Something Worth Fighting For

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Something Worth Fighting For Page 3

by McNiel, Ashley

  “You did not just do that!” I stared up at him, gawking as I pulled my hair into a ponytail.

  “I most certainly did.”

  “You are so going to pay for that.”

  “Am I? Bring it on little girl.” He teased putting his balled fists on his hips. I stepped back admiring his broad shoulders, abs, and the delicious partially exposed inverted triangle cut of his body. The water was dripping off of every toned muscle that flexed as his body moved. I had to be staring at him like he was a steak dinner and I was a starved tiger.

  “Yes, sir.” I smiled mischievously then pounced on him. He caught me laughing as we fell back into the water. I used both hands to try and push his head under water, my legs wrapping around his waist. With all my strength behind it I finally managed to dunk him.

  Atlas came up laughing, wiping his face as he kept me close to him. “You know I let you do that right?”

  “I figured.” My bottom lip poked out as I pouted. He grinned, pressing his wet face against the curve between my neck and shoulder.

  “I have a crush on you, Ellie.” His voice was soft, breath warm against my skin, causing goosebumps to rise up and down my arms.

  “Funny, because I have a crush on you, Atlas.” I laughed, laying my arms over his shoulders. Atlas hands wrapped all the way around my forearms, holding me still. Before I could pull back his eyes jerked downward to where his thumb was brushing against the nearly arm length vertical scar.

  “I--” He blew all the air in his lungs out at once, “I’m not going to ask even though I want to, damn, do I want to. I hope one day you’ll tell me. I won’t be able to change it but maybe we can make life a little bit better for each other.” His forehead was pressed against mine but his eyes never left my arms.

  “I’d like that.” I smiled up at him, eyes squinting against the sun. By his words, I realized that maybe I’m not that only one who needed someone to be there for them when the dark times come.

  “Good. If you ever need...”

  “I know, back at ya’.” I cut him off, sighing contently as I fell back into the water.

  “You have some great tattoos.” I could feel his eyes on me, running over my arms, sides, tops of my legs.

  “Thanks, no, I won’t show you all of them.” I smirked covering my eyes from the sun.

  “That’s okay, it leaves something for the imagination.”

  “Good answer.”

  “What time do you have to work?” Atlas was now floating on his back next to me, his pinky finger hooked with mine.

  “I usually work 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. during the summer and it depends on my schedule come September.”

  “Good now I know when I’m allowed to come eat.”

  “The food really isn’t that good.”

  “The service is.”

  “Again, good answer.” I laughed.

  “So what should we do on this chaperoned date?” Atlas chuckled as I groaned thinking of my father.

  “How about a home cooked meal? I bet you haven’t had a decent one in a while.”

  “A girl that wants to feed me? You’re after my heart Ellie Grant.” Atlas put both hands over his chest, pretending to swoon.

  “I can bake too.”

  “I love you. Let’s get married. Right now.” Atlas threw his hands in the air as a sign of defeat.

  “Hold on to that thought, Cowboy. It could be worse than Shep’s cooking.”

  “I’ve had worse. MRE’s taste like shit but it’s food.”

  “My brothers dared me to eat one once. Only once.” Atlas laughed as I shuddered. “What’s your favorite food? Do you have any preferences?”

  “Mexican anything.”

  “Allergic to anything?”

  “No ma’am.”

  “Awesome. I’ll have to go grocery shopping.”

  “You’re seriously cooking for me?” He asked excitedly.

  “You better believe it, Cowboy.”

  “I’m definitely not a cowboy, Ginger.”

  “Ginger, really? You know it’s not nice to make fun of ginger kids. We really can’t help it. It’s practically a disability.” I pushed him playfully.

  “I think it’s hot.”


  “I don’t lie, Ginger. Ever.” Atlas said seriously. “Too many stories to keep up with and I have more important things to do.”

  “Oh, like what?”

  “Impressing your father for one.”

  “That’s a tough one. What else?”

  “Making you fall for me.”

  “Hm...” I ran my fingers over the top of his arm, smiling to myself.

  “What’s going on in that beautiful head of yours?”

  “Thinking about which one of those is going to be harder for you.” I laughed as Atlas tapped his chin as if he was contemplating.

  “I think I can handle it.”

  “Confidence or cockiness?”

  “A little of both.”

  “You’re going to need it.” I swam off back toward the shore, smiling the entire way. Pulling one of the towels out of my bag, I wrapped myself in it and sat back down next to Darcy.

  “I’ve known you three years and never seen you smile like that.” Darcy winked at me from over her cell phone.

  “He’s something special, Darc.” I sighed staring dreamily out at Atlas. “How’s Dean?”

  “He’s something special to look at that’s for damn sure; he’s hot as hell.” She giggled, pressing her shoulder against mine. “He’s fine but not the same kind of fine as that man of yours. Whining because I’m here right now actually.” She rolled her big chocolate brown eyes from behind her Tiffany sunglasses.

  “What an ass. He knows this is what we do every single week. I don’t know what makes this week any different than the last.” I turned on the Pandora app from my phone, laughing as The Killers started playing.

  “Do we?” Darcy smiled.

  “Don’t we always?” We both jumped up from our chairs dancing with our arms above our heads. We had seen them in concert our Freshman year and ever since had been convinced we had to dance every time “All These Things That I’ve Done” came on.

  Atlas’ head popped up watching us from his spot in the water. We were singing together at the top of our lungs, completely carefree. Atlas made his way back to shore, laughing at us the entire way.

  “You two are nuts.” He grabbed a towel drying his face. We sang purposefully off key and loud enough to make anyone in the area give us a glance over their shoulder.

  I grabbed Atlas hand making him spin me around. He looked unsure of himself at first but after a shake of my hips and wide smile he didn’t seem to care. He turned me out and back into him until the song died down.

  We fell back into our chairs, in a fit of laughter, kicking back under the sweet summer sun. The rest of the afternoon passed with, if possible, too much laughter, stories of mine and Darcy’s adventures and shy looks between Atlas and I.

  He was completely under my sun kissed skin.


  “So what do you think?” I asked Darcy while I happily peeled potatoes over the sink later that evening.

  “I think that boy might stop the entire world if it made you happy.” Darcy answered after a moment, spinning her bottle cap on the counter. “Dean has never looked at me the way Atlas looks at you. It’s almost... adoration.” A small smile formed on her lips as a look of hurt passed over her eyes. “What kind of name is Atlas anyway? Did his parents hate him or something?” She smirked, shaking it off, and taking a long drink from her Heineken bottle.

  “It’s Greek mythology, Atlas was a Titan, I believe. His brothers name is Ares after the God of war. Their mother’s name is Andromeda but he says everyone calls her Andy.” I rambled on.

  “And here I thought Texans were supposed to be normal.” We laughed as I finished up cooking dinner for dad. I’m fairly certain he would live off of black coffee, frozen dinner, and tobacco if it wasn’t for me. />
  “Dad’s going to be pissed you’re drinking his beer.” I pointed my spoon in her direction.

  “I don’t give a shit. I’ll buy him more.” She waved me off.

  “So why are you hanging out here and avoiding Dean?”

  “You have food and he is being a jerk. He’s so clingy and gets mad over every little thing. I am sick of hearing about how I’m cheating on him because I’m never home. I’m sorry, I work to help pay the rent and have a life outside of him. Hell, he even accused us of being together because you’re never with a guy. How ridiculous is that?”

  “Now that’s a relationship I could support.” Dad kissed my cheek, grabbing a beer from the fridge. “Need me to go put the fear of God in that piss ant?”

  “No thanks, Pops, not yet.” Darcy laughed.

  “You just let me know,” he aimed the neck of his bottle at her, “you owe me a beer.”

  “Yeah, yeah.”

  “Dinner smells good.” He took a drink as he leaned against the counter.

  “Thanks, I’ll be done soon. Roast has been cooking all day.” I appreciated the acknowledgement of even the little things I did for him.

  “Can’t wait, holler for me.” He started to walk off toward the living room.

  “Hey Dad?”


  “What did you find out about Atlas?” I knew he had already checked in on him. I had been dying to know what he found out.

  “That’s none of your business.”

  “No, you are going to tell me, dammit.” I crossed my arms, scowling.

  “I found that he has an excellent record. Sniper, deployed three times, reenlisted on his own accord. His birthday is in November. He’s from Granbury, Texas. Mom and brother back there. Was in a lot of trouble when he was younger but we seemed to have straightened him out. I’ll let him tell you the details on that one when he feels like it.”

  “You mean I actually get to see him?” I held my breath, crossing my fingers behind my back.

  “At least once,” Dad smirked, “After that it’s up to you, I suppose.” Darcy and I clapped as I let out a sigh of relief. I was one more tiny step forward in the battle of my overprotective father versus actually having a life.

  Chapter Three

  Atlas: What did your dad say about me?

  I was leaning against the bar watching the minutes on the clock over the door tick slowly by. It had been almost a week since our beach day and despite wanting to see each other Atlas had been busy. I sighed listening to Shep snore loudly from the back, reeking of cheap whisky and even cheaper cigarettes.

  Ellie: That you’re a scoundrel and to stay far, far away.

  Atlas: I was afraid of that. He must have found out all my dirty secrets.

  Ellie: He said that you’re a sniper. You’re from Granbury, Texas and you used to be a troublemaker. Those were the only things I didn’t really know. Oh and your birthday is in November.

  Atlas: November 12th. Yours?

  Ellie: December 3rd. I’ll be 23.

  Atlas: I’ll be 26. A younger woman. Hm...

  Ellie: You dirty old man! What a cradle robber.

  Atlas: Getting dirty looks for laughing, Ginger.

  Ellie: You’re getting even dirtier looks for calling me Ginger.

  Atlas: At least it’s coming from a beautiful face.

  Ellie: Good answer.

  Atlas: Guys are hungry. Gotta feed ‘em. See ya’ soon. xoxo

  Ellie: Be careful, please. xoxoxo

  It took me reading the text twice before realizing he was about to show up at the diner. I grabbed my purse and ran to try to tame my mane of hair and fix my makeup. At three in the morning it was looking more like a lost cause.

  Resigning, I went back behind the counter digging out clean coffee cups and turning on the maker for a fresh pot. I flipped the radio on to keep me company and awake more than anything while I waited. Humming to myself as I danced around until the familiar sound of a motorcycle engine caught my attention. A large black Tahoe was pulling in behind him. I tried to play it cool but just knowing he was close got my heart beating just a little faster.

  The bell rang as the door opened, the sight of Atlas caught me in my tracks. He winked, grinning as he walked over, planting a soft kiss on my cheek. “I missed you,” he whispered in my ear before rounding the counter to take a seat.

  Four large guys piled in the door a few minutes later, pushing each other, and nodding at me as they sat down at the counter next to Atlas. “Hey guys, coffee?” I smiled at their enthusiastic nodding. Without hesitation I started distributing black coffee and menus as Atlas watched my every mood.

  “Alright gentlemen, I’m Ellie and since I’m the only person here at this ungodly hour I will be your waitress extraordinaire. So whatever you need feel free to ask.”

  “Your number.” A dark haired man with the last name Hernandez displayed on his Service uniform, smirked at me.

  “Sorry, try again.” I watched as Atlas’ jaw clenched.

  “Too bad you’re missing a good time.”

  “I have a better offer,” I rolled my eyes, “Sergeant Ryker, back again I see.”

  “What can I say? Can’t keep me away.” Atlas leaned back crossing his arms behind his head.

  “Must be the food.”

  “Food ain’t got a damn thing to do with it, Ginger.”

  “Watch yourself.” I cut my eyes at him.

  “I’d rather watch you.” He gave me his dimple revealing grin.

  “Well it looks like Ryker finally met himself a lady friend.” The man next to him smiled showing a gap between his top teeth.

  “Don’t give him too much credit.” I gave him a wry smile as I filled their glasses with sodas and water.

  “You’ll love me Ellie, wait and see.”

  “You have to get past my Daddy first.” A chorus of “Oh!” rang out as the man next to him, Thornbriar, slapped his back.

  “Ryker here is a charmer. He’ll have your old man like Jell-O.” Thornbriar said as I threw my head back laughing.

  “Not my Dad.”

  “He’s golden; no one can touch that smile. The man can do no wrong.” The man on the other side of Thornbriar, Montes I read, spoke.

  “You guys have no idea.” Atlas sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

  “Enough gentlemen. Now what am I waking Shep up to cook?” I started at one end of the counter and five tickets later was attempting to shake Shep awake.

  “Get up! You actually fucking work here!” I growled at him but he didn’t budge. “You guys better protect me if he comes up swinging.” I looked over at the counter as I resorted to filling up a glass of ice water.

  “With my life.” Atlas smiled faintly at me, obviously speaking before thinking. I bit my bottom lip blushing as the guys started ribbing him again.

  “Ready? You asked for this.” I tossed the glass of ice water on Shep and ran around the counter. He came up swinging as predicted, spitting mad.

  “What the fuck, Ellie?” You stupid little bitch, I’m soaked!” He roared, wiping his face with his hands.

  “We have customers. I tried to wake you up civilly but no, your ass was passed out, piss drunk as usual.”

  “That doesn’t mean you have to drown me!”

  “Then next time I’ll set you on fire.” I snapped at him. “Tickets are on the wheel. Oh and if you call me a bitch again, I’ll beat you with a skillet while you sleep.”

  “God just shut up already!” Shep dragged himself to the stove as I passed him a cup of coffee; he grunted his thanks. I turned back around to see five sets of eyes on me.

  “What? Never seen a little girl get shit done before?”

  “I think I’d like to go through your Dad if I got to date you, you feisty mama.” Hernandez laughed.

  “You really don’t. Besides Atlas already called dibs and to be honest? You are so not my type.” Another chorus of “Oh!” rang through the empty diner as I laughed.

bsp; “What’s so scary about your Dad? Is he a cop? Mayor or something?” Montes asked. I looked at Atlas who was chuckling to himself. “I don’t see what could be so scary about this little girls Daddy.”

  “Go ahead and tell ‘em beautiful or they’re not going to shut up.” Atlas smiled at me.

  “My name is Ellie Grant and before you ask, no, I’m not a barrack rat or a base bunny.” I looked at the four clearly confused men.

  “Yeah and I’m Theodore Ackart, what’s your point?” The man next to Hernandez said. He was the last one to actually speak to me, his nearly black eyes narrowing in my direction.

  “Master Gunnery Sergeant Benjamin Grant is my father and I’m his only daughter.”

  “Oh fuck.” Ackart’s mouth fell open as they sat up a little straighter.

  “Don’t even starting acting like you guys have any manners now.” I laughed catching Atlas staring at me. I walked over to his end of the counter, leaning over toward him. “What are you staring at Ryker?” I spoke only loud enough for him to hear.

  He leaned forward, his mouth inches from mine. I held my breath as he moved even closer. “You,” his breath was on my lips, “That I know what you look like under those clothes. How fantastic your ass looks in those tight jeans. But mostly how beautiful you are when you laugh.” His lips pressed lightly against my forehead for a brief moment before he leaned back in his chair.

  My knees were shaking underneath me. “Thank God he can’t see behind this counter...” I thought to myself, sitting down on a barstool. I looked down at the worn linoleum floor, hiding my bright red face.

  “Order up. There’s the first three tickets, almost done with the rest.” Shep nodded as I gathered as many plates as I could carry at once.

  “Thanks,” I muttered passing food out according to order. Once Shep was finished he slunk back to his hole, digging through a mound of empty bottles. I returned to my stool, rubbing my forehead.

  “You okay, Ginger?” Atlas voice was the only noise I heard.


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