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Page 9


  Pushing the tears on her face from side to side with the back of her hand. Ella said, “I guess I’m not as strong as I pretend to be.”

  “Weeping for the people you love and memories flooding your thoughts is not a sign of weakness.” Frank told her. “It’s a natural reaction of emotions. Some weep, some withdraw, everyone has a way of dealing with death.” Frank calmly explained.

  “Frank, you always know what to say.” Ella smiled at Frank as he offered his handkerchief. She wiped the tears from her face, blew her nose and stuffed the wet handkerchief in her already overstuffed purse.

  Ella scanned the living room looking at pictures of her family. Her dad, her mom and many photos of herself prominently displayed on the mantel. The pictures take us back in time.

  “I wish I had those days back.” She told Frank as she made her way to the formal dining room.

  “We can’t have days back but we can look to the future and enjoy the days ahead of us.” Frank assured her.

  Ella opened the bureau drawer and took out a beautiful crocheted table cloth.

  “My Mom made this when I was child. Smell.” she said as she put it to Franks face. Then c䥄啎"atching it to her chest she buried her face taking a deep breath she smelled the fragrance of her mother.

  “I’m taking this home with me. It’s a part of mom I can have with me forever.” she told Frank.

  “Are you planning on taking many of the items home with you?” Frank asked Ella.

  “No, just a few things.” I want to have Mom and Dad close to me. With a few mementoes I can think of them often.” Ella told Frank.

  “I plan to leave everything just as it is. Someday I may want to live here. I don’t know where my future will lead me.” Ella told Frank.

  Frank gave an understanding nod and smiled with approval.

  After Ella made her way thought the house finding an ole’ pipe her dad used to chew on but rarely smoked.

  “Smell.” she coached Frank. Frank took in a big whiff filling his nostrils with the aroma of a good pipe.

  Ella was ready, now she could lock up the house and be on her way.

  As she was putting the two mementos in her car Frank suggested they have a nice dinner before he left for home. Being alone wasn’t something Ella relished and was happy for Frank to stay around. After Ella met with the attorney she and Frank dined at the local Denny’s and stayed talking in a private booth in the corner for hours. Frank noticed the late hour and told Ella he should be on his way home.

  They drove back to the hotel where Frank walked Ella to her room. She unlocked the door turned to face Frank and looked into his deep brown eyes. Their eyes met and their lips touched as his arms surrounded Ella holding her ever so close. They stepped into the room closed the door behind them. Words were not in order. They slowly walked toward the big bed. Frank began to unbutton Ella’s blouse and ran his hands across her round full breasts. His hands slid over her shoulders and down her arms shedding the blouse from her body. Frank unhooked her bra and released her 䥄啎"ash breasts. Ella pulled Franks shirt over his head. His muscles glowed in the dimly lit room. She ran her soft fingers across his chest and around to his back. Frank unlatched Ella’s slacks and they fell to the floor. As Ella stepped out of her slacks he laid her on the bed. Ella scooted to the middle of the bed as Frank stepped out of his pants and lay over Ella kissing and stroking her body. They made passionate love enjoying every satisfying moment.

  Frank rolled to his back as he put his interlocked fingers behind his head imprinting the pillow. Ella pushed her hair from her face, curled up on her side and laid her head on his wet chest.

  Frank woke early that morning. Quietly he showered and wrapped a towel around his waist he gently laid across the bed using Ella’s stomach for a pillow. Ella twisted, turned and moaned.

  “Oh,” she said, “You want more?” Laughing as she pulled the covers over his head. They played and giggled as if it were their first time.

  Check out time was near. Ella had an appointment with Attorney Jenkins at one. She clipped her hair on top her head and stepped into the shower. Frank had already adjusted the water temperature and flow for her. She lathered up as Frank watched the shadows of her beautiful graceful body moving through the obscured glass door. As she turned the water off Frank grabbed a towel and wrapped her in it as she stepped out. He dried her slim tantalizing body. They both wanted more but time didn’t allow. Ella dressed and brushed her hair back in a pony tail. Frank grabbed her 䥄啎"aggage and glanced around the room.

  “It seems we have everything even the memories.” He told Ella with a grin as he closed the door behind them.

  In their marriage Frank and Ella didn’t have a problem with their sex life. The problem was Ella. Ella’s heart was somewhere else and Frank realized he could never make her happy.

  Frank kissed Ella through the open station wagon window. “I think it’s time you get a new car.” He told her.

  “Someday.” She laughed as she drove off. Ella looked in her mirror to see Frank in his sports car making a U-turn heading north. Again out of her life.

  The sun shined in Ella’s eyes as she drove to Mr. Jenkins office. I’m glad I’ll be driving toward the east this afternoon on my way home. This bright sun almost blinds me, she thought.

  Mr. Jenkins office was on the third floor. Ella looked at Mr. Jenkins card reading room 315. She noticed the room number directions on the wall and headed to the right as the arrow pointed. She stopped in front of Room 315 adjusted her purse on her shoulder. As Ella opened the door it creaked. At the front desk sat a brunette with her hair pulled back in a pony tail. She giggled as the door creaked when Ella shut it.

  “That door is my alarm system. If I’m in the back room when someone comes in I can hear the door squeak.” She said as she chewed on her Juicy Fruit gum.

  Ella knew from the fragrance that filled the room it was Juicy Fruit. Ella’s favorite chewing gum as a young girl.

  “Do you wanna see Mr. Jenkins?” the young lady asked.

  “Yes, I have an appointment at one today.” Ella informed the disorganized receptionist.

  “Oh, there it is right here at the top of my appointment calendar.” She told Ella.

  “You’re the Smith lady. Mr. Jenkins, she as she pushed on the intercom button.

  “Ms. Smith is here.” She told him.

  “Send her in.” Mr. Jenkins requested.

  “Go right through those swinging doors and turn to the right and through the first door.” she told Ella.

  Ella was a little put out at the not so professional way she was treated. I will get this taken care of and out of here, she thought.

  Mr. Jenkins politely stood up and shook Ella’s hand.

  “Have a seat, ma’am.” he told Ella. “That’s my granddaughter in the front office. Please excuse her she isn’t very professional but we are trying to teach her to take care of the front office. Her mother ran off with some looser and left her with us. Our son works out of town and we pretty much are raising her. Enough of that I just needed to make an excuse for her.”

  “Ms. Smith,’ he began. “You are the only heir to your parent’s estate. Your father made all the arrangements before his untimely death. You have been getting a monthly check from your trust fund for years. Now, the entire estate is yours. Your father’s law office in San Francisco is in charge of everything. I’m the messenger. Your parents were very wealthy; your father has stock in many of the major companies in the country. Mr. Blair has been handling your parents stocks for many years. You have inherited millions.” Mr. Jenkins informed her.

  “What!” she exclaimed. “I knew my dad left mom and me with enough but I never thought millions.” Ella said almost out of breath. “What do you mean by millions?” Ella asked.

  “I can’t give you an exact figure but it’s well over fifty million.” Ella lay back in the chair trying to catch her breath.

  “Can I get you a glass of water?” He asked as he fanned

  “That would be nice.” She thankfully said. Ella grabbed the glass with both hands. Her hands shaking so bad water splashed over the rim.

  Mr. Jenkins had everything in order. Ella signed a few documents and Mr. Jenkins handed her a packet.

  “All your accounts with the account numbers are in this packet. I suggest you retain an attorney in your area to help you with your finances.” He told her.

  “Have you been paid for your service Mr. Jenkins?” Ella asked.

  “Yes, everything on my part is taken care of. You will find the receipt in your packet.” he told her.

  Ella walked out of the office feeling numb. She knew her parents always gave her the finest of everything and were very charitable. In her wildest thought she never dreamed they were millionaires. Millionaire…I’m a millionaire. She thought. As she fanned herself. She remembered the cliché Maria always said. ‘If I’m dreaming, please don’t pinch me.’

  She must keep this to herself. I think I will buy a new car, maybe a sports car. No people will think I have money and I don’t want that to happen. I want my life to continue just as it is. Ella laughed to herself as she turned the radio up rocking out all the way home.


  Upon Ella’s arrival home Maria handed her a handful of messages from delivery people. Much of the merchandise she purchased in San Francisco was arriving tomorrow. Juan still had the back room to finish.

  Since the Mill’s don’t have a phone she summoned Juan to ask him to go over to the Mill’s apartment and ask if they could help tomorrow with receiving the merchandise. unpacking and stocking the shelves.

  “Juan, tell them to be there at eight sharp.”

  She called Alicia to ask her to also help.

  “You bet I’ll be there. I want my work table set up my way.” Alicia told Ella.

  “That’s fine with me.” Ella assured her.

  Ella excused herself and retired to her room early. She had much to think about and needed the rest. The past few days she had been on an emotional roller coaster. She laid her mother to rest, closed up the house, made love with her ex-husband, and to top it off she became a freakin’ millionaire. She finished with her shower, slipped on her gown and crawled in her warm bed. Oddly, she slept well. Six am came early. Ella crawled out of bed, made her way to the bathroom. Turned on the shower and brushed her teeth while she waited for the water to warm up. She stepped in the shower and let the water spray on her face. If this doesn’t wake me nothing will, she thought. Ella dried off and put on a pair of jeans; a red plaid shirt buttoned and tucked it in. Brushed her back and secured it with a barrette. Finished up with a pair of warm socks and pulled her cowboy boots on stuffing her jeans down in the boots.

  As Ella drove up to the storefront there sat Alicia on the step with a cup of coffee in her hand. Ella stepped from the car. Alicia with a loud voice b䥄啎"arted out.

  “What the hell woman! You look like a damn cowgirl. All you need is a cowboy hat.”

  Ella smiled and said, “These are my working clothes.”

  Ella found the shop keys in her overstuffed purse. She unlocked the door as a delivery truck was driving up.

  “We’ve got our work cut out for us today.” She told Alicia. About that time Ron and Susan came walking up and Juan pulled in front sporting his new red truck. The ladies started unpacking the many boxes. Laughing and talking about their trip to San Francisco. Looking over every item remembering who liked what. Ella asked to bring all the floral tools and supplies to the back room. And Susan to start thinking about how she wants to arrange the display case of costume jewelry and shelves out front.

  There was so much merchandise and supplies you could hardly get around the small store front. They opened, pushed and shoved boxes from one spot to another all day. As they progressed the boxes seemed to disappear one by one.

  The men started on building shelves in the back room. They made a trip to the lumberyard and picked up the materials they would need. The day was filled with the sound of hammers banging, power tools buzzing and boxes being ripped open.

  The refrigeration man arrived and started building the cooler box. He also delivered a free standing cooler box to display fresh flowers in the front of the shop. Many people enjoy picking an arrangement out of the cooler box and taking it with them. Others prefer to place an order they usually pick from a floral design book and have it delivered.

  Ella and her crew worked for days on getting the store ready for the opening. Juan and Ron still had work to do on the back room but there would be time to finish after the ‘Grand Opening’.

  Ella placed an announcement in the local paper inviting the town folk out for refreshments and a drawing for ‘One Hundred Dollars’ and many other gifts. She had the local printer make up some cards asking for the name, address and phone number of her guests. These cards will be used for the drawing. Not only will the guests have a chance to wind nice gifts Ella will have their name, addresses and phone number for a clientele base. Ella with a degree in business is quite the entrepreneur.

  Mark Brandon heard about the “Grand Opening’ and dropped in to see Ella.

  “You gonna run the show yourself or do you want some help?” Mark asked leaning on the counter making eyes at Ella.

  “What do you suggest?” Ella asked pushing his elbow off the counter causing him to loose his balance.

  “Well, for starters who’s gonna MC this event?” You need someone to hand out the prizes.” Mark told her.

  “I hadn’t thought of that.” she confessed.

  “Well, young lady you are looking at the best MC in town.” Mark bragged strutting around with his shoulders back causing his gut to hang over his oversized belt buckle.

  “Okay, you’re on. What’s your going rate?” Ella asked trying to be professional.

  “For you Ella maybe a dance at the Wilson’s annual barn dances.”

  “It’s a dance, I mean…a deal.” Ella said with a big smile.

  Mark soon got tired of watching people work and made his way to the door letting it slam behind him.

  Just as the door closed behind Mark. Alicia spoke up. He’s sure stuck on himself. Wonder why he doesn’t have a girlfriend.” He’s sure hitting on Ella. We better watch out for her.” Alicia told the others.

  “Don’t go staying up nights worrying abut me. I’ve run the best of them off. Can’t you tell I don’t have a man?” Ella laughed.

  Everyone went back to work. Ella inspected the front showcase and was totally amazed.

  “This display case looks fantastic Susan. You are very talented.” Ella told Susan as she glared in amazement at the case.

  “Thank you Ella.” Susan shyly said.

  This is the work of a professional, Ella thought to herself. I know professional work when I see it. As she gazed at the display case she wondered why Ron and Susan were in town. What brought them here? Why with her talent is she living in this out of the way town? She could work in the city and make good money. This was all a mystery to Ella.


  A black helicopter circled the small compound deep into Mexico. Only desert creatures, vegetation and Mexican men under the rule of the body smuggling Mexican Cartel live in this desolate God forsaken desert. A dusty road twisting and turning like a venomous snake through the desert leads to their hideout. They’ve made the run many times to the states without getting caught by the Border Patrol at the Arizona border. The Mexicans searching for a better land pay a good fee to be driven over the border and into California by way of Arizona. Some make it, others die along the way. Whether it be from dehydration or the evil hands of the mad men escorting them. The Mexicans know it may be a ride to their death or a ride to a better life. They will take the risk time and time again.

  Dust began to whirl like a small tornado as the helicopter descended to the hot desert sand. The desert was flourishing with it’s vegetation but it was hot as hell. The pilot cut the engine off, the blades began to slow. Me
xican men rolled out a red carpet for the cartel leader and his body guards to exit the helicopter and walk to the shack. A tall slim man sporting a white suit with a wide brimmed hat stepped from the helicopter holding his hat keeping it from flying into the blowing dust with his body guards surrounding him.

  “Good to see you Senor.” The men on the ground said in unison. This ass hole didn’t even give the men a half ass nod. He walked straight ahead never turning to see the men that were so eager to greet him. He entered a small building and sat down at a large desk, removed his hat revealing his grey temples. Fanning palm leaves cooled him. One man wiped his brow as if her were an emperor. With the flick of a servants lighter the arrogant bastard put fire to his cigar. Puffing and chewing on its end and rolling it from side to side between his thin lips. He leaned back in his high back leather chair flicking the ashes on the floor.

  The man in white began to speak, there was total silence. You could hear a pin drop as he cracked his knuckles.

  “What’s this I hear some of our hostages have escaped?” The Cartel leader said in a demanding voice.

  “Two of our men are in jail in Baker. No one contact them. Let them rot in hell. They were careless leaving only Manuel outside the shack to keep watch. Stupid Mexicans.” he said in disgust.

  “This Agent Harris is closing in on us. If I get many bad reports on him the sucker will find himself in a shallow grave in the desert. For the time being Manuel will keep an eye on him. Agent Harris is a stupid ‘son of a bitch’. Even stupid Manuel pulled the wool over his eyes when they were captured. Manuel pretended he was a hostage and they bought it. Now he’s working as an informant for the FBI. This means we have someone else on the inside that can help us keep ahead of the agents. We’ll keep them running in circles as we’ve done for many years. We’ve got some of the town people in our pocket and they aren’t gonna spill their guts. They know talking will get them a shallow grave.” Cracking his knuckles as he continued. “We set up another drop house in Coopersville. Manuel rented it from an old lady. Luckily he didn’t need to give the old lady any information. Seems she just wanted to bring in some extra money and had this old vacant house.” The man dressed in white told them.


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