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Page 7


  “Maria, what’s this? Why didn’t the delivery men place the furniture where you wanted it placed? Juan asked

  “It’s my fault,” she began to cry, “I didn’t feel comfortable with them in the house so I stayed near the front door. I guess that was silly of me.”

  “No, not at all when you feel something there usually a reason. I’m glad you were cautious.” Juan told her as he wiped the tears from her cheeks with his shirt sleeve. In a short while Juan had the furniture place around the room. They were ready for their son to come home.


  Ella stood back looking at the hard work she and Juan put into her new flower shop. Juan made the two work tables with a Formica top on each and he finished with the shelving and painted everything. Ella ordered a front counter with a nice display case for the costume jewelry she planned to sale. She called in a refrigeration man to set up the cooler box. Everything was picture perfect except for the back room. There was lost of work to be done in the back room but that could happen as time permitted. Right now Ella needed to purchase merchandise. The San Francisco Gift Show would be in a couple weeks and she planned to attend.

  Meanwhile, she visited the local flower vendors setting up accounts. The flower trucks would be dropping in on Ella three times a week. The wholesale floral supply store was conveniently located in Baker. Their delivery truck makes a weekly delivery. Coopersville was centrally located making it convenient for a flower shop. By weeks end Ella had her accounts set up and suppliers ready to start with their deliveries.

  She placed an ad in the local paper in need of a floral designer. First day she received a few calls. She set up appointments and began interviewing the next day. She didn’t interview anyone she thought would be good for the shop.

  A large woman with red hair abruptly walked in the store. She didn’t have an appointment.

  “Do you have an appointment for an interview?” Ella asked the big woman with the red hair.

  “Nope! I need a job and I’m a damn good designer. I recently moved to Coopersville from Los Angeles to be near my kids. Their grown, pa flew the coop years ago. No need for me to be alone.”

  She seemed to tell her life history in one big breath.

  “I don’t have flowers for you to show me you’re designing talent.” Ella told her.

  “Aint no need, I have pictures.” She said as she pulled a scrap book of floral design awards from her oversized purse.

  “My, my you are very talented.” Ella said with her mouth dropping open.

  “I’m good and I’m anxious to go to work.” Alicia said.

  “You’re hired.” Before Ella could catch the words were flying out of her mouth.

  Alicia was rough around the edges and Ella was sure she had a foul mouth but maybe she could tame her a little. Anyway, she’s got spunk. Ella likes a woman with an opinion.

  They discussed salary and work hours. Ella tried to throw in some work ethics.

  “Ella, you don’t have to worry about my mouth. I know how to conduct myself in front of customers.” Alicia told her as she strutted across the floor.

  “Good Alicia, I know you’ve been around the block a few times.” Ella told her.

  “Honey, I’ve been around more than one block. Alicia told her with a big heehaw laugh. “You’re gonna need someone to take care of the front. I’m a designer, not a sales person. And don’t get some young chick that only wants to talk on the phone.” Alicia told her.

  The way Alicia was giving orders you would think she owned the place.

  “You’re right. I’ll find someone good with the public, someone that can help us out in the back room. Someone that doesn’t mind getting their hands dirty.” Ella said.

  Ella interviewed a few ladies to work the front of the shop and wasn’t happy with any of them. One morning she noticed a woman standing at the front window of the store looking at the ‘help wanted’ sign. The young lady put her shoulders back and proceeded to march into the store.

  “Hello, I’m Susan Mills. I saw your help wanted sign in the window. I need a job. I don’t know much about flowers but I can learn. I’ve been in sales for years.” The young lady told Ella crossing her arms as she stepped back.

  She certainly has a nice presence about her. Ella thought and a welcoming smile with friendly eyes. What more could she ask for.

  Ella talked with Susan Mills and the more they talked the more she realized this woman was genuine. A true soul in need of a job. Susan and her husband Ron moved here a few months back. They rented a house on Fifth Street when they first arrived in town but soon they couldn’t pay the rent.

  “We were practically on the street when Ron met a man and he offered his assistance.” Susan told her. “Our church family helped us with bringing food over.” Ella knew she couldn’t take on another family but she could give Susan a job.

  They discussed the salary and what was expected of her. Ella had the crew put together except for a delivery guy. She mentioned to Susan she needed a delivery person.

  “My husband would make a good delivery person and he certainly needs a job.” Susan told Ella.

  “Ask him to come by this afternoon and I will talk with him.” Ella told Susan as she showed her to the door.

  “Work won’t start for a couple weeks. Will you be okay until then?” Ella asked.

  “I think so, we can manage. Susan told her closing the door behind as she made her way home to give her husband the good news.

  Ella asked Alicia and Susan to accompany her to San Francisco for a weekend of buying at the wholesale gift show. A semi annual event for retail stores to view and order merchandise. The each accepted the offer after Ella assured them the weekend was on her. They took the station wagon to San Francisco. There would be many things Ella could bring back for the store. Although most items would be shipped. “Be sure you wear good walking shoes.” Ella warned the ladies. “There will be a lot of walking for two full days.”

  Ella and the ladies arrived at their downtown hotel in the early evening. They shared a suite with two beds and a fold out sofa. Ella threw her luggage on the sofa and told the ladies to pick out a bed.

  Susan spoke up, “Oh no, I’ll take the sofa you sleep on the bed,”

  “Nonsense, the sofa will work just fine for me.” Ella told her as she plopped down bouncing on the sofa.

  “You don’t have to offer the bed twice to me. I’ll take the bed. I’m older than you ladies and need the rest.” Alicia gave out a deep loud heehaw laugh.

  “Whatever you say.” Susan agreed.

  “Let’s get unpacked and then get some dinner, I’m famished. Ella told them.

  “I’m so hungry I can feel my ribs.” Alicia said as she rubbed the bulge hanging over her tight pants.

  “You are quite the lady, Alicia. Ella laughed.

  The ladies located a restaurant in the hotel. Ella ordered a Caesar Salad, Susan ordered a hamburger and for Alicia, she order a full course meal. Alicia is not bashful she says it like she sees it. Ella learned a lot about the ladies as the weekend unfolded. She hired two very different personalities but each had their positive points. Ella formed a good team she thought to herself.

  At many of the vendor’s displays, Ella purchased and the ladies filled their arms with merchandise, they made several trips to the room as the day of shopping progressed. Alicia gave Ella good ideas on vases and other items for the floral designing. Susan didn’t know much about floral supplies but had a good e ye for costume jewelry. Most of the purchases would be delivered to the store. Ella didn’t thing the merchandise would arrive for a couple weeks but most of the vendors told her they would ship on the following Monday.

  Monday morning after a good breakfast the ladies packed their bags. Ella called for a couple of bellhops and two carriers.

  There was a knock at the door. Alicia greeted the bell hops with, “Boys you’ve got your work cut out for you.”

  The room was full of boxes. The two young men looked stunn

  “You want us to carry all this stuff to your car?” He said looking over to his work partner.

  “That’s right start with the big boxes.” Alicia ordered them.

  As they pulled their carts closer to the boxes Ella walked from the bathroom.

  “Gentlemen,” she said, “you will be well paid. It’s too much for us ladies. We’ve been shopping all weekend.” Ella said pointing to Alicia, “She has blisters on her feet.”

  “Ella, I can carry my bag.” Susan said.

  “That’s not necessary these young men will take care of everything.” Ella told her.

  The young men started stacking the boxes as high as possible and made several trips to the parking garage. The station wagon was full including the back seat. All three of them had to set in the front seat. Good thing Ella had a bench seat. Susan fastened her seat belt and Alicia tried to buckle her belt.

  “It aint gonna buckle.” Alicia told the ladies.

  “Let’s start over. Susan you unbuckle, now Susan you buckle Alicia.”

  Alicia pulled the belt out as far as possible. Susan pushed until she heard a snap.

  “There that wasn’t so bad.” Alicia said as she twisted herself around and breathed out. Susan twisted and turned squishing Alicia she finally got her belt buckled. Ella seated herself behind the steering wheel, pulled her belt over her shoulder and lifted her left butt cheek. She pushed on the belt latch finally she heard a snap.

  The ladies cheered and Alicia announced she needed to pee before heading down the road.

  “What!” Ella screamed.

  “Just joking.” Alicia said as she gave out her heehaw laugh.

  The ladies were packed in for a long drive back to Coopersville. They sang oldies, told jokes and laughed as they drove down the highway.

  When they arrived at the store Juan and Ron were waiting at the front steps.

  “We thought you guys would have a lot to unload so we’ve been sitting around here getting acquainted.” Juan told Ella as he headed for the car.

  Ella and the team unloaded the boxes setting them in the shop.

  “Well, everyone thank you for all your help.’ Ella said.

  “Ella,” Susan said, “I had a great weekend. It was sure a lot of fun and a lot of work. I’m glad we all three got to know each other.”

  Alicia spoke up. “I can’t say the same but I can say you are some kinda shopper. Okay, I had a blast.” Alicia said with her heehaw laugh.

  “Can everyone be here tomorrow morning at nine sharp?” Ella asked.

  Everyone nodded their head and started toward the front door. Juan got in his red truck; Alicia threw her baggage in her big sedan and headed out. Ron and Susan started to walk off. Ron was carrying Susan’s luggage.

  “Ron, did you and Susan walk here?” Ella asked.

  “Yes, Ella we don’t have a vehicle but our place is just down the street.”

  “Hop in I will drop you off.” Ella told them.

  Ron placed Susan’s bag in the back seat. Opened the front passenger helped Susan in and hopped in the back seat with the luggage. Ella drove down Main Street. Ron pointed to an old apartment building. It looked as if it could fall down with a big gust of wind.

  “That’s were we live, you can drop us here.” Ella stopped the car.

  They piled out of the station wagon, Ron retrieved Susan’s bag and they waved good-by.

  “You want me to pick you up in the morning?” Ella asked.

  “No, that’s not necessary it will do us good to walk. Thank you, Ella.” they said in unison.

  Juan was opening the kitchen door just as Ella drove up the drive.

  “I beat you home.” Juan laughed.

  “Yes, you did but young man you have to study this booklet and get your driver’s license before you drive that truck much.” Ella told him in a matter of fact tone.

  “That I will do,” Juan said in agreement.

  “And Maria also needs to study and get her license. There will be times she will need to drive such as taking Jose for his doctor’s visits or to the market.” Ella told him.

  “We will study tonight around the fireplace. Maria is pretty smart and I can learn pretty fast.” Juan assured Ella.

  Maria knew Ella had been on the road and would be tired and hungry when she arrived home. She had a nice Mexican dinner of enchiladas, refried beans and rice prepared. The aroma from Maria’s cooking lingered throughout the house and out to the breezeway.

  “Juan, we must get in the house, dinner is calling us.” She laughed rubbing her tummy.

  Soon after dinner Maria and Juan cleaned the kitchen and were off to see Jose. Ella stopped them and reminded them Juan should not be driving without his driver’s license.

  “I’ll take you tonight but I want you to study when you get home and tomorrow afternoon I will take you for your test. Maria if you’re not ready I will take Juan and you can get your license later.” Ella told Maria.

  “That’s okay Ms. Ella we will both be ready to take the test tomorrow afternoon.”

  As Ella drove out of the drive she noticed a car a short distance parked down the road. The car kept his distance but followed them to the hospital. As she pulled into the hospital parking lot she looked in her rear view mirror to see the blue sedan pass. Ella knew she was being watched but didn’t know why.

  Juan and Maria made a game of studying the booklet. As if they had studied together before. By the next afternoon they had it down. Ella took them to the DMV and waited outside on a park bench as they each took the written test. Both came out with smiles saying they passed the written test with a 100%.

  “Now, we have to drive for the man.” Juan told Ella.

  Juan went first and came back with a big toothy grin.

  “I’m a licensed driver. Juan said jumping up and down.

  “I’m nervous Ms. Ella, Maria said.

  “Now, don’t you worry Maria you’re pretty and they rarely fail the pretty one’s.” Ella laughed.

  “Go ahead Maria you’ll do fine.” Juan assured her.

  As Maria drove out the drive she looked nervous. Her hands were white from holding so tight to the steering heel. In a short time she drove back into the designated parking place for the test cars. She got out of the car and the gentleman handed her a paper.

  She sheepishly look at us and, yelled “I passed, I passed, I passed!”


  Agent Harris, pushed his chair back rose up from his desk and abruptly walked past Agent Parker’s office.

  Agent Parker came running out of his office asking, “Where you going?”

  “I don’t know I just feel like there’s something out there we are missing. I’m going to drive around town.”

  “Okay, if I go with you?” Agent Parker asked.

  “Not a problem, four eyes are better that two.” Agent Harris laughed.

  They drove up and down the streets. As they drove past the house on Fifth Street Agent Harris noticed a couple of window shades were up.

  “They got passed us last night.” Agent Harris said in amazement. “How did that happen? I’ve had the place staked out for days. I know we are not perfect but somebody dropped the ball.” Agent Harris noted. “Let me know who was on stake out last night. We may have a turncoat in our agency.” Agent Harris said.

  Agent Harris pulled to the curb each stepping out of the car. Agent Harris walked to the front door. Agent Parker covered the back door. Agent Harris repeatedly rang the door bell. The house was quiet.

  “Something is wrong.” Agent Harris relayed to Agent Sam. “We need to get a search warrant before we go busting in here.”

  They made their way downtown which was a few blocks to the district attorney’s office and was issued a search warrant.

  Agent Harris with his team of agents surrounded the house. Sheriff Brady was informed of the bust; a few of his deputies were there to assist the FBI. After knocking a few times, Agent Harris ordered his agents to knock down the
door. With a large 6 x 6 beam they literally swung into action. The agents scurried in as the door f䥄啎"ang open. The house was vacant, totally trashed with food wrappers, soiled clothes, drug paraphernalia, and cigarette butts rubbed out on the carpet and blood stains throughout the house. Shoes were piled in a closet. The Coyotes slipped away in the dark of the night.

  Agent Harris kept quiet. He knew someone had informed the Coyote’s of their planned bust but who would the turncoat be? He didn’t know where the men were taken but he knew they were in danger of being murdered.

  “I feel we let the poor Mexican men down.” Their lives aren’t worth two cents now that they have left the drop-house. They probably already met a shallow grave in the desert.”

  Agent Harris said shaking his head as he walked off disappointed he let them down. Why? He thought are they always a step ahead of him.

  “We need to search the desert on the outskirts of town. They won’t take them far on the main road in fear of being pulled over.” Agent Harris gave orders.

  The agents spread out over a twenty mile radius taking every dirt road they came upon. Agent Walters and Agent Nader were canvassing the northeast corner as the sun was dropping behind the mountain range. A couple miles off the main road they took off on a narrow sparsely graveled road which almost immediately turned to packed sand. The agents noticed tire tracks; they knew a vehicle had recently been over the road. The desert winds erase tracks soon after they are laid. With the high winds they had earlier in the day it was obvious the tracks were fresh.

  “Payday if we can get to the Mexicans before they are murdered.” Agent Nader said as he turned down the road.

  They radioed Agent Harris and back up were on the way. They shut the engine off and waited. Agents soon were placed strategically around the building and the white van.

  “We need to check the van before we enter the shack.” Agent Harris said.

  With an agent at every opening they jerked the van doors open. There lay or sat a dozen Mexican men with hands tied and bloody. Bloody from being tied so tight the ropes were cutting into their wrists. Their feet were scabbed over from being sliced at the on set of their kidnapping.


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