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Something Worth Fighting For

Page 6

by McNiel, Ashley

  “No need, she wouldn’t stand a chance.”

  “Because she reminds you of Charlotte?” I asking taking a bite of shrimp.

  “No Ellie,” Atlas looked serious, “because she’s not you. She doesn’t even come close to comparing to you.”

  “Oh...” It was all I could manage to choke out in my embarrassment.

  After that we kept the conversation light and flowing despite Molly’s far too frequent interruptions. I leaned back in my chair, hands over my stomach. “This was really nice, thank you.”

  “Anytime, Ginger. We’ll have to do this more often.”

  “I’ll hold you to that.” Molly came back with the ticket Atlas had requested. The number she had slipped between the papers fell to the table, much to Atlas’ amusement. I however was not laughing.

  “I’ll be right back.” I stood up, brushing myself off.

  “Ellie, come on, Ellie. You’re such a feisty little shit.” Atlas was laughing, on my heels as I pushed through the door.

  “Excuse me,” I tapped Molly’s shoulder. She was standing in a small circle with three other girls. “You seem to have misplaced this.” I handed her the piece of paper.

  “No, I didn’t.” She cut her eyes at me.

  “Oh no, sweetie, you did. See, that’s my man.” I pointed to Atlas who was beaming, trying his best not to laugh. “Back the fuck off.” I enunciated each word. “I know your manager, Darcy, she’s my best friend, so I wouldn’t push your luck. Keep your eyes and hands to yourself. Understood?” I stared down at her with a menacing glare.

  “Yeah, got it.” She gulped, nodding.

  “Ticket is on the table.” Atlas’ voice broke our staring contest. He tugged on my hand, pulling me away. “Come on, firecracker.” He kissed my temple, laughing all the way to the car.

  “I don’t know what’s so funny over there.” I pouted as Atlas pulled out of the parking lot.



  “Yes you, you’re like a damn stick of dynamite. Once someone lights the fuse they better watch out ‘cause you’re gonna blow.” He was tapping the steering wheel along with the radio. “However I like that you called me you man.” He admitted bashfully.

  “Oh you do, huh?” I smiled still contemplating his firecracker comment.

  “Yes ma’am.”

  “For your information I’m very proud that you’re my man.”

  “And I’m damn proud to be your man.” He kissed each one of my knuckles. “You want to come to my place for a little while?”

  “Yeah, we’re always at mine. Let’s go check out the bachelor pad.”

  We drove about ten minutes away from the cafe to one of the nicer apartment complexes in town. Even though I was with Atlas I still felt nervous. Any guy I dated more than once, which was all of two guys, always wanted to come over to my dad’s house. But this was his territory. It made me feel a little more guarded.

  “Hey...” Atlas must have sensed my sudden change in demeanor. “I’m not going to hurt you, Ellie, promise.” He spoke softly, holding out his pinky finger to me. I smiled a little, hooking my finger around his.

  Atlas led me up the two flights stairs to the second floor, apartment 7B. He pushed the the door open to find Adam and Montes hovered over their Playstation 3 controllers yelling into their headsets. “Goddamnit Eddie, don’t shoot yet! You trigger happy mother fucker!” Adam growled.

  “Watch the language, guys.” Atlas warned.

  “Girlfriend!” Both guy cheered as I walked in. “Long time no see.” Montes added.

  “Hey boys.” I laughed.

  “The cookies were killer!” Montes nodded excitedly.

  “I’m glad you liked them. I take requests, although I’m surprised Atlas shared. What the hell is your first name Montes?” The guys were laughing at me. “I swear if you say Forrest I’m leaving.”

  “Caleb,” he said staring at the screen.

  “Caleb,” I repeated, “And Adam,” I pointed to Thornbriar.

  “That’s me.” He nodded, fingers moving quickly over the controller.

  “Ackart is Theo and Hernandez is--”

  “Eduardo! Ayiyiyiyiyiiiii!” Caleb interrupted howling with laughter.

  “Eddie,” Atlas corrected him, “Come on lets leave the kids to their game.” He wrapped his arm around my waist, leading me down the hallway.

  The apartment was a basic man haven. Beer, pizza boxes, dirty laundry, and a big screen TV were all I could recognize. No pictures, a calendar with bikini clad girls, and a few neon signs littered the walls. Atlas opened the door at the very end of the hall. “This is my sanctuary.”

  It was an average sized room painted gun metal blue. He had pictures lining the walls, some from his times in Iraq and Afghanistan, pictures with the guys, during training with him staring intently down the scope. I walked over to a solitary shelf to find the pictures of his family.

  “Your mother is beautiful.” I smiled at the picture of him and the dark haired woman. She was just graying around the frame of her heart shaped face. “You have her eyes.”

  “Ares and I both do.” Atlas was stretched out on the bed, arms crossed behind his head.

  I picked up the next picture of him and the younger version of him. His arm was slung over Ares shoulder and Ares was staring up at Atlas with blatant idolization. “I love this,” I put the picture back on the shelf, moving around the room.

  “Yeah, can’t wait to see them.”

  “When do you go back?”

  “Not until Thanksgiving.”

  “I bet they miss you.”

  “Yeah, they do. I talk to my Mom a few times a week and text Ares daily.” There was a faint smile across his face. “Actually come here,” he waved me over.

  “Your bed is ridiculously comfortable.” I kicked off my shoes and laid down next to him.

  “It was the first thing I bought after I got back from my first deployment. Nothing makes you appreciate a good bed like not having one.” He pulled out his cell phone, “get close.”

  “What are you doing silly?” I leaned my head against his.

  “Taking our picture to send to them.” He kissed my cheek as he took the picture. “Mom will love that.” He smiled looking at the screen.

  “Good send it to me too.”

  “Smile,” I did as he snapped another picture. “I took one of you the night of our first date.” He blurted out suddenly causing me to raise my eyebrows at him.

  “You did? I don’t remember that.”

  “Part of my job is stealth, baby.” He kissed my temple. “You just looked so beautiful. Not that you don’t always look beautiful but... Damn. The moonlight was in your hair, head thrown back laughing...” He exhaled, whistling through his teeth.

  I pulled out my own phone snapping a quick picture of him. “Only fair,” we laid in bed taking stupid pictures together on our phones, laughing at the outcome.

  “Ryker, what are you doing in there?” Adam’s voice was at the door.

  “Cute-sy couple stuff.” I yelled back at him.

  “Um, yes, Sergeant Ryker? The Marine Corps called, they would like the man they enlisted back. Are you there devil dog? Please come in devil dog.” Adam teased.

  “Suck my dick, Adam.” Atlas growled.

  “Pretty sure that’s your girls job now.” My eyes grew wide as Atlas’ jaw clenched.

  “You’ve got three seconds before I come after your ass, boy. You better start runnin’.” Atlas kissed me quickly then jumped off the bed, grabbing the door knob.

  “Oh shit!” Adam took off running as Atlas ripped open the door and slid down the hall in his socks after him. Coming around the corner he tackled him down into the living room. I knew better than to try and break them up after watching Keller and Tobias fight.

  They wrestled until Atlas on top. He reared back and with a quick jab busted Adam in the mouth. “Atlas,” I shook my head, laughing as he looked up at me grinning wide.

�Apologize to Ginger.” Atlas held his fist above Adam’s face. “Apologize.”

  “Sorry Ellie.” Adam mumbled, wiping blood away from his lip.

  “No big deal.”

  “See! She know how to take a joke.” Adam pointed over at me. Atlas smirked slapping his cheek then crawled off him, helping him back to his feet. Atlas punched him one more time, much softer on the shoulder.

  “What your mouth around my girl.” Atlas warned, pulling his phone out of his pocket. “Hey Ma,” he answered leading me back to his room. I shut the door behind us as he jumped onto the bed. “Yes Ma, that’s Ellie.” He patted the bed next to him and I took the invitation to climb back in with him. “Yeah, she’s even more beautiful in person.”

  “Shut up.” I mouthed to him, flushing the color of my hair.

  “She’s right here listening to us actually. In college. Social work and music. Very smart. Very funny. I’ll ask her closer to time. How’s Ares? How are you?” He ran his hand up and down my side as I laid my head on his chest.

  “No you can’t talk to her!” He laughed. “Soon, we’ll Skype. Adam’s good, I just busted his lip,” he bragged, “he deserved it. You don’t wanna know.”

  His chest was steadily rising and falling beneath my head as I listened to the rhythm of his heartbeat. I trailed my fingers over his button up shirt feeling the muscle contract under the fabric. They traveled from his shoulder, chest, stomach, stopping at the top of his pants.

  “Ma, can I call you back later? There is a beautiful red haired girl here with me and I’m fairly certain I need to dedicate my time and attention to kissing her exactly how she deserves to be kissed.” He was staring down at me with a cat ate the canary smile. “Yes ma’am. I love you too. Bye.” He hung up, tossing his phone to the floor and pulled me on top of him.

  “I can’t believe you said that to your mom!”

  “Oh baby it was just the truth. I plan on kissing you until you ask me to stop.” Atlas pulled on my scrunchie, letting my hair fall down my back. I shook my head, hoping it wouldn’t look nearly as wild as it had this morning.

  Without hesitation his fingers were in my hair as his palms cupped my face. He leaned up just enough so his mouth could reach mine. I pushed him back to the bed, eliciting a low groan from him. My teeth grazed his bottom lip as our mouths parted, his tongue cautiously brushed against my lip before exploring.

  Atlas’ hands left my hair, making a slow trek over my shoulders, and down my sides. Goosebumps broke out over my skin at even the gentlest of touches from him. He gripped the back of my thighs, pulling me me closer to him. Our tongues collided once again as I whimpered against his mouth. He kissed me until I was dizzy, just as he had promised.

  I finally pulled away just to catch my breath. Kissing the corner of his mouth, trailing down his jaw line, nipping at his earlobe, his neck. I was staking my claim. I pressed warm wet kisses along his collar to behind his ear as he moaned softly beneath me.

  “You’re driving me crazy.” Atlas’ voice was husky in my ear.

  “That was kind of the point.” I felt powerful to have this kind of effect on him. It left me wanting more. To touch and kiss him all over his perfect body.

  “God Ellie...” Atlas groaned as I bit his neck, making sure not to leave a mark. “Ellie when was the last time?” He asked quietly.

  My body turned cold, it was an automatic off switch. I laid my head on his shoulder, flooded with images of Spencer that made me sick. “I...” I swallowed my pride. “I never have...” I stuttered unable to finish the sentence. I crawled off of him and sat up, leaning against the headboard. Atlas looked confused for a moment then bolted upright, staring at me.

  “What are you saying Ellie?” His eyes were wide and on the verge of chaos, an internal storm brewing.

  “Remember when I told you that wasn’t the half of it?” I chewed on my bottom lip as Atlas nodded slowly, his expression deadly. “That’s part of the other half.” I whispered, staring down at the comforter.

  “What happened? What did he do to you, baby?” Atlas cupped my face in his hands again. I shook my head. I didn’t want to tell him, I couldn’t tell him. I didn’t want to ruin this. I don’t want to change the way he looks at me. “You can tell me Ellie...”

  “I don’t want to.” I choked back a sob.

  “Why not? Don’t you trust me?” Atlas sounded hurt. “Does it have something to do why you have the scars?”

  I nodded released a ragged breath. Tears were threatening, imminent if I didn’t calm myself down soon. “Please don’t make me talk about this.” I begged.

  “Whenever you want to talk about it, I’ll be here. I’ll be waiting. I’ll always wait for you.”

  “I don’t want it to change how you look at me.” I admitted. “I don’t want to ever have to wonder if you’re with me out of pity.”

  “Ellie... baby...”

  “I should go.” My head was screaming at me to run, reminding me that I promise to never let another man close enough to hurt me. My heart was screaming at me to stay. Pour myself into everything this wonderful man had to offer, to fall in love.

  “No, I’m not letting you leave. Not like this. You’re not going to run from me.” Atlas reached for me, taking my hand he pulled me over to him. “I’m sorry for asking. Let’s forget about it. You can tell me when you’re ready.” He wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me dangerously tight against him.

  “Just fall in love with this girl first. The happy girl I am now.” I ran my hand over his head, resting my head against his chest.

  “I plan on falling in love with all of you, Ellie. The good, the bad, the happy, the sad, and the feisty.

  “I hope so.”

  Chapter Six

  It took almost two weeks of convincing and $100 extra dollars but I finally managed to get Savannah to cover my Saturday night shift. Darcy stayed over that Friday night so we could get up early and go shopping. There was a beach party in the works.

  “How many are you going to try on?” I whined as Darcy threw another bikini over the changing room door.

  “Ellie, my darling, not all of us are blessed with your Sofia Vergara curves. But you can’t be satisfied with that, no, you have to tattoo it like you’re a canvas.” Darcy scowled.

  “It adds character.”

  “You’re like a coloring book.”

  “My body is a temple and I choose to decorate the walls. Don’t hate, envious green isn’t a good color on you. I’m sorry your lady balls aren’t tough enough to handle the pain.” I laughed holding up the tiny purple bikini in front of me again.

  “Red or black?” Darcy called out.

  “Black, let’s go!”

  “Okay, okay!”

  We purchased our suits and headed back through the malls as I pulled Darcy away from the other shops. “We have to go get food!” I scolded her as she ogled over the new Coach purse display at the exit.

  “Yeah, yeah, I’m coming.” She sighed longingly as we pushed out the door and stepped into the summer sun. “So who’s all coming?”

  “As far as I know? Atlas, Adam, Caleb, Theo, Eddie, watch out for Eddie, total perv but mostly harmless. Theo’s fiancee Shauna, Caleb’s girlfriend Tara, and Dean if you bring him.” I shut the door to her Audi behind me, buckling up as she sped out of the parking lot. Riding with Darcy was probably more dangerous than being on the back of Atlas’ motorcycle.

  “Still not getting along. I want a night out without worrying about him and his bullshit.” Darcy changed lanes without looking, receiving a long line of expletives from the person behind us. She shot them the finger without a glance backward.

  “Fine with me. Guys are bringing alcohol, girls are doing food. Tara and Shauna gave us some money. I told them not to but they insisted.” I had a death grip on the bottom of the seat as she all but slid into the grocery store parking lot. Maybe in her free times she likes to think she’s part of the car drifting circuit.

  “We’ll put it to
good use then.” Darcy checked her makeup in the rearview mirror as she shut the car off. “I’m thinking of breaking up with Dean.” She announced as we walked into the store.

  “Whoa, you two have been together a long time, that’s a big decision.” We grabbed bags of chips off the shelf, tossing them into our empty cart.

  “It’s not made in haste. It’s been a long time coming, you know that. Things have been rough for a few months now.” Darcy admitted taking charge of steering the cart. “He... He just doesn’t look at me the way Atlas looks at you.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” I shook my head, laughing.

  “You don’t see it, Ellie. When I’ve been around the two of you, he looks at you like you were sent from Heaven just for him.”

  I stopped in my tracks turning to look at Darcy. “Don’t say that. We both know it’s not true.” I dropped my gaze to the scuffed floor. “He makes me want to be better, to actually finally get better. I want to be the kind of girl that he deserves. I don’t deserve him, I know that. But I’d like to feel like I do one day.”

  “Yeah well Dean just makes me want to be a bitch. Let’s cut the heavy shit until we’re drunk enough to laugh about it.” Darcy shoulder bumped me with a empathetic smile. “Let’s finish and go get set up.”

  Darcy was convinced we had bought too much food, I knew better. “Trust me, we’ll be doing good if it’s enough.” I told her on our second trip up with bags hanging off our arms.

  My phone was ringing loudly in pocket, singing my current favorite Neon Trees song. “Hello?” I answered without looking at the screen.

  “Ellie?” Tobias’ voice came through on the other end of the line.

  “Toby!” I squealed dropping my bags.

  “Hey sunshine! What are you doing?”

  “Preparing for a hostile takeover.” I joked.

  “Oh? Got room for one more?”

  I looked up hearing his voice. My phone fell from my hand skidding across the floor as I ran full speed to jump on him. “I can’t believe you’re here!” I laughed, swiping my hand under my eyes.

  “I’m not alone.” He coughed setting me on the floor.


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