter’s uncle, and he’ll think you’re an amazing and selfless woman for giving us the chance to be parents again.” Kyra’s eyes glistened with tears.

  “I know that, on a conscious level. And I think Jared would’ve taken the whole thing in stride, which makes breaking up with him that much harder. It’s more complicated with Aaron.”

  “How so?”

  Sienna ran a hand through her hair. “He’s adopted. And he really resents his birth mom for placing him.”

  Kyra’s mouth popped open into a little “o.”

  “Yeah. Told you it was complicated. I know I need to tell him, but I’m nervous. I really like him, Kyra. When he finds out about Hunter, he’ll never look at me the same.”

  “If it’s meant to be, it’ll work out,” Kyra said. “The Lord knows what He’s doing. You like Aaron, which means he’s a good guy. I believe he’ll understand your choice.”

  “I hope so. If our relationship’s going to work, I have to trust him with the truth. But when do I tell him about Hunter? It’s not the kind of thing you blurt out on a first date, but we’ve been out twice now, and we’re texting and calling each other every day.”

  Kyra gave Sienna a hug. “I see what you mean. He’ll understand why you waited to tell him.”

  Sienna played with the kids for a while longer, and then it was time to say goodbye. She hugged David and Kyra, thanked them for their hospitality, and hugged Sophie. Then she picked up Hunter, crushing him to her.

  “I’ll miss you, little buddy,” she said.

  “Miss you,” Hunter echoed.

  She leaned her forehead against his. “I love you, Hunter.”

  “Wuv you, Sina.”

  Sienna waved goodbye and climbed into her dad’s car. She couldn’t stop the tears from flowing as she drove to her parents’ home. It was always hard to say goodbye to Hunter, whether it was for an hour or a month—a knife that would never be removed from her heart.

  She’d video chat with him in a few days. He was happy and healthy, and where he was meant to be. That was enough.

  And she’d never have gone to the Academy of Arts if she’d chosen to parent.

  True, but you’d be at Juilliard if you hadn’t gotten pregnant, a tiny voice reminded her. She batted it away as though it were an obnoxious fly. She wouldn’t think about that or all the practice time she’d have to make up next week because of this little vacation. She would get the practice time in, and she would nail the Juilliard audition.

  But if she did make it into Juilliard, where would that leave her and Aaron?

  She gritted her teeth. She had to stop thinking like that. She and Aaron weren’t even exclusive. Yet. She needed to focus on her goal and cross that bridge when she came to it.

  At the airport, the goodbyes with her family were hard, but less painful than her goodbye with Hunter. Soon she was through security and waiting at the gate for her plane to arrive.

  Sienna’s phone beeped, and she swiped to read the text.

  Aaron: Just making sure your plane’s still arriving @ 11:30. Don’t want to miss you!

  Sienna: Yeah, I’m waiting to board now. Thanks again for picking me up.

  Aaron: I’ve been looking forward to seeing you since I put you on that plane. :)

  Sienna grinned. Aaron seemed to have missed her as much as she’d missed him.

  Sienna: :) lol. I’ll text an update during my layover, but plan on 11:30.

  Aaron: You got it. Talk to you soon.

  Sienna worked on some homework during the flight and texted Aaron when she landed in Denver.

  Sienna: Just got to Denver. I’ll be boarding the next plane in about a half hour.

  Aaron: That’s not too bad a layover.

  Sienna: Nope.

  Aaron: What’s Denver like? I’ve never been there.

  Sienna looked around the airport. The sky was overcast but not drizzly, and the airport big but not too loud. The dim lighting and empty hallways were intimidating.

  Sienna: Pretty quiet. It’s kinda freaking me out.

  Aaron: We should talk until you board so you aren’t scared. ;) Can I call you?

  Sienna: Sure.

  A moment later, her phone rang. Sienna
answered it with a shy, “Hey.”

  “Hi,” Aaron responded. His voice was soft, almost a caress. “How was the flight?”

  “Not bad. I had a whole row to myself, and the waitress gave me an extra packet of pretzels.”

  “Someone’s living large,” Aaron teased.

  “Oh yeah. It was practically first class.”

  “Business class at the very least, right?”


  “So, any scary people nearby?”

  Sienna glanced around. There was a businessman on a cell a few rows over. A young couple slept nearby, sprawled out on the floor with their backpacks as pillows. The gate was mostly empty, just like she’d told Aaron. “I see at least three mafia-types wielding handguns and a Tarzan wannabe running with a machete. But I’m pretty sure they’re after someone else, so I think I’m good.”

  “What a relief. I don’t know what I’d do if you didn’t come back.” There was a tenderness in his voice that had Sienna grinning from ear to ear.

  They could weather their adoption baggage. She knew it.

  They flirted back and forth until a flight attendant announced the plane would now begin boarding.

  “They just called my flight,” Sienna said. “I better go.”


  The silence stretched out between them, thick with longing.

  “I’ll see you soon,” Sienna said.

  “I’ll miss you every second until you get here.”

  Sienna couldn’t stop smiling.

  When the plane landed and the fasten seat belt sign turned off, Sienna stood on shaky legs. She waited until nearly everyone had exited the plane before retrieving her duffel bag and leaving. She had been so anxious to see Aaron only a few hours before. Now she wanted to prolong the time until they met. What should she do? What should she say? Talking over the phone suddenly felt a lot less intimidating than talking in person.

  Her mom’s advice from when Sienna had freaked out over her first school dance floated back to her: Just be yourself. Sienna snorted. If only it were so easy.

  She stopped to use the restroom and bought a water bottle at a small shop, but then ran out of ways to stall and made her way through security. She saw Aaron almost immediately. He wore faded jeans and his leather jacket. In one hand he held a bouquet of daisies.

  Oh, he was good. Sienna hitched her duffel higher on her shoulder and quickened her pace. Aaron broke into a smile and started walking toward her.

  “I missed you,” he whispered before crushing her in a hug.

  Sienna’s heart raced, and she wrapped her arms around him, loving the feel of his strong body against hers. Aaron pulled back to look at her, his hazel eyes liquid.

  “I missed you, too,” Sienna said, the words barely audible.

  Aaron’s eyes flicked to her lips, then to her eyes with a question.

  She didn’t step away.

  He leaned down, covering her lips with his. Her imagination hadn’t come close to the real thing. She slipped her hands behind his neck, tracing the spot with her thumb where she knew his painter’s pallet tattoo rested. His skin was silky smooth, just as she’d always imagined it.

  Aaron deepened the kiss, and Sienna pulled herself impossibly closer. She wanted to stay in this moment forever.

  Eventually Aaron broke away. He held up the mangled daisies, and she laughed, taking them.

  “For two whole days, I’ve regretted not doing that before you left,” he whispered, resting his forehead against hers.

  Sienna bit her lip, but even that couldn’t control her involuntary smile. “I’ve been wondering why you didn’t.”

  He chuckled, low and deep, and kissed her again. “Because I was a stupid, stupid man.” He grabbed the bag from her arm. “Come on. I’ll take you home.”

  Aaron and Sienna talked the whole drive home. Then, because they couldn’t seem to get enough of each other, they sat in the car and talked some more.

  “We’ve got to go to bed,” Sienna said when she realized it was nearly three o’clock in the morning. “We have to leave for television history in four and a half hours.”

  Aaron leaned over the console and kissed Sienna. “Yeah, we should probably go to sleep.”

  It was another five minutes before they pulled themselves from the car and walked to the door. Then it was another five before Sienna finally pushed Aaron away and told him it was time to go.

  “I really like you, Sienna,” Aaron said. Her back was pressed against the door, and he leaned over her, arm resting next to her head. “I know this is so junior high of me, but I want to see where this goes. I want us to be exclusive.”

  It’s what Sienna had wanted—what she’d suspected Aaron wanted to discuss when she got back. But fear gripped her throat. What if, once Aaron knew about Hunter, he rejected her?

  She thought of Jared—kind, sweet Jared—who would shrug and say, “I still accept you,” if she told him about Hunter. And then she thought of Jared’s kisses, and how they weren’t even in the same hemisphere as Aaron’s.

  She had to take the chance. It was the only way to be fair—to Jared, to Aaron, and to herself.

  “Sienna,” Aaron whispered, his breath washing over her and causing her heart to stutter. “I’m asking you to be my girlfriend.”

  Sienna laughed, giving herself over to the joy of the moment. She wrapped her arms around Aaron’s neck. “Yes. I’ll be your girlfriend.”

  Aaron grinned, covering her lips with his own. “Finally. It’s been driving me crazy, knowing you were dating other guys.”

  “Just one. But not anymore.” She grabbed the beaded braid that hung from Aaron’s dreadlocks and played with it. “You’re the one I’m falling for.”

  Sienna finally managed to get inside. Liv had been kind enough to leave a dim lamp on in their bedroom, but otherwise the apartment was dark and quiet. Sienna dropped her bag at the foot of her bed, then sneaked over to Liv’s bed and shook her awake.

  Liv sat up with a start and reached for her glasses. “What’s wrong? What time is it?”

  “Three-fifteen. Sorry for waking you up.”

  “It’s okay.” Liv rubbed her eyes. “What’s up?”

  Sienna bit her lip, but the grin still spilled through. “Aaron kissed me. Quite a few times, actually.”

  Liv’s eyes widened. “Are you serious?”

  “He asked me to be his girlfriend.”

  Liv let out a squeal. “I knew it. What did you say?”

  “I said yes.”

  “That’s amazing, S. On a scale of one to ten, how would you rate his kisses?”

  Sienna let out a happy sigh, curling up next to Liv. “An eleven.”

  “That’s pretty good. You only rated Jared’s, what, a six?”

  “Don’t be mean. But yeah, there’s a chemistry with Aaron that I never had with Jared.” Sienna made a face. “So now I get to break up with Jared. He is going to hate me.”

  “It’s not like you two were exclusive, and he knew you were dating Aaron. He’ll be a gentleman about it.”

  “I hope so. Liv, how am I going to tell Aaron about Hunter?”

  “The longer you wait to tell him, the more awkward it’s going to be.”

  “I know.”

  “But if you tell him, he might run away.”


  “Well, I guess you have to weigh the risks versus the rewards and decide which option you can live with.”

  Sienna chewed on her lip, knowing what she had to do. “I have to tell him. Soon.”

  She fell asleep that night with the new melody in her head. A few measures kept playing over and over in her mind—the swell of a first kiss. She knew what came next in the composition, and she knew what to call it.

  Aaron’s Melody.

  When Sienna woke up for class only three hours later, her eyes were gritty, but her heart was full. Aaron was worth every moment of sacrificed sleep.

  He was already waiting for her when she arr
ived at their corner, his breath visible in the chilly October air. He pulled her to him and gave her a long kiss. By the time he stepped away, Sienna could feel herself blushing.

  “Good morning,” he said. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you, too.”

  Aaron grabbed her hand, and they headed toward campus. A canopy of trees hung over the pathway, dropping vibrantly colored leaves to the sidewalk with each gust of wind.

  “Are you busy tonight?” Aaron asked. “I was hoping to take you out on a date to celebrate.”

  “Our first official date as boyfriend and girlfriend. That sounds nice.” Sienna sighed. “But I have a date with Jared tonight.”

  “You’re going to cancel it, right?”

  “I don’t think I can. I need to tell him in person, and I’m not free until this evening.”

  Aaron looked away and nodded.

  Sienna grabbed his chin, forcing him to look at her. Someone brushed past them on the sidewalk, and she tugged Aaron onto the grass.

  “I’m with you now,” Sienna said.

  “I know.” He forced a smile. “I swear I’m not the jealous type.”

  “And we’re going on a date tomorrow with Liv and Eldon. You’re still okay with that, right?”

  “Absolutely. And I’m sorry for being jealous about Jared.”

  In class, Sienna could barely focus on Professor Callahan’s lecture. Both she and Aaron had their laptops open, but his secret smiles were beyond distracting.

  When class ended, Aaron asked, “Where are you headed now?”

  “The music hall. I have three classes there. Then I’ll snag a practice room for the rest of the day. I didn’t have much time to play this weekend, and it’s freaking me out.”

  “I’m done with classes at three. Can I come study in the practice room?”

  “It won’t distract you?”

  He lifted her hand to his lips and brushed a kiss along her knuckles. “Not any worse than studying away from you.”

  Sienna blushed. “I’ll text you which room I’m in.”

  “Sounds great. See you in a few hours.”

  Sienna watched Aaron walk away, the long lines of his body making her sigh. Somehow, they would make this relationship work.

  She got in a good three hours of practice before Aaron arrived. He slipped quietly into the room, making sure the door didn’t slam shut. She paused, her hands hovering over the keys as he leaned down and kissed her.


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