Home > Other > THE BLUE STALKER > Page 14


  “You are so beautiful.” He whispered in her ear as he pushed her hair to the side with his forefinger gently running his fingers through her hair. Frank unbuttoned Ella’s jeans and ran his hands around her waist to her back slid her jeans off her ass as he gently squeezed her butt cheeks. Frank picked her up and laid her on the bed sliding her jeans off. Ella pulled Frank to the edge of the bed unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them to his knees. He stepped out of his jeans one leg at a time. Frank crawled on top of Ella his hands pressing down on each side of her shoulders leaving a hand imprint in the soft bed.

  They lay side by side neither saying a word. Enjoying the moment with total abandon.

  Ella made her way to the bathroom turning the shower water on as she pulled her hair on top her head fastening it with a clip, to keep it from getting wet in the shower. She lathered up and just as quickly rinsed off. Frank followed her lead. She wrapped a towel around her slim body and patted herself dry. She caught a whiff of her fragrance on the night shirt as she pulled it across her face. Smiling she thought he hasn’t washed this shirt since I left.

  Ella admired Franks masculine physique from across the room. He took care of his body with his daily exercise routine.

  Frank put on pajama bottoms and they began to discuss the situation she was in.

  Frank began, “I talked with my dad and he told me to call FBI headquarters in LA. Dad said they would direct us to the agent in charge of the Coopersville area.” he told Ella.

  “Okay, I understand.” Setting Indian style she pulled a pillow up to her chest.

  “I called the FBI in Los Angeles they put me in touch with Agent Parker. He’s been with the agency for over twenty years.”

  “Have you talked with him?”

  “Yes, and he was glad to hear the information. He asked how I knew about the situation. I told him I had to keep it confidential. Thankfully, he understood. He wanted to know why I hadn’t reported it to the Sheriff. I told him there were two people missing in town and as far as I knew the sheriff didn’t put out a missing person report.”

  “That’s good, that’s good. Ella repeated herself. “What’s he planning to do ?” Ella asked.

  “His agents will stake out the house and watch the comings and goings of the people before busting the drop-house. They are hoping the leader will show up. If they start to load the Mexican men in the van the agents will go in on them.”

  “What about the poor men being tortured in that house?”

  “He’s very concerned and wants to act as soon as possible. He told me the men will not be killed. They need to keep them alive until they receive the ransom money from the families.” Frank said Agent Parker told him.

  “Okay, I think I’ve done all I can do to help these men.” Ella told Frank.

  “I’m going to stay around a few days and see if anything happens. Maybe snoop around town talking with the town folk. You never know what people will tell a stranger.”

  “Thanks Frank for helping me. I feel much better now.” Ella said as she wrapped her arms around Franks firm body.

  Ella slipped out of her nightshirt and put her clothes on.

  “You sure you don’t want to spend the night?” He asked with that boy twinkle in his eyes.

  “I can’t, I have a big day ahead of me tomorrow. The Grand opening is next Friday and there’s still lots to do.”

  Frank walked Ella to her car. Ella locked the passenger side doors and rolled her window down. Frank leaned into the car and gave her a nice kiss back up waving good-bye.

  The hotel was on the opposite side of town from Ella’s home. It was a nice fall evening. Ella drove toward the lodge home. As Ella drove down Main Street, she thought, this street needs better lighting. I’m going to complain at the next and my first city council meeting. She chuckled to herself.

  Ella was deep in thought she didn’t notice the large car following her. As she drove out of town she noticed car lights behind her. Turning off the main road into her drive she looked in her rear view mirror and saw the blue sedan pass.

  “Am I being too suspicious of everything?” She said to the night. Cutting the lights she parked in the half circle and used the front door. If someone was at the end of the drive they couldn’t see her enter the front door. Ella was so nervous she dropped her keys and frantically search for them among the leaves on the step.

  “Dang,” she said, “Where are my keys?” About that time her finger caught on the key ring. She grabbed the keys unlocked the door and entered her safe haven.


  Ella was glad the refrigeration service man finished up yesterday. Perfect timing for the fresh flowers Tony would be delivering today.

  Ella had much to do and felt like she needed to concentrate on her personal business. Frank had put the FBI on to the drop-house and she was sure they would take care of everything.

  A knock at the back door and in walked the flower delivery man.

  “Good morning ladies and gentlemen.” Tony greeted as he walked in with his arms loaded down with bundles of fresh flowers wrapped in newspaper. The fragrance of flowers followed Tony into the shop.

  “Finally,” Ella said, “this place smells like a flower shop.”

  The guys helped Tony carry the flowers in as Ella took inventory marking off each item as they came through the door.

  There were so many green plants. Ella looked at the plants and was amazed at the healthy condition they were in. There were many plants Ella didn’t recognize but she bought a book with pictures and names of plants and their care.

  The room was filled with fresh flower. Their fragrance permeating the shop.

  Alicia spoke up, “Okay everyone listen, all these flowers need to be processed and no better time than the present for everyone to learn.”

  Alicia showed them how to mix the preservative in the buckets of tepid water. Then how to strip the leaves from the lower stems, how to cut the stems at an angle, and how to strip the thorns from the roses. There were a few, “dang, I pricked my finger,” coming from the crew. But soon everyone was in a routine and before long the flowers were all drinking up the water. After the flowers drank for a while they were given a home in the cooler box.

  After Alicia’s on the job training Ella joined in.

  “Everyone listen up.” Ella began for the first time running a flower shop. Ron, Susan and Juan you will be cleaning and dressing the green plants.”

  “Ella, I don’t know how to dress a plant. What do you mean, dress a plant?” Susan asked.

  “Ella you’re gonna have a job training all these people. But I’ve got faith you can do it.”

  Alicia chuckled in the background.

  “I will show you. It’s actually very easy after you get the hang of it.” Ella assured everyone.

  Ella took the three aside and showed them how to clean the green plants. The guys got stated on cleaning the plants.

  “Alicia, you and I…” Ella stopped in mid sentence as Alicia spoke over her.

  “I’m one step ahead of you honey.” Alicia said pushing a piece of foam in a designer bowl she previously cut.

  “Susan, I’m going to teach you how to make a bow.” Ella said while rolling a long piece of ribbon from it’s spool.

  Ella showed Susan how to hold the ribbon. Susan tried over and over to hold the ribbon between her forefinger and thumb. Dropping it again and again.

  “You’ll catch on soon.” Ella laughed.

  “I don’t know Ella my fingers are already sore.” Susan said holding up her thumb and forefinger both with blisters.

  Alicia gave out her hardy hew haw laugh. “Girl, you’ll catch on and be the best bow maker around. Take a roll of ribbon home with you tonight and practice. By tomorrow you’ll not only come to work with band-aids on your fingers you will know how to make a bow.” Alicia assured her.

  “Susan drop the ribbon and I will teach you how to dress a plant.” Ella told her pulling a roll of colored foil from the work table

  “First you clean the plants. Then cut the foil to fit and wrap the foil around the pot, like this. Ella cut a piece of ribbon long enough to go around the pot and tucked it in the front holding the foil in place.

  “That doesn’t seem so hard.” Susan said as she set a potted plant on her table, cut the foil, cut the ribbon and efficiently secured the ribbon to the front of the pot.

  “Susan you are a natural.” Alicia told her giving her a wink.

  Alicia and Ella began making beautiful floral arrangements. Alicia and Ella’s designs are different but both are very good. Ella took a class in floral design while she was in college. She learned the care and design of fresh flowers. Alicia learned her designing techniques from a lady in Los Angeles. She started working at the flower shop when she was sixteen doing some of the delivery and cleaning. Soon she was designing floral arrangement and competing in the local and state floral design shows.

  Ella asked Susan to place the green plants around the shop. Susan was the official merchandiser for the shop. Susan strategically placed the plants to compliment the shop. Tomorrow the bows would be added to the plants.

  Susan displayed vases, beautiful ceramic container and many other gift items through out the shop. She make a window display that could be seen in any big town flower shop.

  Everyone worked all day. Each doing their on thing. It seemed everyone and everything fell into place. Ella’s crew seemed to run like a well oiled machine.

  Ella kept her mind busy. Trying not to think about the men in the drop-house. At the end of day everyone was totally exhausted.

  “Let’s call it a day.” Ella announced.

  “Juan, if you will take Ron and Susan home that would be nice.” Ella told him. “And let Maria know I won’t be home for dinner.”

  Frank was expecting Ella at the hotel after work. There was a knock at the door and Frank opened the door to a tired looking but beautiful woman. He gave her a kiss. Ella started stripping her sweaty clothes from her slim body as she made her way to the shower.

  “Hey lady, where are you going?” Frank teased pulling Ella back to his arms for one more kiss.

  “To the shower, where’s my night shirt?” She said as one foot was entering the shower.

  “You won’t be needing a night shirt.” Frank said pulling his trousers off hopping all the way to the shower.

  Ella was already wet when Frank joined her in the shower.

  “Just what are you doing, Mr. smith?” Ella said splashing water in his face giggling.

  “Well Ms. Smith, I’m taking a shower with a beautiful woman.” He said moving in behind her wrapping his arms around her soft body and holding her soft body. Frank

  lathered the soap in his hands and massaged Ella’s body. Ella loved the feel of Franks hands on her body. Ella squinted her eyes as the water hit her face allowing the water to rinse the soap from her body. Frank rinsed off.

  Frank pulled the shower curtain to the side and took a towel from the towel bar. He wrapped it around Ella as she stepped out of the shower. She gathered a towel in her hand and wrapped his waist in sarong style.

  Ella put on the night shirt as Frank called for pizza and ordered a large combination to be delivered to the room with two cola’s.

  “You remembered my favorite.” Ella said as she hopped in the middle of the bed setting with her legs crossed Indian style.

  “I remember everything about you.” Frank said with a loving grin.

  “Come here.” Ella said as she stretched her arms out to hold him.

  “You are so good to me. How could I have divorced you?” Ella said as they kissed.

  A knock at the door broke the pleasure of their passionate kissing. Frank quickly put his pants on and was buttoning them when he opened the door.

  “Pizza delivery.” The young man yelled.

  The delivery guy handed Frank a bill as he set the pizza and drinks on the table. Frank looked at the bill, pulled money from his wallet and said. “Keep the change.”

  “Wow! Thank you sir.” The young man said looking at the money in his hand.

  Frank closed the door shutting out the night. Leaving him with the woman he loved.

  Frank and Ella talked for hours about the drop-house and all the activities that had taken place. Frank assured Ella the FBI were in total control of the situation and for her to stop worrying about it.

  “I need to go home tomorrow.”

  “Oh, I thought you might be around for a few days.” Ella said as she walked her fingers up his chest taking his chin in her hand and placed a kiss on his lips.

  “I’d like to stay longer but they are needing back at the office and…” He suddenly stopped in mid sentence.

  “And what?’ Ella asked with a puzzled look on her face.

  “I’m having Thanksgiving dinner with Linda and I’ll be meeting her parents for the first time.” Frank said looking away from the woman he was still in love with.

  “That’s okay, I understand. I need to realize you’ve gone on with your life.” Ella said as her heart melted at the thought of Frank loving someone else.

  Time flew by and before they knew it the midnight hour was upon them.

  “I have to get home.” Ella said as she put her dirty clothes back on.

  “I smell like a bouquet of flowers.” She laughed rubbing her nose against the sleeve of her shirt.

  Frank walked her to her station wagon. Waving good by as she drove out of the parking lot. Ella didn’t notice the blue sedan parked a few spaces over. She waved to Frank and made her way across town.

  The streets were dim as she drove through town. We must get something done about this dimly lit Main Street. If I ever get time I’m going to a city council meeting and suggest the city spend some money on brightening the place up. Ella thought as she made her way through town into the country with her blue sedan escort not far behind.


  Saturday morning came early. Ella wished she’d gotten more sleep but as they say, hind sight is twenty-twenty. Ella thought as she laughed to herself.

  The aroma of bacon frying in the kitchen permeated the house.

  “Hey, Maria you cooking enough for a hungry girl?” Pouring herself a cup of coffee.

  “Of course, Ms. Ella there’s always plenty for you. I usually cook a little extra. I can always have leftovers for lunch.”

  Ella made her way to the kitchen to find Jose setting in his carrier on the table and Maria finishing up with breakfast.

  “Where’s Juan?” Ella asked.

  “He left early, he said there was a lot to be done at the shop.” Maria told Ella.

  “He’s got that right.” Ella said with a sigh. “Once the shop is open we will be able to settle down with the construction and stocking the store. Hard work always pays off.” Ella told Maria as she fixed her plate taking food from the stove and carrying it to the table. Nibbling on a piece of bacon as she set down next to Jose.

  “You’re such a cutie pie, Jose. When are you gonna start crawling?” Ella asked as if Jose could answer.

  “Oh Ms. Ella, Jose started rolling around the room last week. I think he will be crawling soon.” Maria told Ella lifting Jose from his carrier to show Ella how he moves around on the floor.

  “Maria Jose is so very precious to all of us. I’m sorry I haven’t had much time to spend with you and Jose. My life is so busy but someday maybe we can spend a day together.” Ella told Maria as she laughed at the way Jose was squirming on the floor.

  “That’s very nice of you Ms. Ella. I don’t mind being here just me and Jose. I feel like a princess living in this nice home.”

  “You are a princess and darn good mother. I notice the way you care for Jose. He’s a lucky boy to have you for a mom.”

  “I better get outta here. There’s so much to do at the shop.” Ella told Maria as she backed her chair from the table, grabbed her purse and headed out the door.

  “Bye bye, Buddy good-bye Maria.” Ella said pul
ling the door shut with her one free hand she nibbled on a piece of bacon.

  A big truck loaded with Ella’s sign was in front of the shop when Ella arrived at the shop.

  “I can’t wait to see the sign.” Ella told the men.

  “Mr. Wright, how are you going to lift the sign?” Ella asked with a puzzled look on her face.

  “Just call me Douglas, Ma’am.” He said.

  “If I’m to call you Douglas then you must call me Ella.”

  “I’d like that, Ella that’s a good name. Ella, it’ll be.” Douglas said in agreement.

  “About lifting the sign you see the crane coming down the street? They drove in this morning from Baker just to life your sign.” Douglas said waving at the crane truck to come on down the street.

  Ella noticed people gathering around. Not just a few, there must have been a hundred or more out to watch the sign go up.

  “Look Ella.” Susan said as she came running out the shop door holding the local newspaper. “Your sign, it’s on the front page.” Susan said breathless from running across the street.

  “Who, how did anyone know it was going up today?” Ella wondered as she looked around at the towns people.

  Standing over to the side she noticed Ray Brandon leaning on a post smoking a cigar. He rolled the cigar between his thin lips as Ella approached him.

  “Well, good morning Ella.” He said with a grin tipping his hat.

  “Are you responsible for this front page article?” Ella asked with a grin shaking her head.

  “Let’s just say the people need to know you are opening soon. What better way to let them know than to have them here for the raising of the sign?” He said taking Ella’s arm walking her across the street.

  “Thanks, that was very nice of you.”

  The worker’s attached the cables and were ready for the raising of the sign. They raised the sign, bolted it down, plugged it in to the already electrical connections and removed the paper covering the lettering. The crowd roared and applauded with much enthusiasm.

  “Where did the name come from? I thought it would be Coopersville Flower Shoppe.” Susan said with a puzzled look on her face. “It will be easier for me to answer the phone with Ally’s Flower Shoppe rather than Coopersville Flower Shoppe.” Susan said.


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