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Fire Warrior

Page 4

by Trim, Brenda

  “Take my blood,” he pleaded as he held his wrist out to her.

  She glared daggers and stared at him. Rhett could see her turmoil. She didn’t want to accept his offering but desperately needed it.

  Breslin sighed before turning to the others in the room. “I need some privacy.”

  “We willna be far, puthair,” Bhric promised.

  Once the room cleared, Breslin snatched his wrist and sank her fangs into his vein.

  Pleasure, hot and intense, barreled through his body. He groaned and hardened. Every pull at his vein tugged his cock and his climax was instantaneous.

  Breslin refused to look at him as she greedily gulped his blood. Her eyes began to glow but she closed them, hiding her arousal. He fought the urge to pull her into his arms, despite his intense need. She drank deeply then removed her fangs. Rhett’s orgasm waned but his desire for her skyrocketed. He ached to be inside her and needed to make things right between them.

  “I know this won’t mean shit, but I am sorry. I didn’t know, or I would’ve been here sooner. I never would’ve allowed you to suffer like this. You must believe me,” he pleaded.

  She didn’t lick his wound closed, and didn’t thank him. Instead, she focused straight ahead and refused to look at him.

  “Don’t ignore me, Flame. I came back for you. C’mon. Please talk to me,” Rhett coaxed.

  Drops of his blood hit the wood floor and her eyes tracked the movement. Color returned to her face with every passing second. The shine returned to her hair and the dark circles under her eyes lightened. She appeared healthier but Rhett knew she needed more of his blood.

  “You came back for me!” she shrieked. “What a fucking joke. Listen to me, demon,” she snapped and finally met his gaze.

  Her amber eyes blazed with hatred. “I doona give a flying fuck what the Goddess proclaims. I doona want you. I will take your blood because I canna survive withoot it, but that is it. I want nothing more to do with you. Now get oot. I’ve had my fill of you today,” she spat and pushed him away. The shove wasn’t forceful, telling him she was still very weak.

  “But we’re Fated,” he replied, remaining seated beside her on the chaise.

  “That went up in flames when you walked oot my door. If I could slice this brand from my flesh, I would. I’m making history, demon. I’ll be the first to forsake my mate. Now get oot!” she shouted and pushed harder.

  Rhett’s heart dropped to his feet. Hearing her threaten to remove her brand did things to him it shouldn’t. It didn’t make sense that he would be devastated over Breslin not carrying her mark. His kind didn’t have mate marks yet he wanted one. He’d never wanted anything more in his life.

  “I’ll be back,” he promised.

  “Damn right you’ll be back. When I call, your ass better come running. You’re my personal blood bank from here on oot. And doona think aboot leaving again. My brathairs will make sure you doona get far this time. You fucked up by coming back and your days of wandering are over,” she vowed as she stood up and stalked out of the room.

  Rhett watched Breslin leave the room, and him. Was it too late for them? Could he convince her to give him one more chance?

  Chapter Four

  “We need to fucking do something. Now!” Hayden barked from his position in the war room at Zeum.

  Breslin pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes to block out the incessant burn of her mate mark. A jackhammer pounded inside her skull and refused to give her a moment’s peace. It was slightly better now that she’d had Rhett’s blood, but she needed more. The pain in her head and above her breast were a constant reminder that she must complete the mating.

  She blamed the infernal fire demon for her continued suffering but she was grateful he returned to the Tehrex Realm. She wondered about that. Why did he come back after six months? She didn’t buy his claim that it was because of her. Not for a hot minute. He was a nomad, preferring to wander, and that would never change.

  Putting those unsettling thoughts on the back burner, Breslin focused on the matter at hand. The realm was up in arms and had been for a few months. Stripling were disappearing left and right. Before, she didn’t have the strength to fight, but now that Rhett was back and she could feed, Breslin looked forward to joining the hunt for the vile archdemon.

  Crocell was an evil creature that came to the Tehrex Realm in search of Isobel. During Winter Solstice, Crocell added kidnapping to her repertoire in hopes that a stripling sacrifice would bring her sister back from Hell. The shifters managed to thwart her last attempt at taking the children, but that didn’t stop the archdemon. Crocell was determined to reunite with her sister, no matter the cost.

  “What do you suggest we do, Hayden?” Zander asked as he met the Omega’s stare with an arched eyebrow. “Surely, you’re no’ going to propose we involve the humans? There is nothing they can do, except die, and then their relatives will go on a witch-hunt. No offense,” Zander said with a nod to the Rowan sisters.

  The powerful triplets waved his comment away. “None taken. It was the Salem Witch trials that showed us what humans are capable of doing, and that was before today’s modern technology and weapons,” Pema, the oldest of the three, replied.

  “We are doing everything we can. Our citizens are on high alert and no one allows their children out of sight for a second,” Evzen began as he ran a slim hand down the goblet in front of him.

  The Guild Master held his composure, but Breslin sensed his nerves were just as frayed as the rest of the council.

  “However, it’s difficult for parents to control the youth that are nearing transition. That is where we need to focus our energy right now,” Evzen continued.

  “Aye, I agree. Parents are calling daily aboot the challenges they face. They tell their striplings they canna go oot and hunt skirm and demons, but they think themselves invincible with the power growing in their veins,” Zander offered.

  “No shit! Trust me. They’re a nightmare to control,” Nikko quipped.

  Nikko was the vampire in charge of training Dark Warriors in most cities across the United States. He was currently working with Tristan, the hotheaded stripling Zander recruited after a cruise ship battle. It was amusing to Breslin as she watched the hell Tristan gave Nikko and the other warriors, but she saw the challenge his age group posed. It wasn’t a surprise they were the ones being targeted by the archdemon.

  “What about a program for these defiant striplings? One to teach discipline and responsibility. It would also give insight to any potential Dark Warrior recruits,” Hayden suggested as he rolled an unlit cigar between his fingers. He refused to light it when Pema’s young daughter, Aria, and Izzy were running in and out of the war room, playing with the kippies.

  “That’s not a bad idea. It would knock Tristan down a notch and give him peers to train against. Besides, we haven’t had a massive recruitment since you began the program over seven hundred years ago,” Nikko said, looking at Zander.

  “Are we inviting females this time around, brathair?” Breslin asked. “When you started the program it was during the mating curse but now we have an abundance of females that could be competent warriors.”

  Several long moments passed as every male in the room looked at her with blank expressions. She saw pity in their eyes and wanted to throat punch every last one. This was about the crisis within the realm, not her mate and their situation. Breslin deserved respect and admiration. She wasn’t one of those princesses that demanded to be worshipped. In fact, she could care less about her official title, but she’d be damned if her contribution as a Dark Warriors was overlooked.

  “We are severely burdened, especially in Seattle, patrolling night after night. My warriors are forced to neglect their mates and that isna good for either of them. It would help to have advanced recruits accompany warriors on patrol, allowing others a break to spend time with their Fated. So, to answer your question, puthair, I see no reason why we wouldna include females. These are diff
erent times, as you pointed oot. But I think we need an additional building to house the striplings. They will be safest on Zeum property. We canna have participants going home each night. That would defeat the purpose of the program,” Zander explained.

  The group talked logistics and Breslin watched the cooperation with renewed admiration for what her brother spearheaded centuries ago. There was still tension between Zander and Hayden but they remained unified, which was further proof of his accomplishment. Before he established the Dark Alliance council, factions rarely cooperated with one another. They were friendly enough but didn’t have each other’s backs like she saw now.

  The realm suffered centuries of fighting against archdemons and their skirm but there was more peace and prosperity than ever before, and that was because of Zander. He was an incredible leader.

  His efforts created a close-knit group of various species, despite their differences. Breslin knew she could call on any Dark Warrior around the world and it was like talking to a relative. It was a brotherhood.

  Having such a massive network helped Breslin during the tough times of her youth. The sadness of growing up without parents still lingered but her brothers were always there, which alleviated some of the pain. However, they couldn’t fill the role of her mother, and Breslin missed her the most.

  “My shifters don’t need to be part of the program. We can keep them safe,” Hayden insisted, his deep voice intruding in Breslin’s thoughts.

  “All due respect, Hayden. You are the Omega and have responsibilities that doona allow you to babysit stripling. Your C.L.A.W. (Core Lieutenants Against the Wrathful) program is phenomenal but no’ adequate for youth,” Zander challenged.

  “Fuck,” Hayden growled. “I hate to admit it, but you’re right. We’ve lost too many already. I can’t tell another parent their impulsive child is dead.”

  “I hope you’re not telling them the children are dead,” Evzen interjected. “We’ve talked about this. The information I gleaned from the Mystik Grimoire indicated Dark magic needs a sacrifice and for something as major as resurrecting Cresil, Crocell will need a significant offering with a lot of power behind it. My guess is the missing children are still alive and being held somewhere until she has enough power to conduct the spell.”

  Breslin hadn’t heard mention of the grimoire in quite some time. The book had the power to appear and disappear at will. It reappeared when Jace was searching for a way to break the sleep spell the demon, Azazel, placed on Cailyn.

  Dark magic made Breslin’s skin crawl. It left a residue and raked across her flesh. She would never forget the sight of Isis’s stepson, Donovan, with his throat sliced. He was a victim of the former High Priestess, Cele, one of the vilest females ever created. Fortunately, Jace healed the wound and stopped Cele from bringing her daughter, Claire, back to life. That night took a toll on Breslin and she would never forget the malefic power radiating from the evil witch. He death was a blessing to the realm.

  “Evzen is right,” Pema agreed. “This is far more complex than the spell Cele tried to perform on Claire. These kids are being kept alive somewhere. We’ve rescued many but not all. That is unacceptable.”

  “Unfortunately,” Dante murmured, “we forced Crocell to stop and think. Now, she isn’t taking foolish chances like before. I’m here to help with these kids in anyway I can,” the Cambion Lord offered.

  Zander raked a hand through his black hair. “Och, Dante is right. Crocell has sharpened her game. Hayden, keep your C.L.A.W. searching for the missing stripling and, Dante, if you can assist Nikko with classes and training here, that would be greatly appreciated. I will put oot an offer to parents and let them know they can send their recalcitrant stripling to Zeum. I have a feeling a significant portion of the youth between the ages of eighteen and twenty-five will be sent here for safekeeping,” the king instructed.

  “Shite. That could be dozens,” Breslin muttered. “Nate willna be happy about the new facility,” she said with a laugh.

  The dragon shifter was forced to take on the role as their majordomo after Angus, their previous butler, returned to his homeland of Khoth. He left Zeum in search of his beloved, Keira, leaving his trusty knight to safely watch over and protect his loved ones in the Tehrex Realm. Unfortunately, Nate loathed his household responsibilities. He felt them beneath someone of his stature. Breslin could see it now. He was going to scorch everything in sight when he learned his duties had multiplied.

  “Fuck Nate. He’ll get over it,” Nikko replied. “My training program just expanded and I have too many that need me around the world. I’ll get you up to speed before I have to leave, Dante.”

  Breslin listened to them make plans for the living arrangements, training schedule, and outreach program for a bit then excused herself. Ignoring the pain in her chest, she headed to her room. She needed to get ready for her date.

  * * *

  Rhett slouched in the driver’s seat, praying Breslin didn’t catch sight of him. A beast of a male walked around the front of a jacked-up truck and helped her down from the passenger side. The guy was a big as Bhric and looked like he could hold his own in a fight. He hoped it didn’t come to that tonight. Rhett was no stranger to battle, and was damn good at it, but he wasn’t a fighter at his core.

  He enjoyed working with numbers instead. They were straightforward and easy to analyze and manipulate, unlike skirm, or females.

  Thinking of females brought him back to his dilemma. In the past, Rhett thought of females as fun and pleasurable, typically walking away on friendly terms. That wasn’t the case with the Vampire Princess. He had six months to think about what she meant to him and now that he had was asking for a second chance, Breslin rejected him. It shocked the hell out of him. He’d never been refused by a female. It never occurred to Rhett that she would want nothing to do with him, except to drink his blood.

  He knew she’d be pissed when he left, but figured she’d get over it and they would be fine. Now, she hated him with a burning passion. He was at a loss and didn’t know what to do or how to win her back. So, what was his solution? Following her around like a stalker.

  It was more than pathetic but he didn’t care. Seeing her now, it dawned how much he suffered while he was away from her. Not to the extreme she suffered without his blood but the ache in his chest magnified when they were apart. In hindsight, he acknowledged it’s what drove him back to her side. Their connection was undeniable.

  Fire demons didn’t have Fated Mates, but they did have one being that completed them in a way no other could. They could live without their perfect match but they weren’t as happy or content. It took him too long to realize Breslin was his perfect match and he was suffering that consequence.

  Rhett balled his fists as he watched the brute touch Breslin’s lower back. His vision turned red to see another male’s hands on his female. This was another surprise because he’d never been a possessive male.

  Having spent most of his existence on Khoth, Rhett was accustomed to running into females he dated. Many times, they were with another male. Not once did he have an urge to rip into the male. Hell, he was usually with another female.

  He glanced at the couple again. It didn’t escape Rhett that it was Valentine’s Day. He’d learned enough on earth to know the day was a lover’s holiday. This male must mean something for her to be out with him on such a significant day.

  Taking several deep breaths, Rhett calmed his fiery temper. He unfurled his fingers and focused on Breslin. Her perfect body was encased in a dark-gray wraparound dress. It hugged her curves and ample breasts. The hem fell just above her knee, showcasing her muscular legs.

  The sight had Rhett stiffening in his pants as he recalled the feel of them wrapped around his waist. Breslin was a revelation in bed. Rhett thought he understood pleasure until this fiery female ignited his body. She was molten from head to toe and freely gave herself when they made love.

  It was a scorching inferno when they joined and he wanted t
hat every day for the rest of his life.

  The couple disappeared into the restaurant and Rhett jumped out of his car and hurried into the supernatural bar. Luckily, they chose a realm establishment or Rhett would have been forced to wait in his car. His orange eyes and luminescent skin were a dead giveaway that he was otherworldly.

  “Table for one,” the hostess asked with a sexy smile.

  It was on the tip of Rhett’s tongue to ask the hot little nymph to join him when he mentally smacked himself. Flirting came naturally and he didn’t give it a second thought, but if he was going to win Breslin back, he couldn’t be caught behaving like an unattached male.

  “I’d like to sit in the bar and eat if that’s possible,” he replied with a casual smile.

  “They only serve appetizers and drinks at the bar, so if you want a full meal you’ll have to grab a table, or me,” she said on a wink as she pushed her breasts out, audaciously flirting with him.

  Supernaturals didn’t think twice about declaring their desires. They were free with their bodies and enjoyed sex often. He didn’t give her actions another thought and knew his lack of interest wouldn’t matter, either.

  “I think the bar will be fine, thank you,” Rhett muttered as he glanced around the crowded room for Breslin’s stunning amber eyes.

  She was halfway across the room facing the bar. Rhett didn’t bother hiding as he took a seat at one end and ordered a scotch and a shrimp cocktail. Breslin talked easily and the male was rapt to her every word.

  Rhett was glad to see she looked healthier. His heart stopped in his chest when he saw her at Zeum. She’d been thin and sickly, barely able to stand on her own.

  His stomach churned every time he considered the cause of her condition. No one mentioned when he left that she could die without his blood. It pissed him off that she didn’t demand he stay. But would he have stayed if she asked? Truthfully, no.


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