Something Worth Fighting For

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Something Worth Fighting For Page 25

by McNiel, Ashley

  “Good on Darcy, tell her I said thanks.” Atlas chuckled.

  “I will not tell her thank you.”

  “You will, Penelope.” His voice was low and sexy, causing me to forget my misery for a minute.

  “No Atlas, I will not.”

  “Penelope Noelle Ryker you will thank her for me or so help me God I will spank your ass the next time I see you.” I laughed weakly, groaning at the pain it caused. “Baby you sound awful. I wish I was there to take care of you.”

  “I wish you were too. I need to talk to you later but it’ll be over Skype. I don’t want to do it over the phone or email or anything.”

  “Are you sure you’re okay Ellie? You’ve got me worried over here and there’s nothing I can do.” I imagined him running his hand over his face, closing his beautiful blue eyes.

  “I’m sure I just want to see your face when I tell you. It’s really important so when you have some free time just let me know.”

  “I will. It’ll be soon, tomorrow probably or later tonight if I can do some sweet talkin’.”

  “Just text me or call me if I’m not on and I’ll be sure to get on as soon as I can to make sure I don’t miss you.”

  “Alright baby, let me know what the doctor says.”

  “I will. Be careful, please.”

  “Always am.”

  “I love you, Atlas, always.” I swallowed hard, suppressing the tears as Darcy gave me a small smile.

  “I love you, Ellie, always.” The phone went silent as I clutched it to my ear. I didn’t want him to be gone so soon.

  “Come on honey let’s get you in the bed and I’ll get a nurse to come start your IV.” I nodded as they helped me into the bed, covering me with a blanket as silent tears fell down my face. I wanted Atlas here more than ever. “How long has he been gone?”

  “About six weeks. Second part of his nine month deployment.”

  “How long have you been married?” The nurse was making small talk while she got everything ready for the IV.

  “Almost two months.”

  “You poor thing. I bet that’s hard.”


  You have no idea...

  “The nurse will be in shortly.” She patted my hand before leaving Darcy and I in the room by ourselves.

  “I hate that shit. The “you poor thing” or “I can’t imagine” crap. It always makes me want to punch someone straight in the face.” Darcy scoffed as she sat in the torn brown chair in the corner. “Of course you couldn’t bitch, you’re not us.”

  “I was just thinking the same thing.” I closed my eyes as the new nurse walked in the door.

  “I’m Tabitha and I’ll be your nurse this lovely day. What seems to be going on?”

  “I took a pregnancy test, came back positive, pretty sure I’m thoroughly knocked up and I haven’t kept down anything in a little over a week due to massive amounts of nausea and vomiting.” I rambled on without opening my eyes to look at her.

  “Alright then. I’m going to take your blood and double check the pregnancy thing and while that’s off we’ll get you started on some IV fluids to get you rehydrated.”

  “Sounds good. Tell me when you’re done. The sight of blood makes me pass out.”

  “Oh okay, good to know.” She wrapped the rubber tourniquet around my arm, cleaning it with alcohol that made my stomach queasy. “Alright, here we go, one, two, three.” She stuck the needle in, digging around.

  “Um, that hurts like... a lot.” I scowled, closing my eyes tighter.

  “Sorry it’s just that you’re so dehydrated I’m having a hard time getting it.” She moved the needle again. “There it is,” she snapped the tube onto the end. “Alright, let me hook up the IV and I’ll go get this sent off.” I waited as she cleaned it up and attached the fluids. “You’re safe to open your eyes if you want. The doctor should be in to see you shortly.”

  “Thanks.” I said as the fluid began to flow into me.

  “Are they required to say that? “The doctor will be in shortly” I mean seriously, no I thought we’d wait for a couple of days, maybe hang out, have a couple of beers or something.” Darcy said as she stared at the television.

  “You’re just a ray of fucking sunshine, you know that?” I laughed, yawning as I checked my phone.

  Atlas: Let me know what the doc says. I have my phone handy in case. I love you.

  “Your man is worried about you.”

  “I know, he texted me as well. Adam getting some down time to talk to you as well?” I started scrolling through the pictures on my phone of us. Seeing his face made me feel better.

  “Yeah, we email and text as much as possible. He doesn’t get to call much but that’s okay.”

  “So you think he might be the one?”

  “Did he put you up to asking that?” She eyed me suspiciously.

  “No, my own curiosity.”

  “Yeah, he’ll be the man I marry, for sure.”

  “What the hell makes you think he wants to marry you?”

  “What the hell makes you think that anyone wouldn’t want to marry me?” She flipped her hair fanning herself.

  “I’d marry you. You know if I wasn’t already married.” I smirked.

  “You wish you were so lucky.” We sat in silence after that as she played on her phone. The doctor knocked on the door about an hour after the nurse said the word shortly.

  “Well Mrs. Ryker is looks like you’re pregnant.”

  “Yeah, tell me something I didn’t know.” I smiled at him as he pulled a chair over.

  “We’re going to do an ultrasound and see just how far along you are and then we’ll go from there getting you set up with an obstetrician and some medicine for your hyperemesis gravidarum.”

  “My who-the-what-the-huh?”

  “Hyperemesis gravidarum or HG, it’s a condition when you’re pregnant that makes you suffer from severe nausea, vomiting, and dehydration. We have medication that’s safe for you to take that should help ease the symptoms some. First we need to get you rehydrated and then we can go over the medications and such. Would you like to do the ultrasound now or later on?”

  “Now is fine with me.”

  “Alright, I’ll step out so you can get undressed from the waist down and the nurse and I will be back shortly.” The doctor stood up, leaving us alone again.

  “There’s that word again, shortly.” Darcy said as she stuck her tongue out at the door.

  “I’m hoping it’s actually shortly ‘cause I really don’t want to sit here half naked all day.” I stood up slowly, stripping out of my sweats and panties, covering myself with the blanket again.

  “No joke, I have no problem with you being naked and all but I’d rather not have the whole your hooha is out in the room all day kind of awkwardness going on.”

  “Do you even listen to yourself when you speak?”


  “Let’s just say I’m surprised that you’re not with Caleb instead of Adam.”

  “Caleb is an idiot... Wait, you bitch.” We laughed as they knocked on the door again.

  “Ready for this?” The doctor asked as they rolled the machine in.

  “Yup, can’t wait.” I laid back on the table as the nurse adjusted the table for me to put my legs in the stirrups.

  “Alright so we’re going to stick this wand inside of you and get a peek at that baby, make sure everything looks okay since you’ve been so ill. It’ll probably be uncomfortable but it’s the only way.” I stared at the wand, blinking a few times.

  “I think I dated him.” Darcy said beside me as I burst out laughing.

  “I feel like we should go on a date first or something. Damn, I need to buy him dinner.” I mumbled to her, causing her to look at the floor to hide her laughter.

  “Alright, one, two, three.” I cringed as the wand slid into me and the little screen came to life. “Let’s take a look here.” The doctor moved the wand around slightly. “Hmm.. Well then...” The nurse
smiled at me as I stared at the screen. “Well Mrs. Ryker, do you see what I’m pointing at?”

  “Yeah?” I tilted my head to the side trying to figure it out.

  “Those are your twins.”

  “Excuse me?” I coughed, slapping my chest.

  “Holy shit!” Darcy gasped beside me.

  “I’d say your twins are about eight weeks along, your OB will be able to tell you with more certainty.”

  “Twins...” I stared at the screen in wonder. The two bean shapes on the screen were there inside of me, our babies, our twins.

  “Would you like a print out? We’ll send the pictures we have over to whatever doctor you choose. I would make an appointment as soon as you can.”

  “Yes, please.” I nodded, staring at the screen still. I couldn’t grasp the fact that not only were we having one baby but twins.

  “You okay, Ellie?” Darcy squeezed my shoulder.


  “Yeah, yours and Atlas’ twins.”


  “I think you’re in shock.” She giggled. “You absolutely have to tell him now.” I nodded without saying another word as the nurse cleaned me up and the doctor left the room, leaving me with little black and white photos of our two babies.

  “Once this second bag of fluids is done you will be able to leave. We’re going to write you a couple of prescriptions and you can get them filled and that should help. Would you like any water or juice or anything?”

  “Orange juice would be great.” I said, shaking my head, trying to snap myself out of the shock.

  “Sure thing, I’ll be right back. You can get dressed again.” Tabitha stepped out leaving Darcy and I alone.

  “We’re having twins.” I sat up, dressing myself.

  “Very spoiled twins.” Darcy grinned.

  “I’m... two babies.”

  “Yes, two.”


  I was in a state of disbelief. The nurse made me finish three things of orange juice and the second bag of fluids before we were allowed to leave. By the time I was done I had to pee like it was going out of style. Darcy stopped at the pharmacy getting my medicine for me as I waited in the car, clutching the pictures of our babies.

  Ellie: We need to talk asap.

  Atlas: Let me know when you get home.

  Ellie: About 30 mins.

  Atlas: I’ll see you in 45 then.

  Darcy and I left the pharmacy and headed back to the apartment. “I’m going to tell him when we get home. I’m going to show him the picture and everything. Better have Adam on standby in case he passes out or something.”

  “I’ll text him and let him know.” She smiled as she pulled into the parking lot, pulling her Audi next to my Mustang. “How are you feeling?”

  “Exhausted, shocked, worried, starving.” I laughed as we slowly walked up the stairs. “Here goes nothing.” I sat down at the computer signing into Skype. Atlas’ call came up first thing. I hit accept as his face came onto the screen.

  “Hey Ginger.” He grinned as I put my hand on the screen to match up with his.

  “Hey Cowboy.”

  “What did the doctor say?” He leaned back staring into the camera at me.

  “I have something called HG or hyperemesis gravidarum, I probably pronounced that wrong.”

  “And what does that mean exactly? Is it treatable or... You’re freaking me out here, baby.”

  “Well see that’s just it.”

  “What’s just it? I’m lost here, Ellie.”

  “Baby, actually, babies. That’s... what causes it.”

  “What?” Atlas’ eyebrows came together, as he tried to put the pieces together. I held up two of the ultrasound pictures. “Is that...? Are you...?”

  “I’m pregnant, Atlas.” I laughed as his mouth fell open.

  “Are you serious, Ellie?” His face split into the biggest smile I had seen since our wedding day.

  “About eight weeks.”

  “I’m going to be a daddy?” He raised both arms in the air. “I’m going to be a daddy!” He jumped out of the chair as Adam sat down in it.

  “Congrats. He’s running around the room right now.”

  “Thanks.” I laughed as Atlas pulled Adam out of the chair.

  “Twins. Two babies, you and me, we’re having twins?”

  “Yes, sir.” I nodded, laughing.

  “Oh my God... I’m so excited. Wow, I can’t wait to see you all big and pregnant and sexy. Wow.”

  “Sexy? Seriously?”

  “Hell yes!” He had both hands on his head as the smile never left his face. “Wow Ellie, twins. God, I love you. I love you so much, baby.”

  “I love you, Atlas.” I laughed wiping my eyes.

  “You have made me the happiest man in the entire world. I’m so ready to be home with you and our babies and rub your belly and... Oh man, I can’t wait.”

  “Well we have to tell our families now.”

  “Ma is going to be so excited. I’m so excited. I can’t believe this. This is incredible.”

  “Do you want me to scan the ultrasound pictures and send them to you?”

  “Yes, please.” The smile still had not left his face as he looked at me on the screen. “You have truly completed my life, Ellie. Thank you, for being my wife, my best friend, the love of my life, and now the mother of my children.”

  “Thank you for choosing me.” I choked out.

  “Don’t cry, baby.”

  “Happy tears, just happy tears today.”

  “I know. I have to go but I love you, all three of you, always.”

  “Be careful, please.”

  “I will.”

  “We love you, daddy, always.” I blew him a kiss that he pretended to catch.

  “I love you guys too, always.”

  The screen went black as I leaned back into the seat, letting the tears fall. I was happy, sad, and relieved all at once.

  Now I just had to tell my father.

  Chapter Nineteen

  To: Ellie Ryker

  From: Atlas Ryker

  July 24, 2014

  Hey little mama, how are you feeling? I’m still wrapping my head around the fact we’re going to be parents. I know we talked about it a lot but now it’s happening. I’m just shocked, excited, scared shitless. I know you are too. I can’t wait to be back so I can experience all of it with you. Go get you ice cream at three in the morning or whatever you want. Anything you want, always.

  Things are okay here. I’m trying my best to be alert, watch my six, Uncle Adam has been closer than ever. Him and Darcy are really getting close. He talks about her a lot. Just think our best friends might be married one day. Well another set. Have you talked to Katie lately? I emailed Jacks but he hasn’t said anything so I don’t know.

  Have you told your dad yet? I know you are nervous about it, I’m worried about telling my Ma too. Are you even going to tell Celeste? I know you two are working on your relationship still. Wow, I’m full of questions today. I guess I just want to know what’s going on your life while I’m over here. I miss being there for everything.

  Two more months or less and I’m home to you guys. I can’t wait. I can’t wait to see you with a big belly. Damn I’m just stoked. I want this more than life. Me, you, the babies, all of it. You’re my angel, Ellie. I love you, always.


  To: Atlas Ryker

  From: Ellie Ryker

  July 25, 2014

  Hey Daddy! We’re feeling better now that the medicine has kicked in and I’m able to keep things down regularly. I still have some serious nausea in the morning but we’re surviving. Ice cream sounds pretty good, actually... I might have to look into that later. We can’t wait to have you home. I might actually fit into your clothes at some point during this pregnancy.

  Darcy talks about Adam all the time. She’s loving having someone new to talk about. He’s so much better than Dean ever was to her. I’m really happy for them. I called Katie yes
terday but she didn’t answer. She must have been busy with Reid or something. I’m going to try and call her again later today. Hopefully you hear from Jacks or I’ll be forced to yell at him. Darcy is really excited about being Aunt D, she keeps talking about spoiling them already. I swear my belly is already looking rounder. Maybe wishful thinking? I’ll have to start taking pictures so you can see!

  I haven’t told my dad yet but I’m going over there later this week to see him so I’ll tell him then. Maybe next week. I have a doctors appointment next week so then I would have more pictures to show him? I don’t know. I guess just whenever it comes out it comes out. I’m scared of what he’s going to think. I think he’s still getting used to the idea that I’m married and not living with him anymore. Especially since he was so set on me being a spinster with a couple of dozen cats.

  When do you want to tell Ma? I am not sure the next time I will see her, probably when you get home. I’m sure she’ll want to be here for that. I’m so ready for that. I honestly hadn’t even thought about telling Celeste. I’ve talked to her a few times but I don’t think we’ll ever be super close. I guess maybe I should since she’s going to be a grandmother and all but I don’t know. I’ll think about it. Have you told Felix or Ares? I haven’t told my brothers. I’ll probably tell Keller soon though.

  When do you leave? I know you said something about going out soon, I wasn’t sure if you had a move out date yet or not. No big deal, just let me know. Well it is a big deal but you get what I mean. I think I’m going to go find that ice cream now. Ben & Jerry’s and I have a date. Thanks for putting that in my head. Now I actually have to put on clothes and go out into the world. Sheesh.

  Be careful, please. We love you, always.

  ~Ellie + Two

  To: Ellie Ryker

  From: Atlas Ryker

  July 28, 2014

  Hey there Mommy. I’m loving the Ellie + Two signature. I’m glad you’re feeling better and feeding my babies ice cream. Have you wanted anything crazy yet? Send me a belly picture with your next email. Even if you can’t see anything I still want to see. You’ll be happy to know that Jacks finally emailed me. He’s been out of town working so no big deal I guess. He said Reid and Katie are doing great although I’m sure you’ve already talked to her by now.


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