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Something Worth Fighting For

Page 16

by McNiel, Ashley

  “You let someone hurt me.”

  “Baby I didn’t mean what I said.” He misunderstood me.

  “No, Atlas, you really let someone hurt me.” I sat my bag down, pulling my shirt over my head. The handprints were an angry purple color that went around the top of both my arms. I turned to the side showing him the bruise and cuts from my armpit to hip.

  “Please tell me I didn’t do this.” His voice was shaking as I put my shirt back on.

  “No you didn’t.” I sighed as I leaned against the wall crossing my arms. “Micah was one of the people trying to help get you to the truck but you said you had it. When you walked off, he grabbed me and told me leave you the fuck alone. That I didn’t deserve you, Stella did. He went on about how she waited for you to be done with Charlotte and to come home so the two of you could be together but instead you came back with me. He said he couldn’t see his little sister so upset again. He threw me into the corner of the barn. That’s what happened to my side, those are his handprints.” I was looking in his direction but just past his head. I didn’t want to see his face. “Katie drove me here after Ares left with you. I’m fairly certain everyone is seriously pissed at one another. That’s why I’m trying to be as nice as possible.” My eyes turned downward as he took a step toward me.

  “Ellie, I don’t know what to say. God I am so sorry. I’m gonna fucking kill him, he’s dead.” His voice broke.

  “You were supposed to be my husband last night, do you remember that?” I pointed to the wedding band he was still wearing. “If that’s how a husband let’s someone treat his wife then I damn sure don’t want it!” My own voice cracked as I started to cry. “I love you, you idiot! You can’t let someone treat me like this. You don’t get to!” I pushed his chest but he didn’t move. “It’s almost lucky for you me that I’ve had worse happen. I should hate you for this. For not protecting me from the people who are your friends. For being too drunk to give a shit about what happens to me around a group of strangers!” I rested my forehead against his chest as I sighed. “But I don’t, I can’t hate you. I thought about it all night while I took care of your passed out ass. I just can’t, I don’t physically have it in me.” I knew I wasn’t mad at him as much as I was at the entire situation.

  “I hate him,” Atlas carefully wrapped his arms around me, “I’m so sorry, Ellie. I will fix this.” He kissed my forehead, sighing. “What time does our flight leave?” I stood still refusing to return his embrace.


  “What time is it?”

  “Nine, I had planned on going to find an earlier flight .”

  “I’ve got time. Get Ares, lets go.”

  “What are you doing?”

  “Just get Ares, baby.” Atlas pulled his sweater over his head. “Ellie?”


  “You’re not really leaving me are you?” He buttoned his 501’s, stepping toward me.

  “I love you, Atlas but I’m just not sure yet.” My hand rubbed his prickly bearded face. “I’m not sure I can live without you. Right now though I’m hurt and I’m mad. Let me be mad.”

  “I don’t like you mad.”

  “Then you should have...” I shook my head. “It’s not really your fault. I’m just mad at the world.”

  “It is.” His hand ran over his face as he clenched his jaw. “I took you there, I got drunk, and I should have been with you, not left you with strangers.”

  “They’re not strangers.”

  “No, not all of them. Just Micah, he’s not the guy I thought I knew anymore.”

  “I don’t want to be the reason for you to lose a friend.”

  “You’re not. He hurt you and no one ever hurts you. Who else saw?”

  “Katie for sure. A couple of guys who grabbed him before he...”

  “Before he what, Ellie?”

  “Hit me.”

  “Christ,” Atlas hissed between his teeth.

  “You know you can’t do anything, Atlas. You’ll get...”

  “Won’t a damn thing happen. Your dad will kick my ass if I don’t do something.” He cupped my face in his hands. “I can’t begin to apologize to you. I love you. I don’t want to lose you over this, I need a chance to fix it.” Atlas kissed the corner of my mouth as I turned my head. Being close to him was making the anger I clung to like a lifeline slowly diminish.

  “I am mad at you but I don’t want to be without you. I can’t be.” I admitted. “You ever call me a bitch again and it won’t be my daddy you worry about.” I cut my eyes at him causing his lips to quirk up slightly.

  “I know, I’m sorry.”

  “I forgive you, you shit. But I’m still mad.”

  “Yeah, you’re not the only one. Let me put on my boots, get Ares. Is that what happened to your lip?”

  “Yes,” I answered quietly. “Do I have to?”

  “Yes, go.” He smacked my butt as I turned around. I scowled, walking down the hallway.

  “Ares?” I knocked on the door two down from Atlas’. “Ares?”

  “Yeah Ellie?”

  “Atlas said to get in the truck.”

  “You told him?”


  “Oh shit, I’m coming.”

  Atlas was waiting by the front door with his cell phone and keys. “Get your bag,” he whispered in my ear. I nodded plucking my purse from the hanging rack in the living room. I gave him a questioning look as he slipped a stack of money into it. “Bail money if I need it.” He smirked as I rolled my eyes, his hand slipping into mine. “Lets go.”

  Atlas called Jacks once we were in the truck filling him on what Katie had already told him. “I was wondering when you were going to call, I’m on my way.” Jacks voice went silent as the call ended.

  My hands were in my lap, wringing the handle of my purse. I couldn’t bring myself to look at Atlas. “It’s okay Ellie Belle.” He used my dad’s nickname for me as he reached over squeezing my knee.

  “I feel bad about all of this.”

  “That’s absurd.”

  “He’s your friend.”

  “You’re more important.” He said sternly.


  “No, if he was really a friend or any sort of man for that matter he would have never touched you. If he wants to hurt a girl, and not just any girl, my girl then he has to deal with me.” Atlas’ knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel.

  “You’re not winning this one, Ellie.” Ares gave me a sympathetic smile.

  “I noticed,” I sighed giving it up. Atlas made a left at the red light, turning onto a tree lined road. Jacks familiar red Ford Mustang sat in the driveway. He was leaning against the trunk looking worse for wear. A cigarette hung from his lips as he pulled his shoulder length hair into a ponytail.

  “He know I’m here?” Atlas shut my door a little too forcefully.

  “No man, I’ll get him.” Jacks looked somber, he knew what was coming. “Micah get out here.” Jacks yelled through the door.

  Minutes later Micah came out in just a pair of jeans. “Hey what’s up?” He nodded at Atlas.

  “What’s up? What’s up is you touched my girl.” Atlas was losing his battle with remaining calm.

  “Excuse me?” Micah raised his eyebrows feigning innocence.

  “Dude, Katie saw you. Gavin and Bryce stopped you.” Jacks interjected.

  “You lying fucking whore.” Micah spit at me, causing me to recoil. “What the hell? You believe this bitch over me?”

  Atlas inhaled sharply, his chest rising and falling faster. “She has bruises, Micah.” Ares stepped up.

  “Bullshit,” Micah snapped.

  “Show him.” Atlas began pacing.


  “Just show him.”

  “Please...” I begged quietly.

  “See! A lying bitch don’t want to admit she’s lying.” Micah said in a sing song voice.

  “I saw them, Micah!” Atlas roared. “I fucking saw your handprints on

  “Man this is such shit.” Micah stepped into the yard. “You know you don’t belong with her.”

  “What?” Atlas asked clearly shocked.

  “You should be with Stella. She has loved you forever, but no, you show up with this broad, rubbing it in her face.”

  “So you thought roughing her up was a good idea? That I would believe you, leave her and end up with your sister? Atlas barked his laughter. “You’re a fucking idiot, bro.”

  “I didn’t do anything to you.” My voice came out hoarse. “I didn’t do anything to her. Shouldn’t you just be happy for him?”

  “Why? So you can cry it was rape this time when you sleep with him?” Micah sneered. “Google is a beautiful thing.”

  I gasped, my pulse started pounding in my ears. Atlas handed me to Ares who held me to his side. “What did you fucking say?” He was in Micah’s face. Atlas had at least five inches on him and was twice his size.

  “Your little pet has a wrap for crying rape.”

  “She also has a scar across her stomach where he stabbed her. Care to explain that one, bitch?”

  “Get out of my face, Atlas.” Micah warned.

  “Make. Me. Mother. Fucker.” Atlas punctuated each word. I realized he was getting Micah to hit him first. “Come on bitch, make me. Where are your balls? Stella got ‘em? You’re bad enough to try to hit my girl but not me?”

  Micah swung back connecting with Atlas’ jaw. Atlas laughed in his face, really laughed, like Micah had just told him the best joke he’d ever heard. “I’d run if I were you.”

  “Fuck you.”

  “Oh yeah?” Atlas reared back hitting Micah in the mouth. “Fuck me?” Another swing into his stomach causing Micah to double over coughing. “Fuck me?” Atlas yelled pulling Micah’s hair back, slamming his fist into his nose. “No man, fuck you.”

  Micah was on the ground holding his face, blood dripping through his fingers. “Ares,” I whispered, “Ares, I need to sit down.” My vision was getting hazy as my stomach rolled at the sight of his blood.

  Atlas was standing next to Micah, staring down at his broken ex-friend. He went to turn away but changed his mind, kicking him in the ribs. “You’re a piece of shit, you know that? We’re done. We are through.” Atlas spit on him. “I’d love nothing more than to break every bone in your pathetic body but you’re not worth the jail time. You are nothing. “

  “Atlas...” My weak voice broke the tense silence as Micah didn’t dare move. “Atlas, he’s bleeding.”

  “I know he’s bleeding, baby.”

  “Atlas you know blood and I aren’t exactly a great mix.” I pulled away from Ares, leaning against the truck with my head between my knees.

  Jacks clapped Atlas’ shoulder, “Come on man, it’s done.” He steered him back to the truck.

  “Come here.” I called to him.

  “Atlas she’s not looking so hot.”

  “Ah fuck, blood makes her pass out.” Atlas ran over, picking me up, as Ares opened the back door. “I need to lay her down.”

  “Thank you.” I choked out to Jacks.

  “Don’t thank me. Katie told me, I would have done it myself.” Jacks smiled. “Take care of him.”

  “Take care of my nephew.” I gave him a weak smile.

  “Nephew, huh?”

  “Yeah, I say it’s a boy.” I was trying to get my mind off the thought of blood.

  Jacks laughed, “I hope so.”

  “Bye Jacks.” I smiled at the man that Atlas claimed as another brother. “Tell Katie I’ll call her.”

  “She’d like that.”

  “Yeah? Me too.” Ares was forcing Atlas into the truck as Jacks effectively distracted me. I waved to him, closing my eyes as the doors shut.

  “What was that about?” Atlas asked from the front seat.

  “Talking to my brother in law thank you very much.”


  “Uncle Atlas.” I smiled.

  “Aunt Ellie, it’s cute, I like it.” He chuckled, the tension in his body leaving the further away Ares drove from Micah’s house.

  “Feel better?”

  “Do I feel better? How do you feel?”

  “I’m not quite so dizzy. I think it’s worse when it’s my blood.”

  “I’m okay, it’s going to take time.” He sounded disheartened.

  “I know.” I rested my hand on his arm.

  We drove the rest of the way back to Andy’s in silence.


  “I should go to my dad’s.” I told Atlas when we were in my car safely back in Jacksonville.

  “What? Baby...”

  “I need to at least go see him. You can come with me if you want.”

  “Will you come home with me?”

  “Atlas, I’m not sure that’s such a good idea...”

  “Don’t let this ruin us, please.” His hands were tight around the wheel.

  “It won’t.” I said but was honestly unsure. “I need to get clothes and check on him.”

  “Move in with me.”

  “What?” I looked at him my mouth hanging open. “Have you lost your mind?”

  “Move in with me. I want to be able to come home to you every night. I want to know that there’s someone waiting on me. You can still check on your dad. You’re there almost every night anyway. Let’s do this right, move in with me, Ellie.”

  He had a point that I couldn’t argue with I was always over there. “You have to promise me something.”


  “No more drinking in excess. I won’t do that again.”

  “That’s easy enough. Is that a yes? Say yes.” Atlas glanced over at me staring out the window. “Ellie?” He prompted.

  “Yes, but this is all or nothing.”

  “I wouldn’t want anything less.”

  We drove with me humming to the radio, all the way to my dad’s house. “Are you going to tell him about Micah?” Atlas asked we pulled to a stop in his driveway.

  “No, he doesn’t need to worry about me.”

  “Fine by me.”

  “Ellie Belle is that you?” Dad called from the porch.

  “Yeah old man, it’s me.”

  “Old man, huh? Got your boy with you?”

  “Yes sir, I’m still around.” Atlas laughed.

  “Well shit,” Dad smirked as I came up the stairs, “Missed you, Belle.” He hugged me tight as I tried not to wince.

  “Missed you too, Daddy.”

  “Atlas, good to see you.” He shook Atlas’ hand.

  “You too, sir.”

  “I think you can call me Ben by now, I’ve told you half a dozen times. Atlas in my house, it’s okay.” Dad led us inside crashing down onto the couch.

  “Yes, sir... Ben.” Atlas laughed. “That’ll take some getting used to.”

  “How was Texas?”

  “Beautiful, I have never seen a sunset like that except maybe Hawaii. But it’s a battle.”

  “How’s your family?”

  “They’re great, they were excited to meet our girl.” Atlas wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

  “Who wouldn’t be?” Dad smiled at me.

  “My thoughts exactly.” Atlas agreed.

  “Ellie, Keller showed me a video of you on YouTube.”


  “Yeah, you were singing in a barn. You’re damn good.” Dad nodded as I glared at Atlas.

  “I might have sent it to your brother.”

  “I’m going to kick your ass.”

  “The boy has a point, you’re talented.”

  “Don’t gang up on me. You’re not taking his side, I’m not happy about this.” I crossed my arms like a petulant child.

  “When are you not pissed off?” Dad teased as Atlas looked up at the ceiling trying not to laugh.

  “Bite me.” I stuck my tongue out at him.

  “Now, now.” Dad scolded me.

  “Ellie and I were thinking about moving in together.” Atla
s blurted out, getting rewarded with another glare.

  “Is this true?” Dad looked to me. I nodded, biting the inside of my lip. “So this is serious?” He pointed between us.

  “Yes sir.” Atlas spoke up.

  “What are your intentions with my daughter, Atlas?”

  “I intend to marry her, once I ask for your blessing. When the time comes, of course.” He rambled nervously.

  “Unfortunately that’s not my decision to make, Ellie knows she always has a place to go if need be.”

  “Of course, Dad.”

  “It’s a big step.”

  “I know.”

  “And are you ready?” He spoke to me as if Atlas wasn’t in the room.

  “He knows, Dad.”

  “What?” He looked at me, shocked.

  “I told him, it was time.”


  “I would give my right arm to have thirty minutes in a room alone with the bastard.” Atlas said flatly.

  “You and me both.” Dad sighed.

  “That’s saying something, it’s my trigger finger.” Atlas kissed the side of my head.

  “Well Ellie?” Dad prompted.

  “He leaves in a few weeks so I’ll probably be back here most of the time. Don’t worry I’ll still take care of you.” I smiled warmly at my father.

  “Don’t worry about me I’m a big boy.”

  “I’m well aware but you can’t cook for shit.”

  “I’m not going to starve Ellie Belle.”

  “You might.”

  “Incentive to learn how,” he smirked, “damn my little girl is moving out.”

  “Don’t get all sentimental on me now, man up, princess.”

  “Yeah right,” dad snorted, “I should probably tell you now...” He rubbed his hands together.


  “Your mother called Keller.”

  “What? Why?”

  “She wanted your number. Before you ask, no he didn’t give it to her. But she is looking for you.”

  “Fuck her.” I spat.

  “Ellie!” Dad tried stifling his grin. “She wants to apologize.”

  “Yeah? She can shove her apology up her perfectly bleached asshole.” I felt the darkness close in over me, my own personal raincloud hanging overhead. Atlas laughed next to me but it sounded far away.


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