Impending Reprisals

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Impending Reprisals Page 16

by Jolyn Palliata

  A knock at her door gave her a start, and she strode to it quickly, assuming Lenna would be on the other side. But, to her delight, it was not.

  “Anya,” he murmured as he stepped in, booting the door shut behind him and drawing her close.

  He ran his fingers up her neck, across her jaw, and knotted them in her hair before brushing his lips against hers. Her breath caught with the suddenness of the embrace, the quick contact of the kiss, and she gripped his shoulders as he nuzzled her neck.

  “I could not bear to be away from you tonight,” Merivic confessed, backing her slowly across the room. “I left shortly after the messenger did. The mere thought of not seeing you crushed me.” His mouth was warm on her throat as it trailed toward her ear, his arms strong and secure across her back as he cradled her body.

  She tipped her head to the side, not thinking about her actions, only reveling in the sensations. “I am glad you did. I missed you today.”

  “Not nearly as much as I missed you. I could not get you out of my mind. All day, no matter what I was doing, images of you flooded my vision.” He nipped her earlobe causing her to moan.

  “Not that I am complaining,” —she giggled as his breath tickled her neck—“but why the sudden need to see me?”

  “Our conversation this morning has been haunting me.” He stroked his hands slowly up and down her back, his tongue blazed a path across her shoulder.

  Her mind fogged over as she tried to make sense of his words. “Conversation?”

  “Of our last night alone together.”

  The memories registered and she felt her whole body flush in response.

  “I want to be with you like that again, Anya.” He gripped her hips and angled her toward the bed. “Please. I have to touch you.” He took her mouth with his, drawing her into a kiss so deep and so full of longing that she felt it radiate throughout her body. “I need to taste you.” His palms traveled up her sides to cup her breasts and he nipped at her peak through the fabric of her gown.

  Anya felt her pulse slamming the blood through her veins as Merivic lowered her on the bed. Easing on top of her, she felt the stretch of his muscles as they flexed with each of his movements, as he leaned in to ravish her mouth, then leaving her breathless as he moved to her neck once again.

  Her mind was spinning with thoughts and sensations, doubts and emotions. Too fast, too soon, was all she kept thinking while her body ached and yearned for more, seeking physical pleasure while her heart simply sought comfort and intimacy. Merivic loved her, she did not doubt that. And she loved him. But with everything else she had faced that day, this was too overwhelming, too much to take in all at once. It pushed her toward panic.

  He rolled her on top of him, gripping her hips so she was pressed against his hard groin. Sensations ripped through her from the erotic contact and muddled her thoughts long enough for his nimble fingers to begin unbuttoning the back of her dress. Face buried in her hair, his breath puffed out in eager gasps as he murmured his need to simply tear the fabric from her soft, supple body. She felt the fabric loosen across her breasts and jumped when his hands slipped inside the bodice.

  Merivic froze as Anya stared down at him with wide, wild eyes. He dropped his hands at once. “Anya? What is it? Are you all right?”

  She nodded stiffly, unblinking as the tears welled up.

  What do I do? he thought through a haze a panic. Hold her? Talk to her? She is scared. What scared her? What have I done wrong? What do I do now?

  “Anya, please. What…”

  She snapped to and eased back, sitting on her heels as he sat up. “I apologize,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around herself.

  “No. It appears I am the one to apologize. I did not realize… I mean, I thought you were…” He did not know what to say, mainly because he did not understand what had happened. There was only one solution he could come up with. “I will leave.”

  Anya put her hand on his arm. “Merivic.” She blinked back the tears and looked at him solemnly. “I love you. I want you to know that. I am not sure what just happened. I think… The excitement of everything has me a little on edge. That is all.”

  He cupped her cheek, tentatively, to ensure her comfort as he did so, and was pleased when she tipped her head into his palm. “Are you sure, Anya? I would hate to believe I had just… I would never take advantage…”

  “Shhh. No. You did not. I want you, Merivic. Despite how I just reacted, I want you too.”

  He leaned in and kissed her forehead. “Only when you are ready, and only when you are absolutely sure. That is all that matters to me. If I have to wait years for you, I will, and it would be well worth the wait.”

  Her lips curved and she wrapped him in a great hug. “I can guarantee it will not be years. It may not even be days.” She chuckled. “It is just too much for tonight.”

  “I understand.” He pulled back and stood, grazing her jaw with his fingertips as he looked down at her. “It is your choice, my love. I will wait until you are ready. Sleep well. I will see you in the morning.”

  Anya’s heart ached to watch him leave, and it just about shut down altogether as he closed the door behind him.

  I will make it up to him, she swore to herself. I must.

  Chapter 22

  “Sire,” Malik addressed as Merivic strode into his subterranean chambers. “Is there something I can assist you with?”


  His clipped answer had Malik studying him curiously, brow arched as he stared him down.

  Merivic finally broke away from the scrutiny and began wandering the room. “I simply wanted to check on the preparations. How are they coming along?”

  “Fine. I have actually come across more information regarding the ceremony that you may find interesting.”

  “Very well. I can look it over now.” Malik held out the scroll for him, but pulled it back just as Merivic’s hand was about to close around it. Scowling, Merivic snapped, “What is the meaning of this?”

  “What is vexing you?”


  “Something.” Malik cocked his head. “Your eyes. I can see…”

  Merivic shifted his glare, aware of Malik’s unique ability to see more than what words alone would disclose. As he turned away, his thoughts turned to Anya and he could not help but mentally scold himself once again for his lewd behavior in her chambers.

  “You cannot take her yet,” Malik stated to Merivic’s back.

  “I know this.”

  “I saw lust in your eyes.”

  “You saw nothing.”

  Malik set down the scroll he was holding and crossed his arms. “A mistress can be arranged. You must release your pent up desires.”

  Merivic nearly dropped the vial he had snagged from a shelf as he spun around. “I will not!”


  “No!” Merivic’s voice thundered in the stone room.

  Malik saw there was no point in arguing, as well as the possibility of doing so would be considered a dangerous proposition. “Perhaps a snifter of brandy would help calm you.”

  Merivic shrugged as his anger faded, and he tossed the vial on the table. Malik cringed as he watched helplessly, the small container bouncing along the surface before coming to a rolling stop against a stack of parchment. Merivic nearly smiled as he witnessed the display.

  Huffing an exasperated sigh, Malik grabbed the scroll off the table and shoved it at Merivic. “Read this and I will see to your drink.”

  Merivic unrolled it on the table, placing a palm on each end as he leaned in. “I have to go to Silktree?”

  “Yes, and very soon. Keep reading. Your brandy will await you in the great hall.”

  Merivic nodded absently as he continued to read, not noticing as Malik eased away, studying him with intense eyes. Certain the lord would pay him little attention now, Malik reached up to a shelf and retrieved a pouch, slipping it into the pocket of his robes before leaving the room.


  Malik glided silently into the great hall, surprising Zabela as he wrapped an arm around her waist and jerked her back against him.

  She growled and arched. “Mmm. Let us go someplace private.”

  He chuckled and released her, pushing her away a measure. “Not now. Lord Merivic will be back for his brandy. Pour him one.”

  She looked over her shoulder, sulking as she did as told.

  He sauntered over to the table as Zabela brought the drink. She set it down, still pouting, and began to turn away. But with lightening fast reflexes, he grabbed her arm and jerked her close.

  Zabela licked her lips as she stared into his cold, stone-gray eyes, the anticipation building as she waited for him to take her.

  “See to his Lordship tonight,” he instructed, leaning in closer.

  “I always do.”

  His gaze locked on hers, held her still. “See to him. He is tense and needs attending to.”

  Her eyes widened with incredulity, and he swooped down to ravish her mouth. Leaving her swooning for more, he broke away and slipped his long, pale hand into his pocket.

  “He will not deny you, Zabela.” Malik pulled out the pouch and poured the amber powder into Merivic’s brandy.

  She stared down at the snifter and then back up at the cleric, a wicked smile curving her lips.

  “He will be along soon.” He released her and strode toward the door.

  “Oh, Malik.”

  He turned to witness Zabela reach under her dress and wiggle her hips as she pulled down her undergarment. She twirled it with her finger before wadding it up and tossing it at him.

  “I will be back for that later.”

  Malik sneered as he tucked it in his pocket. “Just see that you are.”


  Anya stared at the ceiling as she lay in bed, her mind still tossing shameful memories at her. She winced each time she pictured the pained look on Merivic’s face, and cringed every time she imagined the door closing softly behind him.

  After he had left, she had washed, changed into her nightgown, stared at her flowers, and crawled into her bed. And even after all that, plus laying in the dark for a time, her body was still humming from his touch.

  It should have been nothing for her to be with him that night. It was not as if it were their wedding night, a level of intimacy far surpassing what they have already had. And what they had already shared meant something to her, it meant a lot to her. It should not be a hard decision to be with the man she loved, in a way she had already become familiar and comfortable with. It should be intriguing, alluring, and irresistible. Her heart did a quick skip with the thought.

  Ugh! For all that is good and holy! This is ridiculous!

  She whipped the covers to the side and pushed off the bed, disgusted with herself and her treatment of Merivic.

  The man is to be my husband! I should go to him, she decided as she stared at the door. I will go to him.

  She strode purposefully across the room, the moonlight showing the way in the darkness. With her hand on the doorknob she quickly pulled back and turned to her wardrobe for a robe.

  Properly attired, she whipped open her door and stepped to Merivic’s. She took a deep breath before lightly knocking. Hearing no response, she tried again with a little more force. Still getting no reply, she eased his door open. “Merivic?” He room was faintly lit with candles and she could see he was not in his quarters, nor was his bed ruffled.

  She closed the door and turned. Staring down the hall, she debated as to whether or not she would be able to find her way to the great hall. Certainly that was where he was, and if not, she would most likely come across someone along the way that could help her find him.

  She had to try. This was important enough—he was important enough—for her to try.


  “That woman,” Kael mumbled as he heard Anya’s door slam shut.

  He pushed out of bed and stumbled to his pants, quickly getting dressed as he saw her shadow pass under his door.

  By the time he made it into the hall, she was nowhere to be seen. With a reluctant groan he strode in the same direction her shadow went. The only places she would have gone was the great hall or the cookery, so that was where he headed.

  Rounding the corner near the stairs he saw Gerhard approach.

  “Gerhard. Did Lady Anya pass this way?”

  His brow furrowed. “No. Should she have?”

  Kael shook his head, glancing over his shoulder. “She must have gotten lost.”

  “Slipped away from you, did she?”

  “She had retired for the night, but I heard her door slam shut and her shadow passed by.”

  “And you are positive it was her? Perhaps it was Lord Merivic.”

  “I thought he was still out of town.”

  “He came back shortly after you and Lady Anya finished dinner.”

  Kael ran his hands down his face. “I best go check her quarters then.”

  “I will come with you.” Gerhard elbowed him in the arm. “It would not do well for you to enter her chambers alone. What if you could not contain yourself?” He received a stinging glare. “Once again, a jest, my friend.”

  Kael growled a response, certain his friend would not find such humor in the situation if he truly knew how hard it was for him to be around Anya.

  It will be an undeniable challenge for him every day.


  Merivic slumped in his chair and nursed his wounds with brandy. It seemed especially smooth going down, consuming him with a heat that only the warmth of a woman’s body could rival.

  His eyes dragged lazily to Zabela as she fussed over the table across the way. He had dismissed her for the evening, but she had insisted she stay on until he retired for the night. He watched as she snapped the clean tablecloth and brought it down in a flutter over the dark wood. She hitched out a hip as she reached across the table, dress pulling down at her cleavage, her long neck arching while she stretched. In that moment, it struck him again how much she looked like Anya—the resemblance uncanny—and it caused his stomach to twist with his yearnings for her.

  Zabela glanced his way and he averted his gaze to his empty glass, abashed for being caught in a stare, and both conflicted and confused by his own reaction.

  “Is there something you need, Sire?”

  “More brandy, please.”

  Zabela moved wordlessly to the cabinet to retrieve the bottle. Stopping directly in front of him, she leaned low to pour his drink. “Can I get you anything else?” she asked softly.

  Merivic’s gaze roamed across the swell of her chest and up to her face. He saw Anya smiling back at him for a moment before his vision blurred and he lost focus. He squeezed his eyes shut, gingerly shaking his head. He felt the brush of her body against his legs. Peeling back his lids, he watched as Zabela kneeled in front of him and ran her fingers up and down his thighs. He squirmed under her touch, uneasy with her advances, until another fog wavered over his mind.

  She lay her head in his lap. “What is wrong, Merivic? Do you not want me?”

  He blinked, focused, and blinked again. All he saw was Anya’s beautiful face, her brilliant smile, and he relaxed, easing back as she unfastened his belt. His eyes rolled back and a wave of hunger passed through him as she jerked his pants down. Gripping the arms of the chair, he moaned as she took him into her mouth, pleasuring him with warm lips and an eager tongue.

  She pulled away and he peered up as she unbuttoned the back of her dress, far enough to pull the front down, allowing her full breasts to spill out.

  Rising above him, she was already hot and ready as she straddled, then took him inside her body. Merivic grabbed her hips as sensation slapped him back. He wanted to look into her eyes as she took him, and he fought the fog to see her. Her eyes were sparkling green, hazed over with pleasure before turning dark. Faint alarm bells went off in the back of his mind as he saw Zabela, and then her face shimmered into Anya’s once
more. She sighed as she began to ride, a slow rising as her breath hitched. Denying his sight, Merivic closed his eyes and envisioned what he wanted—his love—as she moved faster and harder against him, rocking her busy hips and driving him toward a euphoric release.

  Chapter 23

  Anya found a staircase she had never used before and descended to the main floor. Nothing looked familiar as she turned around, then went with her gut instinct as to which direction to go. The great hall took up a large portion of the living space, so it was inevitable she would stumble upon it soon. And she knew from simply being in the room itself, there were several separate entrances into it.

  As she turned down a long hall, she saw a fire-lit entryway at the far end. Deciding it was worth the time to investigate, she strode forward only to have her attention veered away a moment later. Passing two elaborate glass doors, she slowed to a stop, brushing her fingers over the stained glass design. Curious now, she gripped the handles and pulled the doors open.

  Directly in front of her was a small patio with an enclosed stone stairway leading up from the left side. She eased out into the night and climbed the stairs, coming out into a narrow walkway between a free-standing wall and the stone side of the castle. A short distance later, the walkway ended, but an arched doorway opened up to the side.

  The warm night breeze caught her as she stepped through, throwing her hair back and ruffling her robe around her. Eyes widened, she gazed around at the large patio, dotted with stone benches, and stepped up the waist-high wall hugging the open area. All she could see when she looked down was a magnificent garden, glowing in soft, muted colors in the moonlight. She smiled at the sight and her chest tightened from the beauty of it. She could stand here forever.

  After her eyes adjusted to the night and the light of the moon, she noticed a slight flickering at the edge of the garden. Bracing herself and leaning forward, she arched her neck to see where it could be coming from, and saw it was a set of clear-glass doors. The wavering light shining through them could only be attributed to a fire, and from her angle, she could see the corner of a rug she was sure she had seen in the great hall.


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