Something Worth Fighting For

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Something Worth Fighting For Page 4

by McNiel, Ashley

  “I’m fine, just tired,” I admitted with a weak smile, “I don’t sleep well.”

  “You off tomorrow?” I nodded as I continued to rub my face vigorously.

  “Yeah, I have to go grocery shopping when I wake up. Some guy I know really likes Mexican food.”

  “Ryker?” Montes asked eavesdropping on our conversation.

  “Nope, hate the stuff,” Atlas snorted, “Yes, idiot.”

  “You’re cooking for Ryker? No fair.”

  “Montes shut up.” Atlas sighed.

  “No one ever cooks for me.” He pouted, stabbing at his eggs.

  “Montes, it’s a date.” I laid my head on the counter, laughing.

  “Oh... Fine then, another time.” Montes took another bite, smiling.

  “So glad I invited you!”

  “Don’t listen to Montes, again, he’s an idiot. I think he’s our Private Gump.” Atlas smirked.

  “That explains him so much better.”

  “What time you get off?” Atlas took my hand in his, brushing the top with his thumb.

  “Six unless Savannah comes in early.”

  “Is Savannah hot? I’ll stick around if she’s hot.” Hernandez spoke with his mouth full.

  “Didn’t anyone teach you any type of manners? You’re never going to get any sort of woman talking with food in your mouth.” I admonished him.

  “Yes Mom.”

  “Good boy.” I closed my eyes listening to the guys sling insults back and forth.

  “You’re going to fall asleep.” Atlas voice was in my ear as I smiled sleepily at him.

  “I know. Darcy woke me up too early. I think she called me not ten minutes after I fell asleep.” I opened one eye looking up at Atlas, noticing a fine stubble was grazing his jawline.

  “Hm... I’ll have to talk to her about that.” He ran his hand through my hair, wrapping a curl around his index finger.

  “Good luck with that. There’s no reasoning with that woman.”

  “What are you two smitten kittens talking about?” Ackart called from down the counter.

  “Smitten kittens? Seriously? Are you sure you’re a man?” I teased.

  “I can prove it.” Ackart jumped up grabbing the crotch of his pants.

  “If you want to keep it, I would sit your ass back down.” Atlas growled.

  “Okay, too much testosterone for me.” I stood up stretching my arms above my head. “You guys done with these or you want to eat the plates too?”

  “Are they edible?” Montes asked seriously.

  “Yeah, go ahead.” I rolled my eyes as he stared at the plate with a look of fascination. I snatched it from his nose before his half a brain actually decided it was a good idea to bite it. “I’ll be back.”

  Balancing at least eight plates I carefully stepped over Shep’s legs making sure not to disturb the sleeping giant and sat them down in the dirty industrial sink. Sighing, I turned on the water and let it fill while running back for the rest. Shep’s incessant snoring was making it hard to listen to the guy’s conversation as I washed the plates and silverware.

  “She’s nice, I like her.” Montes’ voice carried the best.

  “Yeah she’s not bad to look at either.” Hernandez said laughing, fully knowing it would get under Atlas’ skin.

  “I’ll pluck your eyes out and keep them as a trophy, Eddie.” Atlas snapped. “That’s my girl.” I smiled at the thought of Atlas wanting to be protective of me. It was kinda sweet, a change from Dad or my brothers watchful eyes.

  Scrubbing away dried on syrup I couldn’t stop my mind from drifting. Ever since I had the conversation with dad about Atlas not being like Spencer it was getting harder to avoid. It’s like laying in bed at night and you can’t stop from thinking, “You know what’s a movie that I never want to watch again? Human Centipede.” then you’re wide awake worrying about who is going to kidnap you and sew you ass to mouth with your best friend.


  “Where is your brother anyway?” Sarah turned to look at me over her shoulder. Her blond hair shining under the glow of the street lights, heels clicking cadence as we paraded down the sidewalk.

  “He was in his room. It’s on the third floor so it was easy to leave without him knowing.”

  “Probably jerking off.”

  “Yeah, to pictures of you.”

  “Disgusting!” She shuddered. “What about your mom?”

  “Supposedly working another overnight.”

  “In other words fucking her boss?” Sara snorted.

  “More than likely,” I sighed, it was an unavoidable truth. Dad had been sent to Lejeune months ago and it was like as soon as his seabags hit the car she was off sleeping with someone else.

  Sara had begged me to sneak out to see her new boyfriends band play tonight. I had chalked it up to she wanted to get drunk and start a fight and would probably need back up. It always happened that way. She would cause a scene, I’d end up hitting someone, and her and whoever she was sleeping with would break up a week or so later. Although I had to give it to her, drinking mine and Spencer’s big breakup away didn’t seem like a bad idea.

  “I hope bitches aren’t going to try and be all over Jamie. I’ll flip. I’ll totally lose my shit.” Sara was talking mostly to hear the sound of her voice. She was one of those people that always talked no matter if anyone was actually listening or not. She would just assume they were and carry on.

  Spencer had been off at college for three months and we had only seen each other a handful of times since. He had been pressuring me for sex for the last six months and I had yet to give it up. He kept saying after a year together that I was just being a prude, a tease, and he deserved a little something for all his hard work.

  I had told him to go fuck himself instead.

  I wanted sex to mean more than just something to do because everyone else was or it was because that’s what he wanted. And to do it just because Spencer wanted it was not an option for me. At this point we weren’t even speaking despite his three or more phone calls a day. I knew he was going to be home for Thanksgiving any day now. Seeing him was going to be something I would have to deal with sooner or later. I’d just rather it be a lot later.

  Sara and I snuck into the back of the club through the band entrance. She was sitting on Jamie’s lap, holding on to every word he was saying. She acted like he had put the stars in the sky just for her or something. Batting her eyelashes, giggling, and slamming back shots like it was her job; that had sealed my decision to stay sober. She was going to need babysitting later on when she was praying to the porcelain Gods.

  My phone buzzed in my pocket. It was either Joaquin figuring out I had snuck out or Spencer. Neither of which I particularly cared to speak to right now. Flipping open the top, I opened the text.

  Spenc: Where r u?

  I sighed rolling my eyes. He must have called the house. Just one night away from all the drama would be awesome. But no, it follows me everywhere!

  Ellie: Out w/ Sara

  Spenc: Where? @ ur house

  Ellie: Concert her new b/f band

  Spenc: Where?

  Ellie: Leave me alone

  Spenc: No coming 2 get u

  Ellie: I’m turning my phone off

  I did just that, stuffing it deep into the back pocket of my jeans. Slipping through the side door I took my spot in front of the stage next to a slurring, swaying Sara. Together we danced, sang the covers the band played, and screamed for the guys just like good groupies were supposed to do. They were actually a decent band for being unsigned. A little lighter than what I usually preferred but a solid rock sound regardless.

  Sara casually dropped the information she was leaving with Jamie after their set. Which yet again left me to find a way back home, across town, at one in the morning. Rather than getting to go back to Sara and her mom Lorraine’s apartment six blocks away.

  Fantastic, thanks for that Sara.

  “Ugh,” I groaned walking through the
alleyway more than pissed off at my so called friend. With my head hung down I pulled out my phone, turning it back on, determined to call for a cab. I dodged drunk people puking next to the dumpster before turning back down another alley to use the phone.

  “Be quiet,” I heard Spencer’s voice in my ear before his hand clamped hard over my mouth. His arm snaked around my waist, holding me tight against him. He reeked of alcohol. “I was lucky Sara is an idiot and posted on Facebook where you two would be tonight.”

  I threw my elbow back as hard as I could connecting with Spencer’s ribs. He grunted, constricting his hand, squeezing my face until I yelped. His nails were cutting my skin causing tears to well up in my eyes.

  Spencer began to dragging me backward. Further down into the dark cramped alley. I wasn’t going down without a fight, the guys had trained me better than that. I flailed, kicked, swung my arms wildly trying to make any contact with his body.

  But mostly, I screamed.

  And screamed.

  And screamed.

  Over and over until I thought my lungs would give out. Until my throat was raw. All I could hear was the sound of my voice and Spencer yelling at me to shut up.

  I screamed the entire time Spencer’s fists laid into my face, splitting my lips, bruising my eyes.

  I screamed while the world went hazy, blurring in and out.

  I screamed while he plunged the knife into me over and over again.

  I screamed until no more sound would come out.


  “Ellie?” Atlas’ voice startled me, jerking me back to the here and now. My breathing was rapid, heart racing, sweat formed on my top lip as my chin trembled. With shaking hands I dropped the blade of steak knife I didn’t know I had been gripping in my balled fist.

  “Fuck,” I groaned, clutching my bleeding hand. “Blood...” The air left my lungs as my world began to spin. “Blood makes me...” My voice was hoarse as I watched with blurry vision as Atlas stepping over Shep.

  “Oh shit. You okay?” Atlas face was pale, masked in concern.

  Tears were forming in my eyes as he took my hand. I bit my bottom lip feeling nauseous as the metallic smell filled my nostrils. The room started to spin, my vision in and out again as I looked at the blood running down my hand, dripping between my fingers to the concrete floor. My knees buckled as my eyes rolled into the back of my head and the world went black.

  “Is she going to be okay?” I could hear a male voice trying to break through the haze that surrounded me.

  “Oh yeah, she’ll be just fine.” Another voice said, chuckling.

  “Daddy?” I asked weakly, confused.

  “No baby, it’s Atlas.” Atlas leaned into my fluttering eyesight. “How ya’ doin’ champ?” He grinned down at me.

  “I feel like shit.” I mumbled as he gently sat me upright, allowing me to lean against him. My legs were being elevated by Thornbriar who was trying to stifle his smile.

  “So the sight of blood makes you pass out, good to know.” Atlas laughed. “You think you might be good to stand?”

  “I think so?” I took his hand, pulling myself up on my unsteady feet.

  “We should get you home.” Atlas draped his arm over my shoulder. “Managed to bandage your hand while you were down.” I looked down at the kitchen towel tied around my hand.

  “You’re fast.”

  “I’m good at thinking on my feet. I kind of have to be.”

  “You’re like a boy scout on steroids.” I mused, giggling.

  “Superhero sounds cooler.”

  “You can rescue me any day.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.” Atlas grabbed my purse from the coat rack. “Do you want me to follow you to your house?” He asked taking my injured hand in his. I was lost in examining just how much bigger his hands were than mine. “Ellie?” Atlas waved his free hand in front of my face.

  “Yeah, home. I should definitely go there.”

  “I’ll follow you to make sure you make it there okay.” It was no longer a question.

  “Let’s go then.” I leaned into Atlas as we crossed the parking lot together. Savannah passed us on her way in. “Could you close out their tickets for me? I’m not feeling so hot.”

  “No problem, feel better.” She gave me a small smile before heading inside.

  Atlas fished my keys out, opening the door for me. He helped me inside then dropped to a squat next to me. “Are you sure you are okay to drive?” He brushed his knuckles down my cheek.

  “Yeah, I’m good. I’ll pull over if I feel... whatever.” I waved my hand dismissively. My world had started to settle down again and was already feeling clearer.

  “I’ll be right behind you.” Atlas kissed my forehead. The warm, wet touch of his lips on my skin gave me chills. “Be careful, please.”

  “You be careful, please.” I started the car as he stood up and shut my door. Atlas being comfortable enough to come over was a nice change. Most men would have run for the hills.

  I was really hoping he was going to be around more often. “He took care of me.” I smiled at the thought the short drive to the house. Atlas was at my door as soon as his motorcycle engine shut off behind me.

  “Is it okay if I come in?”

  “Yes, I’m a big girl, I can have boys over.” I smirked as he followed me upstairs.

  “I’m hoping I’m the only boy you have over.” Atlas said quietly as I opened the front door. I could hear Dad snoring from the couch as soon as I stepped inside.

  “That’s not anything you have to worry about.”

  “Let’s go bandage that hand.” Atlas suggested from behind me.

  “Yeah, follow me.” I pulled his pinky finger so he followed me up the spiral staircase. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach as I led him through the door to my bedroom. “Home sweet home.” I smiled over my shoulder at him.

  “Wow, you have a great view.” Atlas walked over to the windows as I slipped into the bathroom for the first aid kit.

  “Other than the porch and my Dad’s room it’s the best in the house. I might be partial but I think it’s even better than his room.” I sat on the middle of my bed kicking my shoes onto the floor. “Come work your magic.”

  I closed my eyes holding my hand out to Atlas. The bed moved under the added weight as he sat down. Holding my breath, he unwrapped my hand, I quickly peeked through my eyelashes then shut them tight again. I was, thankfully, no longer bleeding. His fingers move over my sore skin as he applied some cream and an actual bandage.

  “Good as new.” Atlas kissed over the top of the bandage as I opened my eyes again.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re very welcome.” Atlas leaned forward staring intently at me. I was hypnotized by his mouth mere inches away from mine. “I should go,” he whispered, his breath on my cheek.

  “If you must.” I pouted.

  “Aw, don’t be that way, I’ll be back later. You can’t miss me that much. Besides, we have a date tonight.” He kissed my cheek softly. It took every bit of my willpower not to throw myself at him and kiss him full on the lips.

  “I’ll walk you out.” I said breaking away from my fantasy, leading him back downstairs.

  Atlas stopped when he reached his bike and looked over at me standing at the bottom of the stairs. “Ellie, I want to kiss you so bad it physically hurts.” He admitted with a small smile. “But I’ll wait because you deserve to have a perfect moment. I want to be the person to give it to you. I want that moment with you.” He pulled his helmet on and swung his long leg over the bike. “Sweet dreams, Ellie.”

  I watched him ride away into the early morning sunrise trying to catch my breath.

  Chapter Four

  “So did you see that boy again?” Dad asked as I unloaded the grocery bags he had helped me carry upstairs. I had been checking my phone obsessively for the last thirty minutes waiting for a text or anything from him.

  “I did,” I admitted while trying to stifle my
smile. My hand was still sore this morning but nothing I couldn’t handle.

  “Still going through with that date?”

  “Sure am.”

  “What are you cooking for him?”

  “Don’t worry I’m feeding you too.” I laughed. “Um, enchiladas with my avocado and pureed tomatillo sauce, black beans, rice, queso, and your favorite peanut butter pie.”

  “I’m never going to get get rid of him now.” Dad groaned. “What happened to your hand?”

  “Cut it washing dishes last night.”

  “Pass out?”


  “Why didn’t you call me? Or that piece of shit cook you guys have?” He sighed running his hand over his balding head.

  “I had help.” I left out the ingredients I would need and started prepping.


  “Atlas; he and some other guys came in.”


  “Montes, Hernandez, who is the biggest horn dog ever, seriously, so gross, Ackart, and Thornbriar.”

  “Those guys are such a motley crew. Hernandez better watch himself.” He cleared his throat, mumbling. “I’m glad he took care of you.” With my back turned to him, I rolled my eyes.

  “He’s a really good guy, give him a chance. Atlas already jumped his ass about me.”

  “Good, I’d hate to have to hurt him. Do you want to give him a chance?”

  “Yes, I think so, maybe, yes.” I nodded, keeping my shaking hands busy so I wouldn’t look as nervous as I felt about it. “I mean you already have all the dirty details you could want at your disposal. You can warn me if anything gets serious.” I said not sure who I was trying to reassure.

  “This is more than a first date being the only date kind of thing isn’t it? I mean do you see him sticking around?”

  “Yeah, I think it might be. He’s definitely made of boyfriend material.”

  “That is not something any father ever wants to hear. Fine, I’ll be nice, if I have to.” Dad said reluctantly.

  “Thank you.” I gave him a sincere smile as I put the pie in the fridge and pulled out cookie dough I had made up earlier this morning.


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