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  “It’s perfect Ella told the Wrights. I love it, I absolutely couldn’t be more pleased.” She told them.

  A father and son team working well together. They were responsible for Ella’s enthusiasm.

  “It’s on a timer. The light will come on at dusk and go off at daybreak.” Douglas told Ella as he was looking at his masterpiece. “The timer is inside the front door. You can adjust it as daylight hours change.”

  “Everyone listen.” Ella yelled. The “Grand Opening’ is next Friday night and everyone is welcome. Please come and let us meet you. There will be plenty food.” Ella always had a way with people. You can bet most in the street will be at the Grand Opening.

  The crown scattered as Ella and the crew started with all the finishing touches on the shop. Ron cleaned the front windows. They were so clean they sparkled.

  Ella noticed Susan going from one plant to another. She had wrapped all the plants with a rainbow of ribbon and was attaching a big matching bow to each plant.

  “Where did all these beautiful bows come from Susan?” Ella asked.

  “I made them last night. Alicia said it would be easy after I got the hang of it. After dropping the ribbon many times I caught on and here they are.” Susan said as she pushed a wire into the soil securing another bow to a plant.

  “You didn’t have to work at home.” Ella told her.

  “There’s a lot to do here at the shop. I just wanted to get a head start on today.”

  Susan said as she was putting the last plant on a table near the display case.

  Alicia was busy making another beautiful arrangement. As she finished with her masterpiece Susan carried it to the free standing cooler box on the sales floor. Everyone work efficiently together. Ella was proud of her crew but she knew Ron and Susan wouldn’t be with her for long. They were just passing through. When they learn the where bouts of Ron’s brother and sister-in-law they would be going back home. At least that’s what Ella thinks they will do.

  Ella walked into the service cooler room and called to Alicia. Alicia we are running low on fresh flowers. I think that should be the last arrangement for the day.”

  “That doesn’t hurt my feelings. My fingers are tired and if I have to think of another design might have a brain blow out.” Alicia said as she closed her designing knife and slipped it in her tool case.

  “Heads up everyone. See this little box. It’s mine and the tools in it are mine. Don’t let me see my tools in your hands.” Alicia said as she flipped the lid shut. Everyone looked at each other and giggled.

  Ella pulled a sign from under the front counter and showed it to the crew. As she flipped the sign around it read OPEN and the other side read CLOSED. She walked to the door and hung the sign face out reading CLOSED on the hook of the front glass door.

  “It’s official, we are a business.” Ella said as the sign rocked like a pendulum.

  “I think we have everything in order for Monday’s opening. You guys have a good Sunday. Monday we will open at eight and close at five. Lunch for Ron and Susan will be from twelve thirty to one thirty. Alicia your lunch will be at eleven thirty to twelve thirty.” Ella informed them of their work schedule.

  “What about Juan doesn’t he get to take a lunch?” Alicia asked.

  “Juan doesn’t work at the shop. He takes care of my handyman needs at the shop and at home. Juan has months of work ahead of him refurbishing my home.” Ella wanted everyone to know he paid his way.

  Ella took a stack of envelopes from her money box. She called everyone by name handing each a sealed envelope.

  “This is my thank you for the many hours you’ve worked diligently helping me put this shop together. I want you to know how very much I appreciate all of you.” Ella said as she choked up. “I couldn’t have done it with out you. Let’s go home and get some rest.”

  Everyone thanked Ella, as they accepted her generosity.

  “Hey kids, hop in the old sedan with me. I’ll give you a lift home.” Alicia hollered to Ron and Susan a she made her way out the door. Juan made his way out the door behind the others.

  “Ms. Ella, are you coming?” Juan called back.

  “I’ll be right behind you.” Ella said as she looked back at the store and all they had accomplished over the past few weeks.


  The alarm rang at six am….. Monday morning already. Ella thought. I’m on a schedule. I haven’t been on a schedule since I stepped off the corporate ladder. Ella said kicking the heavy blankets off she shivered from the cold. “Brrrr, it’s cold in here.” She said aloud. The temperature must have dropped last night. Ella opened the heavy drapes to see Jack Frost had made a visit while she was sleeping. She grabbed her robe quickly making her way to the bathroom. She gave the hot water faucet in the shower a twist and held her hand under the water watching it dance on her hands until the cold watered turn to hot. She adjusted the water temperature and and quickly dropped her robe and jumped in the warm soothing water.

  Ella, slipped on a pair of jeans with a soft blue silk blouse. Again she wore black boots and a matching belt. She pulled her hair in a twist , held with a black clip. Strands of her blonde hair framed her pretty face.

  Ella heard Maria scurrying around in the kitchen. A hot breakfast sounds good on a cold morning. Ella made her way to the kitchen. Poured herself a cup of coffee. There sat Jose in his high chair, pounding on the tray with his spoon.

  “My, my you’re a happy boy this morning.” Ella tickled Jose’s feet.

  Jose giggled and squirmed reaching for Ella. Ella picked him up laid him across her shoulder.

  “Maria, everything smells so good. I’m hungry as a bear.” Ella said as she put Jose in his carrier, pulled a chair back and sat at the table. Ella put milk in her coffee and was stirring it in a figure eight motion.

  “I’m glad you’re hungry. I’ve fixed a hearty meal for your first official day of working at the shop.” Maria said as she put the food on the table covered with a white tablecloth and red napkins.

  Juan soon joined them for breakfast. They enjoyed the wonderful breakfast Maria prepared. Jose banged on his tray between each bit. Maria was pretty fast at scooping up the rice cereal for Jose but he still demanded the food to come faster.

  “Jose’s a good eater. His going to grow up to be a strong man.” Juan said as he watched Maria feed him.

  Ella stood up wiping the corner of her lips with the pretty red napkin and laid it on her plate. “Thank you for a lovely breakfast. It was very kind of you to make such a nice presentation.” Ella told Maria as she put her coat on.

  “Thank you, Ms. Ella.” Maria said smiling and feeling a sense of worthiness.

  “I’m outta here Ella said as she took the last sip of coffee. She put the cup on the counter, grabbed her purse and away she went.

  As Ella backed from the garage into the circle drive she saw the blue sedan at the end of her drive. She locked her doors as she reluctantly headed down the long drive. Before she reached the end of the drive the car sped away. Ella thought. He knows where I live, where I work and pretty much every where I go. He’s a damn stalker. I’ve got my 22 pistol and I’ll keep it close. I’ll blow his head off if he messes with me. Sure I will. I’d be shaking so bad if he ever approached me I’d probably shoot my foot. She thought.

  Ella stopped in at the printer’s and picked up her order. Bill the printer wished her much success in her new business.

  “Well, thank you sir.” Ella said as she stacked her order in her arms.

  “Here, let me help you.” Bill said as he opened the door.

  “No, thank you.” Ella replied as the door swung shut.

  When Ella drove up to the shop she decided she needed to clean out her overstuffed purse. She removed a few items and put the 22 pistol in the inside zipper pocket but didn’t zip it up. She might need to get to it in a hurry.

  Everyone arrived about the same time. Ella unlocked the front door and turned the closed sign to open. She flic
ked the lights on and everything sparkled.

  “My, my this place is beautiful. I am so proud of all we did.” Ella said as she thoughtfully placed her purse under the counter.

  Ron put on a pot of coffee and began straightening up the back room. Mainly looking for something to do.

  All were busy when Alicia spoke up. “Look up guys it is our first customer.”

  A short lady with red boy short hair stepped into the store with a beautiful basket wrapped in cellophane and tied with a nice bow.

  “Good morning.” Susan professionally greeted her.

  “I’m Margo from Margo’s Flower Shop in Pottsville.” Before she got another word out Ella was coming from the back room.

  “I’m Ella, the owner and this is Susan my merchandiser and sales person. Alicia, my designer and Ron my delivery person.” She said as she pointed to her staff.

  “We are so glad you stopped by and the basket is lovely. Thank you for being so thoughtful. I’m sure we will enjoy it.” Ella said. “May I get you a cup of coffee?”

  “No, I need to get back to the shop I just wanted to meet you and let you know if I can be of any help just call me.” She said politely.

  “I planned to get over to your shop but I’ve been so busy with getting everything ready for our opening I just neglected coming over. I’ll get over to see your shop soon.” Ella told Margo as Margo was making her way toward the door looking throughout the shop she almost fell over one of the display tables. She straightened up the plant she knocked over and made it to the door.

  The basket was filled with bagels, donuts, cream cheese, fruit and orange juice.

  “What a nice gesture.” Ella said as Alicia was going through the basket.

  “The lady knows how to make a gift basket” Alicia said with a donut halfway hanging out of her mouth. As she scrambled to fine more goodies.

  “Look, look out front.” Susan said pointing at the delivery van. “It’s beautiful, the van sign is beautiful.”

  Everyone ran out front to admire the tan van with the wording. Ally’s Flower Shoppe on each side and back.

  Doug stepped from the van. He handed Ella the key.

  “I hope this is satisfactory Ella.” He said knowing she would love it.

  “Doug, I’m totally satisfied. You did a great job.” Ella said as she admired his work.

  Mr. Wright drove up to give Doug a ride home.

  “How does it look to you?” He asked knowing she was pleased with his son’s work.

  “Your son is very talented, Douglas.” She told him as she continued to look over the sign.

  “Yeah, I’m proud of him. I wish the towns people would use Doug instead of traveling to Baker for their sign painting.”

  “With a van like this advertising his work I think he will soon be very busy.” Ella told him. “I’ll be telling everyone Doug painted my van sign and Douglas made the shop sign. Ella said with a big thank you smile.

  “Thank you Ella, we best be getting back to the shop.” Douglas said as they loaded up in the truck.

  “Ron,” Ella yelled getting Ron’s attention as she tossed the van keys his way.

  “It’s your responsibility to keep this baby clean. I prefer you don’t take it through the car wash. Eventually the car wash brushes will ruin the sign. “There’s a do it yourself car wash over on Second Street.” Ella said.

  Ron smiled as he put the keys in his pocket.

  “I’ll take good care of the van.

  “Get quarters out of my petty cash box under the counter when the van needs to be washed and leave a note with the amount you took.”

  “Well do ma’am. Ron said.

  A few people strolled through the store as the week passed. A handful of orders were purchased but it was very quiet. Alicia, Susan and Ron became very concerned.

  “Ella do you want us to go home? We aren’t doing anything and our time is going right along.” Ron said.

  “Alicia, Ron and Susan please listen to me. I don’t want you to go home. I realize it takes time for a shop to get started but believe me when people realize we are here you will work your butts off. Right now it’s slow sailing.” Ella assured them.

  The day of the ‘Grand Opening’ arrived, Ella was wondering if she ordered too much food. The crew moved a few display tables to the side of the room making space for the caterer to set up. The caterer arrived at four as scheduled and started setting up tables, covering each with white linen. There were large hot stainless steel chafing dishes for the hot food. A stack of white china plates and petite wine glasses where set up on the counter.

  Everyone went home to get ready for the gala affair. Alicia arrived looking very nice in a pair of black slacks and a green floral top flowing past her ample hips and a pair of black high heels. Alicia cleaned up real nice. Taking a few pounds off Alicia she could be and probably was a good looker in her younger years.

  “What are you looking at?” Alicia questioned. “Haven’t you seen a fat lady dress up?” Alicia said twirling around like a young girl with her blouse spinning in the air.

  Ron parked the van in front of the shop hoping everyone would get a good look at it. Maybe the Wright’s would get some business from seeing the good looking sign.

  Ron and Susan dressed in black slacks, Susan a silk blouse and Ron an nice button down shirt. Ella wore a straight red dress with shiny black beads almost to her waist and black patent leather heels.

  The caterer filled the chafing dishes with hot food, the trays with hors d’oeuvre and desserts. Bottles of sparkling cider were also on the serving table.

  The newspaper ad read the ‘Grand Opening’ started at six. The six o’clock hour arrived and they weren’t breaking down the door to get in.

  “We may be the only guests at our party.” Ella laughed.

  “I hope you are all hungry. We certainly have an abundance of good food.” She said peering out the window.

  “Sure someone will come.” Susan said crossing her fingers behind her back.

  “Hell gang let’s get this party started.” Alicia said picking up a white china plate and filling it to over flowing.

  The door opened and in walked Mark Brandon.

  “Mark Brandon, welcome to our new flower shop.” Ella greeted him with a smile and breathed a sigh of relief. At least they had one guest. She thought to herself.

  Before she could say more the door opened and a flow of people walked through the door. The shop was filled with people for three hours. Alicia and Susan made sure every guest filled out the guest cards. Ella now had a good clientele base to work from.

  Mark Brandon brought his microphone and speakers. He set one speaker outside for the guests standing around wouldn’t miss out on the festivities. Mark recruited a young lady to draw guest names from his hat. Every fifteen minutes Mark called another name. Ella was beginning to think he was going to give away the farm. Although, she was thankful for his help. Ella would restock next week. Juan, Maria and Jose stopped in for a short while. Ella introduced them to the guests. Everyone thought Jose was cute. Some asked Juan what his occupation was and he proudly told them he is a handyman.

  Ella walked out front to catch a breath of fresh air. She strolled a few feet away from the shop and low and behold there was parked the blue sedan. He’s here. I probably shook hands with the creep. Ella feeling a little uneasy made her way back to the shop. She looked around wondering who belonged to the blue sedan. Would he have the nerve to come in the shop? Since he had the nerve to park nearby, he just might come in.

  It was five to nine. Mark announced over the PA system. “Does everyone have their guest card in my hat? You have five minutes before we draw the lucky card. Five minutes seem like a long time. Everyone was getting anxious. Mark’s assistant pulled the card from his hat. “Drum roll please… The winner is… Sharon Moore… He announced in long drawn out syllables. Sharon has five minutes to claim her prize.” Mark said. Almost before Mark finished his sentence Sharon ran through the door

  “I’m here, I’m Sharon Moore.” A middle aged lady said as she flew through the door.

  Ella presented her with a crisp one hundred dollar bill.

  “Thank you so much. This means so much to me.” Sharon said with tears streaming down her checks. “This will really help me out.”

  “You are welcome.” Ella said as she gave Sharon a hug.

  Sharon kissed the bill and tucked it in her brassiere. “Thank you so much.” She said.

  The ‘Grand Opening’ was a success. The townspeople came out in support of the first flower shop in Coopersville.

  The last guest left the shop and Ella turned the lock and looked at her crew.

  “You guys are fabulous.” Ella said as she breathed a sigh of relief.

  Alicia had taken her heels off and was rubbing her feet. “Lady, I don’t wear heels for just anybody…you owe me, big time.” Alicia said with a big husky laugh.

  The caterer soon had the place cleaned and ready to head home.

  “Thank you for a job well done.” She said handing the man in charge a check.

  “We are glad you called on us to do the catering.” He said with a big smile.

  Ella and the crew headed home. Ella was too tired to look in her rear view mirror until she was on the country road near her home. Again the lights from the blue sedan shined in her mirror. Ella knew the shape and the glow of the blue sedan lights. There was no doubt in her mind it was the blue sedan. She turned up her drive. Ella’s heart stopped for a moment. Oh, my God he’s following me to my house. What am I going to do? Just as fast as the car pulled in the drive it backed out and headed toward town. Ella could breathe again. Stalker, a damn stalker. That’s what he is. Ella thought as she walked up to the house.

  The house was quiet when Ella arrived home. The crackling of the smoldering fireplace caught Ella’s eye. Looks like the kids had a nice evening around the fireplace. Memories of Ella’s childhood filled her head. Ella stood in silence looking at the embers as they sent light across the room with each smoldering spark. Ella shook herself returning to reality.


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