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  “Are you gonna close the shop?” Alicia asked with a wrinkle of despair on her brow.

  “No, I want to sell it to you.” Ella said.

  Alicia turned white and said. “That’s very nice of you but… I don’t have any money to buy your shop. I live from paycheck to paycheck.” Alicia said with disappointment in her voice.

  “I understand, I would like to sell you forty nine per cent of the business for one dollar.” Ella said as she looked Alicia in the eye.

  “For one dollar why would you want to do that?” Alicia said as she fanned her face trying to catch enough air to breathe.

  “Because everyone needs a chance. I know how much you love this shop and that you would take good care of it. I would hold fifty one percent and final decisions where large amounts of money are to be spent would go through me. We will work it out with an accountant. I think we could double your salary. You would totally run the shop. I will not have anything to do with the daily decisions. Some day as the business flourishes and you show what a good business woman you are. I might just sell you my fifty one percent.” Ella told her.

  “Well, Alicia do you need to sleep on it or is it a deal?” Ella asked her.

  “Hell no, I don’t want to sleep on it you might come to your senses by tomorrow.” Alicia jumped up from her seat twirling around.

  As fast as she got up and twirled she sat down.

  “I don’t have funds to run this shop.” She looked empty.

  “I will put twenty thousand dollars in our business account. This will easily take care of employee payroll and supplies for a couple of months. All the money coming into the shop will go into the account. You will receive a check just like an employee. Your daily receipts will be turned over to the accountant.

  “Are you sure about this? If I’m dreaming please don’t pinch me.”

  The ladies shook hands sealing the deal. “It’s a deal.” They said in unison.

  “Tomorrow I will have the papers drawn up and by weeks end we will be partners.” Ella said. And by the way you need to place an ad in the newspaper for a delivery person and someone for the front counter. You and LuAnn can’t do it all.” Ella advised her.

  “Ella, remember when Juan had me make a wish. Well, my wish was to someday own a flower shop. Ella, wishes do come true.” Alicia said as tears of joy filled her eyes.

  “Thank you Ella for putting your trust in me. I will make you proud.” Alicia promised.

  “You already made me proud.”

  The ladies hugged, locked up and made their way home.

  Ella walked into the house happy to be home. Jose was setting at the table clanging on his highchair tray. Juanita was putting dinner on the table. Juan soon made it home walking through the door looking tired.

  Juanita said. “Maria was with a client and would be late getting home and dinner would be ready soon.”

  Ella shared with Juan the day. He was totally amazed at the past few days events.

  “I guess I’ve missed out on a lot. I’m so busy with work Ms. Ella. I feel bad I haven’t taken care of your place.” Juan said apologizing.

  “Tell you what Juan you work on this place as you have time. You have a business going for yourself.” She told him.

  “I want to talk with you and Maria when she gets home this evening.” She told Juan.

  “Okay, Ms. Ella.” Juan said thinking could there be something wrong. Maybe she is not happy with us. Maybe I shouldn’t have started the business and taken care of her things. She’s been so good to us. I hope I haven’t done her wrong. Concern rushed through his head.

  Juanita cleaned the kitchen and was about to take Jose upstairs to get ready for bed when Maria came through the door. Looking tired with paint on her smock.

  “Maria,” Juanita called back, “your plate of food is still warm on the stove.”

  “Thanks, Mama.” Maria said as she plopped into a chair.

  Ella was making herself a cup of coffee.

  “Would you like to join me?” Ella asked Maria.

  “That would be nice. I’ll get my plate of food.” Maria said putting the plate on the table and pouring herself a cup of coffee. “I’ve been so busy we rarely get to talk.”

  Juan joined the ladies. They each talked about things going on in their lives.

  Ella took a big breath. “I have something to tell and ask you.”

  “What is it? Ms. Ella? They asked.

  “I’ve been thinking and have come to a decision. I’m going to move to Linville, back to my family home. Juan I want to make you and Maria caretakers of this place.”

  “What does it mean to be caretakers?” Juan asked Ella.

  “You will take care of the house and yards and live here. When you work on the place you would charge the materials at the lumber yard or hardware store in my name. I will expect you to keep the place in tip top shape. You will finish with renovating the place in your spare time. This will be your home as long as you wish to live here.” Only your family can live here. You Juan, Maria, Jose, Juanita and if you have other children they are welcome to live here. If you don’t keep the place in good shape I will and can revoke you caretaker privileges. Is this understood?” Ella asked them.

  “Yes, of course Ms. Ella we understand and we will keep the place in good shape.

  Juan and Maria were both in shock. “If I’m dreaming please don’t pinch me?” Maria said.

  “Maria you have a good business going and Juan you also have a good business. Always make your clients happy. Always be proud of your work. Never take short cuts, do your best and you will always be in demand.” Ella advised them.

  “Ms. Ella, how can we ever thank you?” Juan asked Ella.

  “You can thank me by making me proud of what you do in life.” Ella said.

  “I have been blessed and I want to bless others.”

  “When do you plan to move to Linville?” Juan asked. “If you can rent a truck I can load it and take your furniture to your new home.”

  “That won’t be necessary. I’m not taking any furniture. It stay’s with the house. I will take my personal items. Everything stays here for you to use.” Ella told them

  “I can’t believe this is happening. I’m happy and I’m sad. I will miss you so much.” Maria said with tears marking her pretty face.

  “It’s okay Maria. We will visit often.” Ella promised.

  “I have a suggestion. You might want to move Juanita down to my room. Walking the stairs might be too much for her with all the she does around here.” Ella suggested.

  “That’s a good idea. When she is ready we will move her downstairs.” Juan said.

  “Ms. Ella, I know not everyone that comes to this country is so blessed but I know they have a lot more here than in Mexico. I will dedicate my life to help people in need. And not just my people but anyone I come in contact with in need.” Juan said.

  “Juan you just paid me back for the little I have done for you.” Ella said as she held them in her arms.


  The following weeks were busy. Agent Ben Peterson called Ella in to discuss the case.

  “I wanted to let you know what’s going on with the body smuggling and the kidnapping cases.” Agent Peterson said.

  “Mr. Parker will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. He and Ray Brandon were in partnership for many years smuggling bodies from Mexico to Coopersville. Some of the people reached their destination without any problems. Others met their fate on the back side of the desert. Even when the family paid the ransom they took the poor innocent souls to the desert and killed them. They thought it was a sure way of not getting caught for the smuggling and the blackmail crimes they were committing.” He told Ella.

  “I can’t believe anyone would be so cruel.” Ella said.

  “Don’t be too naïve. It happens everyday in this world. There are people that will sell their soul for the almighty buck.” Agent Peterson said.

  “I know you were conce
rned about Sheriff Brady. One of the sheriff’s deputies was working for Parker and Brandon. Sheriff Brady trusted the deputy to do his job. The deputy intercepted the report on the missing couple and many other things. Sheriff Brady was c䥄啎"aeless of this going on. You don’t have to be concerned about his commitment to being a Sheriff. He loves his job and fully understands how he was taken advantage of by the deputy. Needless to say the deputy will be brought before a judge.” Agent Peterson told Ella.

  “That certainly makes me feel better about law enforcement. Ella said.

  “Manuel the double informant for the body smuggling ring and the FBI informed us of the helicopter going to pick up Frank. We were able to overcome the pilot before Parker and Brandon arrived at the airport. Our agent dressed like the pilot and picked up the flight plan and was in the cockpit before they stepped in the helicopter. It was dark and they didn’t notice he was not their usual pilot.” Agent Peterson said.

  “Manuel and Charlie from the truck stop picked the deep freeze up from your shop. Of course, you’ve already figured out Parker intercepted Franks call to the FBI to report the deep freeze? Manuel will be shown some leniency because he was an informant for the FBI. He will be sent back to Mexico after serving his time here. As for Charlie, he didn’t know anything was going on. He was asked to help haul a deep freezer to the dump and he obliged.”

  “Do you have any questions, Ms. Smith?” Agent Peterson asked her.

  “What about the Agent Harris in charge of the Coopersville area. Is he clear of any wrong doing?”

  “Agent Harris is working undercover and doesn’t show his face often. He‘s one of the FBI‘s top agents.”

  “I think you’ve covered it all.” Ella said as she walked from the office. Hoping she will never again be involved in anything this bizarre.

  Ella called Frank sharing her plans with him.

  “Let’s keep in touch.” Frank told her.

  “Of course we will. We will always keep our promise.” Ella said as she rested the phone in its cradle.

  Alicia and Ella finalized the sale of the shop to Alicia. As they were walking up to the shop coming from the escrow office. Alicia stopped in her tracks. Looking up at the shop sign she read. “Ally’s Flower Shoppe……did you have this planned all along?” Alicia questioned.

  “Maybe, it was in my subconscious but it wasn‘t planned.” Ella said with a big smile.

  “You know everyone’s gonna call me Ally. I like Ally.”

  “I like Ally too.” Ella said smiling as she handed Alicia the keys to the van.

  “Treat the shop like it’s your baby you just gave birth to. And it will be good to you.”

  The truck van would be at the house tomorrow morning and Ella wanted to get all the final packing taken care of tonight. This was a day of good-bye’s.

  Maria had a wonderful Mexican dinner on the table when Ella arrived home.

  “Oh my, I’m going to miss the wonderful meals you and Juanita prepare.” Ella opened her nostrils and took in the aroma floating throughout the house.

  “I wanted to fix you a good Mexican dinner for your last evening with us.” Maria said quickly turning away to hide the tears she had been fighting all day.

  “Thank you Maria, you are always so thoughtful. Now don’t you go crying, I’ll come to visit often and you and the family is always welcome to visit me in Linville.”

  They all gathered around the table and joined hands and said the last family blessing until they meet again.

  “I want to tell you all you have enriched my life. You are an inspiration to me. I didn’t know where my life was going when you came to my door and I still don’t have a clue but I know one thing there are good people in this world and I want to touch as many lives as I can.” Ella said with a knot in her throat choking out the last few words.

  Juan spoke up. Ms. Ella, you taught us to be thankful in all things. You have taught us to give is better than to receive. We plan to give as much as we can. It may not be money but we can give of ourselves. Without you I wouldn’t be starting this business. We are more grateful than you can ever imagine.”

  “My heart is overwhelmed with all you have done for us. You saved our lives not only the night we knocked on your shop door but in so many ways. Jose would have died that day if you hadn’t noticed how ill he was. My mother would be living alone in Mexico if you hadn’t arranged for her to be here with us. No one would know of my artistic talent if I hadn’t painted the mural on your wall. I have so much to thank you for.” Maria said trying to hold the tears back.

  Juanita spoke up. “I too want to thank you. I missed my Maria, my Jose and Juan. After my sister died I had no family in Mexico. You made my life happy.” Gracias Ella.

  “All I ask is you help those in need. Now let’s enjoy this wonderful dinner.”

  Ella woke to the sun streaking across her bed. Again she forgot to close the gap in the drapes. She sat up in bed stretched her arms to the ceiling and thought about the new day and the world waiting for her. Ella placed her size ten feet into her slippers and walked over to the window. She pulled the drape to each side holding it tight in her fists. The sun was rising above the mountain, not a cloud was in the sky. She took a deep breath and thought this is the last time I will gaze out this window in anticipation of a new day.

  Ella’s fist loosened and the drapes met leaving a gap. She made her way to the bathroom and ran a hot tub. This will be the last bubble bath in this old bear claw tub.

  Ella clipped her hair on top her head as she looked in the mirror. Twisting and turning her face pulling the few wrinkles tight she thought about her mother. “I’m becoming my mother.” She said giggling.

  She stripped her gown from her slim frame and sashayed over to the tub. Putting her big toe in to check the temperature she pulled it back as fast as it dipped in.

  “Sheesh, that’s hot.” She said immediately turning on the cold water. Ella made figure eights in the bubbles as she waited for the cold water to cool her bath. When the water cooled she stepped in and slide down to her neck. She laid back and reminisced about the days in Coopersville.

  Breakfast was welcoming her when she stepped in the kitchen. Juanita poured her a cup of coffee and remembered Ella like milk in her coffee.

  “Thank you, Juanita.” Ella said as Juanita sat the coffee in front of Ella. Ella took her spoon and began to make her figure eight swirls. Looking around the room at everything remembering all the good times they shared.

  Everyone joined Ella for breakfast. They laughed and talked about the good memories of the past year.

  Juan saw the van truck coming up the drive.

  “It looks like the truck is here. Ms. Ella” Juan said. “I hate to see it. But it’s what you want and that makes us happy.”

  Ella ran out front and gave the driver directions on where to park. He got the truck situated and Ella showed him the boxes she needed loaded. The driver and his partner worked for a couple hours loading.

  “There’s just one more thing” Ella said pointing at her portrait hanging over the mantel. “My portrait needs to be professionally packed.”

  The movers brought packaging material in and carefully wrapped and carried Ella’s portrait to the truck.

  “Maria. I want you to paint a portrait of your family and hang it over the mantel. A portrait of your family belongs there now.”

  Hugs were in order. The truck drove away heading for Linville. Ella jumped in her Corvette, waved good-bye and headed down the mountain to a new life.


  Ella settled into living in the old home place in Linville. She took the guest bedroom downstairs leaving the upstairs as it was when she was a child. Other than dusting, the upstairs would stay as her mother left it.

  It was a couple weeks before the class of ‘62’ Reunion. Ella was invited to meet with the reunion committee. Mandy Harrison was in charge of the reunion.

  Ella was greeted by Mandy. “Well, Mandy, I wondered if it was t
he Mandy Gordon, I remember. How delightful to see you.” Ella said giving her a hug.

  “Good to see you Ella. It’s been forever since high school.” Mandy said showing Ella to the room where three ladies awaited Ella’s entrance. They each introduced themselves. It wasn’t necessary as Ella remembered each of them. She remembers they were never very nice to her. They were the high school elite. The cheer leaders, the home coming queen, the pretty girls all the guys wanted to date. My they had changed. Some gained a few pounds to put it mildly and some were wrinkled as a prune. Ella couldn’t believe these beautiful teenagers had changed so much. But then again Ella had also changed. The ladies seemed shocked to see Ella. Tall, thin, beautiful and quite graceful. They couldn’t believe this tall lanky teenager would become such a beautiful woman. The ladies looked at each other and whispered just like in high school. This time it didn’t bother Ella.

  Mandy disappeared and shortly returned from the bedroom handing Ella a cashmere sweater.

  “I will never forget the evening you and Phil Young were on a date. I was working as a carhop on skates when I tripped spilling your chocolate shake all over me. You took your cashmere sweater off and handed it to me to wear for the rest of my shift. It covered my stained uniform and saved my job. I’m sorry it took me so long to get it back to you.” Mandy said.

  “That’s okay Mandy, I haven’t missed it.” Ella said as she laid the sweater across her purse.

  “Speaking of Phil Young, whatever happened to him?” One of the ladies asked.

  “I heard he married someone in college and she was killed in a head on collision, that was years ago.” One of the ladies said. “He’s probably remarried by now.”

  “Is he coming to the reunion?” Someone asked.


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