Home > Other > THE BLUE STALKER > Page 28


  She plopped herself down in the big chair, pulled the safety belt way up, wrapped it across her round belly, latched it with a snap and they were on their way to pick up Ella.

  Ella was waiting at the shop for her ride to Baker.

  “You’ll have to crawl over me Ella. I ain’t about to scoot over there and do this buckling again.”

  The sunlight glistened through the trees scattered on the hillside. Water curved its way over and around the large white boulders shaping the river. The hillside was blanketed with an array of colorful wild flowers.

  Ella asked Ron to go down Broadway. She remembered the nice restaurant where she and Mark Brandon enjoyed dinner and danced the night away. There would be no dancing this evening. This was a going away dinner with sadness in the air.

  Ella dropped Alicia off at her home and proceeded to drive over to the shop to pick up her Corvette. As she drove up to the shop she remembered she left the window slightly down. “I’m sure glad it didn’t rain today.” She thought as she parked the van and hopped in her car.

  Ella threw her purse on the passenger set and heard the sound of paper. What could that be? She thought putting her purse on the floor. It was a sealed envelope. Another one of those silly notes. She tore the envelope open. Unfolded the large sheet of paper. Words were cut from newspaper and placed strategically to form a ransom note. It read…

  We have Frank Smith held captive. If you want to see him alive we want 500 thousand dollars. Do not call the authorities or he will be killed. We will contact you.

  Ella sat frozen not believing what she just read. Where am I going to get five hundred thousand dollars? I will call the San Francisco attorney’s tomorrow. They can tell me how to get the money. How will I get in touch with the kidnappers? How do they know I have the money? Is Frank really kidnapped or is this part of a scam to get money out of me? I must call Agent Peterson he will be able to help me. But if I call him they might know I called the authorities and might kill Frank. She knew she had to take the chance.

  First thing Monday morning Ella called Agent Ben Peterson. She told him about the ransom note.

  “Do you have access to five hundred thousand dollars?

  “Yes, but I really don’t know how to go about getting that much cash.”

  “We can help you with that but I still wonder if Frank’s disappearance isn’t a scam.” Agent Peterson said.

  “Frank’s a good man and I have to believe he is kidnapped and give them the money.”

  “You don’t understand even if Frank isn’t in on the kidnapping chances are they will not release him. They will take the money, kill Frank and head out of the country. If you want to follow through with this we are ready to work with you on it.” Agent Peterson advised her.

  “Give me the name of your bank and I will get access to the money and get it set up. If you hear from them make the exchange of money plans and tell them it will take a while to get the money together. We will need to make a plan.

  Ella agreed on everything and waited to hear form the captors. Monday was a long day. She wondered when she would be contacted.

  Ella stayed near the phone all day. Hoping it would ring, hoping the kidnappers would call. About four o’clock the phone rang.

  “Hello.” Ella said.

  The call was from a man trying to disguise his voice.

  “Yes, this is Ella Smith.” She said with her voice box bouncing all over.

  “Honey, you need to listen, your boyfriend will be buzzard meat if you don’t follow my orders.

  “Yes sir, please don’t hurt Frank I will give you the money but I need time to get it.” She begged for more time.

  “I will need to call my bank and make arrangements for the money. They are going to ask questions,” She said.

  “You tell them it is none of their business.” He said.

  “Okay.” Ella said. “But the local bank will not have that much money and it will have to come by Brink’s armored truck from Baker and it will take a while to get here.”

  “You get it together by tomorrow. I will call back.” The phone went dead.

  Ella called Agent Ben Peterson and relayed the message.

  “You go to your bank and authorize the withdrawal. I have already talked with the bank president. He can be trusted and will get it together. Ms. Smith this is the first time I have ever dealt with a ransom of such a large amount.” Agent Peterson said.

  “This is the first time I’ve paid a ransom.” Ella said.

  Later the phone rang and again it was the kidnapper.

  “You listen and you listen well. Wednesday morning at six you drive out of town going north. At the city limit sign notice your odometer. Drive exactly 20 miles north. You will see a dirt road leading off the highway into the desert to the right. Follow that road for exactly ten miles. There you will see a cross road. Stop thirty feet before you enter the intersection. You have the money in a duffel bag in one hundred dollar bills. Wait there until someone picks up the money.” He ordered.

  “I’m not giving you the money until you hand over Frank to me.” She said in a matter of fact voice.

  “Frank will just drop from the air into your arms.” He laughed as he hung up.

  Ella called Agent Ben Peterson and told him the exact words from the kidnapper.

  “Ms. Smith, you do just as they say. I will take care of everything. Are you still willing to take a chance? We are sure this kidnapping is part of the body smuggling ring.” Agent Peterson told her.

  “I will pick up the money at the bank and leave for the desert at six in the morning just as the kidnapper told me. Will the banker have the money ready for me and will he be at the bank?” Ella asked.

  “Yes, an FBI agent and the president of the bank will be at the bank and will hand you the money. You will need to sign for the money.” Agent Peterson said.

  “I will be there.”


  Frank heard the sound of the whirling copter blades as the black bird descended to the desert floor. A Mexican man entered the shack. Frank checked his dirt floor calendar. It looked like he had been in the shack for forty five days. The man blindfolded Frank and dragged him to the helicopter for his ride back to the United States. As quickly as the black helicopter dropped from the sky it ascended into the clouds. The sound of the whirling blades muffled the conversation between the husky man and the tall thin man. Frank hoped they were taking him home but he knew that would be too easy. The pilot wore a heavy parka jacket with a ball cap pulled down over his forehead.

  Frank could tell from the shuffle of feet there must be two men and the pilot aboard. He wondered where they were taking him. Were they ready to kill him and dump his body in the desert? Sobeit, he’d rather be dead than to live in the squalor of the shack.

  The rising sun began to warm the helicopter. Frank could see the light of day through the side of his blindfold. As Frank turned his head he could see one of the men. He couldn’t believe his eyes. It was FBI Agent Parker. This answers a lot of questions Frank thought to himself. The other man was tall and thin. Frank could see the back of his head but didn’t recognize him.

  “Okay, listen up.” The tall thin man said with authority. “We are going in, picking up the ransom and take care of business. We will be able to see for miles. No vehicles except the red sports car should be anywhere around.

  Oh, my god it’s Ella, she’s in so much danger and there’s no way I can help her. Frank thought. He couldn’t believe Ella or anyone would pay a ransom for his release.

  Before daybreak a FBI van filled with agents dressed in camouflage drove into the desert. They were strategically placed throughout the area where Ella was to meet the kidnappers. They were armed with rifles with scoops and were ready to take out the kidnappers if necessary. The van headed out of the desert after dropping off the agents.

  Meanwhile, Ella met the banker and the FBI agent at the bank. They put the money in duffel bag. Precisely at six o’clock they l
oaded the duffel bag into the passenger seat and Ella headed for the desert. When she passed the city limit sign she checked her odometer. She was told to travel 20 miles and make a right turn. At nineteen miles Ella slowed and started looking for a dirt road going to the right. There’s the road, she thought. She headed east hoping the ten miles would pass quickly and she could rescue Frank. Or, would it be that easy. She was shocked Agent Peterson would allow her to make this run alone. Anything to save Frank, she thought. Perspiration dotted Ella‘s forehead, not from heat but from nerves. She wiped her brow just as she saw 29 miles roll over on her odometer. “It’s got to be soon.” Ella yelled.

  Ella kept watch on the odometer thirty miles was ready to roll over when she came upon the cross roads. She stopped thirty feet back as she had been instructed.

  She sat waiting with sweat ran down the back of her neck. Suddenly the sound of a helicopter came from the sky.

  “Oh, my God.” She said aloud. “They are dropping out of the air. There’s no way Agent Peterson will be able to catch them or help me.”

  Ella could hear her the pounding of her heart. It felt as if it was going to burst from her chest. She was hyperventilating while trying to calm her nerves.

  “Everything will be okay.” She said to herself.

  The helicopter came into view. Dust whirled around Ella’s car. She was blinded from the cloud of dust. As the air cleared a man stepped from the big black bird. To Ella’s amazement it was Agent Parker.

  What is he doing here? He must be working with Agent Peterson.

  “Bring the money to me.” He yelled to Ella.

  “I won’t be giving you the money until I have Frank.” Ella yelled back to him.

  Agent Parker walked back to the black bird without taking his eyes off Ella. He dragged a frail Frank from the helicopter and kicked him to the side of the road.

  “Now, you bitch bring me the money.” He ordered holding a gun on Frank.

  Frank yelled to Ella. “Run Ella run they will kill us both.”

  Ella looked at Frank in his frail condition and said. “No, I have to give them the money for your release. It‘s okay, they promised.”

  Ella took the duffel bag from the passenger seat and carried it to Parker. He looked in the bag and nodded. He pointed a gun at Ella and marched her over to Frank.

  “Turn around.” He ordered.

  Frank grabbed Ella’s legs and pulled her down to him and covered her body with his.

  A commotion at the helicopter caught Frank’s attention and a tall slim man stepped from the helicopter with his hands in the air and a gun in his back. Agent Parker got off one shot toward the man standing behind the tall man. Immediately shots rang out from all directions.

  Agent Parker lay with blood oozing from his chest. The tall thin man lay face down in the sand.

  Frank held Ella tight her body was jerking.

  “It’s okay Honey.” Frank told her.

  Ella looked around and saw a dozen FBI agents including Agent Peterson standing around.

  Agent Peterson walked over to Parker. He was alive but bleeding profusely.

  “Agent Harris and I knew you were a traitor. Your body smuggling and kidnapping days are over. You will pay dearly for you evil deeds. Guess you’re not as smart as you thought you were.” He said as he turned and with his boot he rolled over the thin man. The thin man’s eyes were rolled back in his head. He was dead.

  To Ella’s amazement it was Mayor Ray Brandon.

  “Looks like Coopersville will be in need of a new mayor.” Agent Peterson said.

  Ella ran over to Agent Peterson.

  “I had no idea you and your agents were here. When the helicopter came down I thought I was alone. And the pilot I don’t understand.” Ella said holding her arms folded across her chest.

  “The pilot is an FBI agent. We got word from an informant of the helicopter ransom pick up. After Mr. Brandon’s helicopter pilot picked up his flight plan he was overcome and he is in the county jail. We now know where the body smuggling ring is located in Mexico. Finally with your help the body smuggling ring will no longer exist.” Agent Peterson told Ella as he shook her hand and walked toward the helicopter.

  Agent Peterson turned before stepping onto the helicopter and said to Ella. “We have evidence Ray Brandon and Sam Parker murdered Paul and Nellie Mills.”

  Agent Peterson looked back at Ella and yelled. “Ella, you would make a hell of an agent.”

  Ella ran over to Frank. “Honey you look so frail. You don’t look like you’ve been eating well.” Ella said.

  “You were going to pay a ransom for me?” Frank said to Ella.

  “Yeah, they only asked for fifty bucks. I figured you were worth that much at least.” Ella said with a grin.

  “Get in my car and let’s get the hell out of here.”

  On their drive out of the desert Ella and Frank passed a FBI van, an ambulance and the coroner.

  The FBI pilot and Agent Peterson headed for Coopersville. They had been working closely with Agent Bill Harris aka Phil Young and had a lot to report to him.


  After taking the duffel bag to the bank and depositing the money. Frank and Ella made their way to the motel and checked in. The manager was at the check-in counter and remembered Frank and Ella.

  ”The manager handed Frank a bundle of Franks clothes he had stored in a locker waiting for his return.

  “Thank you very much.” Frank picked up the bundle.

  And he and Ella walked arm in arm to the room. Frank immediately turned on the shower. It had been weeks since he had a good shower. The shower at the shack was water in a barrel heated from the sun dumped over his head to rinse the soap from his body.

  Frank dropped his clothes and Ella gasped. “Frank, you’ve lost so much weight.”

  “I’ve had very little to eat the past six weeks.” Frank said rubbing his concave belly.

  “What would you like to have for dinner?”

  “Anything we can order in.”

  Frank hopped in the shower and Ella ordered Chinese food one of Frank’s favorite foods.

  Frank dried off and put on a pair of pajama bottoms crawling up on the bed where Ella was setting Indian style with her legs crossed.

  Ella answered a knock at the door. It was the Chinese food delivery guy. The aroma from the food floated through the room.

  Ella paid the bill and gave the young man a nice tip. They laughed remembering other times they shared Chinese Food. Frank filled his tummy and laid back on the bed and grinned rubbing his belly.

  The evening was filled with talk of the happenings during the past six weeks. Frank told Ella how he was treated in the desert. How horrible the men treated the one woman in the camp. About the food and his shelter. How he could hear the creatures outside his dirt floor shack. How the heat was almost unbearable during the day and how he froze during the cold nights with only a thin blanket to cover his body.

  Ella cried and held him. “I thought I lost you. I even thought maybe you were one of them trying to get money from me. I’m ashamed of my thoughts.” Ella said as she uncontrollably sobbed.

  “Your thoughts were normal. Don’t worry about it. You made the ultimate sacrifice when you drove into the desert to save me.” Frank said holding her body close and kissing her neck.

  Ella cleaned up the mess and started taking her jeans off.

  “Whatcha doing, honey?” Frank asked.

  “I’m going to take a shower and wash this day off my body.

  Frank pulled her over to him, took her slim legs from her jeans and began massaging her body.

  “You saved my life. I’m so indebted to you.” Smoothing his hands over her shoulders.

  “You don’t owe me anything. Even if they would have taken the half million dollars you would not owe me anything. Ella said without thinking she was telling Frank the amount of the ransom.

  “Half a million dollars! Where did you get that kind of money? You’v
e got to be kidding.”

  “I guess I can’t lie to you. You’ll hear all about it in court and in the newspaper. Ella said.

  Ella took a nice shower and washed the day from her body and lay beside Frank. He wrapped his arms around her soft body and they slept through the night.

  Ella and Frank drove over to the storage yard to retrieve Frank’s car. It was parked it in a covered garage.

  “Thank you for parking my car in the garage.” Frank said to the attendant.

  “I know if I owned a sports car I would want it parked in a garage.” The young attendant told him.

  Frank paid the storage bill and signed for the cars release. Frank and Ella stood by his car for a moment holding each other.

  “I have to head home. My job is waiting and I need to check on my dad.” Frank told Ella as he kissed her cheek hugging her tight.

  Ella headed for work. No one knew where she might be.

  When Ella walked into the shop Alicia and LuAnn ran to her.

  “Girl where have you been. We were worried sick about you.”

  “I found Frank. I have lots to tell you.” Ella sat down on a stool.

  Ella told the ladies the ordeal she had been through.

  “My, my woman I don’t know how you did it. You’re so brave.” LuAnn said.

  “Before I forget.” Alicia said. “Ron and Susan called yesterday. They made it home without any problems. There was a memorial service for Paul and Nellie. They also said they got their jobs back and were happy to bring this chapter of their life to a close. And they will always remember us.”

  “Alicia can you stay late tonight I would like to discuss something of importance with you?”

  “Of course I can all I have to go home to is four walls.

  The work day came to an end and LuAnn bid farewell to the ladies and left for home.

  “Ella, what’s so important that you need to talk tome about? I sure hope my work is satisfactory for you.”

  “I’ve been thinking for some time and have come to a conclusion. You are very good with the floral design and with people. I’ll admit the people part you fooled me on. I thought I would need to keep you in the back room. I want to move back to Linville to my parent’s home. The home where I grew up. With all that’s happened here I feel like I want a new start. I know I’ve started over again and again but until my life is fulfilled I know I will probably always be on the move.” Ella shared with Alicia.


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